Maaike Harbers
, Karel van den Bosch
and John-Jules Meyer
Utrecht University, P.O.Box 80.089, 3508TB, Utrecht, The Netherlands
TNO Human Factors, P.O.Box 23, 3769ZG, Soesterberg, The Netherlands
Explanation, Agent-based modeling, Social simulation.
To understand emergent processes in multi-agent-based simulations it is important to study the global pro-
cesses in a simulation as well as the processes on the agent level. The behavior of individual agents is easier
to understand when they are able to explain their own behavior. In this paper, a theoretical framework for
explaining agent behavior is proposed. By distinguishing different types and contexts of explanations, the
framework aims to support the development of explainable agents. The framework is based on an examination
of explanation literature, and experiences with developing explainable agents for virtual training. The use of
the framework is illustrated by an example about the development of a negotiation agent.
Social simulations provide the opportunity to investi-
gate the relation between the behavior of individuals
and emerging social phenomena like crowd behavior,
cooperation and reputation. To fully understand the
social phenomena that arise, not only the macro pro-
cesses should be studied, but also the behavior of the
single agents. For instance, a crowd can start to move
because all agents are running towards something or
because they are following one leader. Another exam-
ple is cooperation, which may emerge because agents
behave in an altruistic or self-interested way. More
insight in the behavior of individual agents is facili-
tated when the agents are explainable, that is, able to
explain their own behavior.
Some social patterns emerge out of agents mod-
eled by a few simple if-then rules only, and their be-
havior can be explained by their rules and interaction
with the environment. The behavior of more complex
agents that, besides merely reactivebehavior, also dis-
play proactive behavior is more variable, and harder
to predict and understand. In particular in simulations
with proactive agents, the similarities or contradic-
tions in the explanations of different agents can help
to understand the overall processes (Harbers et al.,
In order to explain agent behavior, it is important
to choose an appropriate behavior representation mo-
del. For instance, it is easier generate understandable
explanations of agent behavior when the underlying
social and psychological processes are represented,
rather than the chemical. To support the design of ex-
plainable agents simulating human behavior, we pro-
pose a theoretical framework for explaining agent be-
havior (Section 3). The resulting explanations of indi-
vidual agents can be used to better understand emer-
gent phenomena in social simulations. The frame-
work is based on an examination of explanation liter-
ature (Section 2), and on our experiences with devel-
oping explainable agents for virtual training. We will
illustrate the framework with an example (Section 4).
In psychological literature, Malle’s framework about
how people explain behavior is one of the most elabo-
rate (Malle, 1999). The framework distinguishes four
modes of explanation (see Figure 1). Unintentional
behavior is explained by causes, e.g. she woke up be-
cause she heard the alarm. Intentional behavior is al-
ways preceded by an intention. Intentions themselves
only yield useless explanations like ‘she did x because
she intended to do x’. However, the reasons for an
intention, i.e. the actor’s beliefs and goals, do form
useful explanations. The third explanation mode con-
cerns causal histories, explaining the origin of beliefs
Harbers M., van den Bosch K. and Meyer J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003620102280231
In Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH-2011), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-78-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and goals. The fourth mode, enabling factors, con-
sider the capabilities of the actor, e.g. he finished the
assignment because he worked hard. Malle states that
most explanations for intentional behavior are reason
Figure 1: Malle’s four modes of explaining behavior.
In argumentation for practical reasoning, argu-
mentation about what is most sensible to do is stud-
ied. This is closely related to explanation of behav-
ior, as arguments for a certain action can also be used
to explain that action. Atkinson et al proposed the
following argumentation scheme for practical reason-
ing (Atkinson et al., 2006). In the circumstances R,
we should perform action A, to achieve new circum-
stances S, which will realize some goal G, which will
promote some value V. The scheme provides a moti-
vation of an action, but can also be used to explain an
action. For instance, I go to the supermarket (A) be-
cause I am at home (R) and after going there I will be
at the supermarket (S), where I can to buy food (G) so
that I can feel healthy (V).
The explanation of agent behavior is studied in
the domain of virtual training. In virtual training,
agents play the role of team member, colleague or op-
ponent of the user. Explaining the behavior of such
agents gives the user insight in the reasons for oth-
ers’ actions and helps him to better understand played
training scenarios. There are several proposals of
explanation components that explain agent behavior
in virtual training systems (Johnson, 1994; Van Lent
et al., 2004; Gomboc et al., 2005). Developers noticed
that training simulations differ in their ‘explanation-
friendliness’, that is, the availability and suitability of
information that is delivered to the explanation mod-
ule (Core et al., 2006). At best, agent behavior is
represented by goals and the preconditions and ef-
fects of actions, and behavior can automatically be
imported. In the worst case, behavior is represented
by procedural rules, and a manually built representa-
tion of the behaviors has to be made. In earlier work,
we proposed an approach for explainable agents for
virtual training in which explanation capabilities are
integrated in the agent model (Harbers et al., 2010a).
Though that poses certain requirements on agent de-
sign, the quality of explanations no longer depends on
the explanation-friendliness of a training simulation.
Though it is impossible to represent all explaining
factors of agent behavior in a model, it is possible to
choose an agent model and represent behavior tacti-
cally, such that most concepts in the representation
can be reused for explanation. To guide this agent de-
velopment process it is helpful to be aware of different
possible explanations for an action. In this section we
therefore present a theoretical framework for explain-
ing agent behavior. The framework distinguishes five
different ways to explain an action of an agent, and on
top of that, different contexts of explanation. Com-
pared to Malle’s framework and Atkinson’s argumen-
tation scheme discussed in the previous section, our
framework distinguishes more types of explanations.
3.1 Five Questions
To discuss the various ways to explain an agent
action, we introduce the following five subquestions
of the question: Why did you perform this action?
What goal did you try to achieve?
Why do you want to achieve this goal?
Why does this action achieve that goal?
Why did you perform the action at this particular
time point?
Why did you perform this action and not another?
The first question considers the goal behind an
action, or in other words, it refers to the desired
effects of the action. An explanation is for instance,
I called a friend to wish him a happy birthday. Both
Malle’s and Atkinson’s frameworks distinguished
goals as an explanation or argumentation type.
The second question, why do you want to achieve
this goal, concerns the reasons behind a goal. For
instance, I called my friend because I know that he
appreciates phone calls for his birthday. In Malle’s
frameworksuch explanations are called causal history
explanations, and they are similar to values in Atkin-
son’s scheme. In a goal hierarchy, a goal above a goal
provides a reason for a goal, however, as we will see
later, these are not always useful.
The third question, why does this action achieve
that goal, can be answered by domain knowledge, e.g.
terminology or the function of a tool. The domain
knowledge required in our example is rather common,
but an explanation of this type would be: I called my
friend because calling someone allows one to talk to
that person. This category is not distinguished in the
frameworks of Malle and Atkinson.
The fourth question concerns the timing of an ac-
tion. Possible answers to this question are the event
that triggered the action, or the events that made it
possible to perform the action. In our example, I
called my friend because today is his birthday. The
timing of an action may be explained by an enabling
factor such as distinguished in Malle’s framework, but
Malle’s enabling factors explanations do not involve
triggers like someone’s birthday.
The fifth and last question asks why this particu-
lar action was performed and not another. The answer
may concern multiple possibilities, e.g. I called my
friend because I did not have the time to visit him,
or preferences, e.g. I called my friend because I be-
lieve that calling is more personal than sending an
email. Explanations referring to multiple possibilities
are similar to the enabling factors in Malle’s frame-
work, but preferencesare not. Explanations with pref-
erences are similar to values in Atkinsons scheme.
3.2 Contexts of Explanation
We have distinguished five different questions, but of-
ten there are multiple possible answers to these ques-
tions. For instance, I leave a note at your desk because
I want you to find it, but also because I want to remind
you of something. Both explanations in the example
contain a goal. To account for different possible ex-
planations of the same type we introduce the notion
of an explanation context. An explanation uses con-
cepts in a certain domain or from a certain descrip-
tion level. Explanation contexts are for instance the
physical context, psychological context, social con-
text, organizational context, etc. A physical context
of explanation refers to explanations in terms of po-
sitions of agents and objects, and physical events in
the environment. A psychological context refers to
characteristics of the agent such as personality traits,
emotions, preferences and values. A social context
refers to aspects like mental states attributed to other
agents, and trust in others. An organizational context
refers to an agent’s role, its tasks, its power relation to
others, procedures, rules and norms. The two expla-
nations for putting a note at your desk, so you will
find it’ and to remind you of something’, concern a
physical and social context, respectively.
3.3 Use of the Framework
The purpose of the framework is to support ex-
plainable agent development. Developers can use
the framework to determine which questions within
which explanation context(s) an agent should be able
to answer. Being aware of an agent’s explanation
requirements will facilitate the choice for an agent
model, and subsequently, design choices that must
be made within the model. The development is an
interaction process between subject matter experts
and programmers, where subject matter experts have
knowledge about desired explanation types and pro-
cesses that bring about certain behavior,and program-
mers know which agent models and architectures are
available to represent agent behavior.
It may happen that some information needed for
explanation is not necessary for the generation of be-
havior, or simply does not fit in the agent’s behavior
representation. In that case, extra information needs
to be added to the behavior representation, like justi-
fications for reasoning steps are added to expert sys-
tems. Then still, choosing an appropriate representa-
tion will facilitate the addition of explaining elements
to the model.
In this section we illustrate the use of the proposed
framework with an example about the development of
an agent for virtual negotiation training
. The train-
ing scenario involvesa negotiation about terms of em-
ployment and involves two players, a human player
who has the role of employer and a virtual agent play-
ing the future employee. The scenario focuses on the
joint exploration phase of the negotiation, in which
negotiation partners explore each others’ wishes. An
often made mistake is that people only explore each
others’ preferences on issues, e.g. the height of a
salary, and forget to ask about the others interests,
e.g. the need of enough money to pay the mortgage.
By exploring someone’s interests, alternative solu-
tions can be found that are profitable for both partners,
e.g. a lower monthly salary but with a yearly bonus.
Figure 2 shows our first version of the future em-
ployee agent, modeled as a goal hierarchy. Note that
only the agent’s goals and actions (in gray) are dis-
played, and not its beliefs. The actions in the hierar-
chy can be explained by their underlying goals. For
instance, the action to propose 40 hours per week is
explained by the goal that you want to explore each
other’s wishes on working hours because you want to
explore all wishes. The acceptance of a good bid is
explained by the goal that you want to go through the
bidding phase. These explanations seem rather use-
less. After examining the goal hierarchy according to
the framework, we realized that we had used a proce-
dural context, whereas we wanted explanations from
a psychological perspective.
The training was developed at the TU Delft as part of
the pocket negotiator project
SIMULTECH 2011 - 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and
Figure 2: First model of the negotiation agent.
Figure 3: Second model of the negotiation agent.
Figure 3 shows a new version of the goal hier-
archy in which the agent’s personal preferences and
goals are taken into account. The actions (gray) in
this model are the same as in the original one. But
though both models generate exactly the same behav-
ior, the explanations of the actions are different. In
the new model, for instance, the action to propose 40
hours per week is explained by the goal that you want
to work with a maximum of 40 hours per week be-
cause you want to have enough time to prepare your
trip. And the action of accepting a good bid is ex-
plained by the goal that you want to make a world
trip in a year. On face validity, these explanations are
much more useful than the previous ones.
To summarize, we have presented a theoretical frame-
work for explaining agent behavior with different ex-
planation types and contexts. When modeling an ex-
plainable agent, the framework can be used as a guide
for the choice for an appropriate agent model, and
choices about the representation of the agent’s be-
havior. This should result in agents that can provide
useful explanations in the domain or applications for
which they are intended, and lead to better under-
standing of individual agent behavior in social simu-
lations. A next step will be to aggregate explanations
of individual agents into one, more global explanation
about emergent phenomena in social simulations.
The authors thank Joost Broekens for his contribution
to the development of both negotiation agents in Sec-
tion 4. This research has been supported by the GATE
project, funded by the Netherlands Organization for
Scientific Research (NWO) and the Netherlands ICT
Research and Innovation Authority (ICT Regie).
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