Imed Boughzala
and Gert-Jan de Vreede
Institut Télécom, 46 Rue Barrault, 75634 Paris Cedex 13, France
Center for Collaboration Science, University of Nebraska at Omaha, 6001 Dodge St., Omaha NE 68182, U.S.A.
Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Keywords: Collaboration, Collaboration quality, Performance, Collaboration technology, IT, Maturity model, Virtual
Abstract: Trends like globalization and increased product and service complexity have pushed organizations to use
more distributed, cross-disciplinary, cross-cultural, virtual teams. In this context, the quality of collaboration
directly affects the quality of an organization’s outcomes and performance. This paper reports on the first
field application of a Collaboration Maturity Model (Col-MM) through an automotive industry field study.
This model was empirically developed during a series of Focus Group meetings with professional
collaboration experts to maximize its relevance and practical applicability. Col-MM is intended to be
sufficiently generic to be applied to any type of collaboration and useable to assess the collaboration
maturity of a given team holistically through self-assessments performed by practitioners. The purpose of
the study reported in this paper was to apply and evaluate the use of the Col-MM in practice. The results
should be of interest to academic researchers and information systems practitioners interested in
collaboration maturity assessment. The research contributes to the collaboration performance and (IT)
project management literature, theory and practice through a detailed case study that develops artefacts that
provide evidence of proof of value and proof of use in the field.
Organizations form to create value and products that
individuals cannot create alone (Mintzberg 1979).
To ensure their organizational performance and
competitive advantage it is thus critical for
organizations to achieve successful collaboration
(Clark and Fujimoto, 1991; Hansen and Nohria,
2004). In today’s increasingly unstable and
competitive socio-economic environment, trends
like globalization and increased product and service
complexity have pushed organizations to use more
distributed, cross-disciplinary, cross-culture, virtual
teams (Chudoba et al., 2005). In this context, the
quality of collaboration directly affects the quality of
an organization’s outcomes and performance (Jordan
et al., 2002; Banker et al., 2006). This means that the
disposition and capabilities of an organization’s
work force to collaborate will directly affect
organizational performance, productivity and
profitability (Frost and Sullivan, 2007; Hansen and
Nohria, 2004).
It is important for organizations to assess the
quality of the collaboration in their teams. This will
enable them to identify measures to improve
collaboration by better selecting and designing the
appropriate collaboration technologies (IT/IS) and
therefore to improve the management of their virtual
teams and projects. This requires organizations to
answer questions such as: Under what conditions do
teams collaborate better? Are there different levels
of collaboration quality that can be recognized and
that teams should aim for? To what extent should
management styles be taken into account? Which
role should collaboration technologies play to foster
effective collaboration? How can we measure the
impact of collaboration on organizational
Several studies propose models and methods for
collaboration assessment from different points of
view: collaboration processes (see e.g. Pinsonneault
and Kraemer, 1997; Den Hengst et al., 2006) or
collaboration technologies and their usage (see e.g.
Damianos et al., 1999; Pinelle and Gutwin, 2003;
Boughzala I. and de Vreede G..
DOI: 10.5220/0003633500280037
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2011), pages 28-37
ISBN: 978-989-8425-81-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Herskovic et al., 2007). One way to assess the
overall collaboration quality of teams is through
maturity model approaches used extensively in
quality assurance for product development (Fraser et
al., 2002). Using these types of models as an
assessment instrument helps an organization to
identify best practices and trouble spots, and to
stimulate discussion among practitioners to initiate
activities for continuous improvement (Fraser et al.,
2003). However, few efforts have been reported on
using maturity models to assess collaboration. Those
that have are limited in that they apply only to
certain domains or just cover a few phases of the
project life cycle (Daoudi and Bourgault, 2007).
This paper reports on the first field application
and evaluation of a Collaboration Maturity Model
(Col-MM) in an automotive industry for assessing a
virtual team distributed in two European countries.
The purpose of the study reported in this paper was
to apply and evaluate the use of the Col-MM in
practice. Col-MM was empirically developed
through a Design Science perspective approach
(Hevner et al., 2004) during a series of Focus Group
meetings with professional collaboration experts to
maximize its relevance and practical applicability
(Boughzala & Vreede, 2012). It was intended to be
sufficiently generic to be applied to any type of
collaboration, virtual or not (e.g. project teams,
organizational teams, cross functional/organizational
teams, inter-organizational team, or communities of
practice) and useable to assess the collaboration
maturity of a given team holistically by practitioners
for conducting self-assessments.
The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows. We first introduce the methodological
background related to maturity models in general
and the Col-MM in particular. Next, we report on
the application and the evaluation of the Col-MM in
a field study in the automotive industry. Last, we
discuss the appropriateness and usefulness of Col-
MM, followed by our conclusions which summarize
the limitations of this study and present future
research directions.
Maturity, literally meaning ‘ripeness’, describes the
transition from an initial to a more advanced state,
possibly through a number of intermediate states
(Fraser et al., 2002). The fundamental underlying
assumption of maturity models is that a higher level
of maturity will result in higher performance.
Maturity models reflect the degree to which key
processes or activities are defined, managed,
measured, and executed effectively. They typically
describe the characteristics of an activity at a
number of different levels of performance (Fraser et
al., 2003). “At the lowest level, the performance of
an activity may be rather ad hoc or depend on the
initiative of an individual, so that the outcome is
unlikely to be predictable or reproducible. As the
level increases, activities are performed more
systematically and are well defined and managed. At
the highest level, ‘best practices’ are adopted where
appropriate and are subject to a continuous
improvement process” (Fraser et al., 2003 p.1500).
2.1 Maturity Models
Approaches to determine process or capability
maturity are increasingly applied to various aspects
of product development, both as an assessment
instrument and as part of an improvement
framework (Dooley et al., 2001). Most maturity
models define an organization’s typical behaviour
for several key processes or activities at various
levels of ‘maturity’ (Fraser et al., 2003). Maturity
models provide an instantaneous snapshot of a
situation and a framework for defining and
prioritizing improvement measures. The key
strengths of maturity models include:
They are simple to use and often require simple
quantitative analysis.
They can be applied from both functional and
cross-functional perspectives.
They provide opportunities for consensus and
team building around a common language and a
shared understanding and perception.
They can be performed by external auditors or
through self-assessment.
One of the earliest maturity models is Crosby’s
Quality Management Maturity Grid (QMMG)
(Crosby, 1979), which was developed to evaluate the
status and evolution of a firm’s approach to quality
management. Subsequently, other maturity models
have been proposed for a range of activities
including quality assurance (Crosby, 1979), software
development (Paulk et al., 1993), supplier
relationships (Macbeth and Ferguson, 1994),
innovation (Chiesa et al., 1996), product design
(Fraser et al., 2001), R&D effectiveness (McGrath,
1996), product reliability (Sander and Brombacher,
2000), and knowledge management (Hsieh et al.,
2009). One of the best-known maturity models is the
Capability Maturity Model (CMM) for software
engineering (based on the Process Maturity
Framework of Watts Humphrey, quoted in Paulk et
al., 1993), developed at the Software Engineering
Institute (SEI). Unlike the other maturity models,
CMM is a more extensive framework in which each
maturity level contains a number of key process
areas (KPAs) containing common features and key
practices to achieve stated goals. A number of
studies of the software CMM have shown links
between maturity and software quality (e.g. Harter et
al., 2000). This model (with multiple variations) is
widely used in the software industry as part of
quality certification (SEI Certification).
Nowadays several maturity models have been
proposed that aim at clearly identifying the
organizational competences associated with best
practices (Fraser et al., 2002). In practice, however,
many maturity models are intended to be used as
part of an improvement process, and not primarily as
absolute measures of performance (Fraser et al.,
2002). Few maturity models have been validated in
the way of performance assessment. An exception is
Dooley et al.’s (2001) study that demonstrated a
positive correlation between New Product
Development (NPD) process maturity and outcome.
A few maturity models related to collaboration
have been proposed. Lebrun et al.’s (1998) model
defined maturity levels of concurrent engineering in
a virtual company. Their model emphasizes the
management of new products and processes in
temporary collaborative projects. Fraser et al.’s
(2003) model is intended to apply to all product
development activities; it is not restricted to software
products. Their model gives particular importance to
organizational-level collaboration between partners
in a product development network. Finally, the
model by Ramasubbu et al. (2005) focuses on
distributed software development. It represents an
effort to fill the gap in models like CMM by
introducing several dimensions related to
collaboration in distributed development settings.
Each of the above collaboration maturity models
is founded on the assumption that the quality of a
product is related to the quality of the collaboration
process. The value of each of the models is that they
emphasize and raise awareness on the issue of
collaboration maturity in an organizational setting.
Notwithstanding the individual strengths of each of
the above models, a number of key limitations exist.
First, few applications have been reported (limited
information on their model in practice) and reported
ones have not been validated empirically (Daoudi
and Bourgault, 2007). Second, their application is
specific for only certain types of collaboration (e.g.
inter-organizational, virtual organizations, or
distributed projects), for certain application domains,
or for certain project life cycle phases. Third, most
models are descriptive in nature, helping to identify
collaboration-related problems without proposing
solutions. Finally, little is known about whether the
use of these models leads to actual performance
2.2 The Design and Structure of the
Collaboration Maturity Model
In the literature, collaboration has been defined in
different ways (Levan, 2004; Briggs et al., 2006;
Boughzala, 2007). In the context of this study, we
define collaboration as a process in which two or
more agents (individuals or organizations) share
resources and skills to solve problems so that they
can jointly accomplish one or more activities.
During this process, the agents communicate with
each other to coordinate their tasks. Based on this
definition of collaboration, we define collaboration
maturity as a team’s current maximum capability to
collaborate where team members effectively
communicate, reach shared understanding, and
adjust their tasks and behaviours to produce high
quality outcomes.
The main objective of our research is to
introduce a new collaboration maturity model that
addresses some of the limitations described above.
This model aims to holistically assess the
collaboration maturity of a (virtual) team that uses
several collaboration technologies. However, its
applicability is not limited to a particular form of
collaboration and the model can be used for different
settings. Further, it supports the development of
recommendations in form of an action plan to reach
improved project management, collaboration
performance and quality of collaboration outcomes.
The Col-MM was designed during a design
science study in which we cooperated with a Focus
Group consisting of professional collaboration
experts. These experts included 15 Chief Knowledge
Management Officers (CKMOs) from companies of
different sizes in different sectors, holding at least a
master-level degree from different areas, and having
at least 15-19 years of work experience with 50% of
them having 5-9 years as a CKMO. Their average
age was 48 and 73% of them were male. They were
accustomed to meet in the context of a business
association to share their best practices regarding
methods, techniques and tools in the collaboration
and knowledge management area. The involvement
of the experts group enabled us to combine
relevance and rigor by meeting a business need with
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
applicable knowledge and so to maximize the
resulting artefacts’ relevance and applicability. The
experts expressed the following critical requirements
for the Col-MM:
Resource Efficient: The Col-MM should be fast
to complete.
Rich Data: The Col-MM should report on
different points of view and concerns from the
workplace, using both quantitative and
qualitative data.
Limited need for Further advanced Data
analysis: The supporting tool should provide
integrated support for results interpretation.
Self-assessment: Practitioners should be able to
apply the Col-MM themselves.
Constructive Learning: The Col-MM should
promote team building and organizational
learning rather than control and sanction.
After a series of meetings with the Focus Group
in which several initial versions of the Col-MM
were presented and pilot results were shared, the
first full version of Col-MM was completed
(Boughzala and Vreede 2012). The Col-MM
consisted of a number of artefacts including: The
Col-MM structure that describes the collaboration
areas of concerns (topics) and their related criteria;
The Col-MM questionnaire that includes questions,
levels of rating and mathematical equations for
analysis; The Col-MM method that (a) defines the
steps and provides guidance on how to run the Col-
MM questionnaire in the field, and (b) supports the
development of recommendations; and the Col-MM
tool which is a customized MS Excel application
that represents the implementation of the above
artefacts, and enables the execution of a concrete
assessment by enabling the collection and analysis
of quantitatively and qualitatively questionnaire
data. It provides different presentations of results
(e.g. individual and team spider diagrams,
comparison curves, and cloud matrices) and the
results’ report generation.
The Col-MM distinguishes between four
maturity levels: Ad-hoc, Exploring, Managing, and
Optimizing. At the Ad-hoc level, teams are
collaboratively immature. Individuals have many
difficulties to communicate effectively, to reach
shared understanding, and to adjust their tasks and
behaviours to produce high quality outcomes
together. At the Exploring level, teams are well
aware of their weaknesses in terms of collaboration
quality. Individuals try work together to produce
valuable outcomes, but are faced with many
collaboration challenges. Some initiatives to address
these are attempted but without major impacts. At
the Managing level, individuals are able to produce
collaborative outcomes of good quality. They have
overcome many challenges to collaborate
productively, but there still is room for
improvement. At the Optimizing level, teams are
collaboratively mature. Teams work together
optimally and accomplish high quality collaborative
outcomes. Furthermore, they engage in critical self-
reflection and continuous improvement efforts.
The Col-MM explores the maturity of a given
team holistically from different perspectives related
to collaboration. The following perspectives, or
areas of concerns, were considered essential by the
participants in the Focus Group meetings
(Boughzala and Vreede, 2012):
Collaboration Characterizing: This covers the
characteristics of the collaboration.
Collaboration Steering: This covers the way in
which collaboration processes and activities are
Collaboration Processing: This covers how
actors perform collaboration on a daily basis.
Information and Knowledge Integration: This
covers how actors manage the information and
knowledge required for productive collaboration.
Table 1: Col-MM areas of concerns and criteria.
Areas of concern Criteria
1. Collaboration object
2. Collaboration depth
3. Working mode
4. Interaction intensity
5. Collaboration forms
6. Formalization of relationships
7. Commitment and availability of
8. Collaboration boundaries
9. Collaboration goal
10. Management style
11. Decision-making
12. Leadership endorsement
13. Rewarding
14. Collaboration progress
15. Collaboration framework
16. Resources sharing
17. Awareness
18. Conflicts management
19. Engineering (methods and
Information and
20. Information collection
21. Information structuring
22. Information access
23. Knowledge validation
24. Knowledge reusing
25. Knowledge creation
For each area of concern, a number of criteria
were defined (see Table 1). These criteria represent
the topics for a questionnaire (Col-MM
questionnaire). Each criterion is represented by an
item that is evaluated on a 4-point scale. To support
the respondents, the levels of each criterion are
described briefly, with examples wherever possible.
An example of a criterion item is provided in Figure
1. When a respondent cannot answer, no score is
recorded. The more often criteria are rated at 4 by
the respondents, the higher the collaboration
maturity of the community under investigation is.
Figure 1: Example of criterion in Col-MM.
In essence, the Col-MM is structured as a library
of criteria. Sometimes, not all criteria are relevant.
So, an organization can decide which criteria fit its
particular context. It can also decide to expand the
set of criteria. Also, for some organizations certain
criteria may be more important than others. In such
situations, it is possible to assign different weights to
the criteria.
The Col-MM was developed following Hevner et
al.’s (2004) design science approach. In this paper
we will not report on the development of the Col-
MM but only on its first field application and
evaluation to demonstrate the model’s practical
feasibility and utility. This study therefore answers
Hevner et al.’s Design Evaluation Framework
recommendation for the use observational methods
(2004 p. 86). Our role as researchers was limited to
the organization and execution of (group)
interviews, the analysis of collected interview data,
and the gathering of participants’ feedback regarding
Col-MM. Our interventions during the study were
only aimed at supporting the organization in
achieving its goals in the project. The researchers
had no personal stake in the project, neither with the
problem situation nor with the solutions that were to
be explored. The primary motivation for the client
organization to involve the researchers was its desire
to assess and improve the collaboration in a number
of its key teams.
Research data was collected from both
quantitative and qualitative sources to enable a rich
understanding of the application of the Col-MM in
practice. First, while observing the different
activities in the study, we kept notes of incidents,
remarks and events that conveyed critical
information. Second, the (group) interview results
were analyzed to gain insight into (1) the
participants’ reaction and understanding of the
interview questions, and (2) analyze specific
feedback regarding the Col-MM. Finally, we invited
participants on all levels to share feedback on the
Col-MM method and artefacts.
A large multinational automotive firm had a desire
to assess the collaboration performance of some of
their virtual teams. This company had previously
established a new organizational matrix structure,
based on the “management by project” principle. To
assess the ‘fit’ of this new structure in the context of
a recent merger-acquisition and to see if all the
constituent brands work as a one single group, the
company decided to assess the overall organizational
performance in terms of synergy between the
different sites and brands, productivity, quality of
the products, and the balance between product
diversity and process complexity. The collaboration
maturity assessment was part of this larger
organizational performance assessment.
As a first step it was decided to apply the Col-
MM to measure the collaboration maturity of one
virtual team distributed over two European countries
(two sites) with different cultures, different work
habits, and different management styles. This virtual
team was in charge of the “Engine After Treatment
System” (EATS) that was part of a larger
development project of a new diesel engine that was
taking place under the responsibility of a business
unit distributed over three countries. The leading site
in this project will be referred to as site A below.
4.1 Field Study Steps
The field study was performed over the course of 5
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Figure 2: The seven steps in the Col-MM method.
Figure 3: The Col-MM tool data collection and analysis.
months. It was applied and followed the Col-MM
method steps (Figure 2).
At the scoping step, the purpose of the Col-MM
analysis was defined according to the company’s
requirements. As presented to the stakeholders, the
objectives of the Col-MM analysis were to check:
If the organization had adequate capabilities to
effectively support high quality collaboration.
If collaboration technologies were well selected
and configured.
If collaboration technologies provided were
effectively used.
If there were critical issues related to cultural
differences (national, organizational,
technological, etc), given the merger-acquisition
The data collection was performed through
individual and/or collective interviews based on the
Col-MM questionnaire (quantitative data). The
selection of respondents was done with the
assistance of the firm’ CKMO according to criteria
such as job position, responsibility, process step
intervention, and working experience. All
respondents had similar levels of education (MSc
degree) but from different engineering fields:
mechanical, electronic, electric, and industrial. The
Col-MM questionnaire was sent to the respondents
before the meeting with an introduction of the
company’s Col-MM objectives. Anonymity and
confidentiality of the treatment of the responses
were formally assured. Nine individual interviews
were conducted face-to-face in the respondents’
native language in the two European countries (3 in
the site A and 6 in the site B). Each interview lasted
about 90 minutes. During the interviews the Col-
MM tool (Figure 3) was used for data collection,
followed by a first quantitative data analysis. This
analysis presented individual perceptions about the
collaboration maturity of the team. It also helped to
identify perception differences concerning the
different criteria. All interviews were recorded for
further qualitative data analysis, consisting of
content/thematic analysis. This analysis helped to
get a more in-depth understanding of these
perception differences for each criterion or group of
criteria (area of concern). Two collective interviews
(one for each site) were conducted to examine these
perception gaps on some criteria. Follow-up
discussions and consensus building efforts were
carried out for relevant scores, in order to settle on
an acceptable assessment. The cross analysis yielded
additional interpretations by combining criteria for
specific measurements of capabilities according to
the focus of the assessment, such as project
management, knowledge management, IT adequacy,
value creation, and organizational learning.
The last step of the Col-MM method concerns
Team spider diagram
Comparison curve
Individual spider diagram
Superposition of two diagrams
Cloud matrix
Team spider diagram
Comparison curve
Individual spider diagram
Superposition of two diagrams
Cloud matrix
the definition of an action plan. This plan was
included in the report. An initial version of the
report was sent to the respondents to solicit any
corrections before the final report was prepared. A
final presentation to the company’s top management
reported on the results and provide
recommendations in form of a list of suggested
future actions.
4.2 Findings
The findings were reported as observations and
discussions of the different recorded perceptions
related to the Col-MM criteria and topics. Examples
of findings reported to top management according to
the four Col-MM areas of concern include:
Collaboration Characterizing: There were
virtually no differences between the different
sites in terms of their perceptions regarding the
nature of collaboration. We found similar
understandings of collaboration goals and team
members’ commitment for both sites. This may
have been facilitated by the technical subject
matter that the team members in the different
sites had to collaborate on; this created a
common language and hence understanding.
Collaboration Steering: We noticed different
perceptions between the two sites with respect to
project management style and decision-making
(hierarchical management vs. consensual
management). Site B respondents felt unfairly
rewarded compared to site A. They felt that
because site A had the project lead, its
employees always had an advantage.
Collaboration Processing: We noticed that site
B respondents had less awareness about different
collaboration approaches to enhance the team’s
performance. Because of their positions and
responsibilities in the process, they focused more
on their individual contribution to the overall
process rather than on developing collaborative
relationships. We also noticed differences in
terms of conflict management by the leadership
in each site: Conflict management in the site A
was based on consensus while in site B it was
based on hierarchical decision making and
Information and Knowledge Integration: We
found different perceptions regarding
information access. For site A respondents,
access to information was not organized as well
as they wished. Information was very distributed
and access should be simplified. We found
consistent perceptions between the two sites
regarding collaborative knowledge creation; both
sites felt this process was well organized.
Through the qualitative data analysis we found
that some cultural differences between sites
appeared to be related more the organizational
culture rather than to the national culture. For
example, the balance between private and
professional life appeared to be different. Also, there
was a different brand identity: Site B respondents
felt they were still belonging to their original brand
(i.e. from before the merger) rather than to the group
of brands. We also found different work attitudes: In
site B respondents were more reactive compared to
the respondents in site A being more proactive.
According to some respondents, this was because of
their position in the project. Possible explanations
could be related to their contracts type (tenure
status) and social protection.
The general findings reported can be summarized
as follows:
Collaboration was mainly based on “individuals’
goodwill” as for example related to resource
sharing and knowledge management.
The team was not as collaboratively mature as
was expected – they were at the Exploring Level.
Because of the asymmetric collaboration
awareness between the two sites, their
collaboration is mostly of a coordination nature.
This makes it difficult to further improve the
quality of their outcomes.
The new matrix structure did not resolve all
problems with respect to the imbalance between
responsibility and authority.
In the final report, various recommendations
were proposed, including:
Make collaboration a clear strategic goal in all
project management initiatives.
Re-think the management of collaboration
(steering) and provide training for managers.
Nominate full-time facilitators for collaboration.
Take into account diversity aspects related to
Make explicit recognitions for the contributions
of every actor toward effective collaboration.
After six months, we learned that three of the
suggested recommendations were followed up with
concrete actions:
The first recommendation was clearly mentioned
in the company’s project management standard.
Following the third recommendation, one full
time collaboration facilitator was assigned to
each business unit.
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Following the fifth recommendation, a
‘collaboration capability’ criterion was added to
the annual individual performance assessment.
During the application of the Col-MM during this
field study, we gathered various experiences and
feedback regarding the appropriateness and
usefulness of Col-MM. According to the
respondents, the Col-MM analysis was satisfactory
and correctly represented their perceptions. It
focused on real collaboration problems and allowed
traditionally ‘unspoken issues’ to surface. They were
also satisfied with the feedback provided to top
management and the subsequent actions that were
taken related to the assessment’s recommendations.
According to the operational managers, the results
were relevant. Further, most of them felt able to
reuse the Col-MM by themselves in the future.
According to the top managers, the study was
satisfactory in terms of results and
recommendations, as they confirmed and reinforced
some of their own perceptions. This allowed them,
for example, to focus more on the organizational
culture than on national culture and to understand
the problems related to the project-based new
organizational structure.
We also received feedback and recommendations
from the respondents on the Col-MM questionnaire
such as the possibility to review some criteria and
questions. The respondents stated that some criteria
were a little difficult to understand. Also, the
nuances between levels of responses were
sometimes subjective or difficult to distinguish. In
addition, they proposed to add some criteria such as
culture, work experience, and practice diversity, and
to rename some areas of concern such as
”collaboration readiness” instead of ”collaboration
characterizing” and ”collaboration management”
instead of ”collaboration processing”. Finally, they
suggested putting a stronger focus on virtualness
(i.e. the extent to which a process can be virtualized
(Martins et al., 2004)) and collaboration technology
rather than on information and knowledge
integration. Interestingly, this was contrary to the
wishes expressed by the focus group. However,
since the Col-MM is developed as a library of
criteria, the review of the Col-MM structure
according to a specific context is possible and
therefore the respondents’ suggestions can be easily
accommodated. In terms of execution, most
respondents expressed that they preferred the use of
collective rather than individual interviews as this
would enable a faster application of the Col-MM
Based on the experiences and feedback from this
field study, we observe the following regarding the
extent to which Col-MM meets the requirements as
proposed by the Focus Group experts:
Resource efficient: Col-MM appears to be
resource efficient. A total of 36 hours were
spent: 1.5 hours for the assessment preparation,
16.5 hours for the engineering interviews, 3
hours for the CKMO interviews, 3 hours for the
top management interviews and 12 hours for the
analysis and report preparation. We feel that this
is a modest and reasonable effort in terms of
resources spent.
Rich data: The combined use of quantitative and
qualitative data analysis enabled richer findings.
We felt that qualitative observations enabled us
to better uncover and interpret the various points
of views expressed by the respondents through
the Col-MM questionnaire.
Limited need for further advanced data analysis:
The analysis needs in the field application were
limited and the Col-MM tool provided sufficient
support (among others the report generation)..
Self-assessment: The operational managers
expressed confidence that they could perform
future applications of the Col-MM themselves.
Constructive learning: The respondents’
feedback shows that when the Col-MM study is
carefully communicated, participation can be
effective and generate discussions on real
problems that further facilitate the acceptance of
proposed solutions. In this respect, anonymity
and confidentiality seem to be crucial. This was
confirmed by feedback from the participants.
In this paper, we report on the first field application
and evaluation of an initial version of a new
collaboration maturity model, Col-MM, to assist in
the assessment of teams’ collaboration performance.
The Col-MM was developed prescriptively to meet a
real business need as expressed by 15 CKMOs and
others experts that are regularly confronted with
collaboration performance challenges. Our
contribution is both theoretical and practical as we
propose a model, an application method, a
supporting tool, and empirical evidence of their
application. Our experiences show that the Col-MM
can be applied in a resource-efficient fashion and
yields results that are useful for organizations.
However, there are limitations related to this
work with respect to the Design Science Evaluation
Framework. First, our empirical evidence is based
on several pilot studies but only a single field
application. Further field studies have to be executed
to expand the evaluation of the Col-MM artefacts
and to further enhance the Col-MM. Particular care
will have to be taken to ensure that Col-MM can
take into account all levels of collaboration and all
collaboration processes in an organization in
different settings. This cannot be achieved by just
expanding the number of criteria as this will overly
complicate the use of the model. Second, at this
stage, the Col-MM cannot yet be used to investigate
a correlation between collaboration maturity levels
and organizational/team performance. However, it
provides a first step into this direction.
We recommend several directions for future
research to enhance the current version of Col-MM.
First, the model has to be applied in different types
of organizations for different types of teams. The
experiences from these applications will assist in the
further development and evaluation of the Col-MM
artefacts. Second, organizational and team
performance measures have to be developed to
enable an analysis of the relationship between
collaboration maturity and organizational
productivity. Fourth, from a behavioural science
perspective, some further confirmatory studies
should be performed using Structural Equation
Modelling (Bollen, 1989) to validate the correlation
between these variables (i.e. Col-MM constructs and
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