This procedure contains a large amount of
additional information, which the user should know
beforehand in order to accomplish it successfully. In
the first place, this is an accurate list of documents to
be submitted for international passport obtainment.
Secondly, it is information about the UDC: general,
contacts, route, working hours, etc. In the third
place, possible risks should be described. In this
case, the user risks to fail submition of documents
set in one visit (the documents brought are
incomplete, or he/she simply arrived too late).
BPMN has data object construction that can be
used for documents specification and assigning to
the process activities. For additional information
BPMN annotations may be used. However, in our
case both documents and additional information turn
out to be voluminous and elaborately arranged.
Therefore, we propose additional modeling tools for
their specification. Thus, to the process model we
introduce additional structures denoting references
to fragments of document model (DocBloсk) or
description model fragments (InfoBloсk).
In addition, we append the ability to place
several similar actions into a BPMN-activity. In Fig.
4 the fourth object is such an activity, which
includes fees payment to the UCD and state fees,
production of photographs.
At creation of a process models it is important
not to overload it with basic information, which user
can easily receive at the spot. For instance, there is
no need to define such activities as «Go to the
operator’s window», «Attach a photo to the
application», etc. On the other hand, there is also no
need to achieve complete algorithmic accuracy of
the process model. For example, after mistakes in
the application package were discovered at
«Consultation on documents» activity execution and
after having exited it (in our case this is performed
with deletion), the user is still able to cover the UDC
services, pay state fees, and take photographs,
however, this option is not present in the current
model. Such accuracy complicates the specification
greatly, but does not make it more informative for
the user.
4.3 Document Model
Depending on individual features (special attributes’
values) the user should provide various
documentation packages in order to obtain the same
service. To define all possible options we propose a
document model, based on Feature Diagrams. It
represents a forest of trees. Presenting attributes’
values, a user receives a selection out of many and
obtains a documents package suitable for one’s
Fig. 5 shows a fragment of such model for the
process model introduced in Fig. 4. We consider an
«Input_Documents» tree (as follows from Fig. 3,
there is one more tree – «UFMS_output1») that is
presented in Fig. 5. This only a fragment of real
model: for example, the situation of citizens whose
age is below 18 is not considered.
Each tree in a document model contains:
A root (darker oval at the diagram)
Intermediate vertices (lighter ovals)
correspond to values of users’ attributes, for
example, «Age over 18» or «Age below 18»;
attributes are depicted in square brackets (for
example, «Age» and «Military service
relation») and connected to groups, which
would be defined below
Terminal vertices – documents (document
name and underlined with a thick line)
Documents can be attached to any intermediate
vertex, as well as to the root of the tree. If the
documents are connected with a vertex that has a
subtree of situations, it indicates that all the
documents are necessary for the situations located in
the its subtree. For instance, in Fig. 5 attached to the
root is a list of documents – and these documents are
mandatory for all citizens wishing to obtain an
international passport. Depending of applicant’s
specification this list may be extended with other
documents in accordance with the
«Input_Documents» tree.
Intermediate vertices, having a common parent,
gather into groups, marked with attributes. Within a
group vertices are alternative: i.e. must be chosen
only one of them (simple group) or, as in the
«Military service relation» group – one or neither
(this kind of group is marked by double circular
segment of a circle that encompasses all the lines
leading from the node to the group). A vertex would
have more than one group, for example,
«Input_Document» has two groups, which are
marked with attributes «Kind of passport» and
If we have selected any value of the attribute and
fallen into a certain vertex, then all the groups of this
vertex are necessary. That is, for example, for the
«Over 18» vertex it would be also important is the
person works, and his relation with military services.
Finally, documents may be marked with a circle,
which means that they are advisable, however, not
mandatory. InfoBloсks, providing additional
information about the situation/document, may be