The OTIM package has been developed for interfac-
ing with widely used linguistic tools and data reposi-
tory (the tools that are the most used within the project
are PRAAT and ANVIL). The Jena package is de-
veloped by the Open Jena project and provides ad-
vanced OWL processing methods that can be embed-
ded within a Java application. Jena also provides re-
lational mapping of OWL data that makes optimal
SPARQL queries by translating them into relational
queries. These characteristics guarantee that the use
of the developed Java/OWL is efficient.
In this paper, our intention was to propose a frame-
work for representing, querying and sharing linguistic
knowledge. Our work stands in the multidisciplinary
project OTIM dedicated to the creation (made by ex-
perts), the encoding and the manipulation of multi-
modal annotations associated to a audio video corpus.
We have chosen an ontological approach based on
Description logics (DL) for the description of linguis-
tic knowledge and we have represented it by means of
semantic web technologies. We have provided a set of
tools relying on well defined or standard formalisms
in order to enable to both query data and knowledge.
This is the foundation of a multimodal Knowledge-
based Information System. Our perspectives are the
• at this time, an ontology including prosody, pho-
netics and lexicals domains is available. Gesture
and discourse have to be added. These are do-
mains for which TFS expressiveness is limited
and for which we have to work with linguists in
order to capture their semantic description
• it is possible querying linguistic ontology by
means of the query langage SPARQL. For in-
stance we can query annotations belonging to two
or more modalities or query the relationships be-
tween modalities. We need now to focus on the
computational properties of our ontological ap-
proach for study reasoning systems
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KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development