The OASys Ontology
Julita Bermejo-Alonso
, Ricardo Sanz
, Manuel Rodr´ıguez
and Carlos Hern´andez
Dpto. de Ingenier´ıa de Sistemas y Autom´atica, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Autonomous Systems Laboratory (ASLab), Universidad Polit´ecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Ontology engineering, Domain ontology, Autonomous systems.
This paper describes the development of an ontology for autonomous systems, as the initial stage of a re-
search programme on autonomous systems’ engineering within a model-based control approach. The ontology
aims at providing a unified conceptual framework for the autonomous systems’ stakeholders, from developers
to software engineers. The modular ontology contains both generic and domain-specific concepts for au-
tonomous systems description and engineering. The ontology serves as the basis in a methodology to obtain
the autonomous system’s conceptual models. The objective is to obtain and to use these models as main input
for the autonomous system’s model-based control system.
Knowledge Engineering research has addressed the
use and development of ontologies as a mean to im-
prove knowledge processes. An ontology as a con-
ceptualisation of a specification (Gruber, 1993), pro-
vides a solid basis to build knowledge bases for a
greater functionality and shareness among users. On-
tologies allow defining an abstract and simplified
view of the concepts, their properties and their rela-
tionships within a domain of knowledge. Ontologies
organise this knowledge in an appropriate structure,
providing a representation vocabulary specialised for
a domain. Ontologies formalise, structure and ex-
press the semantic content in the form of entities, their
properties and their relationships, paying attention to
the granularity of the ontological elements. On the
other hand, ontologies are developed with a pragmatic
focus, having in mind a context and an intended use
for a particular domain, generally being developed
following a design method or methodology.
Ontological Engineering refers to the different ac-
tivities in the developmentprocess, the methodologies
to support it, and the languages and tools used for
the deployment of an ontology (G´omez P´erez et al.,
2004b). This paper describes the ontological engi-
neering of an ontology for autonomous systems that
we have carried out. We have developed an ontol-
ogy, OASys, as a conceptual framework and software
support for the domain of autonomous systems. Our
approach has been to develop an ontology to con-
sider not only the description but also the engineer-
ing process of this kind of systems, as part of a long-
time research programme on a universal technology
for autonomous systems. Our goal is to include both
generic knowledgeon systems, as well as the domain-
specific on autonomous systems, providinga common
vocabulary for all the stakeholders. The underlying
idea is that the ontology should express the concepts,
consider the constraints or relationships in an explicit
way under some ontological commitments but most
importantly build the ontology to be readable by com-
puters. This way the ontology would become an engi-
neering artefact within a software process developed
to define and to implement autonomous systems. On-
tological domain models can drive typical develop-
ment phases, such as requirements, design and im-
plementation. The ontology so understood, is a map-
ping of the philosophical meaning of ontology into
knowledge-based systems epistemology.
The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 re-
views current research on engineering ontologies for
the domains of autonomous systems, and software en-
gineering. Section 3 summarises both the require-
ments we considered necessary in our ontology for
the domain of autonomous systems, as well as the
way they were deployed. Section 4 explains the de-
sign decisions made whilst developing the ontology.
Next, Section 5 describes the actual ontology ob-
tained, formalised using software engineering tech-
Bermejo-Alonso J., Sanz R., Rodriguez M. and Hernández C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003634600470058
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2011), pages 47-58
ISBN: 978-989-8425-80-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
niques. Finally, Section 6 draws some concluding re-
marks on the ontology development, and additional
tasks to carry out to improve and refine it.
The ontology for autonomous systems (OASys) en-
gineered addressed two different but interrelated do-
mains. Firstly, the domain of autonomous systems.
The ontology will be used to describe the autonomous
system’s structure, function, and behaviour. Sec-
ondly, the domain of software engineering. Our ontol-
ogy will also describe the autonomous system’s engi-
neering process. As part of our research, we reviewed
former attempts to develop an ontology in both do-
Related to the domain of autonomous systems,
ontologies have addressed different kinds of au-
tonomous systems: mobile robots, agent-based appli-
cations, and autonomic sytems. For mobile robots,
the ontologies have been used as a knowledge-
representation mechanism to conceptualise their do-
main, their tasks or the environment where the mo-
bile robots act. The research generally focuses on
the description of the ontologies (Uschold et al.,
2003), on their use for a particular mobile robot
or application (Barbera et al., 2004), (Scrapper and
Balakirsky, 2004), (Schlenoff and Messina, 2005),
(Hallam and Bruynickx, 2006), and on the benefits
achieved (Stojanovic et al., 2004b), (Provine et al.,
2004). In the case of agent-based systems, the re-
search on ontologies emphasises the necessity to
share and to exchange knowledge among the agents
in the autonomous system, and the problems of in-
teroperatibility (Malucelli et al., 2005), (Schlenoff
and Messina, 2005). For autonomic systems, ontolo-
gies have been developed to support information ex-
change and integration (Lehtihet et al., 2006), as part
of the autonomoussystem (Tziallas and Theodoulidis,
2003), and as an explicit representation of data se-
mantic and rules (Stojanovic et al., 2004a). In gen-
eral, the research on ontologies for autonomous sys-
tems have focused on their usage, rather than provid-
ing a detailed account of the ontological engineering
process that obtained the ontology
When it comes to the other domain of interest for
our research, ontologies have been developed to act as
domain ontologies to describe software engineering
processes or technologies (Hesse, 2005), (Ruiz and
Hilera, 2006), (Abran et al., 2006), (Hruby, 2005),
(Falbo et al., 2005). Additionally, ontologies have
been used as software elements within the system’s
architecture to support the software process (Eberhart,
2003), (Wongthongtham et al., 2005). The ontologies
description has once again paid more attention to their
benefits and use than to the specification, conceptual-
isation and formalisation of the ontological elements
in the ontologies.
Our review pointed out the increasing use of on-
tologies for autonomous system’s and for software
engineering. Both domains have benefited from the
use of ontologies, as they provide a common under-
standing of the concepts, allow sharing and trans-
fering knowledge, and manage knowledge scalabil-
ity. Nevertheless, the existing research did not pro-
vide enough elements to infer how the ontologies
were engineered, in terms of their specification, con-
ceptualisation and formalisation. These aspects are
more commonly addressed as part of ontological en-
gineering efforts (Uschold and King, 1995), (Noy and
McGuinness, 2001), (Corcho et al., 2003), (Gr¨uninger
and Fox, 1995), without a specific domain such as the
autonomous system’s one under consideration.
Our approach to develop OASys combined the de-
tailed description of the ontological engineering pro-
cess as well as the analysis of the specific features to
fulfill the requirements of the ontology to be used for
the description and engineering of autonomous sys-
tems. Next sections describe all these aspects: the
specification of OASys in terms of the requirements
and the features to be accounted for; its conceptuali-
sation as the design decisions we made; and the struc-
ture of the developed ontology taking into account the
former elements.
A key aspect whilst developing an ontology is to state
the ontology’s purpose, which drives its development
and ontological contents. Knowing what the ontology
is to be developed for, allows focusing on the essen-
tial elements to be included. Additionally, it is neces-
sary to define the type of ontology based on the sub-
ject of conceptualisation to consider. The level of ab-
straction, generality, and reusability of the ontological
terms to be gathered in the ontology changes when
considering an upper-level ontology from a domain
Different design criteria can serve as guideline to
support the ontological engineering. These design
principles allow evaluating the design with a focus on
knowledge sharing (Gruber, 1993): clarity as the on-
tology is designed to communicate and to share the
meaning of defined terms; extendibility to foresee the
necessity to define or add new terms without modify-
ing previous ones; minimal encoding bias to prevent
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
the development being too based on the final imple-
mentation language; and minimal ontological com-
mitments to allow instantiating the terms by the differ-
ent users. Not all criteria can be met when designing
an ontology. It is necessary to establish trade-offs be-
tween them and to compromise between the ontology
design and its intended use.
The development of our ontology for autonomous
systems took into account these design principles,
prior to their implementation in the actual features
of the ontology. The next sections summarise firstly
the set of requirements considered in the develop-
ment, and secondly how these aspects were finally ad-
dressed in the ontology.
3.1 OASys Requirements
Purpose: the ontology would need to conceptu-
alise the ontological elements to be used in the
description of the autonomous system. Moreover,
it aims at capturing the concepts required to de-
fine its generic engineering process. Our aim is
to provide the system’s developers with the on-
tological elements necessary to describe the au-
tonomous system, from a more general viewpoint
to a particular one. We are interested not only on
the autonomous system, but also on the engineer-
ing development of this kind of systems as part of
our research. These are the two aspects we are
interested in as part of our research. We need
to describe any autonomous system’s structure,
function and behaviour. We will also develop a
methodology for autonomous system’s engineer-
ing, hence the necessity to consider the engineer-
ing process.
Type of Ontology: it would be a domain ontology
to describe the autonomous system domain. A do-
main ontology provides the concepts and their re-
lationships within a domain, about the activities
in it and about the theories and principles guid-
ing that domain. Being a domain ontology al-
lows a high level of usability as it captures the
domain knowledge in a problem-solving indepen-
dent manner, being its reusability constraint to au-
tonomous systems related aspects.
Design Criteria: to assure the coherence and qual-
ity, the ontology would be developed bearing in
mind the aforementioned design criteria. The on-
tology development has paid special attention to
clarity, extendibility, minimal encoding bias, and
minimal ontological commitment.
Knowledge Acquisition: it would be made by con-
sidering different sources such as documents, ex-
isting ontologies, and experts. Documents such
as articles, technical reports, or books serve as
an input source for the ontological elements to
be considered. Existing ontologies should also
be reviewed, as the domain might have already
been conceptualised, however with a different
viewpoint or purpose. These existing ontologies
should be selected, evaluated, and finally fully
or partially reused, paying attention to the level
of granularity (if the existing ontology covers the
same level of detail as in the ontology under de-
velopment). Domain experts also act as a possible
source for the conceptualisation, since they pro-
vide their terminology, i.e., the words and terms
in a domain they are familiar with.
Methodology: the election of the methodology
to follow during the ontology building is also an
important factor to consider. There is a wide
range of methodologies that have been developed
to support and guide this process, as reviewed in
(G´omez P´erez et al., 2004a). It would be neces-
sary to assess them, to be reused in the ontology
development. However, a new methodology can
be defined or refined if existing ones do not fulfil
the requirements for the development of a partic-
ular ontology.
Formalisation: the ontology can be formalised
using either traditional ontological languages or
software engineering techniques. An analysis of
the benefits and drawbacks of each option would
be made to select the final formalisation tech-
3.2 OASys Features
Once the ontology requirements were established, we
considered the actual ontology features and additional
elements to fulfil each one of them. This section de-
scribes how the requirements were finally deployed in
the ontological engineering process of OASys.
Structure: the ontology needed to address two dif-
ferent aspects in its structure, the knowledge con-
tents and the intended use. The knowledge con-
tents refer to the type of ontology, considering
different levels of abstraction to separate generic
knowledge from domain-specific one. The in-
tended use relates to the purpose of the ontology,
as the distinction between the knowledge on au-
tonomous system description and the knowledge
about its engineering process.
To address the different levels of abstraction in the
ontology contents, the ontology has adopted a lay-
ered structure to address both generic and domain-
specific knowledge. The upper layer contains
the more abstract level knowledge, such as the
concepts related to system’s theories, and addi-
tional mereotopologicalconcepts to expressmere-
ological and topological relationships in a system.
A lower layer gathers the ontological elements
to charaterise an autonomous’ system structure,
function and behaviour. The focus lies on the au-
tonomous system domain as conceptualised in the
framework of our research programme, however
being general enough to be re-used in the devel-
opment of any autonomous system.
To tackle the intended purpose for both the au-
tonomous system’s description and its engineer-
ing, we found a sensible idea to consider two on-
tologies as part of OASys: the ASys Ontology
gathers the ontological elements to be used in the
description of an autonomous system; the ASys
Engineering Ontology collects the entities and re-
lationships to describe and support the engineer-
ing process of an autonomous system.
Design Criteria: the design criteria were followed
throughout the development of the ontology. The
original requirement regarding a design principle
was analysed, and finally accomplished during the
development of the ontology.
Clarity: to benefit from concept definitions
which have already been used within the scien-
tific community, existing ontologies and glos-
saries were reviewed. This aspect was spe-
cially important for the upper layer concepts,
as they refer to generic knowledge on systems
and systems’ engineering. The concepts of the
domain–specific layer were defined from our
research outputs and other sources. The dif-
ferent available documents were carefully anal-
ysed to extract the ontological elements, check-
ing for mismatches or commonalities. Those
concepts would be later discussed with the
group members to commit to the desired mean-
ing for our research. Finally, all the ontological
constructs (concepts, relationships, attributes,
axioms) were defined in natural language.
Extendibility: to cater for extensions in the fu-
ture, concepts were organised using subontolo-
gies and packages. Subontologies group onto-
logical elements at the different abstraction lev-
els for each one of the two developed ontolo-
gies. Packages are organisational elements to
further classify the concepts within a subontol-
ogy according to a concrete aspect. The ontol-
ogy’s scalability profits from these organising
elements, allowing thus the extension or modi-
fication of the ontology without major changes
to its structure and composition. Within a layer,
new subontologies can be added to extend the
existing ones with the purpose of addressing a
new viewpoint when the ontology is to be ex-
tended. Within a subontology, new packages
can be added or existing ones can be modified
or updated by adding or removing concepts.
Minimal encoding bias: to preventthe incorrect
conceptualisation of concepts based on the fi-
nal implementation language syntax or appear-
ance, intermediate tabular representations and
graphs were used to define the different onto-
logical constructs.
Minimal ontological commitment: only the
fundamental concepts were described as agreed
by the ontology users both at a generic knowl-
edge, and at a domain–specific level. This lat-
ter elaborates the former by adding new ones to
provide a deeper level of detail.
Inputs and Sources: documents and existing on-
tologies were considered. Documents were anal-
ysed to come up with existing terminology and
definitions for the different domains, subdomains,
applications and aspects considered in the on-
tology’s structure. They included articles in re-
lated journals, body of knowledgedocuments, and
books. As underlying focus, the ideas developed
in our research programme. At a generic knowl-
edge level, theories related to general systems
(Klir, 1969), (Klir, 1985), (Klir, 1991), (Klir and
Elias, 2003), (Morbach et al., 2008), mereology
and topology (Borst et al., 1995), (Borst et al.,
1997), (Borst, 1997), (Guizzardi, 2005), (Keet
and Artale, 2007), (Morbach et al., 2007) for the
system’s description were revised. Likewise, tra-
ditional systems’ engineering theories were in-
cluded as a metamodel for a later refinement for
autonomous systems engineering (IEEE, 1990),
(OMG, 2008a), (OMG, 2009b), (IEEE, 2000),
(OMG, 2008b), (OMG, 2003), (Stahl and V¨olter,
2006), (Sanz and Rodr´ıguez, 2008).
At a domain-specific knowledge level, functions
and capabilities to be part of an autonomous sys-
tems were considered, as described in (Rumbaugh
et al., 2004), (Hern´andez and Hernando, 2008),
(de la Mata, 2009), (UPM-ICEA-Team, 2006d),
(UPM-ICEA-Team, 2006a), (L´opez, 2007), (Sanz
and Rodr´ıguez, 2008), (Hern´andez et al., 2008),
(Sanz et al., 2007a), (ASLab Team, 2006), (UPM-
ICEA-Team, 2006c), (UPM-ICEA-Team, 2006b).
Moreover, we analysed specific ontological ele-
ments for the autonomous system’s engineering
described in (Sanz et al., 2005), (Sanz et al.,
2007b), (Rumbaugh et al., 2004), (Morbach et al.,
2007), (van Lamsweerde, 2008), (Friedenthal
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
et al., 2008), (Sanz et al., 1999), (Douglass, 2004),
(Segarra, 2005), (Sanz and Rodr´ıguez, 2008), (Es-
tefan, 2008).
Methodology: from the available methodolo-
gies and methods for ontology engineering,
METHONTOLOGY (Fern´andez-L´opez et al.,
1997) was chosen as a starting point since:
1. The stages for the development process are well
and clearly defined in an ontology life cycle.
2. It comprises different and further tasks to be
considered, such as the ontology maintenance.
3. The conceptualisation activity is decomposed
in different detailed tasks, with a proposed or-
4. Intermediaterepresentations, such as tables and
graphs, can be easily understood both by do-
main experts and ontology developers.
5. It allows for flexibility from different view-
points: the process (tasks can be revisited if
new concepts are added), the representation (ta-
bles can be modified as needed) and evolving
prototypes (a new prototype is obtained when
adding, changing or removing terms).
METHONTOLOGY proposes both a ontology
development process, as well as an ontology life
cycle closely intertwined. The development pro-
cess refers to which activities are performed when
building the ontology. The ontology life cycle
identifies when these activities should be carried
out, by a set of stages that define which activities
to perform in each stage and how they are related.
Both the development process and the life cycle
activities were followed for the development of
OASys. Some additional guidelines described in
(Noy and McGuinness, 2001), (Mizoguchi, 2004)
were also considered.
Formalisation: a software engineering general-
and specific-purpose language, such as UML
(OMG, 2009a), (OMG, 2009b), was chosen to
specify the ontology. We realised the limitations
of UML for ontology development (Baclawski
et al., 2002), (G´omez P´erez et al., 2004b), (Gase-
vic et al., 2006b). Our decision was based on the
fact that our review of ontologies for autonomous
systems and software engineering showed the
wide use of UML to specify such ontologies
(Gasevic et al., 2006a), (Tamma et al., 2005),
(Ruiz and Hilera, 2006). Moreover, UML was
suitable for the model-driven engineering pro-
cess considered in our research programme (Sanz
et al., 2009). Additionally, the Ontology Defini-
tion Metamodel (ODM) (OMG, 2009c) opened
the possibility of a later formalisation of OASys
using traditional ontological languages such as
OWL and RDF, by using the metamodels, map-
ping and profiles defined in it.
Even with the guidance of a methodology, some de-
sign decisions and trade-offs have to be considered
whilst developing an ontology. Ours was not excep-
tion, and this section summarises our design deci-
The Modular Structure: the requirement to con-
sider two different ontologies within OASys has
already been justified and explainedin former sec-
tions. It remains to explain the election of a mod-
ular structure for each one of them. For the ontol-
ogy containing the elements for autonomous sys-
tem’s description, the ASys Ontology, it was clear
the need to consider two different levels in the
knowledge content. One, to provide concepts for
a generic system, without paying attention to au-
tonomous properties (the System Subontology).
Two, to gather ontological elements specific for
the kind of autonomous systems we are develop-
ing (the ASys Subontology). The first one was
conceptualised to include elements that we will
use to define any kind of system, i.e., even if our
research changes to a different kind of systems,
we will still be able to re-use this part of the on-
tology. The second one was conceptualised bear-
ing in mind the necessity to provide a common
vocabulary of our research view on the topic of
autonomous systems.
When it comes to the use of packages, the under-
lying idea was to organise the ontological con-
structs in a way easy to change and to update,
especially for the domain-specific knowledge that
would evolve as our research would do. The pack-
ages contained in a particular Subontology had to
be closely related to the intended use of it.
Hence, the System Subontology consisted of
those packages related to any system’s definition,
in terms of their structure, behaviour and function:
General Systems package: to gather concepts
to characterise any kind of system’s structure,
function and behaviour, based on General Sys-
tems Theory.
Mereology package: to provide general con-
cepts for whole-part relationships, based on
Mereological and Meronymic theories.
Topology package: to collect general concepts
for topological connections, based on Topolog-
ical theories.
For the conceptualisation of the ASys Subontol-
ogy, the inner organisation in packages follows
the capabilities we consider key elements of au-
Perception package: to conceptualise the per-
ception process.
Knowledge package: to specify the different
kinds of knowledge the autonomous system
will use.
Thought package: to describe the reconfigura-
tion and adaption of goals in the autonomous
Action package: to characterise the way the de-
cisions are finally carried out as actions by dif-
ferent actors.
Device package: to define the aspects of the de-
vices being part of the autonomous system.
A similar process was followed to establish the
modular structure of the ASys Engineering Ontol-
ogy. The name refers to the fact that this ontology
provides the conceptualisation of the engineering
process of an autonomous system, ASys for short.
Once again, two levels of knowledgewere consid-
ered. The higher level concepts can be re-used for
different engineering processes (the System En-
gineering Subontology), whereas the lower level
ones specifically addressed the engineering pro-
cess under development as part of our research on
autonomous systems (the ASys Engineering Sub-
ontology). The inner structure in packages of the
former subontologies was decided based on the
extendibility requirement, as the ontology would
be used in different applications.
The System Engineering Subontology contained
those packages necessary to address the engineer-
ing process of any system:
Requirement package: to define the stakehold-
ers needs and requirements.
Perspective package: to specify the stakehold-
ers concerns.
Engineering Process package: to describe the
engineering process itself in terms of phases,
tasks and products obtained.
Model-driven package: to include model-
driven theories as the overall approach.
At a specific level knowledge, we considered sim-
ilar packages to specialise the former ones for
our research approach, except for an ASys model-
driven package, which has not yet been concep-
tualised until further development of our model-
based control approach:
ASys Requirement package: to specialise the
stakeholders needs and requirements for an au-
tonomous system.
ASys Perspective package: to describe an au-
tonomous system from different perspectivesor
ASys Engineering Process package: to describe
the engineering process of an autonomous sys-
The Packages’ Contents: to define the ontologi-
cal elements to be considered in each one of the
subontologies, and the inner packages, we fol-
lowed a combination of top-down and a bottom-
up approaches. The top-down approach allowed
starting the ontology development with an intu-
itive analysis of the basic concepts and specifying
them in detail afterwards. This approach was used
to define the different packages to be contained
in a particular subontology as described before,
as well as a first overall description of the con-
tents to be included in each one. For example,
for the Thought package that conceptualises the
goal-oriented process in the autonomous system,
we considered at a first stage the necessity to in-
clude goal-oriented terms such as goal, subgoal,
goal structure, etc.
Next, we followed a bottom-up approach to elicit
the concepts finally contained in each package,
by analysing the terms actually used in a given
field of knowledge and trying to interpret them
and their structural relations. Continuing with the
Thought package as example, we analysed goal-
oriented theories and terminology on this field as
described in (Yu, 1997), (van Lamsweerde, 2003),
(University of Toronto, 2004). Additional tech-
niques described in (Douglass, 2004) were used
to identify the objects domain, such as underly-
ing the nouns in the analysed texts, identifying
causal objects (sources of actions or events), iden-
tifying real-world entities, physical devices, key
concepts, or control elements.
The Concepts’ Integration: this process posed a
twofold approach depending on the sources con-
sidered as input for a package. Some packages
were based upon a concrete theory that provided
the ontological elements. The description given
by such theory was well articulated, however
not being expressed from an ontological view-
point. Key concepts were identified following the
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
bottom-up approach, establishing the fundamen-
tal concepts and relationships considering mini-
mal ontological commitments, i.e., only those rel-
evant concepts for our research and the domain of
autonomous systems were initially considered.
Such is the case of the General Systems package
whose main source is the General Systems The-
ory described in (Klir, 1969), and (Klir and Elias,
2003). The theory provides a wide range of con-
cepts to define different features in any kind of
system, however our interest lied on the necessity
to use it as the basis to describe the structural, and
behavioural generic knowledge, hence only those
concepts related to structure and behaviour, and
their relationships were considered in this pack-
age. For example, goal-oriented concepts further
described in (Klir, 1991) were not included as part
of this package.
For other packages, the sources and inputs for
their knowledge were covered by different glos-
saries and theories. Hence, it was necessary
among other activities to assess the granularity of
the terms, the existence of synonyms, and the suit-
ability of the concepts for our research. This as-
sessment process was especially relevant for the
domain-specific packages, where not only our re-
search ideas but also existing sources with a simi-
lar approach had to be considered.
For example, the ASys Engineering Process pack-
age contents were obtained by analysing, map-
ping and manually merging the concepts de-
scribed in (Sanz et al., 1999), (Segarra, 2005),
combined with a review of existing model–based
engineering methodologies in (Estefan, 2008).
The Ontologies Intradependencies: the original
design idea was to develop self-contained subon-
tologies, i.e., grouping concepts without depend-
ing on the ontological elements of any other sub-
ontology or package. However, the layered struc-
ture into generic and domain-specific knowledge,
where the latter specialises the former,showed the
impossibility of such approach. Hence, intrade-
pendencies exist among the subontologies in the
ASys Ontology, and in the ASys Engineering On-
tology. This fact made necessary to assure the
conceptualisation of the generic concept prior to
the conceptualisation of specialised ones.
For example, the taxonomy of different Quantities
(variables) defined in the ASys Subontology as
part of the Knowledge package, made necessary
to conceptualise first the generic concept of Quan-
tity in the System Subontology. In a similar way,
the ontological constructs conceptualised in the
ASys Engineering Subontology within the ASys
Engineering Process package to define the differ-
ent activities in the autonomous system’s engi-
neering process, depend on the former definition
of the generic concepts of Phase, Task, Workprod-
uct, etc., defined in the respective package of the
System Engineering Subontology.
The Ontologies Interdepencies: a second kind
of dependency between the ontologies had to be
considered, not so much as part of the conceptu-
alisation of the ontologies content but to accom-
plish the intended use of the ontologies. The ASys
Ontology conceptualises the elements to describe
an autonomous system. The ASys Engineering
Ontology does similarly with the terms of the
autonomous system’s engineering process. This
process was conceptualised as different phases,
tasks, and workproducts in the form of concep-
tual models to describe the stakeholders’ needs,
the autonomous system’s structure, behaviour and
function. These conceptual models use the onto-
logical constructs of the ASys Ontology, thus their
conceptualisation in terms of definition, attributes,
relationships and axioms had to be prior made.
For example, the ASys Engineering Ontology
contains in the ASys Engineering Process pack-
age the definition of the concepts of Structural
Model to model the autonomous system from a
Structure viewpoint, hence the concept of Struc-
ture has previously been defined in the ASys On-
tology to understand the meaning of this sec-
ond concept. Likewise, the concept of Operation
Model relies on the definition of the Operation
concept, made in the Action package of the ASys
These interdependencies were addressed and de-
scribed in an ontology-based methodology, which
describes and guides the conceptual modelling of
an autonomous system based on the ontological
constructs provided by the ASys Engineering On-
tology, which in turn uses the elements in the
ASys Ontology.
Considering the requirements, their fulfilment and the
design decisions described in former sections, the fi-
nal ontology for autonomous systems (OASys) was
formalised as two main ontologies: the ASys Ontol-
ogy for the ontological elements related to the sys-
tem’s description, and the ASys Engineering Ontol-
ogy to provide system’s engineering ontological con-
structs. Each one of them was conceptualised and for-
malised as a standalone ontology, using the chosen
Hence, OASys is in fact two ontologies grouped
under the same name. However, they were conceived
to be used in conjunction, with the ASys Engineering
Ontology contents constructing and guiding the use
of the ASys Ontology contents during the process of
autonomous system’s conceptual modelling.
1. ASys Ontology: as part of it, two subon-
tologies were developed to cover from generic
knowledge to domain–specific one regarding au-
tonomous system’s description (Figure 1). The
System Subontology contains the generic knowl-
edge on systems, organised into the General Sys-
tems, Mereology, and Topology packages. The
ASys Subontology specialises and refines the pre-
vious concepts, adding autonomous systems spe-
cific ones, consisting of the Perception, Knowl-
edge, Thought, Action, and Device packages.
Figure 1: The ASys Ontology.
2. ASys Engineering Ontology: two different sub-
ontologies were developed as part of this ontol-
ogy to conceptualise the engineering process of
autonomous systems, from a more abstract to
domain–specific knowledge (Figure 2). The Sys-
tem Engineering Subontology gathers ontological
elements for any system engineering process as
general as possible based on system’s engineering
and software engineering methodologies, organ-
ised into the Requirement, System Perspective,
Engineering Process and Model–driven packages.
The ASys Engineering Subontology contains the
specialisation and additional elements to describe
an autonomous system’s generic engineering pro-
cess, consisting of the ASys Requirement, ASys
Perspective, and ASys Engineering Process pack-
To assess the suitability and shortcomings of the
ontology and the related methodology, two testbeds
Figure 2: The ASys Engineering Ontology.
have been considered to obtain the conceptual models
(Bermejo-Alonso et al., 2010c).
The first one, the Robot Control Testbed (RCT),
is a collection of mobile robot systems, with a wide
range of implementations and capabilities (from con-
ventional SLAM based mobile robots to virtual ones
inspired in rat brain neuroscience).
A second testbed, the Process Control Testbed
(PCT), involves the development of a robust control
architecture for a chemical reaction system (with mul-
tiple steady states), providing the system with cogni-
tive capabilities to carry out complex tasks such as
fault diagnosis, alarm management, and control sys-
tem reconfiguration from a single theoretical stand-
Our research focused on the engineering and devel-
opment of a modular ontology, as a set of smaller
and interrelated ontologies, to be used as a conceptual
frameworkand software support for the domain of au-
tonomous systems. This paper describes the engineer-
ing process of such ontology, paying special attention
to the requirements, the features, and the structure of
the ontology. Once these elements were defined, the
conceptualisation and formalisation stages of the on-
tology took place. As a result, the ontology for au-
tonomous systems (OASys) was obtained.
This ontology is the initial step in a broader re-
search aim to develop autonomous systems where
such systems will use their own design knowledge
during their operation. This knowledge will be rep-
resented in the form of conceptual models based on
the ontological elements contained in the ontology de-
scribed in this paper.
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Hence, the ontological terms will be initially used
to describe the autonomous system’s features and
functionalities (by means of the ASys Ontology) and
the engineering process (by means of the ASys Engi-
neering Ontology) (Bermejo-Alonso et al., 2010b).
The ASys Ontology will allow us to describe dif-
ferent kinds of autonomous systems, both at a general
and at a detailed knowledge level to consider the dif-
ferent elements and processes we consider of impor-
tance in our autonomous systems.
The ASys Engineering Ontology foresees the ne-
cessity to conceptualise our new approach for en-
gineering autonomous systems at a more detailed
knowledge level, however considering generic engi-
neering elements to describe the process at a more
abstract level.
By using OASys, engineers developing au-
tonomous’ systems will obtain the conceptual mod-
els of different autonomous systems, addressing the
problem of modelling in a modular and unified
view the complex systemic structures that many au-
tonomous systems exhibit.
Additionally, OASys has been complemented
with the development of the OASys-based method-
ology to exemplify the use of OASys in a generic
autonomous system engineering process (Bermejo-
Alonso et al., 2010a).
The methodologywill guide autonomoussystem’s
engineers on how the conceptual models of an au-
tonomous system can be obtained and used to de-
scribe and to support the autonomous system’s en-
gineering process. Later on, these conceptual mod-
els will be used by the autonomous system itself as
knowledge to perform their operation, following a
model-based control paradigm.
The key aspect of this research is that to develop
OASys we considered a wide range of autonomous
systems, covering from robot-based applications to
continuous processes or biological systems. Former
attempts of ontologies for this domain focused on a
particular kind of application or a specific type of au-
tonomous systems.
Moreover, the development of OASys has ad-
dressed not only its use for the autonomous systems’
description but also for their engineering process. The
combination of these two aspects was not considered
in previous research efforts regarding these domains.
To consider the autonomous systems’ domain
from a global viewpoint made it necessary to take
into account a great number of sources and elements
to make the ontology as comprehensive as possible.
OASys has allowed us to conceptualise the domain
of autonomous systems in a way general and reusable
enough to address any kind of autonomous system.
The ontology has conceptualised domain knowledge
both at a general level and at a more specific level,
without being application-oriented.
This approach has allowed us to model the
testbeds at the level of detail required for their soft-
ware development. However, the particular features
of the testbeds have hinted a possible necessity to
complement our ontology with subdomain or applica-
tion specific knowledge. This will lead to additional
analysis, mapping and integration aspects to be ad-
dressed as part of further research.
The ontology structure was chosen considering
the different requirements, to cater for different lev-
els in the contents as well as different domains in use.
The modelling of the testbeds using OASys showed
the suitability of this multilevel modular approach, al-
though pinpointing the complexity of considering in
detail the dependencies among the packages and the
two inner ontologies. The packaged structure allowed
us to add new packages as our research evolved.
The relationship and interaction between the ASys
Ontology and the ASys Engineering Ontology has
been addressed in the OASys-based methodology,
where it is described the use of the ASys Ontology
elements as part of an engineering process defined us-
ing the ASys Engineering Ontology.
Further research will also address the evaluation
process of the adopted ontology, considering different
available methods and techniques.
Our research also needs to explore in more detail
the aspects of modularity, as well as reviewing the
evolution of OASys, as a set of interconnected ontolo-
gies, into a network ontology as described in (Suarez-
Figueroa et al., 2009).
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