Dionysia Kontotasiou, Charalampos Bratsas and Panagiotis D. Bamidis
Medical Informatics Laboratory, School of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Keywords: Knowledge engineering practices, Ontology evaluation frameworks.
Abstract: A set of ontology evaluation criteria are specified in this paper in order to ensure that existing ontologies
adhere to a set of requirements in order to be reusable in various contexts. The proposed evaluation criteria
are designed in principle to provide the means for the improvement of existing ontologies and the
development of new ones with efficient structure, increased readability and limited redundancy. Existing
ontologies play a useful role in the development of new ones, because authoring ontologies from scratch is a
costly and non-trivial task. On the other hand, reusing existing ontologies may save significant effort and
helps interacting with different development tools. Based on practical experience, as well as existing
ontology evaluation methodologies, we propose a set of specifications that should be taken into account at
any ontology authoring or restructuring process. On top of this, we define a set of evaluation metrics in
order to quantitatively assess the improvement that is potentially achieved by the application of the
refinement process. The generalization of the application of the proposed criteria on a large-scale basis is
the next step to establish an integrated ontology evaluation framework.
In the context of knowledge engineering and
information sciences, ontologies define a set of
representational primitives that model a domain of
knowledge or discourse (Gruber, 2008). Building an
ontology or an ontology network from scratch is not
always an easy process. Even though many
visualization support tools are available that
facilitate the various steps of the ontology lifecycle,
the core development of an ontology remains a
manual task that requires good knowledge of the
domain to be modeled, as well as good modeling
skills and experience. It is a common practice for
knowledge engineers to work together with domain
experts in order to build robust ontologies.
This paper deals with the ontology refactoring
process, which is part of an ontology authoring
process, when an existing ontology is used as a
basis. Moreover, ontology refactoring or refinement
can be applied for the purpose of improving an
existing ontology, according to a set of evaluation
criteria. The reason, for which ontology refactoring
or ontology evaluation has obtained noticeable
interest in the last years, is that creating a new
application-specific ontology from scratch is usually
a time-consuming and cost-effective task by nature.
On the other hand, reusing existing ontologies may
save significant effort and helps interacting with
different development tools.
It is a common practice, when a new ontology
comes to describe a domain or to be used as part of
an overall application, to consider reusing one or
more of existing candidate ontologies already
created for similar use (Borgida and Giunchiglia,
2007). In addition to this, several applications can
use the same domain ontology to solve different
problems, and the same problem-solving method can
be used with different ontologies. However, this
practice requires that the ontologies to be reused
adhere to a set of informal specifications in terms of
their vocabulary, syntax, structure, documentation,
data formalisms, etc. When a candidate ontology
fails to fulfill this requirement it is likely that an
improvement, restructuring and in general
refinement of the ontology is necessary in order to
make the ontology more suitable for reuse. This
paper identifies and groups a set of such
specifications that constitute at the same time a set
of guidelines for ontology development that can be
applied with the goal to shape a preliminary
ontology evaluation framework.
Kontotasiou D., Bratsas C. and D. Bamidis P..
DOI: 10.5220/0003629003540360
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2011), pages 354-360
ISBN: 978-989-8425-80-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In general, our work defines a set of ontology
and evaluation criteria to be applied to existing
ontologies for the purpose of their refactoring or
This section analyzes the most important aspects to
be considered during the restructuring phase as part
of our evaluation methodology. The analysis that
follows is based on the layer-oriented approach that
was defined in the Ontology Summit 2007
(Gruninger et al., 2007). These layers provide a
taxonomy of the identified ontology issues that
should be taken into account during the refinement
process. Each one of the identified issues or
properties indicates a necessary step in the
refinement and evaluation process that should be
followed in order to improve the ontologies in their
original form. The proposed layers or dimensions
are distinguished between internal and external ones.
Internal dimensions are concerned with the
ontologies themselves, their internal organization,
naming conventions, representation, and so on. The
external measures are related to their take-up and
use within user communities, their role as standards,
embedding within business practices, and so on.
In particular, the basic internal dimensions or
‘layers’ are listed below:
Lexical/Vocabulary layer – This layer includes all
restructuring attributes that are relevant to the
syntactic elements of ontologies, such as naming
Structural/Architectural layer – It includes all
aspects that characterize the structural attributes of
ontologies, i.e., concept and property hierarchy,
grouping of similar ontological concepts, that are
repeated and removal of unused modules.
Representational/Semantic layer – This layer
relates to the semantic elements of ontologies, i.e.,
attributes whose goal is to conceptually describe the
structural ontology elements, such as documentation
and visualization.
Data/Application layer – The fourth internal layer
covers attributes relevant to how an ontology applies
to a given domain. Domain range definition of
properties is listed as an attribute of this layer.
In addition to the internal layers listed above, there
is an external one:
Usability layer – It includes quality measures that
are required to ensure that the resulted ontologies
satisfy a set of usability standards. Disjointness
restrictions belong to this layer.
2.1 Naming Conventions
Naming conventions (Schober, 2009) refer to the
way all elements of an ontology are named and
belong to the lexical/vocabulary layer, because
naming is basically part of the syntactic features of
ontologies. It has to do with the formulation of
“good” terms and definitions, where essential
features should be satisfied by all naming
conventions (e.g. nominal, verbal, etc). According to
this criterion circularity in definitions should be
avoided and “junk” categories should be eliminated.
As an example, there may be some concepts
modeling similar kinds of information. These
concepts usually begin with the same prefix and end
with a different suffix, or inversely. However, it is
often observed that not always the same prefix/suffix
is used. In this case, these concepts should be
aligned for reasons of clarification and clearness and
follow the same naming conventions (e.g. begin with
the same prefix or end with the same suffix).
Furthermore, plural/singular forms and the use of
camel-case or use of the underscore symbol should
not be mixed.
2.2 Concept Hierarchy/Taxonomy
This aspect belongs to the structural/architectural
layer, because hierarchies that are defined between
concepts and properties determine the way in which
the ontology will be structured. On the other hand,
ontologies are formed as taxonomies that are built
around concrete configurations of the different
hierarchies amongst ontological elements. This
criterion may be quantitatively evaluated by metrics
such as the size, the depth, and the breadth of
hierarchy, the density (average branching of
concepts), etc, which provide a measure of the
complexity of the overall taxonomy.
A flat concept hierarchy, for instance, usually
implies that there are too many concepts on the same
level. This indicates the existence of unexploited
grouping possibilities for concepts with similar
semantics; hence these concepts should be grouped
together under one more general concept.
Specifically, the problem with flat concept hierarchy
is that everything exists everywhere at once and all
on the same level. Thus, there is no modularity,
openness or depth in these ontologies and there is a
growing appreciation that ontologies are
evolutionary. However, evolutionary theory
demands a clear identification of variation,
interaction and selection but a flat ontology can
make no sense of this.
Another example is the existence of branches
with different structures. This may result in too deep
ontologies and unbalanced taxonomies. Finally, the
level of abstraction, to which the concepts refer, is
not always taken carefully into account, thus
resulting in an inappropriate ontology structure.
All of the above issues need to be considered
during the ontology restructuring phase. For
instance, a flat concept hierarchy can be converted to
a more arborescent (tree-like) structure, so as to
reduce the number of concepts on the same level.
Exploiting the grouping possibilities for concepts of
similar kinds results in a better grouping and a more
clear reorganized structure of the ontology. A more
appropriate structure for ontologies can also be
achieved by grouping together on the same hierarchy
level all concepts that refer to the same level of
abstraction. Finally, the structure of branches, which
are very different than others can change in order to
have a more balanced and equally developed
2.3 Property Related Issues
This category is composed of two refinement
criteria: property structure and property restrictions.
It also belongs to the structural/architectural layer of
the ontology authoring process because hierarchy
applies to properties in a similar way that is applied
to concepts.
2.3.1 Property Structure
Property structure may be quantitatively evaluated
by similar metrics as in Section 2.2 such as the size,
the depth/breadth of hierarchy, density and
complexity of the hierarch of object and data
properties. Issues that are addressed by this criterion
include the lack of well structured properties in
ontologies, when there is a clear hierarchical
relationship between different properties that share
common characteristics. The need for adding
hierarchical relationships between properties occurs
when properties are poorly gathered into conceptual
groups of similar properties. In this case a
restructuring process is deemed necessary by
exploiting grouping possibilities for properties of
equal domains/ranges or their functions. By
introducing one or more levels of hierarchy between
these properties we achieve a more efficient
representation of the involved properties that also
results in the reduction of redundant information
within the definition of each property. On top of this,
the application of restructuring processes to
ontology properties can reduce the number of
properties on the same level and produce a more
hierarchical structure about properties. This implies
a more concrete and understandable ontology
2.3.2 Property Restrictions
We can use properties in order to create restrictions.
This feature is common in the Web Ontology
Language (OWL). As the name suggests, restrictions
are used to impose various restrictions to the
individuals that belong to a class. Restrictions in
OWL fall into three main categories:
Quantifier Restrictions: AllValues From (
SomeValues From (
hasValue Restrictions.
Cardinality Restrictions.
Quantifier and hasValue constraints constitute
restrictions on the kinds of values a property can
take, while cardinality restrictions on the number of
values a property can take. Property restrictions can
easily be evaluated by the number of various
restrictions that exist in an ontology.
The total time for checking ontology consistency
depends on the size of the initial ontology but also
on the use of these restrictions. Constructs like
SomeValuesFrom, MinCardinality, and
MaxCardinality will cause the consistency algorithm
to create new nodes in the ontology. Applying this
algorithm to new nodes will require more processing
time. Thus, by deleting some of the existing
restrictions we achieve a faster “check consistency
mechanism” of the involved properties.
2.4 Grouping Similar Ontological
Also in the architectural layer we define a criterion
about grouping similar concepts that appear in
ontologies. This criterion is classified in the
architectural layer as it deals with modularization
issues, such as what modules are defined in the
ontology, how they are defined, if they can be
imported/exported/reused and so on, that have a
primarily impact on the ontology structure.
According to this criterion if similar ontological
concepts are repeated frequently throughout the
structure, they can possibly be combined to one
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
module and reused whenever necessary. Hence,
duplicate concepts can be defined only once and
their use be extended within other definitions.
The implication of grouping similar ontological
concepts in order to avoid their repetition is to make
maintenance of the specified modules easier, e.g. it
becomes a trivial task for ontology authors to add or
remove something in the ontology or to keep track
of the naming issues in general, because naming is
preserved and this results in less typing errors. In
any case, the definition of modules depends on the
language to be used, what is intended to represent,
and the applicability of reusing the modules.
2.5 Documentation/Visualization
The documentation and visualization criterion
belongs to the representational/semantic ontological
layer because it encompasses issues such as how the
ontology is represented in the outside world and how
it is described in terms of the semantics of its
elements. In particular, this criterion addresses
documentation and term governance, among others.
It involves the activity of enriching the ontology
with additional information, such as free text
comments or annotations, metadata, implementation
code and so on, as well as the collection of
documents and explanatory comments generated
during the entire ontology building process. In
general, this aspect refers to anything that could be
helpful to make the ontology more readable, to users
for whom the ontology is intended.
Based on experience, it seems that
documentation and visualization concerns are
usually left as a final task by the ontology authors.
Thus, ontologies are usually poorly documented,
with few or almost no comments. This results in
ontologies that even if they are consistent in terms of
their syntax and semantics, they are difficult to use
and understand, especially by those users who aim to
apply or reuse them. In this case as this criterion
dictates, the documentation and visualization aspects
of an ontology should be improved and comments
should be added for a better description and
clarification of various ontology parts. After
providing sufficient documentation to an ontology, it
will become easier for this to be applied, reused, and
consumed by other applications.
2.6 Disjointness Restrictions
Last but not least disjointness restrictions (Rector,
2003) mainly affect the usability layer of the
ontology when it comes to be used as part of an
overall application, e.g. when instances are added,
forms are created, or queries have to be responded.
These restrictions are applied on ontology classes or
properties in order to apply limitations to the domain
in which they are used. Thus, by properly defining
classes and properties their usability is enhanced as
their reuse by other applications is sufficiently
Although most concepts inside the ontology are
usually pairwise disjoint with each other, this
condition is sometimes missing for some concepts.
On the other hand, for some other concepts
disjointness might not hold, but where there might
be an overlap. In such a case, if for example there
may exist an individual that is an instance of two
classes, disjointness restriction should be removed
from these two classes.
In general, the issue of disjointness restrictions
should be considered more carefully on ontology
development or restructuring. That is, for concepts
where it is necessary, the missing disjointness
condition should be added. Similarly, for some other
concepts where an overlap may occur and a specific
individual may be an instance of all of them,
disjointness does not hold and they should not be
made pairwise disjoint with each other.
Here we introduced specific ontology evaluation
metrics that are derived from the previous criteria.
Sections 3.1-3.6 describe the measurable metrics for
each restructuring criterion of our ontology
evaluation process.
3.1 Naming Conventions
In order to assess in a measurable way how well the
naming conventions criteria are fulfilled by an
existing ontology we introduce the following three
N1: Classes with the same naming conventions.
This metric is equal to the percentage of the majority
of classes that adopt the same naming convention
schema, such as camel-case notation, singular form
of words and upper case letter. The value of this
parameter ranges from 0%, when none of the classes
adopt any naming convention standard, to 100%
where all classes adopt the same standard. The value
of this parameter indicates the extent to which the
ontology adopts a common naming standard.
N2: Object properties with the same naming con-
ventions. This metric is the same as the previous one
but it applies on object properties instead of classes
and takes into account property names that begin
with a lower-case letter.
N3: Data-type properties with the same naming
conventions. Similarly, this metric is defined as in
the previous case but it applies on data-type
3.2 Concept Hierarchy/Taxonomy
Concept hierarchy expresses how well a specified
taxonomy is structured. The measurable criteria that
are used in order to assess this feature are associated
with the number of classes, average number of
parent and sibling nodes, as well as various metrics
about the characteristics of the tree taxonomy, such
as the tree depth, the internal and external paths, and
so forth. The total list of these criteria follows.
C1: Total Number of Classes. It is defined as the
number of classes in the ontology.
C2: Number of Primitive Classes. This metric
equals the number of classes in the ontology that
have necessary conditions. When necessary
conditions are defined for a class, any instance of
this class should necessarily fulfill these conditions.
However, if any instance fulfils these conditions,
this does not necessarily imply that it is also a
member of this class.
C3: Number of Defined Classes. It is equal to the
number of classes in the ontology that have at least
one set of necessary and sufficient conditions. When
necessary and sufficient conditions apply to a class,
any member, i.e., instance of this class should
necessarily fulfill these conditions, and vice versa, if
any instance fulfils these conditions then it is
certainly a member of this class.
C4: Average Number of Parents. This metric
expresses the average number of parent classes, or
“super-classes” based on each class in the taxonomy.
The greater the value of this metric is, the denser the
structure of the ontology becomes.
C5: Maximum Number of Parents. Similarly to the
previous metric, this one is equal to the maximum
number of super-classes that correspond to all
ontology classes. This is a structure-related metric
that expresses the maximum number of isa hierarchy
associations that are defined per class.
C6: Average Number of Siblings. This metric is the
average number of sibling classes, i.e., classes that
share the same parent of all ontology classes. This
metric expresses the average number of child nodes
per hierarchical level per parent class. As the value
of C6 increases, the ontology becomes denser, and
the number of child nodes increases per parent node.
C7: Maximum Number of Siblings. This metric
displays the maximum number of classes that share
the same parent node in the ontology. This is also a
metric of how dense an ontology is in terms of its
structure. A big value for C6 indicates a dense
ontology with a big number of child nodes per
parent node.
C8: Max Depth. Given an ontology tree, this
metric computes the maximum depth of the tree
structure, namely the number of nodes along the
longest path from the root node down to the farthest
leaf node. This metric indicates the number of
structure levels within the ontology. A big value for
C8 indicates that the taxonomy consists of many
hierarchy levels.
C9: Total Number of Nodes. It is the total number
of nodes in the ontology tree structure. This is a
metric about how dense is the ontology structure.
C10: Total Number of Roots. The total number of
nodes that belong to the topmost level in the
ontology tree hierarchy, i.e., the number of nodes
with no parents. This indicates the number of
independent classes that are defined within the same
taxonomy. It is a measure of ontology modularity.
C11: Total Number of Internal Nodes (Parents). It
is equal to the total number of nodes in the ontology
tree. Only nodes with child nodes are taken into
account. This metric expresses how dense is the
ontology structure.
C12: Total Number of Children. It is equal to the
total number of child nodes in the taxonomy, i.e.,
nodes with at least one parent node. This metric also
expresses the density of the tree structure.
C13: Total Number of External Nodes (Leaf). It is
defined as the total number of nodes in the ontology
tree structure that do not have any child nodes. Root
nodes are also taken into account for the calculation
of this metric. Again, this is a taxonomy-density
C14: Internal Path Length. It is equal to the sum
over all internal nodes of the paths from the root of
the taxonomy to each node, not including tree
leaves, i.e., nodes with no children. The depth for an
internal node is defined as the number of classes that
we come across when traversing the tree from the
root to the internal node.
C15: External Path Length. This metric is defined
as the sum over all external nodes, i.e., leaves, of the
lengths of the paths from the root to each node. Both
C14, C15 are metrics that express tree density.
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
3.3 Property Metrics
General property metrics are used to measure the
total number of properties in the taxonomy as well
as the total number of properties of each type (i.e.,
object, data-type and annotation properties). In
particular, the following metrics are defined.
P1: Total Number of Properties. This metric is
equal to the total number of properties in the
ontology (including object, data-type, and annotation
properties). It holds that P1 = P2 + P3 + P4.
Metrics P2, P3 and P4 are described below.
P2: Number of Object Properties. It is equal to the
number of object properties in the ontology. Object
properties provide associations between individuals
of the same or different classes in the ontology.
P3: Number of Data-type Properties. Similarly,
this metric is defined as the number of data-type
properties that associate individuals to XML-schema
data types or RDF literals.
P4: Number of Annotation Properties. This metric
counts the number of annotation properties. These
properties are used for documentation purposes,
such as to add metadata to classes, individuals and
P5: Properties with an inverse specified. It
provides the number of properties for which an
inverse property is specified.
P6: Total Number of Restrictions. In OWL,
properties are used to create restrictions. This metric
is defined as the number of various restrictions that
are imposed to individuals (instances) of a class.
Restrictions in OWL fall into four main categories:
existential, universal, cardinality and hasValue
restrictions. Based on these, the following additional
metrics P7 to P12 are defined.
P7: Number of Existential Restrictions. This
metric is equal to the total number of restrictions
applied on individuals with at least one property
from a specific range.
P8: Number of Universal Restrictions. It is defined
as the number of restrictions that are imposed on
properties with exactly one range.
P9: Cardinality Restrictions. In OWL, we can
describe the class of individuals that have at least, at
most or exactly a specified number of relationships
with other individuals or data-type values. The
restrictions that describe these classes are known as
cardinality restrictions. This metric is equal to the
number of such restrictions. There are two specific
types of cardinality restrictions: MinCardinality and
MaxCardinality that are described by metrics P10
and P11, respectively.
P10: MinCardinality Restrictions. It is equal to the
number of restrictions that impose a minimum
number of relationships in which an individual is
allowed to participate.
P11: MaxCardinality Restrictions. It is equal to
the number of restrictions that impose a maximum
number of relationships in which an individual is
allowed to participate.
P12: HasValue Restrictions. This metric counts
the number of hasValue restrictions that define an
anonymous class of individuals as a range for a
specific property. The hasValue restriction
associates a specific property to a tangible entity
(i.e., a string) that is assigned as a value to the
All of the above metrics express the extent to which
the various properties in an ontology are imposed to
restrictions. Restrictions indicate that special care
has been taken on the concrete definition of
ontology properties.
3.4 Grouping Similar Ontological
The reuse mechanism of ontological concepts can be
evaluated directly from metrics G1, G2 that are
defined below.
G1: Total Number of Similar Classes. This metric
provides the total number of similar classes in the
ontologies and indicates the semantic duplicates that
exist on them.
G2: Total Number of Similar Properties. It is equal
to the total number of similar properties. This metric
indicates the extent of semantic duplicates regarding
the properties in the ontology.
3.5 Documentation/Visualization
The goal of the documentation/visualization metrics
is to assess the amount of information that is
included in the ontology for documentation
purposes. This information may be included in the
various elements in the ontology as free text
comments, annotations, or metadata that facilitate
the understanding and reuse of the ontology
elements by third-party practitioners. We define the
following metrics:
D1: Total Number of Documented Classes. This
metric provides the total number of documented
classes and it indicates the extent to which an
ontology is documented. The higher the value of D1
becomes, the more documentation-related
information is included in the ontology.
D2: Total Number of Documented Properties. It is
equal to the total number of documented properties.
Similarly, this metric indicates the extent of
documentation regarding the properties in the
P11: Number of Annotation Properties. This
metric has been defined in the property category
because it is associated with both properties-related
and documentation-related issues in an ontology. It
is defined as previously, to be the total number of
annotation properties occurring in the ontology. This
type of properties is useful for writing metadata to
classes, individuals and properties.
3.6 Disjointness Restrictions
The definition of disjointness restrictions on classes
prevents those classes from overlapping with each
other, thus creating confusion to reasoners. In order
to specify the extent to which classes in an ontology
are defined as disjoint, we introduce the metric J as
the total number of disjointness restrictions on
classes. Based on experience, since not all of the
classes in an ontology should be disjoint, this metric
is used to indicate whether such types of constraints
are taken into account or not during the design of an
In this paper we presented a methodology whose
goal is to provide a set of guidelines and indicate a
best-practice approach for ontology re-structuring
and refinement. The expected evolution of the
presented methodology is to shape a formal ontology
evaluation framework that can be applied in a two-
fold way; firstly, as a set of guidelines and best
practices for newly created ontologies, and secondly,
as a formal ontology framework for existing
In order to achieve this expectation, further work
is required. Our future plans include the
development of a supporting software framework
with a set of tools that will automate the evaluation
process, as much as possible. Moreover the provided
tools will facilitate the evaluation process on behalf
of ontology authors by the provision of appropriate
user interface abstractions and facilities. On the
other hand, further work is required in order to
formalize the presented theoretical framework in the
best possible way, so that it can form a proposal for
either establishing a new standard on ontology
evaluation methodologies, or contributing to existing
relevant standardization efforts. In both ways, it is
expected that our evaluation methodology will fulfill
in the best possible way an existing and recognized
need for a tangible and efficient ontology evaluation
framework capable to be used on a large-scale basis.
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Schober, D., Smith, B., Lewis, S., Kusnierczyk, W.,
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Rector, A. L., 2003. Modularisation of domain ontologies
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KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development