Hidehito Gomi
Yahoo! JAPAN Research, 9-7-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-6211, Japan
Delegation, Access management, Identity federation, Access token.
Delegation of authority is an act whereby an entity delegates his or her rights to use personal information
to another entity. It has most often been implemented in enterprise environments, but previous studies have
focused little on the dynamic data and access management model or the design from a practical viewpoint.
A data and access management model for the delegation of authority is proposed. In the proposed model, an
access token that is an opaque string associated with authorized permission is issued and exchanged among
users and entities across security domains. The framework enables fine-grained access control and permission
assignment for delegated access by persons and software agents.
With the proliferation of Web services on the Internet,
there is an increasing need for providing personalized
services for users. With such services, users are often
required to share their personal information with other
persons or software entities so that they can complete
tasks collaboratively in the same way as in the real
world. Because personal information is accessed by
an entity that is not its owner, flexible access control
is essential regardless of whether the entity is a person
or a software agent. This falls within the scope of del-
egating authority to access personal information from
person to person and/or to software agent from a tech-
nical perspective.
In general, users hope to provide only trusted en-
tities with access to their personal information, and
they only do so for a very specific reason. They are
reluctant to delegate to unauthorized entities due to
security and privacy concerns. Since trusted entities
do not automatically have access privileges, it is nec-
essary to flexibly and dynamically assign them. In
addition, if we assume that both a person and a soft-
ware agent can be users, there are a couple variations
to the type of access that is delegated. One is a case
in which a person delegates direct access of personal
information to another person, and the other is a case
in which a person delegates indirect access via a soft-
ware agent. The challenge here is to develop a method
of data and access management for delegating author-
ity that works well with the above cases in a distribu-
ted environment.
Various models havebeen proposed to enable flex-
ible and dynamic access management for delegation
tasks. Unfortunately, many of these models are con-
ventional in that they assume the delegation takes
place in closed environments. Recently there has been
some research on dynamism and flexibility when ex-
changing personal information and assigning permis-
sion, but they focus on either an abstract model or
a specific protocol design and pay little attention to
consolidating both aspects for practical requirements.
Moreover, in terms of design viewpoint, they do not
pay sufficient attention to supporting both person-to-
person and person-to-software delegation.
This paper proposes a data and access manage-
ment model and design framework for delegating au-
thority between users in an environment that supports
identity federation. The proposed system has partic-
ipating entities exchange an access token that repre-
sents the authorization delegation information and is
then used to control delegated access.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 reviews related work. Section 3 presents sce-
narios that provided the motivation to attempt this
work. Section 4 describes the overview of the pro-
posed system and Section 5 describes the data and
access management model. In Section 6, technical
issues are discussed. Finally, Section 7 summarizes
the conclusions and outlines future work.
Gomi H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003619504570463
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (MPEIS-2011), pages 457-463
ISBN: 978-989-8425-71-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
This section summarizes previous works related to
delegation, access control models, and technical spec-
Research on delegation and access control to
enhance the role-based access control (RBAC)
model (Sandhu et al., 1996) has frequently been re-
ported (Barka and Sandhu, 2000; Zhang et al., 2003;
Wainer and Kumar, 2005; Joshi and Bertino, 2006).
When these works are combined with RBAC, they are
effective for delegation, especially in a single domain
or a closed environment such as an enterprise system,
because roles generally have a hierarchical structure
reflecting the users’ position therein.
Another important line of contribution focused
on dynamic and flexible delegation methods in dis-
tributed and multiple security domains (Li et al.,
2003; Pham et al., 2008; Bussard et al., 2009; Chad-
wick et al.,2009). These works proposed access con-
trol models that support dynamic permission assign-
ment at the point of delegation, which is relevant to
the work proposed in this paper. However, this work
differs in that it focuses on a practical method and
system design for transferring information after dele-
gation authorization beyond security domain bound-
Another line of research related to delegation is
fine-grained access control models (Hasebe et al.,
2010; Cohen et al., 2002). While that research fo-
cused on conceptual access control models, this work
focuses more on key technologies for dynamic access
control and permission assignment from the view-
point of design and implementation. In the techni-
cal approach of SPKI (Ellison et al., 1999) and that
proposed by Gomi et al. (Gomi et al., 2005), certifi-
cates of authorization rights are distributed and trans-
ferred from one person to another. They focused on
the specification of the certificates whereas this work
specifically introduces an access management model
using access tokens.
Some emerging technical specifications provide
schemes for exchanging identity information using a
token made up of short lengths of string, which is rele-
vant to the work proposed in this paper. SAML (OA-
SIS) works by specifying a scheme for exchanging
identity information using an artifact, which is a ref-
erence to an assertion containing the information.
However, the artifacts are not specifically designed
for delegation of authority and can only be used by
trusted entities, not persons. OAuth (OAuth, 2009)
provides a method for delegation from user to appli-
cation by means of an access token. In contrast, this
work focuses on a more generic access model and its
Financial planning
Bob (husband)
Internet service provider
Financial planning center
Alice (wife)
Bob’s pension record
Stores and reviews pension records
Bob’s pension record request
Figure 1: Motivating scenarios.
design framework for user-to-user delegation of au-
thority. In addition, SAML and OAuth do not provide
any scheme for controlling token access.
This section describes two scenarios that illustrate the
motivation behind this work (Fig. 1). Bob and Alice
are a married couple who are working for different
companies. They are interested in financial planning
to reduce their income taxes, repay their loans, and
prepare for their future. Bob has already stored his
pension records on his account managed by an Inter-
net service provider (ISP) and views the information
privately. Alice would like to view his information
by accessing the ISP so that she can consider their
planning by herself from their family’s perspective.
In this case, the ISP needs to identify who Alice is
and what she wants in order to ensure an appropriate
access control for the request.
Alice is also considering signing up for a financial
planning service publicized by a financial planning
center (FPC) on the Internet. Such a service would
require her to display her and Bob’s current finan-
cial status to offer an ideal plan for their future lives.
In this case, Bob’s pension records at the ISP need
to be provided to the FPC in a secure and privacy-
preserving manner because the FPC can only provide
Alice with the service on its site. If we assume that the
FPC requests access to Bob’s pension records man-
aged by the ISP, the access request needs to be identi-
fied by the ISP in the same way as it identified Alice’s
original request.
In both scenarios, because Alice is the recipi-
ent of the services using Bob’s pension records—in
other words, one person is accessing and using an-
other person’s data—Alice’s access needs to be au-
thorized by Bob, even though they are married, before
the ISP will accept her request for his data regardless
of whether it is via the FPC or not. In order to do
so, Alice needs to be provided with an appropriate
privilege to access Bob’s pension records and use the
SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
information for the specific services.
This section describes the overview of the proposed
system supporting delegation.
A user is a person who accesses restricted re-
sources provided by other entities. A user has his
or her trusted contacts’ contact addresses (e.g., ac-
count identifiers or e-mail addresses) through which
they can interact with each other. In this model, there
are two types of users: delegators and delegatees.
A delegator is a user who has privileges that can en-
able others to access his or her identity information.
A delegatee is a user who is provided privileges by a
delegator to access the delegator’s identity informa-
tion. A delegator and a delegatee have a prior trust
relationship and share their contact addresses.
A service provider (SP) is an entity that provides
access to restricted resources managed by its site to
authorized users. An SP supports the delegation of re-
sources containing personal information. This means
that an SP may grant a delegatee’s access to a dele-
gator’s resource on the basis of its security policies
if an SP verifies the appropriateness of the delegated
access request by the delegatee.
An identity provider (IdP) is an authentication
and attribute authority that authenticates users by
means of particular authentication methods and pro-
duces an assertion stipulating the completion of the
authentication event or the correctness of personal at-
tribute information. In this model, an IdP has an addi-
tional delegation mediating (DM) capability that su-
pervises the delegation authorization of a delegator
to a delegatee and conveys its information to a cor-
responding SP.
This work proposes introducing a delegation ac-
cess token (DAT), which is a randomized string rep-
resenting a reference to a delegated permission to be
transferred from a delegator to a delegatee. There are
two phases in the overall procedure for completing
delegation of authority. Each phase is briefly intro-
duced from the viewpoint of data and access manage-
ment, which is depicted in Figs. 2 and 3. The solid
and dashed lines represent data flow and relations be-
tween entities or data, respectively.
Phase 1 (Delegation Authorization Mediation) is
shown in Fig. 2.
1. The delegator sends a request to the delegation au-
thorization mediation service (DAMS) at the IdP
for mediating authorization for his or her delega-
tion. The request specifies a delegatee, a set of
(2) Access control
service (DAMS)
(5) DAT transfer
(1) Delegation authorization
mediation request
(4) Delegation authorization
mediation response
(3) DAT generation &
permission assignment
Figure 2: Delegation authorization mediation.
personal attributes, and an entity at which a dele-
gation operation is executed by the delegatee.
2. The IdP makes a decision on whether to grant or
deny the request.
3. The IdP generates a DAT and assigns a permission
for the delegatee or the SP.
4. The IdP sends the DAT to the delegator if the re-
quest is granted.
5. The delegator transfers the received DAT to the
delegatee and informs the delegatee.
Phase 2 (Delegation Service Provisioning) is
shown in Fig. 3.
1. A delegatee attempts to access an identity service
(IdS) at an IdP (an SP) by presenting a DAT that
he or she has received from the delegator.
2. The IdP (the SP) decides whether to grant or deny
the delegated access request. When the SP re-
ceives the request (shown in Fig. 3(b)), the SP
obtains an assertion of the delegator’s personal in-
formation from the IdP in the following manner.
2-a. The SP sends an assertion request including the
DAT to the assertion issuing service (AIS) at
the IdP.
2-b. The IdP makes an access control decision on
whether to grant or deny the SP’s assertion re-
quest by verifying the received DAT.
2-c. The IdP returns the assertion if the SP’s request
is granted.
3. The IdP (the SP) provides the delegatee with the
request delegation service if the above decision is
This section describes the access management model
proposed in this work.
(2) Access control
service (IdS)
(1) Delegated access request
(3) Delegated access
(a) Delegation service provisioning (at IdP).
(1) Delegated access request
(2-c) Delegated access response
service (IdS)
(2) Access control
(2-a) Delegated access request
(3) Delegated access response
service (AIS)
(2-b) Access control
(b) Delegation service provisioning (at SP).
Figure 3: Delegation service provisioning.
Objects. An object is a passive entity that con-
tains a set of a user’s attribute information. This
model denotes an object set O as O = {o|o
A||o AS}, where A is a set of attributes consist-
ing of pairs of attribute name and value A = {a|a =
),··· , (n
),···}} if attribute name n
and its
value v
for a specific user are given. AS is a set of
assertions containing multiple attributes a in a for-
mat: AS = {as|as = Assert(a),a A}, where func-
tion Assert(a) produces an assertion based on the
information a of a specific user in a format common
to its recipient. For example, Bob, who stores his pen-
sion records at an IdP, has the following attribute in-
formation: o = {(
Domains. A domain is the scope of entities (IdP or
SP) in this model. The components and their rela-
tions in a domain are independent of those in other
domains. If we let D denote a set of domains, D =
{IdP,SP}. A domain that issues a DAT is called a to-
ken issuer (TI) and a domain whose service receives
an access request with a DAT is called a token con-
sumer (TC).
Operations. An operation is a function that may be
executed on an object. An operation opr is repre-
sented by action@domain, where action is an action
performed on an object and domain is the TC at which
the action on the object is performed. For example,
operation opr = read,write@SP OPR, which is a
set of operations.
Permissions. A permission is a description of the
type of authorized operations that a user can perform
on an object. P {(opr,o)|opr OPR o O}.
Services. A service is an interface of interactions
between users and the other system entities (IdP or
SP) in a specified format. A service obtains a link to
the object on which a user calls an operation when
the request is granted. S has two types of services
for an IdP and an SP: S
= {DAMS,IdS} and S
{AIS, IdS}.
Constraints. A constraint (C) is a requirement that
needs to be satisfied in order to grant an access re-
quest. There are separate constraints for DATs and
The access management model consists of DATs
(Tokens for short, T), P, O, S, D, and C, which are
shown in Fig. 4. Each component and its relations are
User’s request
Token handling
Domain D)
Figure 4: Data and access management model.
abstractly represented together for both phase 1 and 2.
Namely, the user’s request is a delegation authoriza-
tion mediation request from a delegator or a delegated
access request from a delegatee. The services are at
the IdP or the SP in either phase.
5.1 Token-based Permission
The IdP manages an access control policy to allow a
delegator to authorize his or her delegation request in
a user-centric way. When an IdP receives a delega-
tion authorization mediation request from a delegator,
namely Domain d = IdP and Service s = DAMS, and
it is authorized, it assigns the appropriate permission
SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
to grant access to the authorized object. This proce-
dure consists of the DAT generation, the object and
permission creation, and the DAT and permission as-
Delegation Access Token Generation. After an
IdP grants a delegator’s delegation authorization me-
diation request, the IdP generates a unique DAT t. A
DAT encapsulates the information of an IdP which
generates and issues the DAT. Given a DAT, an IdP
and an SP can obtain its issuer information by a pre-
defined method. A DAT also encapsulates its token
type information, which is unique to its issuer’s do-
main. The state transition from T to T
when gener-
ating a new DAT t is represented by T
T {t},
where t / T. Let t.issuer and t.type respectively de-
note the TI’s identifier and the type of DAT t that are
available to the token consumer receiving the DAT.
Constraints for DATs (Token Constraints) are speci-
fied by t.type on the basis of how and where the dele-
gator’s personal information is to be used.
Object and Permission Creation. If an IdP re-
ceives a delegator’s authorization mediation request
specifying that he or she allows a delegatee to use a
set of attribute information, the following object and
permission is created:
O {o}, where o / O;
P {p}, if p / P; and
PO {(p,o)|o O}.
Token and Permission Association. A DAT gen-
erated from the delegation authorization of a delega-
tor and a permission created to perform the delegation
are associated with each other to securely control the
delegated access. We denote permission as a map-
ping function from T to P; TP
TP {(t, p)|p
P, p = permission(t), where (t, p) / TP. This map-
ping function will also be used when verifying a DAT
attached to a delegated access request (see Sec. 5.2).
Permission Assignment Algorithm. The proce-
dure for permission assignment is shown in Alg. 1,
which integrates each operation described above.
First, an IdP (a TI), receives a delegation authoriza-
tion mediation request and obtains the information
of operation and attribute names contained in the re-
quest (steps 1–3). In steps 4–12, a set of attributes
based on the attribute names received in the above
request by retrieving a value of each attribute name
for a given delegator u is obtained. After creating
a permission for the requested operation and the at-
tribute (step 13), the access decision for delegation
authorization is made (steps 14–16), where the op-
erator < indicates the dominance relation between
two permissions. Here, p
< p means that p has more
authority than p
. Namely, if any permission’s autho-
rization is not included in p, the access request is de-
nied. Next, authzID uniquely represents the identifier
of the delegator’s authorization in the IdP. Using this
identifier as well as the issuer and type information,
a DAT is generated and registered (steps 17–19). If
the specified consumer is not the issuer domain, an
assertion is created using attribute a and a new per-
mission for propagating it to the consumer is created
(steps 20–25). Finally, the target object is registered,
the permission is also registered if its scope is not cov-
ered by any existing permission, and an association is
made between the DAT and the permission (steps 26
30). If the request is granted, the DAT is returned
(step 31).
5.2 Token-based Service Provisioning
When a service receives an access request with an at-
tached DAT, the entity managing the service executes
the procedure of access control in which it decides
to grant or deny the request. In this model, the pro-
cedure consists of verifying the DAT, determining its
corresponding permission and object, and enforcing
its corresponding constraints.
Algorithm 1: Permission Assignment (at IdP).
Require: delegator u has been authenticated; issuer: this
1: req receiveDlgAuthZMedRequest()
2: opr getOperation(req)
3: attrNames getAttrNames(req)
4: a
5: for all i such that n
attrNames do
6: v
7: if v
= null, then
8: return false
9: else
10: add(a,(n
11: end if
12: end for
13: p createPermission(opr,a)
14: if p
P; p
< p, then
15: return false
16: end if
17: authzID generateAuthzID()
18: t generateDAT(authzID,issuer,type)
19: add(T,t)
20: if opr.consumer = issuer, then
21: o a
22: else
23: o Assert(a)
24: p createPermission(provision@opr.consumer,o)
25: end if
26: add(O,o)
27: if p
P; p
< p, then
28: add(P, p)
29: end if
30: associate(t, p)
31: return t
Here, if the combination of a domain and a service
is denoted by (d,s), (d,s) = (IdP,IdS),(IdP,AIS),
and (SP, IdS). This model deals with all three cases
together. If the domain is either an IdP or SP, the TI is
the IdP for all three cases, while for (d,s) = (SP,IdS),
the TC is the SP.
Token Verification. When an entity (an IdP or an
SP) receives a delegated access request with an at-
tached DAT, the entity determines whether or not it
is correct. If a received DAT t does not have a pre-
defined format or a fixed length, t is incorrect because
it has been inappropriately forged or modified. Even
if the above condition is true, if t.type or t.issuer is
incorrect, t is incorrect. Otherwise, t is correct.
Permission and Object Discovery. After a DAT
has been verified, the above entity retrieves and
checks which entity issued it by referring to the in-
formation of t.issuer. If the TI is the entity itself,
it attempts to determine the permission and the ob-
ject corresponding to the DAT in its local domain by
means of the mapping function, permission(t). If
the above function does not drive any existing per-
mission, the entity determines that the access request
is invalid because the DAT does not have an appropri-
ate association with a permission. If the TI is not the
entity, it attempts to retrieve an assertion by present-
ing it to the TI.
Constraint Enforcement. The proposed model
supports dynamic and flexible permission assignment
because a delegatee can access personal information
as long as he or she presents a correct DAT. To pre-
vent inappropriate access and strengthen the proposed
token-based access control, a TI can specify con-
straints for permission (permission constraints) that
place some restrictions and conditions on the permis-
sion of delegating authority.
Token-based Access Control Algorithm. The pro-
cedure of a TC controlling delegated access is shown
in Alg. 2, which integrates the above operations.
In steps 1–3, the TC receives a delegate access
request and then obtains its operation and DAT. In
steps 4–6, the DAT is verified. In step 8, the per-
mission associated with the DAT is obtained. If an
expired permission is discovered, it is deleted from
the permission set (steps 11–13). In steps 17–25, the
TC sends a delegated access request recursively to the
TI, retrieves an assertion, and assigns the permission.
In steps 26–31, the procedure for constraint enforce-
ment is performed. If any constraints associated with
permission are not satisfied, the access request is de-
nied. This procedure returns the authorized object if
the request is granted. In this way, the scheme pro-
vides a delegation service that is consistent with the
three types of interactions in Fig. 3.
This section discusses several security issues. The
proposed model is considered to complement exist-
ing access control models such as RBAC. DATs and
the roles used in the RBAC model are relevant in that
these are intermediaries to permissions. Therefore,
more investigation is needed to integrate these mod-
els. In this work, the focus was not on how a del-
egator distributes a DAT to his or her delegatee in a
secure fashion. However, this is a fundamental issue
relevant to how two entities share their secret with one
another, and it remains an open issue.
Algorithm 2: Token-based Access Control.
Require: TC thisEntity {IdP,SP}; token type: type.
1: req receiveDelegatedAccessRequest()
2: opr getOperation(req)
3: t getDAT(req)
4: if t = null or verified(t) = false, then
5: return null
6: end if
7: if t.issuer = thisEntity, then
8: p permission(t)
9: if p / P, then
10: return null
11: else if expired(p) = true, then
12: del(P, p)
13: return null
14: else
15: o p.o
16: end if
17: else {t.issuer 6= thisEntity}
18: res sendDelegatedAccessRequest(t,t.issuer)
19: as getAssertion(res)
20: o getObject(as)
21: p createPermission(opr, o)
22: if p
P; p
< p, then
23: add(P, p)
24: end if
25: end if
26: constraints getConstraints(p)
27: for all c such that c constraints do
28: if satisfied(c) = false, then
29: return null
30: end if
31: end for
32: return o
SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
The data and access management model proposed in
this paper supports the delegation of authority from
user to user and/or software agent using access to-
kens. Algorithms and a design for token-based per-
mission assignment and access control enable dy-
namic delegation of authority with limited overhead
cost for managing the association between an access
token and its corresponding permission. Our future
work will include further investigation into the in-
tegration of the proposed model and other relevant
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