sition for all of ships. SA was also applied in a stand
alone way.
On test instances, both SA and MA yield good re-
sults and outperform the rather good Tabu Search of
Cordeau et al. (2005). Our results show a relative su-
periority of the MA, but SA also found good solu-
The integrated use of MA, SA and the two-phase
heuristic results in a powerful approach to solve the
continuous case of the BAP, providing good solutions
in low computational times.
MA showed to be extremely efficient, presenting
small gaps over the best-known lower bounds and
suggesting that our solutions are probably close to op-
So, considering that the continuous case of the
BAP represents real situations in a more appropriate
way, and considering that BAP has a significant im-
pact on the efficiency of the marine terminals, a mini-
mal reduction on the service times may reflects a gain
and/or economy of millions of dollars.
The authors acknowledge Esp´ırito Santo Research
Foundation - FAPES (process 45391998/09) and
National Council for Scientific and Technological
Development - CNPq (processes 300747/2010-1,
300692/2009-9 and 470813/2010-5) for their finan-
cial support.
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