Main Features of the Spanish Hidden Web
Manuel Álvarez, Fidel Cacheda, Rafael López-García and Víctor M. Prieto
Department of Information and Communication Technologies, University of A Coruña,
Facultade de Informática – Campus de Elviña S/N, A Coruña, Spain
Keywords: Information retrieval, Hidden Web, Spanish Web.
Abstract: This article submits a study about the web sites of the “.es” domains which focuses on the level of use of the
technologies that hinder the traversal of the Web to the crawling systems. The study is centred on HTML
scripts and forms, since they are two well-known entry points to the “Hidden Web”. For the case of scripts,
it pays special attention to redirection and dynamic construction of URLs. The article concludes that a
crawler should process those technologies in order to obtain most of the documents of the Web.
The “Hidden Web” or “Deep Web” (Bergman,
2000) is the portion of the Web that is not directly
linked. Conventional crawlers cannot treat some of
the technologies that constitute the entry points to
those documents considered “hidden”. On the one
hand, forms are a way to access the server-side
Hidden Web. On the other hand, technologies like
scripting languages or Flash are entry points to the
client-side Hidden Web.
Álvarez et al. (2009) started a high-level study
about the “.es” domains, introducing quantitative
statistics. This article continues that study by
analyzing the content of the first page of each “.es”
domain, in order to determine what Hidden Web
technologies they use. The objective is to conclude if
a crawling engine should deal with these
technologies in order to obtain more documents.
The structure of this article is as follows. Section
2 reviews the related work. Section 3 explains the
architecture of the crawler we have used. Section 4
analyses the results of our experiment. Finally,
Section 5 concludes and explains the future works.
Most of the studies about the Web only deal with the
Surface Web, but just a few also deal with the
Hidden Web (Chang et al., 2004). There are also
some Web sites that offer statistics about the
indexed content (de Kunder, 2011), the number of
servers (NetCraft, 2011) or the content of the web
pages (BuiltWith, 2011) (Google, 2011). In addition,
some organizations are in charge of both
maintaining the domain names and counting the
machines registered in them. (Internet Systems
Consortium, 2011). Some of them make reports
about the evolution of the domains (Verisign, 2011)
(, 2011). However, there are not public
reports that analyse the pages of the Spanish sites in
order to determine the technologies they use.
There are also several works that reveal the
difficulties that a crawler has to overcome in order to
retrieve web documents. Scripting languages is an
example, but Weideman and Schwenke (2006) and
Wu and Davidson (2005) stated that crawlers often
do not evaluate them although they are widely used.
Unlike conventional crawlers, the one used in this
research does not follow the links of the web pages,
but uses a list of domains to obtain their state and
their main page. A Crawling Analysis Module
obtains the data of the Álvarez et al. (2009) study. A
Content Analysis Module has been added to
compute and store the features of each web page in
order to simplify the generation of content statistics.
Figure 1 shows the system architecture:
Álvarez M., Cacheda F., López-García R. and M. Prieto V..
THE SPANISH WEB IN NUMBERS - Main Features of the Spanish Hidden Web.
DOI: 10.5220/0003626603630366
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2011), pages 363-366
ISBN: 978-989-8425-79-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Crawler architecture.
Some elements like the “DNS resolver” were
especially tuned to get extra information from DNS
servers. On the other hand, the content analysis
module uses the CyberNeko HTML analyser to treat
every HTML document as an XHTML resource.
According to Álvarez et al. (2009), the Spanish Web
had a total of 1,093,193 domains in May of 2009,
but only 577,442 (52.82%) had a web server. From
here on, we comment the results we obtained from
the analysis of the main page of the “.es” domains
with a web server in terms of including scripting
languages (4.1), web forms (4.2) and other
technologies (4.3).
4.1 Scripts
Scripts are the main entry point to the client-side
Hidden Web. In the case of the Spanish Web, we
have found scripts in 266,737 domains, 46.2% of
those which had a server that did not return an error.
We have also classified them in 542,322 invocations
of external script files in 179,576 domains (31.1%),
744,111 <script> tags in 231,059 domains (40%)
and 2,266,881 occurrences in HTML attributes
inside 147,617 domains (25.6%).
Not all the scripts follow the recommendations
of the RFC 4329 in order to make their language
clear, but most of the scripts we have found follow
the ECMAScript standard. In fact, almost all of them
are written in JavaScript. VBScript have very few
occurrences (1,769) and languages such as TCL
script could not be found in the Spanish Web.
We have also studied which HTML tags contain
the biggest number of <script> tags (including both
embedded scripts and external calls). Scripts should
be placed in the <head> tag or in the beginning of
the <body> tag to ensure visibility, but Table 1
shows that some components that generate markup
can contain <script> tags too.
Table 1: Location of the <script> tags inside other tags.
HTML tag Number of scripts Domains
<head> 530,522 200,713
<div> 260,275 75,619
<body> 228,887 99,361
<td> 116,191 43,992
<p> 31,488 13,941
Table 2 shows the tags that contain the biggest
number of scripts in their attributes.
Table 2: Location of <script> tags inside HTML attributes.
HTML tag Number of scripts Domains
<a> 1,305,831 95,402
<img> 196,419 18,880
<td> 184,657 6,495
<div> 140,825 12,519
<input> 111,013 36,531
Most of the scripts are located in “onXXX”
attributes of <a> links. In many cases, this is done to
dynamically generate the target URL. However, we
have found scripts in many other places such as the
“action” attribute of the forms, etc. We have paid
special attention to the “onLoad” event of the
<body> tag, appearing in 47,064 domains (8.2%).
Regarding the number of scripts per page, Figure
2 shows the distribution:
Figure 2: Use of scripts in the Spanish Web.
We have obtained a power law distribution for
both the embedded scripts and the external
invocations. This means that most of the pages do
not include any scripts, a lot of them include very
few and only some pages include a big number of
them. We have also confirmed that they do not
DNS Resolver
HTTP Fetcher
List of .es domains
State of the domains
Crawling Module
Parking domains
Crawling Analysis
Web Querying Tool
Content Analysis
KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
follow a Zipf distribution. Figure 2 only shows the
distributions of external scripts and all the scripts,
since the distribution of embedded scripts is very
similar to the latter. Only a small number of sites use
more than 300 scripts, so we can omit a big portion
of the tail of the distribution.
We have also found both sites that invoke the
same scripts many times and sets of sites that invoke
the same scripts. In the latter case, most of the times
the pages of a set of sites have the same content (so
they represent replicate content).
Furthermore, we have studied which script files
are the most invoked. We have concluded that there
is a group of 63 JavaScript files whose names appear
more than 1000 times. Table 3 shows the top ten
positions of that group with the number of
occurrences and the number of domains:
Table 3: Script files that are invoked more times.
File name Calls Domains
show_ads.js 36,248 18,443
urchin.js 33,898 32,873
AC_RunActiveContent.js 29,746 28,526
swfobject.js 19,918 18,887
prototype.js 9,029 8,837
mootools.js 8,483 8,032
jquery.js 8,207 7,851
caption.js 5,947 5,916
scriptaculous.js 5,172 5,028
funciones.js 4,578 4,419
We have also tried to group those libraries by
functionality and to count the number of domains
that use libraries of each functionality. Table 4
shows the results:
Table 4: Functionality of the most common scripts.
Functionality Domains Calls
Management of Flash and
active content
51,895 59,713
Visit count and generation of
39,354 41,777
Content dynamization with
28,819 41,767
Content rendering and image
22,185 24,598
Menu generation 4,714 5,198
Data treatment and validation 4,376 6,586
We have concluded that, although there are a lot
of libraries on the Web, we can group them in a
small number of functionalities (generation of
statistics, AJAX, Flash, image treatment, etc.).
An interesting feature of the use of scripts is how
they are used to create URLs dynamically. One of
the cases that crawlers hardly ever manage well is
when URLs have parameters whose values are
injected with JavaScript, like in the following code:
location.href =
In many cases, crawlers will believe that the
inner expression showed below is an URL:
“” + id
Or if they perform a tokenization, it could be:
Actually, the result of the tokenization is an
URL, but as the product identifier is missing, it
probably will not lead the crawler to the expected
resource. The problem here is that we cannot guess
the best values for the parameters unless we interpret
JavaScript, but other techniques could be researched.
Table 5 shows the number of URLs we found in
typical redirection sentences, as well as the number
of simple “potential” URLs that have parameters
injected by means of JavaScript as in the previous
example. Moreover, it also shows how many of
them are considered “well formed” by the algorithm
of the OpenSource crawler Nutch, which uses, first,
regular expressions to detect potential URLs and,
then, a filter to discard not valid ones.
Table 5: Finding complete and potential URLs.
Name Number Pass Nutch filter %
Complete URLs 41,716 41,590 99.7
Potential URLs 8,709 8,581 98.5
As it is shown in Table 5, we have found 8,709
potential URLs that could be completed with some
extra processing. However, conventional crawlers
would treat them as valid URLs although they
actually point to error pages or uninteresting pages.
4.2 Web Forms
Forms are the main entry point to the server-side
Hidden Web, so we need to study them thoroughly.
We have found 188,712 forms in 124,865 domains
(21.6%) following a power law distribution. 122,417
of them (64.9%) make their request by POST and
48,443 (25.7%) use GET for that purpose. Also,
17,779 forms (14.2%) do not specify a method, so
the default value for them is GET too.
Table 6 shows the use of password fields in
forms. The percentages are relative to the number of
pages with forms. These fields are often associated
to authentication, register or password change tasks.
THE SPANISH WEB IN NUMBERS - Main Features of the Spanish Hidden Web
Table 6: Use of password fields.
Password fields Forms Domains %
1 (authentication) 26,918 25,832 20.7%
2 (register) 251 239 0.2%
3 (password change) 33 33 <0.1%
We have also found 5,346 forms with only one
text field in 4,861 domains (3.9%). They are
typically used for doing simple searches. Regarding
more complex searches, 34,006 forms in 31,288
domains (25%) are made of several text fields and
buttons, and 126,095 forms in 91,235 domains
(73%) contain at least two elements of the following
categories: <input>, <select> and <textarea>.
4.3 Other Technologies
Some tags like <meta> can contain interesting
information for crawlers. Table 7 shows some of the
purposes for which they were used:
Table 7: Use of <meta> tags.
Functionality Domains %
Refresh or redirection 22,064 3.8%
Refresh (no redirection URL) 1,346 0.2%
Robot Excusion Standard 128,288 22.2%
Keywords 246,752 42.8%
Sending cookies 26 <0.1%
Although stating the keywords and Robot
Exclusion Standard (Koster, 1994) are the most
popular purposes, many search engines do not take
the first one into account since Gyöngyi and Garcia-
Molina (2005) explained how they could be used to
do boosting (an unfair rise of the score of the page).
Flash applications are another difficulty that
crawlers have to overcome. We have found <object>
tags in 89,911 domains (15.6%). 25.060 of them
(4.3%) did not have <a> links, so most of them were
100% Flash sites.
This article has shown the main results of an
analysis of the “.es” websites in 2009. Particularly,
15.6% of the domains had <object> tags, 21.6% had
forms and 46.2% contained scripts, most of them
written in JavaScript. Other scripting languages are
rarely used, so only the effort of processing
JavaScript would be justified in order to retrieve
more pages from the Web.
The future work would consist in making new
crawlings of the Spanish Web in order to supervise
the evolution of the documents and the technologies.
This research work has been financed by Ministerio
de Educación y Ciencia of Spain and the FEDER
funds of the European Union (Project TIN2009-
14203) and the list of “.es” domains that was
employed in the crawling is courtesy of
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Macroscópico de los Dominios .es. In JITEL’09, VIII
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KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval