alyze other SOA based homecare projects to investi-
gate to what extend the identified challenges are ad-
dressed by them. Analysis of larger number of SOA
based homecare platforms would even help us define
homecare challenges more accurately and even to re-
fine the proposed framework. If we perform a large
scale analysis of homecare platforms we could pos-
sibly identify some new challenges or the challenges
which are already identified may disappear. Such a
large scale analysis, however, would require more re-
search efforts and is left as part of our future work.
Based on our study, we observed that existing so-
lutions can handle distribution and heterogeneity is-
sues. However, the dynamicity issues, which affects
almost all the functional layers and plays an impor-
tant role in homecare service realization, are not well
addressed and therefore further research is required.
With respect to dynamicity, the service plan should
be simple but detailed enough to enable the home-
care platform to match and adapt them to the avail-
able concrete services at runtime in a lightweight and
QoS-aware manner. With this observation, we aim at
addressing these issues in our future works.
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Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies