Ernest Cachia and Mark Micallef
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of ICT, University of Malta, Msida, Malta
Knowledge maps, Knowledge mobility risk, Knowledge transfer risk, Software engineering, Knowledge
This paper proposes an event-based cartographic approach to managing software engineering knowledge that
goes beyond the typical yellow-pages paradigm. After proposing a way of modelling knowledge assets, per-
sons in an organisation and various relationships between these elements as a graph, the authors go on to
demonstrate how this approach can be useful. Since the model is represented by a mathematical structure,
established techniques from graph theory can be used for interesting analysis such as detecting knowledge
risks, modelling staff turnover scenarios and identifying people who have similar knowledge to each other.
The proposed approach uses an event-driven paradigm which infers the strength of knowledge relationships
based on individuals’ participation in each knowledge asset’s life cycle.
Software engineering is a knowledge-intensive activ-
ity. For software organisations, the main assets are not
manufacturing plants, buildings, and machines, but
the knowledge held by the employees (Bjørnson and
Dingsøyr, 2008). Software engineers are not merely
vessels of technical knowledge but are fully fledged
knowledge workers. They are expected to form a deep
enough understanding of whatever domain they hap-
pen to be working in such that they are able to ap-
ply their technical knowledge to build solutions which
solve problems in that domain. In an industry with
high staff turnover rates, this can be worrying. Or-
ganisations need to ensure that as employees flow in
and out of the their employ, the intellectual capital
they create and work with is somehow retained and
leveraged to increase their competitive edge. Stud-
ies (Linberg, 1999)(Pressman, 1998) have shown that
projects do not tend to fail because of developers’ lack
of technical knowledge, but rather for reasons such as
requirements failures, communication failures and es-
timation failures. These failures can be traced back
to inadequate knowledge management practices as a
root cause.
Earl’s classification of knowledge management
schools (Earl, 2001) is widely cited in the literature
and classifies knowledge management schools into
three broad categories: technocratic, behavioural and
economic. The work presented here involves a school
of thought within the technocratic category: the car-
tographic school. The driving principle here is that
of connectivity. That is to say, maximising the use
of knowledge within the organisation by focusing on
leading knowledge seekers directly to the knowledge
providers who can satisfy their needs. This is usu-
ally accomplished using a yellow-pages style direc-
tory and has been shown to be useful for allocat-
ing resources, searching for competence, identifying
project opportunities and upgrading skills (Dingsøyr
et al., 2005) (Bjørnson and Dingsøyr, 2008).
In this paper, it is argued that the cartographic
school lends itself to the dynamic nature of soft-
ware engineering organisations. A more elaborate
cartographic approach is proposed which will not
only lead knowledge seekers directly to knowledge
providers but also provide organisations with the abil-
ity to model ‘how much’ each person knows a particu-
lar knowledge asset therefore enabling them to detect
knowledge mobility risks, knowledge transfer risks,
model staff turnover scenarios and also analyse var-
ious structural characteristics of their organisational
knowledge (see section 4).
In the following sections an overview of the mod-
elling approach is given, followed by an exploration
of the analysis capabilities that the approach provides.
Cachia E. and Micallef M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003630400180027
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2011), pages 18-27
ISBN: 978-989-8425-81-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
1.1 A Note on Scope
It is worth noting that the work presented here has
been formalised into a formal language with appro-
priate syntax and semantics (Micallef, 2011). How-
ever, it is beyond the scope of this paper to give a de-
tailed mathematical analysis of the technique. Rather,
the aim is to give a practical overview of the tech-
nique and its uses for critique by the knowledge man-
agement community. Also, although the work here
is framed within the context of software engineering,
most of the concepts presented can be applied to any
knowledge-intensive industry. The main reason for
this work being linked to software engineering is to
provide a cohesive link with other research that the
authors are carrying out.
The proposed approach seeks to allow organisations
to build a model of their organisational knowledge
and represent it as a graph. In this graph, each vertex
represents either a knowledge asset or a person. It is
important to note that a vertex representing a knowl-
edge asset does not necessarily imply that the knowl-
edge asset is known by the organisation, but rather
that it is recognised as being of value to it. Knowl-
edge assets are discussed in more detail in section 2.1
whilst persons and teams are the subject of section
2.2. Edges in the graph represent relationships be-
tween two knowledge assets or relationships between
a person and a knowledge asset. These are discussed
in section 2.3.
This work also proposes the modelling of events.
Events represent various actions by persons with re-
spect to knowledge assets and are used to infer who
knows what within the organisation. The main idea
here is that the more a person participates in the life
cycle of a particular asset, the more familiar they are
likely to be with it. A mechanism for modelling the
deterioration of knowledge is also presented. Events
are discussed in detail in section 3.
2.1 Knowledge Assets
Knowledge assets represent knowledge which may or
may not be known by persons in the organisation but
has been deemed to be of value to it. Vertices which
represent knowledge assets have a number of proper-
ties associated with them. These are as follows:
Name - a unique identifier for the knowledge asset.
Category - categorises the knowledge asset as being
technical, business or general. These categories
are an adaptation of the ones proposed by (Ramal
et al., 2002) who proposed that software engineers
know three categories of knowledge: computer
science, business and general. The authors felt
that the renaming of the “Computer Science” cate-
gory to “Technical” was required because the term
“Technical” knowledge provides an umbrella term
for knowledge which may have otherwise been
confusing given that computer science refers to a
specific subset of topics in the academic world.
Visibility - refers to the classification of the knowl-
edge asset as tacit or explicit. This classification
of knowledge is widely cited (Alavi and Leidner,
2001)(Duffy, 1999)(Tiwana, 2000) and divides
knowledge based on whether it resides purely
within its ‘knower’ (tacit knowledge) or whether
it has been explicitly articulated, codified or oth-
erwise communicated (explicit knowledge). The
motivation for including this classification in the
model is that a knowledge asset’s visibility has an
impact on the retainability and transferability of
particular knowledge assets. Szulanski points out
that tacit, context-specific and ambiguous knowl-
edge is likely the most difficult to transfer within
the firm (Szulanski, 1996). If an organisation is
able to identify tacit knowledge in its knowledge
map, it would be able to identify potential prob-
lem areas that would occur if for example key
people who know critical tacit knowledge were to
leave the organisation.
Social Classification - classifies a knowledge asset
as being individual or social and was proposed by
(Nonaka, 1994). Individual knowledge is knowl-
edge that is created and homed within an indi-
vidual. On the other hand, group knowledge is
created and inherent in the collective actions of
a group, with no individual member possessing
all the knowledge. This property is included in
the model for two reasons. Firstly it provides
a means for statistical analysis of organisational
knowledge from the social point of view and sec-
ondly, the balance between individual and social
knowledge has an implication on the ease with
which that knowledge is shared amongst specific
Operational Classification - classifies a knowledge
asset as declarative (know-about), procedural
(know-how), causal (know-why), conditional
(know-if) or relational (know-with) (Nolan Nor-
ton Institute, 1998)(Zack, 1998). This property is
included because if provides an interesting opera-
tional perspective on the different types of knowl-
edge that an organisation deals with. Making this
property visible may lead to a situation whereby
management realise that there is a potentially
harmful imbalance in the types of knowledge that
its employees know (e.g. too much know-how as
opposed to know-about).
It is worth noting that all properties discussed here
except for the name property can be set to unkown if
the organisation does not feel it is beneficial to model
a particular property about its knowledge assets.
2.2 Persons and Teams
Person vertices represent individuals within the or-
ganisation and exist mainly for the reason of mod-
elling knowledge relationships between individuals
and knowledge assets (see section 2.3). Consequently,
a person has only two properties. The first is a name
which acts as a unique identifier for the person. The
second is a list of teams which the person is a mem-
ber of. Teams are sets of persons clustered together
for some scope determined by the organisation. From
the knowledge map point of view, teams are impor-
tant because they enable reasoning about groups of
2.3 Relationships
Relationships constitute the main feature of the pro-
posed approach that provides an advantage over tra-
ditional yellow-pages style cartographic approaches.
They serve two main purposes. Firstly, they pro-
vide visibility into the relationship between individ-
ual knowledge assets. This allows organisations to
reason about structural properties of their knowledge
landscape and also carry out more efficient knowledge
transfer exercises, skills analysis, interview design,
and so on. Secondly, when used to link a person to
a knowledge asset, they provide an indication of who
knows what and ‘how much’ they know it. Four types
relationships are defined:
Related Relationships - A related relationship is a
non-directed edge between two knowledge assets
and signifies that the two knowledge assets are re-
lated in some way. This relationship is the weak-
est form of relationship between two knowledge
assets in the proposed language.
Dependency Relationships - A dependency is a di-
rected edge between two knowledge assets and
signifies that one knowledge asset depends on an-
other. That is to say, in a scenario where a knowl-
edge asset k
depends on another knowledge as-
set k
, if a person p is to utilise or learn k
, she
must first know k
. A typical example of a de-
pendency relationship would be “Java depends on
OOP” since it is unlikely that someone can be an
effective Java programmer unless they have a firm
grasp of the object oriented paradigm.
Composition Relationships - A composition is a di-
rected edge between two knowledge assets and
signifies that one knowledge asset forms part of
another. That is to say that the latter is partially
composed of the former. A typical example would
be “JDBC is part of Java”. Modelling this type of
relationship allows organisations to structure their
model in a more readable way but also allows for
reasoning such as “if a knowledge asset k
is com-
posed of two knowledge assets k
and k
, if a per-
son p knows k
then she also knows k
albeit to a
lesser degree.
Knowledge Relationships - A knowledge edge is a
directed edge that connects a person vertex to
a knowledge asset vertex so as to signify that
the person ‘knows’ the knowledge asset to some
extent. This is type of relationship is typically
not directly specified but is automatically inferred
through the use of events (see section 3). Knowl-
edge relationships also exhibit a magnitude prop-
erty which is an indication of ‘how much’ the per-
son knows the knowledge asset.
At this point, it is worth illustrating the work pre-
sented so far in the context of an example.
Example 1 . Consider a particular scenario whereby
an organisation employs a single team consisting of
two people (Chris and Jane). The organisation has
identified seven knowledge assets of value: [1] oop,
[2] java (depends on oop), [3] sql, [4] web develop-
ment, [5] smalltalk (depends on oop), [6] jdbc (part
of java) (depends on sql), and finally [7] servlets (part
of java) (related to web development).
As mentioned in section 1.1, the authors have devel-
oped a formal language for building such models and
have also created an english-like domain specific lan-
guage which provides syntactic sugaring for the for-
mal language (Micallef, 2011). It is beyond the scope
of this paper to present the language but the scenario
presented in example 1 would be represented as fol-
team developers;
person Chris member of developers;
person Jane member of developers;
knowledge asset oop
category technical;
knowledge asset java
category technical
sociality social
depends on oop;
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
knowledge asset sql
sociality individual
operationality procedural;
knowledge asset web_development ;
knowledge asset smalltalk
depends on oop;
knowledge asset jdbc
depends on sql
part of java;
knowledge asset servlets
part of java
related to web_development;
For the sake of brevity, example 1 does not completely
specify all the knowledge assets’ properties but gives
examples of each property being used in at least one
knowledge asset. Figure 1 provides a graphical repre-
sentation of the model. One can notice that related re-
lationships are represented by a dashed edge, depen-
dency relationships are represented by a continuous
edge with a solid arrow head, and composition rela-
tionships are represented by a continuous edge with a
hollow arrow head.
Figure 1: Graphical depiction of the model created by ex-
ample. 1
Figure 1 also indicates that thus far, neither Jane
nor Chris actually know any of the knowledge assets
which the organisation considers valuable. Informa-
tion about knowledge relationships will be inferred
from events as discussed in section 3.
Events provide the ability to model and reason about
knowledge relationships between persons and knowl-
edge assets. A mechanism is proposed whereby var-
ious interactions between persons and knowledge as-
sets are logged and analysed to infer the existence and
magnitude of knowledge relationships. Three cate-
gories of events are defined: knowledge events, re-
source events and time events. The following sections
will look at each event category in turn.
3.1 Knowledge Events
Knowledge events model a knowledge asset’s jour-
ney through various stages of its life cycle as well as
the persons involved in each transition. The following
knowledge events are defined:
Knowledge Identified. Refers to an event whereby a
knowledge asset is identified as being of value to
the organisation and thus starts being tracked.
Knowledge Created. This event occurs when new
knowledge has been created within the organisa-
tion. This could involve someone reading a book,
attending a training course, or even codifying her
own tacit knowledge into an explicit form.
Knowledge Stored. Models a situation where ex-
plicit knowledge is stored in some way, shape or
Knowledge Retrieved. Refers to the act of someone
retrieving explicit knowledge from storage.
Knowledge Transferred. This is one of the most im-
portant events in a knowledge organisation and
refers to the transfer of knowledge from one or
more knowers to one or more learners.
Knowledge Modified. Indicates that a particular
knowledge asset has been modified in some way.
This event is useful for the purposes of notifying
anyone connected with the knowledge asset that it
has changed.
Knowledge Applied. This event models a period of
time during which one or more persons are mak-
ing use of a particular knowledge asset so as to
achieve some value for the organisation.
Knowledge Discarded. Indicates that a particular
knowledge asset is no longer of any value to the
All knowledge events have a date associated with
them and most have a set of persons involved in the
event. However, Knowledge Identified events do not
have any associate persons whilst Knowledge Trans-
ferred events split the set of persons into two: the
knowers who are transferring the knowledge and the
learners who are on the receiving end of the transfer.
3.2 Resource Events
Resource events model the flow of people through
the organisation. This is useful for a number of rea-
sons. Firstly, a person leaving the organisation al-
ways results in the organisational knowledge land-
scape changing. Therefore it is desirable to keep our
model up to date in this regard. Secondly, it is some-
times useful to reason about knowledge at the team
level of abstraction. For example, one might ask the
question “how would a team be affected if a particular
member leaves the team to work with another team?”
or “what knowledge transfer opportunities can occur
if we move certain people around?”. Finally, if hypo-
thetical events are logged, an organisation can model
possible future knowledge scenarios and take action if
any risks are detected. For example, one could model
an event where person p is leaving the organisation
even thought he is not. In so doing, the organisation
can get a view of what changes in the knowledge land-
scape could occur as a result of such an event and take
risk-mitigating action if necessary.
The following resource events are defined:
Person Left Organisation. Refers to an event
whereby a particular person leaves the organisa-
tion. This has repercussions on the organisations
global knowledge landscape.
Person Left Team. Models a situation whereby a
person remains employed within an organisation
but is no longer part of a particular team. In
this case, the organisation’s knowledge landscape
changes in the context of the team’s knowledge.
Person Joined Team. This event models a situation
whereby a person has joined a team within the
organisation. Team membership is not exclusive
so persons can potentially form part of multiple
One might notice the ominous exclusion of a Person
Joined Organisation event. Such an event would in-
deed be useful but its semantics would be such that it
can be modelled as a sequence of knowledge events.
That is to say, a person joining the company can be
modelled by modelling the person’s knowledge activ-
ities prior to joining up. Simply creating a Person
Joined Organisation event will not achieve the de-
sired effect on the model.
3.3 Time Events
Time events indicate the passage of time and thus
allow us to construct a mechanism whereby we can
model the deterioration of personal and organisational
knowledge. The driving principle here is that if a per-
son p does not participate in a knowledge asset ks
life cycle for a certain amount of time t, then as t in-
creases, p knows k less to some increasing degree. A
single time event is defined:
Time Passed - Indicates the passage of a single time
unit. It is recommended that a time unit be con-
sidered to represent a day but any time unit could
be utilised according to the organisation’s needs.
3.4 Effects of events on models
Events can also be categorised according to how they
affect knowledge relationships in a model:
Strengthening Events result in the creation of new
knowledge relationships or the strengthening of
existing ones. For example, if a person p knows
nothing about Java, then the model will not con-
tain a knowledge relationship between the p and
Java. However, if p attends a relevant training
course, this can be logged as a Knowledge Cre-
ated event which results in a knowledge relation-
ship with some initial magnitude being created be-
tween p and Java. Furthermore, if p applies Java
to her work on an ongoing basis, then the magni-
tude of the knowledge relationship increases over
time as a result of Knowledge Applied events.
This category of events includes all knowledge
events except for Knowledge Identified, Knowl-
edge Modified and Knowledge Discarded events.
Weakening Events result in the weakening or re-
moval of existing knowledge relationships. Time
events for example result in the weakening of all
knowledge relationships which have not been sub-
jected to any strengthening events in the most re-
cent time unit. This category of events includes
Knowledge Discarded, Person Left Organisation,
and Time Passed events.
Agnostic Events have no result of any knowledge re-
lationships because they exist for other reasons.
For example, Person Left Team events do not af-
fect a person’s knowledge relationships in any
way, even if at the team level of abstraction one
can say that the team’s knowledge has been weak-
ened. However, vertices on the graph only repre-
sent persons with teams being only a conceptual
entity. This category is composed of Knowledge
Identified, Person Left Team and Person Joined
Team events.
Hybrid Events have the potential of strengthening
certain events whilst weakening others. For
example, a Knowledge Modified event would
strengthen the knowledge relationship between
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
the person involved in the event and the knowl-
edge asset but would weaken the relationship of
others who are not involved in the event. The
main reason behind this is that if a knowledge as-
set has changed then other people’s knowledge of
it may have become obsolete to some degree. The
Knowledge Modified event is the sole member of
this category.
Example 2 . Following on from example 1, consider
a situation whereby the following events occur in se-
1. Both Jane and Chris take a course. Chris learns
about Java whilst Jane learns about Smalltalk
2. Chris uses Java for one month whilst Jane uses
Smalltalk for two weeks
3. Chris teaches Jane about Java
The first event is represented as follows:
knowledge created java
by Chris on "2011-03-01";
knowledge created smalltalk
by Jane on "2011-03-01";
This leads to a knowledge model as depicted in figure
2. One can notice that there is now a knowledge rela-
tionship between Chris and Java of magnitude 1 (as
indicated by the labelled edge) as well as a knowl-
edge relationship linking Jane to Smalltalk, also of
magnitude 1. The calculation of knowledge relation-
ship magnitudes is explained in section 3.5. However,
it suffices to say that the higher a the magnitude of
a knowledge relationship, the more confident an or-
ganisation can be that the person in the relationship
knows the knowledge asset.
Figure 2: Graphical depiction of the model after the knowl-
edge created events. The image has been magnified and
cropped for clarity.
The next event in this example involves both Jane and
Chris applying their knowledge of Smalltalk and Java
for a period of two weeks and one month respectively:
knowledge applied java by Chris
from "2011-03-01" to "2011-03-31";
knowledge applied smalltalk by Jane
from "2011-03-01" to "2011-03-15";
Figure 3 indicates that the same knowledge relation-
ships from figure 2 remain but their magnitudes have
increased. Also, the magnitude of the knowledge rela-
tionship linking Chris to Java has increased by twice
as much as the knowledge relationship linking Jane to
Smalltalk. This is because the fact that Chris applied
Java knowledge longer than Jane applied Smalltalk
knowledge leads us to reason that we are more con-
fident in Chris knowing Java than in Jane knowing
Finally, we model the scenario where Chris trans-
fers his knowledge of Java to Jane:
Figure 3: Graphical depiction of the model after the knowl-
edge applied events. The image has been magnified and
cropped for clarity.
knowledge transferred java
by Chris to Jane
on "2011-04-01";
As shown in figure 4, two things have happened.
Firstly, a new knowledge connection has been created
that links Jane to Java. This indicates that Jane now
knows Java but knows it to a much lesser degree than
Chris, who has been using the language for a month.
Secondly, the magnitude of the knowledge connection
linking Chris to Java has increased because the act
of one person transferring knowledge to another ac-
tually strengthens the former’s knowledge.
3.5 Knowledge Event Magnitudes
The amount by which a particular knowledge event
strengthens or weakens the magnitude of a knowl-
edge relationship will affect the extent to which the
Figure 4: Graphical depiction of the model after the knowl-
edge transferred events. The image has been magnified and
cropped for clarity.
resulting model represents the true knowledge land-
scape of the organisation. Since realistic modelling
will require substantial research, for the time being
the authors propose to refer to an oracle when ad-
justing knowledge relationship magnitudes. It is very
likely that a completely realistic mechanism will be
very difficult to construct but the level of absolute
accuracy is not the be-all and end-all of the work
presented here. Rather than focus on the accuracy
of ‘how much’ a person knows a knowledge asset,
we are more interested in the relativity of the knowl-
edge relationship magnitude when compared to other
knowledge relationships. Given that all knowledge re-
lationship magnitudes are calculated in the same way,
this should minimise distortion and make the models
fit-for-purpose when it comes to their analytical capa-
In this section the analytical properties of the pro-
posed approach are discussed.
4.1 Inherent Model Properties
The model itself has a number of inherent properties
which enable reasoning about the knowledge land-
scape in an organisation. The following is a list of
the more salient properties:
4.1.1 Structural Properties of Knowledge Assets
Knowledge asset structural properties refer to prop-
erties that enable reasoning about the structure of
knowledge assets in the model.
Symmetry of Related Relationships. Given two
knowledge assets k
and k
, if k
is related to k
then k
is related to k
Transitivity of Dependencies. Given three knowl-
edge assets k
, k
and k
, if k
depends on k
depends on k
, then k
depends on k
Transitivity of Composition. Given three knowl-
edge assets k
, k
and k
, if k
is part of k
if part of k
, then k
is part of k
Composition as Dependency. Given two knowl-
edge assets k
and k
, if k
is part of k
then k
also depends on k
Non-symmetry of Dependency. Given two knowl-
edge assets k
and k
, if k
depends on k
cannot depend on k
Non-symmetry of Composition. Given two knowl-
edge assets k
and k
, if k
is part of k
then k
cannot be part of k
4.1.2 Properties of Knowledge Relationships
The following properties hold for knowledge relation-
ships in any model constructed using the technique
proposed in this paper.
Team Knowledge. If a person p knows a knowledge
asset k and is a member of team t, then it holds
that t knows k.
Transitivity of Knowledge through Composition.
Given two knowledge assets k
and k
such that
is part of k
, if a person p knows k
then p also
knows k
to some degree.
4.2 Detecting Knowledge Mobility Risks
The term knowledge mobility risk refers to a chance
of the company loosing a valued knowledge asset as
a result of a particular person leaving. In general,
the greater the number of people that people know
a knowledge asset, the less mobility risk that knowl-
edge asset exhibits. However, one must consider ‘how
much’ each person knows the knowledge asset. If (for
example) four people in a team are vaguely familiar
with a critical part of a system but a fifth person is
an expert about it, then with respect to that particular
knowledge asset, loosing that one expert will proba-
bly hurt more than loosing any number of the other
four members.
Since the proposed model is actually a graph, the
authors looked to graph metrics for a way to calcu-
late knowledge mobility risk. Of particular interest
was work done by Botafogo which proposed Rela-
tive Out Centrality (ROC) and Relative In Centrality
(ROC) as measures of the social importance of a ver-
tex in a graph. Of particular relevance to knowledge
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
mobility risk is the RIC metric, which is based on
calculations involving inbound paths from other ver-
tices into the vertex being analysed. However, since in
the proposed model the maximum length of a knowl-
edge path is one, Botafogo’s approach was modified
to take into account the magnitude of knowledge rela-
tionships (Micallef, 2011). This adapted RIC metric
can be interpreted as a measure of knowledge mobil-
ity risk. The higher the RIC measure for a knowledge
asset, the more knowledge mobility risk it exhibits.
Example 3 . The model depicted in figure 5 is the re-
sult of a three month evaluation exercise with a four
person team. In order to analyse this particular model
for knowledge mobility risks, the knowledge asset ver-
tices are coloured according to the following criteria:
1. Let σ be the standard deviation of the RIC values
for all knowledge asset vertices in the graph
2. Let µ be the average of the RIC values for all
knowledge asset vertices in the graph
3. Colour all nodes with RIC µ as green (repre-
sented as white in this paper)
4. Colour all nodes with µ > RIC (µ + σ) as or-
ange (represented as light-grey in this paper)
5. Colour all nodes with RIC > (µ + σ) as red (rep-
resented as dark-grey in this paper)
Figure 5: A knowledge model coloured according to knowl-
edge mobility risk.
Figure 6 shows the same model filtered to show only
red vertices. This enables one to analyse potential
reasons behind the high knowledge risks and possibly
take corrective action. In this particular example, the
server management knowledge asset is only known by
one person (Sergio). Furthermore, the fact that he
seems to know it relatively well when compared to
other scores in the model indicates that he does a lot
of server management for the team. This is a knowl-
edge mobility risk because if Sergio leaves there is no
one in the organisation who can seamlessly take over
his job. The other high-risk vertices are known by two
people but in each case, one person knows the asset
much more than the other, thus leading to a knowl-
edge mobility risk. Having this visibility, the team
may decide to mitigate the risk by (for example) hav-
ing people pair together on high-risk assets until such
a time when the risk is sufficiently reduced.
Figure 6: A filtered version of the model showing only high
knowledge mobility risk assets.
4.2.1 Knowledge Mobility Risk from a Person
Botafogo’s work (Botafogo et al., 1992) also defines
Relative Out Centrality (ROC) as a measure of a ver-
tex’s influence on other vertices in the graph. Af-
ter again modifying this metric to take into account
the magnitude of knowledge relationships (Micallef,
2011) applied ROC to inferring how knowledge mo-
bility risk from a person point of view. That is to say,
based on some subset of knowledge assets of interest,
we can calculate if there are any persons who’s knowl-
edge of these assets is so strong that it causes an im-
balance and subsequent knowledge mobility risk for
the organisation.
Example 4 . Figure 7 considers a scenario whereby
an organisation is analysing whether there are any
knowledge risks related to dynamic web technologies
(jsp and servlets). Using the ROC metric, Saviour and
Shirley have been identified as potential risks in this
regard. This is because both have strong knowledge
of the two knowledge assets whilst Stephen and Sergio
do not have any knowledge about them at all. One can
also note that the fact that Stephen and Sergio do not
know anything about the knowledge assets in question
results in them not being marked as risks at all. Rea-
son being that in this limited context, if either Sergio
or Stephen leave, the organisation will not loose and
valuable knowledge.
Figure 7: Analysis of mobility risk from a person perspec-
tive with regards to the knowledge assets jsp and servlets.
4.3 Knowledge Transfer Risk
The technique presented is also useful for identifying
knowledge transfer risks. That is to say, situations
which might compromise the likelihood of a knowl-
edge transfer activity to be successful. Knowledge
transfer activities are amongst the most important ac-
tivities which enable organisations to hold on to or-
ganisational knowledge despite staff turnover. Al-
though research carried out seems to indicate that
most knowledge transfer success factors can only be
detected and influenced by company culture and man-
agement practices, Cummings and Teng (Cummings,
2003) developed a research model consisting of nine
key factors which affect knowledge transfer, two of
which can be detected using the event-based carto-
graphic approach proposed in this paper. These are
knowledge embeddedness and knowledge distance.
The former refers to the extent to which a partic-
ular knowledge asset is linked other knowledge as-
sets within the organisational knowledge landscape.
Cummings and Teng found that the more embedded a
knowledge asset is, the more difficult it is to transfer.
Knowledge Distance refers to the difference between
two people’s knowledge in relation to the knowledge
asset being transferred. If two people share a rele-
vant common basis of knowledge, their knowledge
distance is said to be small. This makes a knowledge
transfer exercise between such persons more likely to
succeed than if they had a large knowledge distance
separating them.
Both knowledge embeddedness and knowledge
distance can be inferred from knowledge models con-
structed using the techniques presented in this paper.
4.3.1 Embeddedness
The following measure of embeddedness is
embeddedness(k) = |dep(k)|
Where dep(k) is a function that given a knowledge
asset k, returns the set of all knowledge assets which
k depends on. Please note that since dependency is
transitive (see section 4.1), this set will also include
knowledge assets which are depended on by direct de-
pendencies of k. Also, since composition is a form of
dependency (see section 4.1), dep(k) will also return
elements which k forms part of.
For any knowledge asset k, the higher the value of
embeddedness(k), the more knowledge transfer risk k
4.3.2 Knowledge Distance
Consider a knowledge transfer exercise whereby a
person who is a knowledge source p
is transfer-
ring a knowledge asset k to a second person who is
a knowledge receiver p
. The knowledge distance
measure takes into account p
s lack of knowledge
of all assets in dep(k) (see section 4.3.1):
, p
, k) =
, p
, k
Where dist
, p
, k) returns the difference be-
tween the magnitudes of the knowledge relationships
k and p
k. If the result is a
negative number, 0 is returned. This is because we
are only interested influencing knowledge distance in
cases where the source person knows more than the
The work presented here has been trialled in an eval-
uation exercise whereby two development teams with
four members each tracked their knowledge over a
three month period. At regular intervals during this
period, team members met with a researcher to anal-
yse their knowledge model with respect to its per-
ceived realism and also with respect to any apparent
knowledge risks. In the case where risks were identi-
fied, mitigating actions were taken and the results are
promising. Unfortunately, due to paper length restric-
tions, a detailed analysis of the results is not possible
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
With regards to future work, the authors are cur-
rently involved in a research project which aims to
build and evaluate a software development process
that makes knowledge management activities busi-
ness as usual. This contrasts with the current state
of affairs in software engineering whereby develop-
ment processes’ management of knowledge basically
involves codification strategies in the form of project
documentation. Other ongoing work includes long-
term industrial evaluation of the proposed technique
as well as exploration of extensions such as incorpo-
rating knowledge asset priority into risk calculations,
automated team building and the development of a
toolset enabling further experiments in the field.
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