It’s Role in Facilitating the Sharing and Transfer of Knowledge in
Small Medium Sized Enterprises
Lila Rajabion
School of Information Sciences and Technology, Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania, U.S.A
Azadeh Kheirabadi
School of Business, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: Knowledge sharing, Knowledge management, Information technology, Organization, Knowledge transfer,
Small medium sized enterprise, Case studies.
Abstract: This paper argues that Knowledge management and sharing is of vital importance to small medium sized
enterprise, enabling them to develop skills and competences, increase value, and sustain their competitive
advantage. In this study we have investigated the role of information technology as facilitator for knowledge
sharing in the organization. The development of KMS, in this center, demands that knowledge be obtained,
produced, shared, regulated and leveraged by a steady conglomeration of individuals, processes,
information technology applications and a knowledge-sharing organizational culture. Also we present new
technology for convenient knowledge sharing as a successful case study in the roads management center.
Implications of how this might have been achieved are also provided in this research.
Due to the IT revolution and advancements of the
Internet, the value of knowledge assets has been
greatly enhanced. Many companies are building
knowledge management system (KMS) in order to
manage organizational learning and business know-
how. The main purpose of such a policy is to help
knowledge workers to create important business
knowledge, to organize it, and to make it available
whenever and wherever it is needed in the
companies (O‘Brien and Marakas, 2006).
The advent of internet-related information
technology such as intranets, extranets, and
intelligent agents has contributed significantly to the
increased interest in knowledge management:
Organizations are beginning to connect
themselves in ways that they hadn‘t planned for or
expected… Groups, departments, and teams
suddenly find themselves being able to share
information that they hadn‘t been able to share
previously. (InformationWeek, 10/20/97).
The highest value of IT to KM is in allowing the
expansion and universalization of the scope of
knowledge and in increasing the speed of
transferability. Additionally using IT, we are able to
retrieve and store knowledge in individual or groups,
which allows this knowledge to be shared with other
divisions in the same organization or business
partners in the world. Furthermore, IT contributes to
the integration of knowledge or even to the
stimulation of new knowledge (Davenport and
Prusak, 1998).
Today, the competitiveness of the firm relies less
on traditional factors (capital, land, and labor) than
was true in the past. Knowledge now appears to be
replacing these traditional factors. Moreover,
knowledge will become not just a source of
competitive advantage but the only source of it
(Drucker, 1993).
However, many companies have faced various
kinds of difficulties in implementing KMS. First, if
knowledge is merely accumulated in workers‘
brains, there is no way of recording it systematically.
Second, even though knowledge is recorded and
recorded in documents, it is very complicated to
search for, retrieve, or review it, a problem which
Rajabion L. and Kheirabadi A..
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - It’s Role in Facilitating the Sharing and Transfer of Knowledge in Small Medium Sized Enterprises.
DOI: 10.5220/0003618802750282
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2011), pages 275-282
ISBN: 978-989-8425-81-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
erects barriers to the diffusion of knowledge. Even
though managers in previous times knew how
important KM was, it was very difficult to
implement it successfully (Bradley et al., 2006).
Within KM, maturity and the use of information
technology (IT) development facilitates new
methods and applications (such as groupware, on-
line databases, intranets, etc.); it allows firms to
deliver products and services better in quality and
thus to achieve competitive advantage and profit
(Hendriks, 1999); (Holsapple, 2002); (Lynn and
Reilly, 2000); (Quinn and Baruch, 1999).
Thus, the growth of KM has been closely tied to
information and communication technology
(Chumer et al., 2000). Therefore, it is found that IT
plays a major role in the implementation of KMS
(Hislop, 2002). Nevertheless, few studies explore the
role and effect of information technologies in the
KMS. Hence, the purpose of this study is to
investigate the role and effect of IT in sharing
knowledge in the KMS as a factor of success in
knowledge management project, and introducing
new and effective method for it.
To deal with this issue more effectively, we
focus on a key question:
- How can information technology facilitate
knowledge sharing in organization?
The research indicates an important issue of KM.
that, IT is an indispensable enabler of KM. while IT-
enabled knowledge management goes beyond mere
automation to play an informating‘ role in
organizations by facilitating knowledge sharing.
2.1 Knowledge
Knowledge, learning and cognition are classical
terms that have been re-discovered in the context of
the information technology and knowledge
management revolutions. Beckman (1998) compiled
a number of useful and relevant definitions of
knowledge and organizational knowledge:
Knowledge is organized information applicable
to problem solving (Woolf, 1990).
Knowledge is information that has been
organized and analyzed to make it understandable
and applicable to problem solving or decision-
making (Turban, 1992).
Knowledge encompasses the implicit and
explicit restrictions placed upon objects (entities),
operations, and relationships along with general and
specific heuristics and inference procedures involved
in the situation being modeled (Sowa, 1984).
Knowledge consists of truths and beliefs,
perspectives and concepts, judgments and
expectations, methodologies and know-how (Wiig,
Knowledge is the whole set of insights,
experiences, and procedures which are considered
correct and true and which therefore guide the
thoughts, behaviors, and communication of people
(van der Spek and Spijkervet, 1997).
Knowledge is reasoning about information to
actively guide task execution, problem-solving, and
decision-making in order to perform, learn, and
teach (Beckman, 1997).
A number of other authors have also proposed
knowledge typologies. Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995)
have divided knowledge accessibility into two
categories: tacit and explicit. Beckman (1998)
identifies three stages of accessibility: tacit, implicit,
and explicit:
Tacit (human mind, organization)—accessible
indirectly only with difficulty through knowledge
elicitation and observation of behavior.
Implicit (human mind, organization)—accessible
through querying and discussion, but informal
knowledge must first be located and then
Explicit (document, computer)—readily
accessible, as well as documented into formal
knowledge sources that are often well-organized.
2.2 Knowledge Management
Knowledge management is defined as: the
systematic, explicit, and deliberate building,
renewal, and application of knowledge to maximize
an enterprise‘s knowledge- related effectiveness and
returns from its knowledge assets (Wiig, 1993).
Sveiby (1998) defines knowledge management is
the art of creating value from an organization‘s
intangible assets. Moreover, he identifies two main
tracks of knowledge management activities: one
track focuses on knowledge management as the
management of information and the other track as
the management of people.
Other researches show; linking the individual
perspective of knowledge to the organizational level,
organizational knowledge creation theory is
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
concerned with the processes which make available
individual knowledge to the organizational
knowledge system (Nonaka and von Krogh, 2009).
This knowledge processes consist of several steps,
starting with the creation of knowledge followed by
the use of knowledge, the transfer and sharing of
knowledge, and the storage and retrieval for further
use (Seufertet al. 2004). A crucial and difficult step
in the organizational knowledge process is the
conversion of tacit knowledge into explicit we explain before; Tacit (implicit)
knowledge is unarticulated and rooted in experience
and intuition and tied to the senses and explicit
knowledge is uttered, can be formulated in
sentences, has a universal character and is accessible
through consciousness (Nonaka and von Krogh,
2009). Only explicit knowledge can be integrated in
the organizational knowledge base. To support the
transformation of tacit to explicit knowledge and to
facilitate the remaining steps of the organizational
knowledge process, the discipline of knowledge
management has evolved since the early 1990s
(Nonaka, 1999); (Spender involves 1996).
Knowledge management (KM) all practices of an
organization to create, store, use and share
knowledge (Probst et al., 1998).
3.1 Knowledge Sharing
Knowledge sharing is the behavior of an individual
dispersing his or her obtained knowledge and
information to other colleagues within an
organization (Ryu et al., 2003). Knowledge sharing
involves a process of communication whereby two
or more parties are involved in the transfer of
knowledge. Hence, knowledge sharing is defined as
a process of communication between two or more
participants involving the provision and acquisition
of knowledge (Usoro et al., 2007).
Recently, researchers have highlighted the
various factors that affect an individual‘s willingness
to share knowledge, such as information and
communication technologies, costs and benefits,
incentive systems, extrinsic and intrinsic motivation,
social capital, social and personal cognition,
organization climate, and management
championship (Alavi and Leidner, 1999); (Bock and
Kim, 2002); (Bock et al., 2005); (Chiu et al., 2006);
(Hsu et al., 2007); (Kankanhalli et al., 2005); (Koh
and Kim, 2004); (Orlikowski, 1996); (Purvis et al.,
2001); (Wasko and Faraj, 2005). Therefore, we
could presume that individuals‘ behavior for
knowledge sharing is affected by the contextual
factors and personal perceptions of the knowledge
sharing in which they partake in. Social cognitive
theory (SCT) (Bandura, 1982; 1986; 1997) is a
widely accepted model for validating individual
behavior (Compeau and Higgins, 1995).
The norm of reciprocity and trust are treated as
two major contextual factors influencing personal
perceptions and a member‘s behavior. Knowledge
sharing self-efficacy, perceived relative advantage,
and compatibility are seen as predictors of personal
factors since they are all considered as the main
influences shaping users‘ behavior (Bandura, 1982;
1986; 1997); (Igbaria and Iivari, 1995); (Rogers,
2003); (Sia et al., 2004); (Verhoef and Langerak,
Having looked at the purpose and resources for
knowledge sharing, we now turn to the process of
knowledge sharing by looking the formal and
informal settings in which knowledge sharing occurs
and looking at the content of knowledge shared.
Bartol and Srivastava (2002) define knowledge
sharing as the action by which employees
disseminate relevant information to others across the
organization. According to Bock and Kim (2002),
knowledge sharing is the most important part of
knowledge management (KM). Apart from Bartol
and Srivastava‘s operational definition a more social
definition suggested by Helmstadter (2003, p. 257)
characterizes knowledge sharing in terms of
voluntary interactions between human actors
through a framework of shared institutions,
including ethical norms, behavioral regularities and
so on.
In general, social psychologists consider that
knowledge sharing motivation has two
complementary aspects: egoistic and altruistic (Deci,
1975). The first was based on economic and social
exchange theory. It includes economic rewards
empirically; Bock and Kim combined the two
theories with social cognitive theory to propose
expected rewards, expected social associations and
expected contribution as. The major determinants of
an individual‘s knowledge sharing attitudes.
Moreover, Bock et al. applied these two theories to
produce two antecedents of sharing attitude:
anticipated extrinsic rewards and anticipated
reciprocal relationships. The second, altruistic
motive, assumes that an individual is willing to
increase the welfare of others and has no expectation
of any personal returns. This resembles organization
citizenship behavior (OCB), which is discretionary
individual behavior that is not directly or explicitly
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - It's Role in Facilitating the Sharing and Transfer of Knowledge in Small Medium
Sized Enterprises
recognized by a formal reward system, and promotes
the effective functioning of the organization (Smith
and Organ, 1983).
In additional, according to researches;
Knowledge sharing requires collaboration between
the users of knowledge; namely the collaborators.
This task cannot be accomplished simply by storing
knowledge in the repository. It also requires a
mechanism, which helps people find the
collaborators with relevant knowledge.
Collaboration over the Internet communities has
characterized itself by heavily relying on interaction
among the collaborators (Biström, 2005);
(Eikemeier and Lechner, 2003). Collaborators can
be any virtual users who interact to achieve the goals
of resources discovery, access, knowledge sharing,
group communication and discussion. The
collaboration for knowledge sharing should be
enacted without spatial and temporal limitations. In
addition, it should take place over medium such as
the Internet and therefore beyond the geographical
3.2 The Role of IT in Knowledge
The means by which knowledge is shared within
organizations and the factors that facilitate
knowledge sharing/transfer are core issues in
knowledge management. advances in technology
have facilitated the recent growth in systems
designed for managing organizational knowledge, IT
is comprehensively utilized by members in
organization, IT is comprehensively constructed in
organization, top management is capable of applying
IT, members in organization apply IT to search and
use current organizational knowledge, and members
in an organization apply IT to create new knowledge
(Sher and Lee, 2003).
The Internet, one of the IT tools, gives rise to
virtual communities that aim at facilitating
collaboration by providing an environment for
mutual sharing and interaction. A collaborative
process in such an environment involves intensive
online knowledge discovery and knowledge sharing
between collaborators, such as knowledge
consumers and knowledge contributors (Yang and
Chen, 2007).
Butler et al. (2007) indicate that effective, i.e.,
successful, KMS are constituted by highly accessible
and well-integrated web- based Intranet technologies
that facilitate knowledge sharing on tasks/processes
and/or generic/infrastructures among general and/or
specific communities-of-practice. Benbya (2006, p.
4) also argues that effective knowledge sharing
technologies (i.e., core IT artefacts) are integrative,
highly accessible, and searchable, because
integration is a strong predictor of KMS
effectiveness, the ability of a system to integrate
knowledge from a variety of sources and present it
in a manner that enables easy access and reuse is
associated with both knowledge quality and
knowledge usage. IT artefacts, such as email,
datamining and learning tools, are important, but
non-core, as they are generally not well-integrated
and do not provide a focal point or node for effective
knowledge sharing (cf. Benbya, 2006) then we need
a system can manage knowledge integrity.
In the process of KM, the absorption, creation,
arrangement, storage, transfer and diffusion of
knowledge are all dependent on assistance provided
by IT. Khandelwal and Gottschalk (2003) pointed
out that the application of IT to the support of KM
apparently influences the results of knowledge
collaboration within the organization. There are
some example of using information technology for
implementing KMS and sharing knowledge in
Hewlett-Packard (HP), a company competing in
the market of computers, peripheral equipment and
other electronic equipment developed CONNEX
(http://, a People-Finder
KMS (T Carrozza, phone interview and follow-up e-
mail with developer of CONNEX at HP Labs,
September 16, 1999). The goal of the project was to
build a network of experts, available online, to
provide a guide to human knowledge within HP.
CONNEX consists of a centralized database of user
knowledge profiles, with a Web browser interface
that allows users to find profiles in multiple ways.
User's profiles contain a summary of their
knowledge and skills, affiliations, education and
interests, as well as contact information.
CONNEX users can easily find experts within
HP by searching the database by any combination of
profile fields or by browsing through the different
areas of knowledge, geographies and/or names. To
support a large user base with high volume of
transactions, CONNEX was built using Sybase
database and Verity's Topic search engine, on an HP
The National Security Agency (NSA) has also
taken a step towards the implementation of a system
to locate experts for using their knowledge in critical
situations (Wright and Spencer, 1999). The NSA is
part of the Intelligence Community, and their two
missions are Foreign Signals Intelligence and
National Information System Security. The goal of
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
the implementation of the knowledge and skills
management system (KSMS), a People-Finder
KMS, is to catalog the talent pool within the agency
to allow the precise identification of knowledge and
skills, and to take advantage of information
technology. The NSA went through the development
of the system by applying database engineering in
order to solve the complexities of implementing an
adequate, workable and successful KMS. They also
divided the execution of this project into several
Work Tasks and developed knowledge taxonomy
applicable to their workforce.
The roads management center, in Ministry of Road
& Transportation of Iran, is medium organization
with different branches across Iran. This center
recently has implemented new Knowledge
Management System by focusing on creating,
gathering, organizing and disseminating an
organization's knowledge as opposed to
`information' or 'data'. The development of KMS, in
this center, demands that knowledge be obtained,
produced, shared, regulated and leveraged by a
steady conglomeration of individuals, processes,
information technology applications and a
knowledge-sharing organizational culture.
For getting this target, they use new technology
to make appropriate condition for fascinating
knowledge sharing in organization because the
Ministry of Road & Transportation had been used
the technology for knowledge sharing in knowledge
management project already and it was not proper
for this goal. New technology is Wiki technology, as
one of the advantages of web.2, has many good
points in sharing knowledge such as in
customer/client collaboration, documentation, and
developing an online community. The information is
often added to wiki but not deleted when no longer
relevant or accurate or updated when changed. Wiki
offers an excellent way to manage documents and
knowledge integrity. In wiki, foremost is the fact
that documents are edited in a very visible way,
which adds accountability and Members of
organization have to justify the changes because
everybody can see it. Also, each of members can
edit or add new information to other knowledge or
information that has been written by other members,
previous technology did not have this feature and it
was the main weakness of that. This faint was the
reason of employee's discontent.
Wiki's inherent version control means
organization never have to worry about losing a
document again. The use of wiki can also save time
by letting organization and its clients share
documents for collaborative editing and quicker
approval. A technical advantage of wiki over other
document management tools is that there are plenty
of good open source versions available at little or no
cost. Plus, wiki is usually extensible, so organization
can customize them to its needs and doesn't need an
expert administrator or extra hardware resources.
Despite wiki's benefits, the success of wiki in KMS
depends on how dedicated the participants are in
using the wiki and checking in regularly and wiki
platforms have a bit of a learning curve. With
training members in organization the usage of wiki
reveals obviously.
The advantages of wiki technology help roads
management center for making proper condition
between clients to share their knowledge more than
Research methods can be generally divided into two
types: quantitative research and qualitative research.
The main objective of this research is to explore the
roles and effects of IT on successful knowledge
sharing on knowledge management project, (Berg,
2000); (Hammersley, 1996). In that case, the
characteristics of the qualitative research method
make it better suited to be applied here. Therefore,
there is a design phase involved, which possesses
distinct methodology. The phase involved
voluminous review of the literature and in-depth
interviews with senior managers in roads
management center, both of which were aimed at
collecting data. Interviews are one of the most
extensively used methods of data collection
(Bryman and Burgess, 1999). The individual in-
depth interviews conducted in this study are of a
face-to face, which is one of the most common
approaches in qualitative research. This type of
interview involves asking a number of pre-
determined questions and special topics. Under such
circumstances, respondents are able to determine the
direction and content of the interview within a
broader framework provided by the interviewer.
After the interview at each manager had been
completed, the results were assembled, transcribed
and e-mailed to the respondents for their review and
approval in order to prevent any misinterpretations.
This process is expected to provide this study with a
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - It's Role in Facilitating the Sharing and Transfer of Knowledge in Small Medium
Sized Enterprises
richer and more holistic appreciation of the problems
regarding. In our study, we select twenty top
managers and thirty employees of roads
management center, In order to answer research
question the following questions asked of them.
There is a list of questions in interviews?
What is the different between new technology
and previous technology for knowledge sharing in
your organization?
What are the advantages of wiki technology?
How can this new technology help client in
better knowledge sharing in organization?
Is there any limitation in using of new
Is it critical for your organization to get
appropriate knowledge sharing?
Answers to the questions were collected and
assessed, accordingly, the following results were
obtained the replies.
After analyses of replies we found, most of the
managers and employees believed sharing
knowledge is necessary for effectiveness and having
efficiency in their organization and it can help
reduce many cost the work again. They emphasized
that new approach in implementing knowledge
management with using wiki technology has help
better and easier knowledge sharing in organization
than previous approach and technology because new
approach use story telling technic for sharing
knowledge and wiki technology supports this
method in best way. According to this method,
Categories of knowledge organization will be
recognized and important knowledge subjects in
each category is clarified, then based on this
subjects, some question will be generated. The result
of this process will be added in wiki after that
managers and employees in different sector of
organization can link to wiki with intranet or internet
and according their knowledge and experience
answer the question in their category. In previous
method and technology employees or managers had
to think a lot of hours for understanding what she or
he can write about her or his knowledge but in new
approach, appropriate context for the users is
provided to share fully organized her or his
knowledge or experience in important field or
critical Knowledge gap is expressed as a question in
her or his sector of organization.
Table 1.
Most advantage of using wiki technology as facilitator of
e sharin
in or
Collaborative authoring
Easy editing - knowledge can edited at any time by anyone
Easy citing and sourcing
Name of article is part of the hyperlink
Server storage of documents
Automatic Versioning and Difference Engines for documents
Search facilities
Automatic links to discussion pages
Most recent editions very visible; easy monitoring
Massively distributable collaboration
Groups and Categories
Easy links to multi-language documentation
In addition the majority of participants in
interview considered that wiki technology plays the
role of reference in organization and internal
knowledge needs of people encourage & motivate
them for using this technology as a facilitating
knowledge sharing in their organization. Also they
were very pleasure because of wiki features that
provides users, like adding film, picture, voice or
uploading files related to contents that user share
with the others. In wiki technology everyone can
access to knowledge of other people and everybody
can edit or add new entries in this system. Table1 is
revealing advantages of this technology clearly.
In this paper, we have analyzed the role of the
information technology as facilitator of knowledge
sharing in organization. We considered IT as a tool
which is able to manage, store, and transmit
structural knowledge is a critical solution for
implementing impressive knowledge management.
Also we realized the type of the IT's tools are so
important in quality of knowledge sharing. And we
proposed new technology for better knowledge
sharing that it is wiki technology. We understood
wiki has more benefits than the rest of technologies
that had been used for knowledge sharing in
organization. The roads management center, as a
successful case, with using the wiki technology can
make suitable condition for their clients in
knowledge sharing. Our recommendations for other
organizations in implementing a successful
knowledge management project is that before any
actions in this case first realized their organization
needs and select an appropriate information
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
technology as fascinating way in knowledge sharing.
According our result in this paper, wiki is tested as
proper technology among other as a tool for sharing
knowledge so we recommend to other organization
to use this technology
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KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing