Tereza Otčenášková
, Vladimír Bureš
and Pavel Čech
Faculty of Informatics and Management, University of Hradec Králové, Rokitanského 62, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Faculty of Military Health Sciences, University of Defence, Třebešská 1575, 500 01, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Keywords: Emergency situation, Conceptual modelling, Knowledge acquisition, Knowledge engineering, Conceptual
Abstract: Emergency situations such as biological or chemical incidents require prompt decision making. There are
however only a limited set of formally declared procedures and principles of how to tackle such incidents.
The aim of the paper is to introduce specific techniques of conceptual modelling that form a framework of
decision making during emergency situations. The paper will present an ongoing research that is focused on
identification of proper response procedures and responsible authorities during the incident and unification
of knowledge from do-main experts on bio-terrorism, epidemiology and medicine as well as procedures that
are given in national and regional recovery plans.
Emergency situations such as biological or chemical
incidents require prompt decision making. There are
however only a limited set of formally declared
procedures and principles of how to tackle such
incidents. The disaster and recovery plans usually
focus on natural disaster or pandemic. The
immediate actions are focused primarily on
casualties, however, comprehensive response
operation need to address other aspects. The
knowledge necessary to properly conduct the
response operation is mainly in the heads of experts
and could be difficult to get quickly enough in a
form that can be used by the decision maker. Next,
experts are usually focused on a narrow view of a
problem lacking the overall picture. Therefore, the
decision support framework that would overcome
such difficulties would be fruitful. The aim of the
paper is to introduce specific techniques of
conceptual modelling that form a framework of
decision making during emergency situations. The
paper addresses the gap between the knowledge
from particular domains, discusses the conceptual
modelling framework of its closure, and presents an
ongoing research that is focused on identification of
proper response procedures and responsible
authorities during the incident and unification of
knowledge from domain experts on bio-terrorism,
epidemiology and medicine as well as procedures
that are given in national and regional recovery
To conduct response operations effectively and
efficiently, information from various sources and
experience from different domains needs to be
processed. This is not a problem from the
technological point of view due to recent
developments in computer science (Panuš, 2010)
and successful application of various systems
supporting decision-making processes in particular
situations (e.g. Čech and Bureš, 2007). The
challenge is that decisions are required taking into
account not only the health issues but also
economical, political, environmental aspects with
often contradictory priorities. The authorized
decision maker is often not specializing on these
areas but rather relies on advices from different
experts. Experts are usually looking from their own
perspectives and immersed in detail knowledge they
often disregard other aspects. The decision maker
should be able to unite all the aspects and coordinate
response operations holistically. Achieving holistic
view in decision making would require the
knowledge of the expert to be shared with the
cenášková T., Bureš V. and
Cech P..
DOI: 10.5220/0003623503440348
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2011), pages 344-348
ISBN: 978-989-8425-80-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
decision maker. However, Liou (1992) states that as
people are becoming more experienced in
performing a certain task, they are becoming less
aware of cognitive processes involved in
accomplishing that task. Since knowledge
engineering methods and techniques have already
been successfully applied in various areas (e.g. water
resources management (Mikulecký, Ponce and
Toman, 2003) or tourism (Čech and Bureš, 2009)),
the abovementioned problem can also be treated
with the help of these. Therefore, knowledge
acquisition needs to be performed in order to capture
and share the reasoning processes of an expert.
The paper explores the use of various conceptual
modelling techniques for knowledge acquisition.
The task is to find a framework that will serve two
purposes. First, it will be used to offer a way how to
conceptualize knowledge from the different domains
acquainted from different experts. Second, the
framework would offer the decision maker a
comprehensive pattern for decisions during
biochemical incidents taking into account various
aspects, stakeholders and responsible authorities.
The paper will be divided into two parts. First,
conceptual modelling will be reviewed and selected
conceptual modelling techniques will be presented
in order to find an appropriate tool for transferring
domain knowledge from experts to decision maker
that is responsible for coordinating response
operations. The techniques will be reviewed with
respect to application in knowledge sharing as a part
of knowledge acquisition task. Also, the possibility
to create conceptual models of decision making in
emergency situations caused by biochemical agents
will be considered. Second, the approach taken
during the research dealing with decision support
tools in emergency situations will be presented.
As stated by Robinson (2006) conceptual modelling
is concerned with appropriate simplification of a
reality or of a proposed system. Although, there is
not a common consensus of how to define
conceptual modelling, the researchers such as Luo
and Yoshida (2007) or Mandl and Levin (1989)
regard conceptual modelling as a mental tool that
helps to convey thoughts and ideas and thus is often
denoted as a knowledge sharing technique. The
central idea of a conceptual modelling is an
identification of relevant concepts denoted as
entities, objects, things or similar constructs and
their mutual associations known as relations. The
conceptual model is stripped from technological and
implementation details. The purpose of the
modelling and the approach determines logical
pattern and thus what is relevant and what might be
abstracted. The conceptual modelling is often
connected with visualisation techniques. It is argued
for instance by Kosslyn (1980), Mandl and Levin
(1989), or Shepard and Cooper (1982) that visual
representation makes for easier recognition and
recall then merely textual representation.
There are several conceptual modelling
techniques each following a slightly different
purpose and defining special principles and
perspectives that are to be focused on. The
techniques define also the visual representation with
its own notation. However, the majority of visual
representations are based on graphs with nodes and
arcs. The core of the modelling consists of
constructing the visual representation along the
given principles. The simple techniques concentrate
only on specifying names to nodes and arranging
links in between. The advanced conceptual
modelling approaches such as object or ontological
modelling enhance the model by further
specification of nodes and arcs.
In the scope of the research the focus were aimed
at mind mapping, cognitive maps, entity relationship
(ER) modelling, object modelling, ontological
modelling and decision trees.
Mind maps consist of arranging related concepts
around a central key concept. According to Luo and
Yoshida (2007) mind mapping is often used for
learning and brainstorming. Mind maps offer a
structural view of concepts in a certain domain. The
technique is useful in cases when one central
concept can be defined and where there are not
many overlapping and duplications of concepts and
their relations.
Cognitive maps are used for the mental
representation of concepts and causal assertions.
Spicer (1998) reminds that cognitive maps were
originally developed by psychologists and can be
used to support transition of knowledge and
promotion of understand and shared thinking about a
certain problem domain.
ER modelling is primarily employed in logical
design of databases. The technique deals with
entities that can be further extended with attributes
and relations. The relations are interesting especially
due to a so called multiplicity or cardinality. The
purpose is to capture the structure of the data that
will be later transformed into platform dependant
physical data schema. Object modelling is often
used for conceptualisation of functional systems
rather than just for arranging concepts in a certain
Object oriented approach breaks down a complex
system into a set of mutually interlinked cooperating
objects. The arrangement of concepts or objects
obeys fairly strict principles to achieve flexibility
and reuse. The creation as well as interpretation of
the model requires knowledge of these principles.
Ontological modelling is based on the concept
structuring according to diverse abstraction levels
and with the usage of the taxonomical and
meteorological relations. The purpose of the
ontological modelling is the explicit
conceptualisation represented in a formal language.
Ontological modelling is similar to object oriented
one. However, ontological modelling offers a richer
specification of relations and constraints that can be
used for simple inferences.
Decision trees represent a simple conceptual
model of a decision. In general decision trees are
used to describe and classify data and are known to
offer a simple interpretability and also possibility for
validation. In connection to decision making
decision trees model the sequence of tasks together
with possible outcomes and consequences (Esmeir
and Markovitch, 2007), (Podgorelec, Kokol, Stiglic
and Rozman, 2002). The resulting structure can
serve as a basis for automation of given tasks or
With reference to the selected method described
above the set of sessions with experts were arranged.
During the sessions various knowledge elicitation
techniques were applied. These techniques include
structured interview, brainstorming, observation,
learning rules from examples, model based rule
learning (Agarwal and Tanniru, 1990); (Lavrac and
Mozetic, 1989); (Liou, 1992).
In the first stage of the research the
brainstorming method was used to determine the
context and to create the basic conceptual model of
the whole system. The brainstorming was conducted
with experts on biology, epidemiology, military
health operations and software engineering. The
basic conceptual model contains the definition of the
core functionality, components of the whole solution
and input and outputs. The basic conceptual model
also determines the specific approaches taken in
various stages of further research.
The next stage of the research was aimed at
knowledge acquisition with the use of interviews
and semi-structured interviews with experts. The
preliminary session with the experts confirms the
difficulty of experts to articulate the cognitive
processes used during performing certain tasks (as
described by Liou (1992)). The experts considered
most of the knowledge as obvious. The problem was
addressed by structuring the interviews along the
predefined questions. Thus the experts were
confronted with questions extracted from the
national and regional pandemic plan. Based on the
answers the responsible authorities and institutions
were identified and conceptual model in the form of
a cognitive map was created. The model contains
involved authorities that were identified together
with systems being used expected inputs and outputs
in form of information that should be given or
processed. The model was created using the CMAP
tools. The appropriateness of using CMAP tools was
discussed by Miertschin and Willis (2007) in
connection curriculum modelling. The resulting
cognitive map (see its partial illustration in figure 1.)
is going to be used for further review and validation
by experts.
Next, experts were interviewed in order to gain
knowledge about properly conducting response
operations for various biochemical agents. The key
decision parameters (e.g. transmission,
infectiousness, incubation) were identified and
prioritized and the responsibility for providing
specific information was ascertained. The result is
the set of questions that should be answered to
determine appropriate response operation. The
decision tree was used to model the sequence of
questions and possible outcomes. In the next round
of the interviews the model will be reviewed and
further extended by assigning probabilities to given
outcomes and by determining known constraints.
The resulting conceptual model in form of the
decision tree is going to be used in the further stages
of the research for automation of information
gathering procedures. Hence, the next round of
interviews will serve as a basis for ontological
modelling and developing ontology covering the
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 1: The Illustration of the Cognitive Maps Utilisation - the Onset of the Incident and the Following Phases (Source:
concepts, their relations and constraints from given
domains. The specification of concepts and relations
together with inference engine would enable the
identification of implicit relations that were not
given explicitly during the knowledge acquisition
phase of the research.
Although, the ontology would enable simple
inferences, the implementation of procedures
modelled using the decision trees will require
translation to the form of rules. The discovered rules
will be processed by a rule based engine
incorporated in the designated prototype. The
prototype that would test the overall functionality of
the framework will be designed using the object
oriented modelling. However, since the translation
of rules into an object oriented system is not
straightforward, projects like Hammurapi rules
would need to be explored (Čech, Bureš, Antoš and
Ponce, 2010). Moreover, the real challenge with
disaster modelling is to test the procedures without
ever having a disaster event. Therefore coping with
this type of problem represents the main focus of
further research.
In case of biological or chemical incidents the
knowledge necessary to properly conduct the
response operation is usually hidden in general
disaster and recovery plans, or is locked in the heads
of experts and could be difficult to get quickly
enough in a form that can be used by the decision
maker. Moreover, experts are usually focused on a
narrow view of a problem lacking the overall
picture. Therefore, the paper bridges the gap
between theoretical and real-world risk
management. The described research was focused on
the selection and consequent application of
appropriate methods or techniques, which would
help to solve this issue. During the arranged set of
sessions with experts various knowledge elicitation
techniques were applied. The suggested framework
enables knowledge conceptualization across
multiple domains and facilitates robust decision
support tools for emergency situations.
The results of this initial stage are key decision
parameters (e.g. transmission, infectiousness,
incubation), which were identified and prioritized.
Furthermore, the responsibility for providing
specific information was ascertained. The main
output, which will be used as an input to the next
stage, is the set of questions that should be answered
to determine appropriate response operation. The
decision tree was used to model the sequence of
questions and possible outcomes. The overall result
of the research should have the form of a prototype,
which will support decision makers in the effort to
minimize casualties during selected intended
(biological or chemical weapons) and unintended
(biological or chemical accidents) incidents.
This paper was created with the support of the
GAČR project SMEW, project num. 403/10/1310,
and the research proposal Information support of
crises management in health care No.
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KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development