Another point we would like to address relates to
the synchronization among different components of
the system. For example, currently the schema of the
AB is not automatically updated according to the
KM while the number of building blocks in the
search interface doesn’t automatically reflect
changes to the KM. Furthermore, while users can
select and save search results in the AB we do not
exploit user generated information in a more
elaborate way (e.g. for incomplete information).
One of the main strengths of the approach we
propose is related to the assumption that entities
from different documents will create an
interconnected graph that will enable the discovery
of implicit information. However, we have found
that merely annotating individual mentions of
characters and events may enable a certain amount
of new functionality, but there is more to be gained
by recognizing that the same characters and events
are mentioned multiple times in a single document
and across multiple documents, and synthesizing
richer representations that combine information from
multiple sources. We have implemented simple
coreference resolution mechanisms for mentions of
persons, but this is only a start. The mechanisms
could be enhanced to integrate encyclopedic
knowledge from external sources (e.g. knowing that
a referring expression “he” can’t be coreferent with
a name if the person with that name is known to be
female), and need to be extended to other types of
entities and to events. Reusing and integrating
existing ontologies is also under investigation.
In this paper we have presented the overall design of
the Case Building System that we are developing
and the first prototype that we built for the system.
This is ongoing work and testing the design of the
system and complete its implementation will require
However, we believe that we have produced a
novel and technically achievable design idea that is
interesting to share with the Knowledge Engineering
and Semantic Technologies community. We think
that we have a good basis to evaluate, refine and
evolve our concept with actual lawyers in realistic
and then actual situations of use.
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KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development