Makoto Ohki and Hideaki Kinjo
Division of Information and Electronics, Graduate School of Tottori University
101, 4 Koyama Minami, Tottori, 680-8552 Japan
Nurse scheduling, Genecit algorithm, Cooperative genecitic algorithm, Penalty coefficient adjustment.
This paper describes a penalty adjustment technique for CGA applied to the nurse scheduling problem. The
nurse scheduling is very complex task, because many requirements must be considered. In real hospital, some
changes of the schedule often happen. Such a change of the shift schedule yields various inconveniences.
Such an inconvenience causes the fall of the nursing level of the whole nurse organization. Furthermore,
reoptimization of the schedule including such changes is very hard task and requires very long computing
time. To improve this problem, we propose a technique to adjust penalty coefficient through the optimization.
General hospitals consist of several sections such as
the internal medicine department and the pediatrics
department. Each section is arranged by the nursing
staff of about fifty to thirty. A section manager makes
a roster, or a shift schedule, of all nurses in her/his
section every month. The manager considers more
than fifteen requirements for the scheduling. Such
the schedule arrangement, in other words, the nurse
scheduling, is very complex task. Therefore, com-
puter software for the nurse scheduling has recently
come to be strongly required.
The shift schedule generated by such the com-
mercial software is unsatisfactory. In fact, the nurse
schedule is still made by the hand of the manager in
many general hospitals. The optimization algorithm
of such the commercial software is still poor. We
discuss on generation and optimization of the nurse
schedule by using the Cooperative Genetic Algorithm
(CGA) (T. Itoga, 2003). CGA is a kind of Genetic Al-
gorithm (GA) (D. E. Goldberg, 1989), and powerful
optimizing algorithm for such a combinatorial opti-
mization problem.
Burke et al. (E. K. Burke, 2001) have proposed
a technique to evaluate the nurse schedule. How-
ever, this technique does not fit to the shift system
of our country. Therefore, we have to define the
evaluation technique of the nurse schedule. In the
real case, there are some cases that nurses attend
on a different day from the original schedule. We
have discussed such a case that the schedule has been
changed in the past weeks(M. Ohki, 2007; S. Uneme,
2008). The changed schedule must be reoptimized to
avoid various inconveniences. Such an inconvenience
causes the fall of the nursing level. Reoptimization of
the schedule including such the changes is very hard
task even by parallel computing techniques (M. Ohki,
2010b; M. Ohki, 2010a). We consider that this com-
plexity is caused by that there are many local minima
in the solution space of the nurse scheduling prob-
lem. We propose a technique adjusting penalty coef-
ficient through the optimization when the concerned
penalty function stagnate decreasing. If the optimiza-
tion is caught in the region of the local minimum,
some penalty functions stagnate decreasing. Valley
of the local minimum upheaves by increasing weight
of such the penalty function. And then, the search-
ing point of the optimization escapes from the local
minimum region.
In the nurse scheduling by CGA, an individual and
a population, are defined as shown in Fig.1. The in-
dividual consists of the series of the shift symbols.
The shift series consists of 28 fields, where it means
four weeks. The i-th individual expresses one-month
schedule of the i-th nurse. In CGA, each individual
denotes the schedule of each nurse. The population
Ohki M. and Kinjo H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003618902550258
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications (ECTA-2011), pages 255-258
ISBN: 978-989-8425-83-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)