Drivers and Barriers for Participation
in a Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration Community
Gwendolyn L. Kolfschoten
Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Douglas A. Druckenmiller
School of Computer Sciences, Western Illinois University, Moline, Illinois, U.S.A.
Danniel Mittleman
College of Computing and Digital Media, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
Virginia Drummond Abdala
FDC Executive Development, Alphaville, Lagoa dos Ingleses, Brazil
Keywords: Cross culture collaboration cross organizational collaboration, Stories, Collaborative communities.
Abstract: In this paper we report our efforts to elicit an understanding of drivers and barriers for participation in a
Web2.0 online community platform to support the unique collection of virtual collaboration requirements
inherent in inter-organization, cross-cultural, and cross-discipline team environments that comprise the
Atlantis community. Atlantis is a grant program to stimulate and fund the organization of dual degree
master programs between consortia of European and American Universities. The key challenge in this
project is neither the analysis nor construction of the online community platform (though neither is in itself
a trivial task), but rather the question of how to encourage use of such a platform, and its evolution into a
self-sustaining community. We report our findings from a workshop, interviews and a survey to gain
understanding in the drivers and barriers of participation. The drivers and barriers are then presented as a
design framework for an online learning community.
Development of intra-organizational knowledge
management systems is well established and
researched. However, the development of inter-
organizational knowledge management systems is
less well understood especially in global cross-
organizational, cross-discipline, and cross-cultural
contexts where multi-cultural boundaries and
barriers potentially inhibit knowledge creation and
sharing. Enterprise social networks are emerging as
a legitimate organizational knowledge sharing tool
in 2008 and 2009. These networks, far beyond the
informal networks such as FaceBook and MySpace
(Parameswaran, 2007), seem to be finding a
legitimate role in both private industry and
governmental institutions as a platform for intra-
organizational knowledge sharing. While many
barriers and caveats exist, limiting adoption at this
point, industry research suggests they will now
become accepted and mainstream (Drakos, 2006).
Web 2.0 virtual teaming environments are following
a similar adoption pattern. Dozens of virtual teaming
products exist, and over 100 open source groupware
packages are available for implementation
(Mittleman et al., 2008). Social software is software
that aims to simplify the realization and preservation
of networks among people, and has become a part of
organizational life. However, most knowledge
L. Kolfschoten G., A. Druckenmiller D., Mittleman D. and Drummond Abdala V..
TIPPING THE BALANCE - Drivers and Barriers for Participation in a Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration Community.
DOI: 10.5220/0003623901140122
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2011), pages 114-122
ISBN: 978-989-8425-81-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
workers have limited idea of what colleagues are
working on or what they know about and only have
limited time for knowledge exchange. This is caused
by geographical distance, structural boundaries
(Ardichvilli, Page and Wentling, 2003), and a
knowledge hoarding culture. Less research has been
performed on the uses of such platforms to share
knowledge in the form of lessons learned in diverse
global settings. In this project we developed an
overview of requirements for cross culture, cross
discipline and cross organization knowledge sharing.
Atlantis is a grant program to stimulate and fund
the organization of dual degree master programs
between consortia of European and American
Universities. The Atlantis program is coordinating
over eighty university consortia involving
institutions from the US and European Union
nations. Programs range over a variety academic
disciplines. While each consortia learns many
valuable educational curricula and administration
lessons over the three year life of their grants, and
undoubtedly significant strong work practices are
discovered, no official effective mechanism exists
(aside from an annual conference and reporting) to
capture these lessons learned and communicate best
practices with other consortia and to future Atlantis
Projects, or to the International Education
community in general.
In this paper we report our efforts to elicit
requirements for a Web2.0 online community
platform optimized to support the unique collection
of virtual collaboration requirements inherent in
inter-organization, cross-cultural, and cross-
discipline team environments that comprise the
Atlantis community. The key challenge in this
project is neither the analysis nor construction of the
online community platform (though neither is in
itself a trivial task), but rather the question of how to
encourage use of such a platform, and its evolution
into a self-sustaining community. This is a complex
socio-technical problem difficult enough within a
single organization, and even more complex as an
inter-organization, cross-cultural, and cross-
discipline community of collaborators. Atlantis
projects comprise multiple intersecting professional,
organizational and national cultures. Significant
communication gaps can occur that inhibit
knowledge sharing and collaboration and must be
identified and accommodated in both the design and
evaluation of the project. If such gaps are not
addressed the project will not sustain long term
usage and adoption.
The development of the platform for cross team,
cross culture collaboration involves three key
Challenge of incentives/participation
Challenge of integration, creating value
Challenge of identifying and bridging cultural
communication gaps
This is a complex socio-technical problem
difficult enough within a single organization and
even more complex as an inter-organization, cross-
discipline, and cross culture community of
collaborators. Atlantis projects comprise multiple
intersecting professional, organizational and national
cultures (Schneider and Barsoux Jean-Louis, 1997;
Straub et al., 2002). The paper reports on a set of
interviews a workshop, and a survey to understand
the drivers and barriers of the participants of these
consortia, to participate in a platform that will
support their cross team collaboration to exchange
lessons learned. We will first describe some
background on sharing best practices. Next we will
discuss the challenges from a literature perspective.
Third we will describe our effort to gather input
from team members to inform the drivers and
barriers of participation, and finally we will report a
framework of these drivers and barriers to inform
the design of the online community.
In order to share best practices across teams and
cultures, it is critical to ensure clarity, usability and
relevance of the information shared (Warkentin and
Beranek, 1999). To ensure these qualities of the
knowledge shared we will use a framework to
encourage users to share enough detail with respect
to best practices and lessons learned to ensure that
these can be understood and put to use in other
consortia. A useful framework for the sharing of
best practices that has proven valuable in a number
of domains is the use of design patterns. Design
patterns were first described in the domain of
architecture by Christopher Alexander ( 1979) as re-
usable solutions to address frequently occurring
problems. In Alexander’s words: “a [design] pattern
describes a problem which occurs over and over
again and then describes the core of the solution to
that problem, in such a way that you can use this
solution a million times over, without ever doing it
the same way twice” (Alexander, 1979).
After design patterns were applied to software
engineering (Gamma et al., 1995), the concept of
design patterns to share best practices made its way
TIPPING THE BALANCE - Drivers and Barriers for Participation in a Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration Community
in a variety of domains including collaboration
support. For example, Lukosch and Schümmer
(2006) proposed a pattern language for the
development of collaborative software. Design
patterns are successfully used in related fields such
as communication software (Rising, 2001), e-
learning (Niegemann and Domagk, 2005),
facilitation of collaboration processes (Vreede,
Briggs and Kolfschoten, 2006), and for knowledge
management (May and Taylor, 2003).
Design patterns are thus reusable, formalized
lessons learned and best practices, documented to
make them easy to transfer to others. The
documentation framework for design patters ensures
that practical solutions are shared with sufficient
context so others can judge when to apply them and
will understand how to apply them. The design
patterns based on best practices create a short-cut in
the learning cycle in which the user community
learns from the evaluation of changes to improve
learning between the consortia. Atlantis consortia
usually exist of teachers, curriculum developers,
education program directors, and education
administrators. Often, the consortia build their
curricula based on existing courses. Often students
from different universities have, while working in
the same domain, different backgrounds as the focus
of their curriculum will differ in each university.
Another key part of the collaboration involves
the coordination and synchronization of the
education administration at the different universities
involved. This requires setting agreements on e.g.
study credits, the degree and accreditation. Finally a
key challenge is to support students in studying
abroad, and collaborating with international peers.
While students are legally self-responsible, the
universities involved bare responsibility for
supporting the students in e.g. finding
accommodation, getting appropriate guidance and
adapting to different international cultures. For all
these matters the consortia had to find solutions;
education wise, administrative, legally, and
especially practically. The utility of this approach to
the Atlantis community is the surfacing, capturing,
and transfer to the community at large of best
practices that emerged at the different Atlantis
Summarizing, creating a self-sustaining, valuable
platform for knowledge sharing is not a straight
forward task. Based on figure 1 and our experience
we have identified three key sources of challenges
that play an important role in the success of the
Challenges of participation, concerning the
motivation and incentives people feel with
respect to adopting a new system and
participating in a new work practice.
Challenges of integration, creating value,
concerning how people perceive the value of
the information shared between teams, and the
value of the new system and work practice.
Challenges of identifying and bridging cultural
communication gaps, concerning the
differences of interpretation of communication
and behavior due to different sets of meaning
among participants.
Several authors have worked on challenges
concerning the adoption of new IT by users, such as
(Davis, 1989; Venkatesh, 2003; Venkatesh and
Davis, 2000). We analyzed the key sources of
challenges above based on this literature, describing
each in more detail.
2.1 Challenges of Creating Value
To understand the challenge of creating value we
used the value frequency model developed by
Briggs (2006). This model builds on e.g. the
Technology Acceptance Model by Davis (1986), but
has been developed in the domain of collaborative
work. The value frequency model predicts change of
practice and adoption of a new work practice with
associated technology. The model posits that the key
factors relevant to adoption are the perceived net
value of the new work practice, in this case, the
value of lessons learned and best practices of other
consortia, but also value from participation and
visibility in the community can be part of this. This
value is then multiplied by the frequency in which
this value is derived, e.g. if lessons learned are only
shared once, the value of participation will be
limited, where this will increase when lessons are
shared on a regular basis.
2.2 Challenges of Participation
Besides value and the frequency in which this value
occurs, the model posits that it is important that
participants have some certainty that they will derive
this value. In this case it is important that
stakeholder’s commit to share their lessons learned,
and can trust that others will do the same, as the key
value for participation is the content shared by other
participants. This phenomenon is a core principle in
effective collaboration (Kolfschoten et al., 2010).
Finally an important factor is the transition costs,
here understood as the costs of learning to use the
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
system and the methods around the sharing of best
practices. This is resolved by paying attention to
ease of use, and intuitive user interfaces. The value
frequency model is depicted in figure 2.
2.3 Cross Cultural Challenges
Cross Cultural challenges are not only a cause of
different national cultures involved, but also include
organizational and professional cultures.
Researchers have been trying to identify how deep
culture influences IT adoption by people (Leidner,
2006; Livari, 2002; Walsh, 2009); (Iivari, 2005;
Leidner and Kayworth, 2006; Walsh, 2009). We
assume that the there is a possibility to further
understand the cultural influence in the behavioral
intentions as proposed in the Briggs et al. value
frequency model (2006). The Consortia in the
Atlantis project create an interactional evolution of
different organizational and professional cultures
involved (i.e. (Schneider and Barsoux Jean-Louis
1997; Straub, Loch, Evaristo, Karahanna and Srite,
2002). To collaborate between consortia, thus means
to collaborate with a mix of unpredictable cultures,
requiring high flexibility among participants. A key
challenge will be to identify which of the cultures
involved will affect adoption of IT, and how cultural
challenges will change in online knowledge
Typical cultural difference that could have
impact on adoption are described in the frameworks
of Trompenaars and Hofstede (Hofstede, 1991;
Trompenaars and Turner, 1998). Examples are
masculine competition oriented culture (US) vs
feminine modest and caring (Scandinavia, part of
Western Europe). Another key difference is
universal vs particular rule based system, where in
US rules are rather strictly applied, versus southern
European cultures where rules apply depending on
circumstances. A third cultural difference is in the
display of affection. Besides country based cultural
difference, professional cultures of universities can
also highly differ; some universities are more
hierarchical in their management structure, and
another difference is the attribution of status, based
on achievement versus position. These cultural
differences can have an impact on how the platform
and the associated work practice are perceived.
To understand the drivers for and barriers to
participation, and the creation of a successful
collaboration platform we wanted to elicit feedback
from the actual future users of the platform. For this
purpose we carried out 21 semi-structured
interviews with people participating to the Annual
Conference for the Atlantis Consortia to interview
participants. We have also run a workshop in which
we asked consortia participants to brainstorm about
sharing lessons learned with other consortia though
a platform, and we ran a survey among future
Figure 1: The Value Frequency Model (Briggs 2006).
TIPPING THE BALANCE - Drivers and Barriers for Participation in a Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration Community
Semi-structured interviews were carried out
individually or in small groups of people
participating to the same consortium. 21 interviews
were performed. To structure and compare the
interviews we used an interview protocol with the
following questions:
How often do you communicate with the other
partners of the consortium?
How do you communicate? What medium?
What kind of information do you share?
What do you know now that you wish you
knew at the beginning of your project?
What would you like to learn from other
What would an online platform to exchange
lessons learned among consortia in the Atlantis
program look like?
Summarizing, we can say that participants are
interested in others’ experience, narrative stories,
best practices and solutions and sharing experiences
across cultures.
The main difficulties identified by participants
were lack of homogeneity of administrative
documents and cultural differences in dealing with
administrative requirements (e.g. administration of
funding, contacting, and student administration)
The interviews also offered information
concerning tools currently used by the consortia as
well as expectations towards technology to be
provided which is really important for the
consideration of value frequency model analysis.
Current tool use is e-mail (90%), skype (43%), and
file sharing (29%) more complex tools such as video
conferencing (10%) and facebook (5%) were less
Participants’ expectations towards a new
technology varied. Some functionalities were
suggested such as discussion forums (overall
mentioned in 7 interviews), websites (3 interviews),
on line repositories and databases (2 interviews),
chat, newsletters and assessment tools. Further,
participants mentioned that an important reason for
them to switch to a new virtual collaboration
environment would be the level of novelty and
interest this new technology would bring such as the
following verbatim can confirm:
“make it enjoyable” (interviewee n°9)
“make it easy to use”(interviewee n°14)
“Please, surprise us”(interviewee n°10)
A barrier that we found in the interviews is the
controlling role of the government administrations.
Participants in the consortia would appreciate an
independent system, not controlled by the
government. Further, personalization was an
important issue mentioned. The main outcomes of
the interviews were also confirmed during the
workshop. The questions addressed in this workshop
were the following:
What would you like to learn from other
What do you have to share, what can you teach
What barriers do you see for sharing
information across consortia using an online
36 people participated:
50% used skype
20 % used googledocs
From this workshop we learned that the consortia
would like to learn information from other consortia
on different aspects such as curriculum innovation
and teaching material, innovative pedagogy, lessons
on project and grand administration, MOU
development, student recruitment and preparation,
cultural differences and consistency in grading and
The information people had to share was
somewhat different. While some of the information
requested was also offered, in this brainstorm more
soft, tacit experience information was mentioned,
such as how to make collaboration in the consortium
work, how to prepare students for the program, and
in general experiences and insights in collaborating
in the consortia. The difference between these is
striking, and could indicate that on several practical
issues consortia still struggle, and that they are not
highly confident in the solutions they found so far.
The barriers identified in the process of sharing
information were e.g. competition funding, no
demand/request to share, no time, too much
information, difference in discipline/domain,
structure/organization, use data for research,
usability of the platform and training, intellectual
property, no funding for communication, fear of
official control, status of consortium and leaders at
Based on the interviews and the workshop we got
first ideas on the content of the platform, and the
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
barriers to use that need to be overcome. To further
understand the willingness to adopt and use the
platform, we designed a survey based on the Value
Frequency model, described above. For this we
identified eleven potential values of the system,
based on the interviews and workshop. These are
listed in table 3. We did not yet focus on frequency,
certainty or transition costs as this would be difficult
to estimate without a prototype or system
description. We did measure perception of value
(agree –disagree, 5pnt scale) and magnitude of
value, (importance, 5pnt scale). We received 53
useable responses, not all were complete. The results
are listed in table 1.
The results show that the key expected value
from participation is visibility, support in
administration, ‘networking’; leads to new projects
or research opportunities, helps to acquire future
grants and helps to share/improve teaching. Least
expected value was that it would help in achieving
promotion in the workplace, and that it would save
time in reporting. The values that were confirmed
were also considered important. However, in
addition it would be important that the platform is a
valuable use of time.
The results seem to indicate thus that participants
see some value of participation, but also expect it to
take time, and are not certain that the cost-benefit
balance will tip positive. This will become a key
obstacle for the design of the platform, as a ‘proof of
value’ will be required to convince users to
participate. Also, the expectation of using the results
(for publication and to ease reporting) is limited.
This indicates that participants expect content to be
interesting, but not necessarily useful.
Table 1: Values related to participation in the online community.
Value Confirmation Importance
Increase the visibility of my work within the study abroad
4,0 3,7
Help me achieve promotion in my workplace 2,6 2,6
Save me time/effort in compiling my annual Atlantis report 3,1 3,5
Provide me with valuable insight to improve administration of my
Atlantis project
3,8 4,1
Increase the likelihood of me receiving a future Atlantis grant 3,7 3,8
Would be a valuable use of my time 3,6 3,9
Increase the probability I will be able to publish research from my
Atlantis project
3,3 3,3
Help me find new study abroad project or research opportunities 3,8 3,8
Help me share or refine teaching/curriculum techniques 3,7 3,8
Figure 2: Balancing values in participation in online knowledge sharing communities.
TIPPING THE BALANCE - Drivers and Barriers for Participation in a Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration Community
To create an overview of the cost-benefit analysis of
participants we used the metaphor of a scale (see
Figure 3.) To tip the balance we need to create a
value that outweighs the effort, cost of use and risks,
and that offers sufficient certainty of value.
The first negative balance is the effort and time
required of participants to contribute to the
community is to get access online to the platform (to
sign up, create a profile, etc.); (Garfield, 2006), to
share stories, to share materials and to search for
relevant information.
Next, a barrier can be difficulty to use the
platform. To use the platform, participants need to
understand the system, they need to appropriate it
and they need to find the relevant functionalities.
Further, they might need to spend effort to explain
use of the system to their partners in the consortium.
Also negatively tipping the balance are the risks
of using the platform. These consist of the risk of
negative reputation (Pearson, 2007). both with
academic peers and with the funding authorities,
next, a risk is that sharing knowledge and experience
could help the competition in obtaining funding.
On top of the scale are the uncertainties
regarding the platform. We put these on top of the
scale as they can work both positive and negative.
The first is reciprocity. When participants don’t get
something in return for sharing knowledge, they will
consider it a waste of effort, while if they do get
reputation or value in return, it will further increase
value of participation. This system is important in
social software and should be designed well (Preece
and Maloney-Krichmar, 2003). The same goes for
relevance. Uncertainty of relevance can have a
negative impact, but when some indication of
relevance is present, it will trigger curiosity. Third,
there is uncertainty of a critical mass, when there are
too few contributors, the community will not be
lively. Next, there might be some uncertainty of a
demand for certain information; it would help if
there are specific requests for certain information.
Finally, cultural difference could pose uncertainty of
value. One key cultural difference between
American and western European cultures is the level
of competition: masculine vs feminine culture
(Hofstede, 1991). This could strengthen the
perception of the competition risk, which could pose
a barrier to sharing.
The value of the platform consists of relevant
stories that participants can learn from, answers to
questions, templates and ready to use materials, and
contacts for new projects. Further, being active on
the platform can help one to build a reputation, both
with peers and with the funding authorities. Finally,
the platform can offer news and help to bring
inspiration and trigger innovation in teaching and
learning methods.
This paper presents a design framework for an
online community for the exchange of lessons
learned in cross organizational, cross culture
collaboration. The community we studied consists of
many cultures, a variety of consortia and universities
with loose links. The participants all have different
academic backgrounds, and with different roles in
the consortia. Participants from different consortia
often don’t know each other, and have limited
opportunities to learn from each other except for a
yearly conference. The framework presents drivers
and barriers, but also a category of uncertainties that
could become both drivers and barriers when first
experiences with the platform are obtained. This set
of uncertainties poses an interesting set of
mechanisms that could help to tip the balance of
willingness to participate in both ways. It indicates
the need for initial content and a first critical mass,
but also the need to create demand, to challenge
people to contribute. We also learned that the
positioning of the platform is critical. To reduce
barriers to contribute, it should have an informal and
unofficial status. We did not yet find the lever to tip
the balance; while usefulness is acknowledge,
getting people to start sharing their stories, without a
first basis of relations and direct incentive, seems
difficult. Ideally, a first set of stories is shared face
to face, and then captured in the system, or
alternatively rule based incentives from the funding
authorities. There is also a cultural conflict in this;
some cultures have rules and social pressure as an
incentive for participation, while others need to
develop some level of relationship and trust in order
to feel an incentive to participate.
We will use the framework and the findings to
design a platform for the exchange of lessons
learned among Atlantis consortia and we will run a
case study on the implementation of this platform
and its adoption. Further research is required to
further understand the impact of cultural differences.
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
This project will give us further insight in the
mechanism’s behind adoption and sustained use of
the platform and there with the drivers and barriers
to successful knowledge sharing communities.
This project is funded within the Atlantis Active
project nr 2009-3190-001-001-CPT EU-US POM.
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KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing