Information Sharing between Generations in a Business Organization
Maarit Virta
and Gunilla Widén
Lappeenranta University of Technology, School of Business, Tarkk’ampujankatu 4 B, FI-00140 Helsinki, Finland
Abo Akademi University, School of Business and Economics, Vanrikinkatu 3 B, FI-20500 Turku, Finland
Keywords: Information Sharing, Technical Succession, Knowledge Transfer, Knowledge Building.
Abstract: This paper explores the processes connected to information and knowledge sharing in the context of expert
work in an organization undergoing technical succession. The qualitative empirical research was conducted
among six senior-junior pairs participating in the technical succession in the studied company. According to
the results, factors affecting knowledge sharing between generations are interaction, expectations,
dispositions and circumstances which includes time for sharing and proximity. Knowledge sharing, which
may include both transfer and building, happens in eight phases. Informal interaction is of high importance
underlining an open information culture between generations and constitutes a prerequisite for sharing
experts’ work related knowledge. Further, the novices in this study have high trust in the experienced
employees knowledge and skills–though not necessarily in them as persons which, according to the results,
can prevent knowledge sharing even when the circumstances for sharing are favourable. An important
aspect in the study is how influential the novices’ conception of the work task is on knowledge sharing.
Depending on whether they define their work as development or maintenance work determines the nature of
knowledge shared and how it is shared.
It is widely acknowledged that sharing what you
know is of great importance for business
organizations. The importance of information and
knowledge is present in many respects but especially
when a business faces retirement of experienced
employees it is evident that knowledge transfer
between generations or technical succession
(Rothwell and Poduch, 2004) is crucial. The aim of
this paper is to explore processes connected to
information and knowledge sharing especially in the
context of expert work in an organization
undergoing technical succession. What factors have
influence on sharing and what are the prerequisites
of information and knowledge sharing?
The probability of information sharing between
individuals depends very much on the context and
the nature of information (Widén-Wulff, 2007;
Wilson, 2010). In this paper we will focus on the
contextual aspects affecting information and
knowledge sharing.
In order to draw a picture of the information and
knowledge sharing processes in the studied company
and illuminate how knowledge is shared and new
expertise built we need to look at organizational
information behaviour in general and knowledge
building for a specific goal in particular.
2.1 Information and Knowledge
Sharing in Organizational Context
When studying information sharing in organizations
it always involve individuals and their information
behaviour which is affected by psychological, social
and environmental variables (Wilson, 2000).
Consequently the organizational information
behaviour is a result of constant interaction between
individuals in a social and cultural context. There are
many ways of defining the contextual factors
affecting sharing and from an information and
knowledge management point of view almost
impossible to cover all enablers and barriers to
sharing. Many studies have emphasized
Virta M. and Widén G..
SHARING WHAT YOU KNOW, BUILDING EXPERTISE - Information Sharing between Generations in a Business Organization.
DOI: 10.5220/0003626101290135
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2011), pages 129-135
ISBN: 978-989-8425-81-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
organizational culture or information culture and its
influence on people’s attitudes to information and
knowledge sharing (Jarvenpaa and Staples, 2000;
Widén-Wulff, 2005). These studies give a good idea
about cultural incentives such as openness in
communication as enablers to effective use of the
intellectual capital in the organization.
Although we know that the goal of Information
Management is to increase information sharing
(Choo, 2002) actual information sharing has still
been a relatively unexplored part of the
organizational information behaviour (Wilson,
2010). Apart from studies on information cultures in
general, studies on information sharing in
organizations have mainly been conducted with
social aspects in the forefront (Sonnenwald and
Pierce, 2000; Talja, 2002; Mackenzie, 2005; Widén-
Wulff, 2007) underlining social networks and
Exploring also other disciplines Wilson (2010)
broadens the perspective of information sharing in
organizations. He points out that sharing happens
more likely where the individual experience benefits
from sharing and trusts the person sharing with. He
also relates information sharing to trust and
proximity. Persons with high trust and proximity are
most likely to share whereas persons with low trust
but still have proximity negotiate the likelihood of
sharing. Finally, without trust and proximity sharing
is unlikely. Studies on information sharing and
social exchange theory underline similar
observations. Information sharing can be compared
to a so called gift economy; social networks are
important but in the end social reward is a key to
sharing (Hall, 2003; Hall and Widén-Wulff, 2008)
Information and knowledge sharing prerequisites
in general can be concluded to be about an
information culture where social reward and
benefits, trust, and proximity are present. When it
comes to sharing connected to a specific task or goal
it might be that these prerequisites are somewhat
different which will be explored in this study.
Knowledge sharing is a relatively wide concept and
will be explored more closely as knowledge transfer
and knowledge building between generations to
narrow down factors that influence this process.
2.2 Knowledge Building for a Specific
In this study the concept knowledge sharing between
generations describes such knowledge transfer
between generations that involves interaction and
that can entail knowledge building as defined by
Bereiter (2002). Paavola, Lipponen and Hakkarainen
(2004) argue that the goal of knowledge building in
the organization is to develop, assess and
reconfigure conceptual artefacts in co-operation so
that it supports the community in the long term.
Knowledge building is, thus, target-oriented,
collective action which develops knowledge useful
to the organization.
In their studies Wenger (1998) and Carlile (2002,
2004) prove that the meaning and value of
knowledge derive from its employment. This
employment of knowledge is related to the target-
orientedness of knowledge building: the goal is to
develop knowledge that facilitates successful
working, as deemed by individuals, in the prevailing
circumstances. Knowledge new to the organization
the “building blocks of organizational
knowledge” come to the organization, for example,
with the introduction of new members. (Cohen and
Levinthal, 1990; Brown and Duguid, 1991.) New
employees participating in the knowledge sharing
between generations are, thus, bearers of new
organizational knowledge which enables knowledge
2.3 Knowledge Sharing between
Generations and Expert Work
Knowledge transfer between generations refers to a
process in which an experienced shortly retiring
employee and a novice transfer work-related
knowledge between themselves (DeLong, 2004;
Rothwell and Poduch, 2004). Since knowledge
transfer between generations entails interaction it is
here called knowledge sharing which can also
involve knowledge building, as described above.
In this study knowledge sharing between
generations is explored in the context of expert work.
Expert work means here “self-controlled knowledge
work” and “modern craftsmanship” which is based
on formal education (Pyoria, Melin and Blom, 2005).
The essence of this work is to use knowledge in new
ways and to combine knowledge from different
fields (ibid.; Barley, 1996). Experts continuously
develop their knowledge and skills; expert work is
about generating ideas and planning. All this requires
not only theoretical, formal education, but also co-
operation and the ability to communicate. (Pyoria et
al., 2005.)
Hence, in expert work the abilities to utilise
knowledge in various practical situations become
essential. In expert-work related knowledge sharing
this means two things. Firstly, it means that it is
important to share practical, situation bound and
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
experiential knowledge which cannot be transferred
without interaction (Davenport and Prusak, 1998; De
Long, 2004). Hence, knowledge sharing becomes a
necessity. Secondly, it means that knowledge is only
transferred or shared when the recipient has
understood the knowledge given and is able to use it
(Szulanski, 2003).
The company involved in the study designs and
manufactures electrical equipment and systems. Its
global competitiveness and success are based on
knowledge and know-how which has been built over
decades by its experts and which transfer to the next
generation is essential for the company’s future.
At the time of the study the company was
undergoing a technical succession. The management
had chosen six key experts or "seniors" among those
retiring and assigned each a successor or a "junior"
to whom the senior was to transfer knowledge
necessary for the work. The seniors had expert duties
in R&D and production planning, as well as
management duties in sales and manufacture. At the
time of the research interviews the pairs had been
transferring knowledge for about a year. All those
involved in the technical succession were men.
The primary research data was collected in semi-
structured interviews with 12 expert-duty employees
in the senior-junior pairs. One year after the first
interviews follow-up interviews with the juniors
were conducted. All the interviews were recorded
and later transcribed by a professional.
The first phase of data analysis comprised a
thematic analysis (Hirsjarvi and Hurme, 2004). In
the second phase of the analysis the articulation
method (Grossberg, 1995; Hall, 1997) was used to
interpret the data. The method is utilised in cultural
research and defined as “a practice in which
elements that do not necessarily have a previous
relationship are connected” (Grossberg, 1995, p.
269). Articulation, thus, means interconnecting or
linking concepts and phenomena. In this study the
applying of the articulation method revealed that
work is the interviewees’ context of interpretation
involved in knowledge sharing between generations.
Here the main results of the data analysis are
presented. The factors of knowledge transfer and the
phases of knowledge sharing were conducted by
thematic analysis. The contexts of work in the
interviewees’ speech were constructed by applying
the articulation method. Finally, by linking the
results of these two analysis the formation of
knowledge sharing between generations is explained.
4.1 Factors of Knowledge Transfer
between Generations
The interviewees identify four factors that influence
their knowledge transfer in each pair. These factors
are the senior and
junior’s mutual interaction,
external expectations of them, their personal
dispositions and the circumstances of knowledge
transfer (Virta, 2011).
1. Interaction
In the knowledge transfer interaction is essential
because written knowledge or
knowledge is not enough to absorb conducting the
work, but rather the transfer requires dialogue.
Knowledge transfer between the senior and junior,
thus, presupposes a practice in which things and
phenomena are observed and therefore understood.
Intertwined in their mutual work, dialogue is
maintained and fuelled by the junior’s questions
which lead the senior to communicate things
necessary to the junior. The interaction between the
senior and the junior, that is, dialogue and working
together, is thus a prerequisite for knowledge
On the basis of the data analysis there is a
haphazard custom of documenting knowledge within
the company which can be seen as a part of its
organizational culture. At the same time, unofficial
interaction is very common and abundant in the
company. The interviewees emphasize that unofficial
meetings and discussions are essential in their work-
related knowledge acquisition and development.
2. Expectations
The company management has given the seniors and
juniors haphazard or “loose” guidance about the
knowledge transfer: there are no common or pair-
specific plans, schedules or follow-up procedures.
Despite of their “loose” guidance, the seniors and
juniors are aware of the expectations the company
has set on them concerning their knowledge transfer,
and they also want to meet those expectations. In this
case the external expectations are, thus, enablers of
knowledge transfer.
3. Dispositions
The interviewees endow the knowledge transfer with
the seniors and juniors’ personal dispositions and
qualities which facilitate or, on the other hand,
SHARING WHAT YOU KNOW, BUILDING EXPERTISE - Information Sharing between Generations in a Business
hamper interaction and also the knowledge transfer
within it. The seniors consider the juniors’
university-level technical education to be their
“common good quality” because it is the best
possible foundation for learning the seniors’ work.
The juniors consider the seniors’ expertise and the
underlying experience to be their best quality, that is,
what they themselves wish to achieve. These positive
disposition act as enablers of knowledge transfer
between the seniors and juniors.
All the juniors, thus, trust in the seniors’
knowledge and skills and believe that these will be
useful in their own work, too. However, on the basis
of the results, knowledge transfer between the senior
and junior may not necessarily occur if the junior can
acquire the knowledge he needs also from another
source and if he feels that the risks in using this
source are lower than in transferring the knowledge
with the senior. For example, if the senior tries to
transfer an underlying attitude to the conduct of a
work and this attitude differs from the junior’s, the
junior sees knowledge transfer including more
negative rewards than positive rewards or benefits
and knowledge transfer does not happen.
4. Circumstances
Knowledge transfer between the senior and junior is
also influenced by their possible busy work
schedules and their physical distance from each other
at the workplace. These two factors are here called
circumstances. If the senior and junior have enough
time for knowledge transfer and if they work close to
each other, circumstances act as enablers of
knowledge transfer. In the contrary case they can be
barriers. However, according to the results, this is
not the case in all situations.
4.2 Knowledge Sharing between
Generations: Transfer and
The results show that knowledge sharing between
generations, which may include both transfer and
building, happens in eight phases. Outlining them
illustrates how knowledge sharing proceeds. The
phases, thus, present a simplified framework of the
process of knowledge sharing. The phases of
knowledge transfer related to expert work are the
following (Virta, 2011):
1. Familiarisation
In familiarisation the senior familiarize the junior
with the knowledge being transferred through
documents, discussions and work situations. Hence,
the senior is the initiator of the activity. As a result
the junior receives knowledge that the senior has
chosen and defined to be transferred.
2. Deliberation
In deliberation the junior makes the knowledge
being transferred clear to himself by understanding it
in the light of his own knowledge and experience.
Hence, the result of deliberation is the junior’s
understanding of the knowledge being transferred.
3. Corroboration
In corroboration the junior goes to the senior to
seek corroboration of his knowledge conception or
“check the validity of the knowledge” from the
senior. Hence, the junior is the initiator of
interaction. Corroboration leads to the senior and
junior’s mutual understanding of the knowledge
being transferred.
4. Use
In using the junior starts using the knowledge
being transferred in his work. By using the
knowledge, it becomes the junior’s “own skill” when
he is able to act independently based on it and
hence, knowledge transfer ends.
The phases of knowledge building related to
expert work are the following (Virta, 2011):
5. Assessing
When using the knowledge transferred, the junior
may identify shortcomings in the knowledge or the
activity based on it. This is why he starts assessing
the knowledge. This may lead to the junior’s idea of
how the knowledge can be transformed or
6. Modifying
In modifying the junior begins, on the basis of his
idea, developing the knowledge transferred to him.
He acts alone, that is, he gets no help from the senior
or anyone else in the company, because they do not
possess such knowledge or competence that would
help him.
7. Honing
In honing the junior checks with the senior
whether the modified knowledge is applicable in the
company and whether it fulfills the company’s
needs. A result of this senior’s and junior’s co-
operation is knowledge modified and applied to the
8. Use
In using the junior starts using the new
knowledge in his work. In knowledge building, the
phases of assessing, modifying and honing are
planning the knowledge or examining it through
theory, during which the junior and senior are not
certain how the knowledge in practice facilitates or
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
enhances work. The relevance of the new knowledge
both to the individual and to the company is only
proven in use. Hence, the knowledge building is not
finish until the junior starts using the new
In knowledge sharing between generations the
transfer of existing knowledge is the prerequisite for
building new knowledge because knowledge is built
on the knowledge transferred. This means that only
after the phases of transfer (Phases 1–4) can one
proceed to the phases of knowledge building (Phases
5–8). The senior and junior may also continue
knowledge transfer without ever building
knowledge. In knowledge sharing, the phase of
knowledge use (Phase 4) leads to assessing
knowledge building (Phase 5) when the junior
notices shortcomings in the transferred knowledge
when using it. Knowledge building begins if the
junior starts modifying the knowledge transferred.
4.3 Knowledge Sharing in the Context
of Expert Work
The interpretation of the interviewees’ verbal
accounts by applying the articulation method made it
possible to understand knowledge sharing by
examining it in the context of work. In the subject
company both the seniors and the juniors are
employed in expert duties as defined officially. All
the interviewees, furthermore, communicate that
their work entails carrying out both current
procedures, that is, “maintenance” work, and their
development”. However, the interviewees have two
separate views of their own work and performing it,
and these differ with regard to what the role or
significance of “development” is in work. In practice
the interviewees can to some extent adapt the content
of their work by “choosing” between maintenance
and development which means that the tasks in the
particular type of work become emphasized while
the other type receives less attention.
The differences in the knowledge and its use
between maintenance and development work depend
on whether the work primarily concerns using the
knowledge or applying and adapting it. In
maintenance work, knowledge is used as such and
work is reactive: adapting to the company’s
operation and acting in the present. The juniors
speaking in the context of maintenance work do not
necessarily need their seniors’ knowledge in order to
do their job.
In development work, the knowledge is material
to be refined and accommodated to one’s own and
the company’s use. Development work is proactive:
spontaneous assessing and reconfiguring the
company’s operations, as well as orienting to the
future. For the juniors speaking in the context of
development work their seniors’ knowledge is
essential: without it they are not able to do their job.
The linking of the findings of the thematic
analysis and articulation method proved that the
junior’s conception of his own work either as
maintenance or development explains the knowledge
transfer and building between the senior and the
junior. The juniors who talk of their work as
maintenance work possibly transfer knowledge with
their seniors. These juniors do not build new
knowledge based on the knowledge transferred. The
juniors, however, who talk of their work as
development work transfer knowledge with their
seniors. These juniors also build new knowledge.
The junior’s understanding of his work as
maintenance is, therefore, not a sufficient
prerequisite for either knowledge transfer or
knowledge building. On the other hand, the junior’s
conception of his duties as development work is a
sufficient prerequisite for knowledge transfer and an
essential one for knowledge building.
The circumstances related to knowledge transfer,
the busy schedules and the physical distance between
the senior and the junior, cannot fully explain why
some senior–junior pairs transfer knowledge while
others do not. In the pairs, in which the junior speaks
in the context of development work, busy schedules
and physical distance do not prevent knowledge
transfer. In the pairs, however, in which the junior
assumes the context of maintenance work, busy
schedules and physical distance can prevent the
In earlier studies it has been shown that information
and knowledge sharing prerequisites in business
organizations are embedded in an information
culture where social reward and benefits, trust, and
proximity are present (Hall, 2003; Widén-Wulff,
2007; Wilson, 2010). Knowledge sharing connected
to a specific task such as knowledge sharing
between generations, shows that these prerequisites
can be further specified and that they are highly
context bound.
This explorative study shows that expert-work
related knowledge sharing between generations, that
is, knowledge transfer and building take place
between the expert and the novice in eight phases.
Knowledge transfer and building end when the
SHARING WHAT YOU KNOW, BUILDING EXPERTISE - Information Sharing between Generations in a Business
novice has understood the knowledge transferred or
built and is capable of independently using it. Expert
work-related knowledge sharing between
generations, thus, proceeds in interaction in the
course of which the novice receives the knowledge,
understands it and takes it to use (Szulanski, 2003).
Based on these results we can argue that an
important starting point is that knowledge sharing
between generations takes place in a dialogue and
working together involved in work situations.
Informal interaction is of high importance,
underlining in this context an open information
culture between the generations, and constitutes a
prerequisite for sharing experts’ work-related
The common aims and expectations are also
strong enablers to sharing where both novices and
seniors know that it is important for the company
that knowledge is shared to keep the expertise within
the company.
Further, the novices in this study have high trust
in the experienced employees knowledge and skills–
though not necessarily in them as persons which,
according to the results, can prevent knowledge
sharing even when the circumstances for sharing are
Finally, an important aspect in this study is how
influential the novices’ conception of the work task
is on knowledge sharing. Depending on whether they
define their work as development or maintenance
determines the nature of knowledge shared and how
it is shared. Work task and context is highly
important when defining enablers and barriers to
knowledge sharing. On the basis of the results the
circumstances, time for knowledge sharing and
physical distance or proximity between the
experienced employee and novice, do not prevent
knowledge sharing if the novice necessarily needs
the knowledge and if the experienced employee is
the only source of the knowledge. This is the case
when the novice understands and implements his
work as development instead of maintenance.
This paper has explored information and knowledge
sharing in the context of expert work in a business
organization undergoing technical succession. The
study has put forward important insights to the
knowledge sharing process showing enablers and
barriers to knowledge sharing in a specific context.
As in earlier studies an open information culture is
shown to be important but further contextual aspects
are underlined such as conception of work tasks
affecting knowledge sharing. Also the importance of
an interactive work situation is put forward.
Trust has been shown in many earlier studies to
be of high importance for knowledge sharing. Also
in this study trust was underlined but more
specifically trusting the other person’s expertise than
trust on an individual level.
The results show that knowledge sharing between
generations is a process based on interaction, and,
therefore, it is more important to focus managerial
efforts on people and what they know than on the
knowledge itself (Spender, 2006; Widén-Wulff,
2007). This means that knowledge sharing between
generations should be planned and managed from the
needs and conceptions of its participants by finding
out whether they define their work mainly
development or maintenance.
Creating favourable circumstances for knowledge
sharing means that sufficient time is allocated to the
sharing and that the expert and novice work in close
proximity. These circumstances facilitate knowledge
sharing in particular among those novices who
understand their work as maintenance.
The eight phases of knowledge sharing can be
utilised in companies to set a schedule for knowledge
sharing and to follow up its implementation. The
progress is, therefore, not assessed based on what
knowledge moves between the expert and the novice
at any particular instance, but the goal is to be aware
of how the novice’s assimilation of the knowledge
being transferred or new knowledge building
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