visualization and the web system that is operational
for online state meteorological and hydrological data
access. The fourth section describes the steps for the
prototype ontology construction and the final section
presents some conclusions.
The agricultural area has made wider and more
intense use since the earliest records of
meteorological data. In the United States, for
instance, the records of weather data started far off
in the year of 1753 about the progression of cyclones
and ocean currents (Oblack, 2011). As stated by
Conner (2004), the first formal network of weather
observers in the United States, established in 1818
by an Army Surgeon General, was motivated by
health purposes; and the network aimed to ascertain
a change in the climate of a given district in a series
of year and how far this was dependent on
cultivation of the soil, density of population, and
other factors. Since then, meteorological observation
data have been applied in planning and development
of agricultural technologies, and systems of climatic
data for agricultural prediction and in many other
areas of study. Although the first weather records in
Brazil started in 1754 with a description of weather
variations (sensory observations) in the Amazonia
region, it was after creating the Astronomic
Observatory of Rio de Janeiro in 1827 that scientific
procedures started in Brazil (Sant´Anna-Neto, 2003).
The pioneer meteorological network in Brazil was
installed in 1886 in São Paulo, reaching 40 points of
observation in a 14 year period.
In Santa Catarina, the first meteorological data
records date of 1874. The Agricultural Research
Institute of the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil
(Epagri) began the ordination of a network of
meteorological stations in the 70´s, whose goal was
the establishment of zoning of agricultural crops
with potential for the territory, according to
bioclimatic criteria. Meteorological observation data
were collected three times daily and recorded on
paper forms since 1911. Transcription to electronic
format began in 1986 with the development and
deployment of a meteorological database. The
installation of AWS in 1997 with real time data
being transmitted and recorded every hour, and also
the increase in the number of stations, were
significant accomplishments. The network was
shortly expanded with hydro-meteorological stations
to cover the gaps left by the meteorological and
hydrological federal agencies. This network has
been monitoring the atmosphere, rivers and sea
level, in cooperation with other national and
international institutions. From the 85 hydrological
stations of the National Water Agency currently
operational in the state, 33 of them are automatic.
Private companies from forestry, ports, agriculture,
fishery to hydro/thermal power stations have
invested in AWS to expand the network in the state
and neighboring states. There are 95 weather
stations, 71 are automatic and 24 are conventional
observation stations. Among the hydrological
rainfall and streamflow stations, 67 of them are
conventional and 129 are automatic.
The National Institute of Meteorology (INMET),
has deployed 14 new AWS in Santa Catarina to
study the changes and climatic fluctuations that
require preventive and mitigation actions to
minimize climate risks. INMET works cooperatively
in South America providing frameworks for
scientific studies, including those events that cause
climate change, with the support of WMO (World
Meteorological Organization/United Nations).
The data observation network is of indubitable
importance since hydrological data have an
extraordinary demand from technical analysis. On
the other hand, it is also evident the great importance
of weather, climate and water data. However, a
major difficulty has always been the dissemination
of information to different users in different formats.
Data is considered, in this context, as a signal sensed
by our sensorial system, and each data can be stored
and handled, for instance, in databases (Schreiber et
al., 2000). Information is data with some meaning
within a context and involves relations among data.
Information systems development has proven
efficiency for data and information handling, but
investments made toward leveraging access to good
infrastructure to promote fast and inexpensive access
to data and information, especially after the Internet,
created an overwhelming amount of information,
which in turn can be cumbersome to people. As a
consequence, delays can be further complicated and
costly for an organization when decisions need to be
taken rapidly.
Knowledge derived from information is richer
and more meaningful. Organizational knowledge
flows and it is recognized as patterns, in a much
more complex structure of relations, or it can also be
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development