Malika Grim-Yefsah
, Camille Rosenthal-Sabroux
and Virginie Thion-Goasdoué
LAMSADE, Paris Dauphine University, Paris, France
CEDRIC, CNAM, Paris, France
INSERM, Paris, France
Keywords: Business process, Quality evaluation, Robustness, Quality metrics, Tacit knowledge.
Abstract: We consider the evaluation of a business process quality, in particular the evaluation of its robustness. By
robustness, we mean robustness w.r.t. the risk of loosing knowledge of persons implied in the business
process. We define metrics taking tacit knowledge into account. These metrics are based on the analysis of a
social network underlying the process execution. We illustrate these metrics on a –real– application case:
the evaluation of an IS project management business process.
T. H. Davenport and J. E. Short (1990) defined a
business process as being a set of logically related
tasks performed to achieve a business outcome. In
order to run efficiently, a company must identify and
manage its processes. Managing a business process
includes, among other things, monitoring its quality.
Monitoring quality means defining quality metrics
for different quality dimensions and then monitoring
them by measuring them periodically. Our goal is to
define quality metrics for the robustness quality
dimension of a business process, where robustness
measures the risk of loosing knowledge necessary to
the business process execution.
We consider here business processes consisting
of tasks performed by persons. To achieve a task, an
“official” executor often informally asks for help to
other persons that we call contributors. Help
consists in giving an advice, reminding a technical
procedure, giving an informal validation, etc. Thus,
executing a task requires not only executors’
knowledge but also contributors’ one, and more
particularly their tacit knowledge. One of the
peculiarities of tacit knowledge is that it is not
entirely “explicitable”. Consequently, the whole tacit
knowledge of a person cannot be transmitted to
another person or a system: tacit knowledge is
inherent to a person. The underlying problem here is
that if a person implied in a task execution is
missing then this task can be in peril as the adequate
-eventually tacit- knowledge required for the task
execution is missing. In this context, it is important
to be able to evaluate the robustness (of the business
processes) w.r.t. the risk of loosing knowledge
(including the tacit one).
Another research domain focuses on persons
(and implicitly on their knowledge): the social
network analysis domain, addressed by sociologists.
Social network analysis consists in (1) modeling a
social network, usually seen as a graph and (2)
analyzing this graph in order to identify e.g. social
positions, friendship groups, or central nodes. We
greatly inspire of this domain to define the notion of
informal network representing informal relations
created between persons during the execution of a
business process.
We propose quality metrics, measuring business
process robustness, linked to the presence or absence
of persons, and the risk of loosing knowledge with
regard to the informal network. We illustrate our
approach on a real application: the transition phase
of an outsourced project management business
process in a French Public Scientific and
Technological Institution (PSTI).
This article is organized as follows. We first
present our application case (in Section 2), as we use
it to illustrate the following concepts. In Section 3
we briefly discuss the concept of tacit knowledge for
business process execution. We then introduce in
Section 4 the notion of informal network underlying
Grim-Yefsah M., Rosenthal-Sabroux C. and Thion-Goasdoué V..
DOI: 10.5220/0003638204300435
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (RDBPM-2011), pages 430-435
ISBN: 978-989-8425-81-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
a business process. Section 5 is devoted to the
definition of metrics for the evaluation of business
process robustness using informations of the
informal network. We also discuss results of the
evaluation for our application in this section. After a
presentation of related works in Section 6, we draw
conclusions and give perspectives in Section 7.
Outsourcing information system development has
become a common practice in companies. An
outsourced project usually implicates three
participants: two internal participants which are the
IS Department and the business direction concerned
by the project, and an external participant which is a
software and computing services company also
called service provider. The service provider is
chosen at the end of an invitation to tender. In a
French public organization like a PSTI, government
contract rules concerning outsourcing requires to
(re)call for tenders on a contract at least each three
years, leading to change the service provider during
the project. This change necessitates performing a
transition from the outgoing provider to the
incoming one. Here stands our application case. We
are in contact with a project manager of outsourced
project in a PSTI, which describes the transition
process as follows. The transition consists of six
activities: (Activity 1) the initialization activity
which marks the official start of the transition phase;
(Activity 2) the Third Party Maintenance (TPM)
ending where an inventory of internal and external
documents and codes is performed; (Activity 3) the
edition and validation of the transfer plan; (Activity
4) the knowledge transfer essentially consisting in
transmitting documentations, applications and codes
from the outgoing team to the incoming one;
(Activity 5) the maintenance in cooperation during
which outgoing and incoming service providers
assume together a maintenance of the application;
and (Activity 6) the responsibilities transfer, which
marks the official departure of the outgoing
A rather complex diagram formalizes the
transition. We will detail our reasoning for only two
activities of the process: activities 2 and 3, restricted
to the PSTI actor. Figure 1 presents this part of the
transition process formalized with an UML activity
diagram (the language chosen for business process
description does not matter in the following).
Figure 1: Part of the transition process.
We agree with the vision considering that
(Hypothesis 1) knowledge is not an object. This
vision, explained in details by Grundstein (2009), is
based on the theories that deal with the construction
of tacit individual knowledge (Nonaka and
Takeuchi, 1995). Tacit knowledge refers to
intangible elements, inherent to the individuals who
bear them, like skills, crafts, “job secrets”, historical
and contextual knowledge, environmental
knowledge like clients, competitors, technologies,
socio-economic factors, etc. Tacit knowledge
generally cannot be entirely expressed (“explicited”
is a more recognized term of the KM community).
This means that two persons, in some cases, are not
interchangeable for a task execution in a business
process. Moreover (Hypothesis 2) a person
executing a task often informally appeals to other
persons whose (tacit) knowledge helps to a better
execution of the task. These persons do not appear in
the modeled business process, seen as the “official
procedure” in the following. Our contribution is
based on Hypotheses 1 and 2. We define metrics for
measuring the robustness, w.r.t. the risk of loosing
persons’ knowledge, in order to identify the more
sensitive tasks and activities.
Intuitively, a business process is robust if its
tasks are not in peril. A task is in peril if a part of the
knowledge needed for its execution is missing,
meaning that a person executing the task is absent or
that a person informally needed is absent. This leads
us to introduce the concept of informal network,
which can be seen as a specification of social
network for which the exchanged resource is
informal help in order to execute tasks of a business
process. As we are convinced that the major part of
the informal exchanges between employees in an
organization does not only pass through digital
supports, we consider an informal network
accounting for informal exchanges independently
from the communication support. Discovering the
structure of such a network rests on a questionnaire
survey of the employees susceptible to belong to the
network. Results of this survey form a network
represented by a graph, which can be analyzed. This
approach is called social network structural analysis
(Degenne and Forsé, 1999). We inspire from this
domain to define the concept of interdependencies
system permitting to model and analyze the informal
network underlying a business process.
We now turn to the definition of an interdependencies
system, which is a simplified version of a social
network graph. Let Tasks be a finite set of tasks and
let Persons be a finite set of persons.
Definition (Interdependencies System). An
interdependencies system is a directed graph
S=(Persons,Tasks,R) where R
is a set of labeled directed edges.
The set Persons contains persons (executors and
contributors) implied in one of the tasks of Tasks.
For each t, we note r
the relation referring to the set
of transitions of the form (p
), with
Persons, noted r
) in the following. Each
denotes help requests between persons in order to
achieve t. Intuitively, a directed edge from a person
to a person p
labeled with task t means that p
needs the informal help of p
in order to achieve t.
Definition (Interdependencies System restricted
to a Task). We note S
where t
Tasks, the graph S
restricted to the relation r
For our application case, Tasks is the set of tasks
appearing in the transition process. Figure 2 shows
the interdependencies systems restricted to the
Inventory task (of course, persons’ names were
anonymized). By definition, the Inventory task
labels each edge. Henry (project manager) is an
executor of the task. He is responsible of making the
inventory of the elements manipulated in the TPM.
At is own initiative, Henry informally asks for
validation or completion of the inventory to Mola,
expert of the applicative architecture; Marion expert
of the software architecture, who herself informally
asks for help to Arnold (database administrator),
Sallah (front office), and Elsa (JAVA developer);
René, expert of the hardware architecture, who
himself informally asks for help to Walter and
George (system and network engineers); and Marcus
functional contact, who himself informally asks for
help to three business experts: human resources
(Charles), application (Irina) and scientific (Indiana).
It is important to note that options and alternatives
cannot be expressed in an interdependencies system.
(we one cannot express that a person is optional for
the execution of a task or that a person can substitute
another). In order to be as specific as possible, we
consider that if r
) for all i in [1..n] then every p
where i in [1..n] is necessary to p in order to achieve t.
Figure 2: S
(S restricted to the Inventory task).
For the illustration of our application case, we
also present the interdependencies system restricted
to the Ending validation task in Figure 3.
Figure 3: S
validation (S restricted to the Ending
validation task).
Definition (Accessibility). The person p’ is
accessible from the person p for a task t in the
interdependencies system S, noted Needs(S,p,p’,t),
iff there is a path form p to p’ in S
For our application (see Figures 2 and 3), one has
for example Needs(S, Marcus, Charles, Inventory),
Needs(S, Henry, George, Inventory), Needs(S,
Henry, Karen, Ending validation) and also Needs(S,
Henry, Steven, Ending validation).
Conceptual representations like business processes
usually come from a conception phase based on
needs analysis. In this kind of representations, actors
are described at the role level. This suggests that
two persons having the same role are
interchangeable. In practice, this hypothesis is
approximate (see the complete discussion in Section
3). In our application case for example, if Marcus
needs the help of Charles (HR expert) in order to
achieve a task then another HR expert usually
cannot replace Charles without negative impact on
the task execution quality. In other words, Charles’s
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
knowledge is the only knowledge that helps Marcus
as efficiently as possible. An informal network
identifies which person needs informal help from
another. These two visions are complementary but
the level of granularity in an interdependencies
system is the person while it is the role in the
business process. Thus, it is necessary to map
persons and tasks in order to map the informal
network and the business process. Let’s note
Execute (p,t), where p
Persons and t
Tasks be
the relation denoting this information (p executes
task t). This relation, instanciated thanks to the
interviews, intrinsically maps interdependancies
system and business process.
For our application case, we identified several
executors: Henry (project manager), Earl
(administrative assistant), Wu (administrator) and
Wilhelmina (project co-manager), with Execute
(Henry,Inventory); Execute (Henry,Order), Execute
(Earl, Order), Execute (Wu, Order), and Execute
(Wilhelmina, Order) meaning that Henry, Wu, Earl
and Wilhelmina are co-executors of the task;
(Henry,Edition); Execute (Henry,Ending validation)
and Execute (Wilhelmina, Ending validation);
Execute (Henry,Reversibilty validation).
One has to note the fundamental distinction
between an executor and a contributor. An executor
appears in the official procedure associated to the
task. For example, according to the official
procedure, Henry is an executor of the Ending
validation task. The official procedure also stipulates
that Henry must ask for Wilhelmina’s validation for
the execution of this task. In this context,
Wilhelmina is also an executor of the task.
Contributors are Steven and Karen (see Figure 3)
who are persons that an executor (Henry) informally
ask for help to. Wilhelmina does not appear in
Figure 3 this shows that she does not ask for help to
anyone. Steven and Karen are the only contributors
for this task.
5.1 Definition and Measurement of
Metrics for Robustness Evaluation
We present here some metrics, at the task level.
Definition (Metric “Global Sensitivity of a
Task”). For a task, this metric counts the number of
persons implied in the task: executors plus
contributors (that appear in the interdependencies
system). The higher is the measure, the riskier is the
task. For a task t, this metric, noted
global_sensitivity(t) is defined by Cardinality(I),
where I is the set defined by
Persons | Execute(p’,t) or there is p
such that (Execute(p,t) and Needs(S,p,p’,t))}.
For instance, for the Ending Validation task (see
Figure 3 and the instanciation of the Execute
relation), one has I={Henry, Wilhelmina, Karen,
Steven}, so global_sensitivity(Ending validation) =4.
For the Inventory task (see Figure 2 and the
instanciation of the Execute relation), one has
Definition (Metric “Sensitivity by Depth of a
Task”). For a task, this metric measures the
maximal size of a path going from an executor to a
contributor. Intuitively, the larger is the path, the
riskier it is to go from an executor to a contributor (if
a person is missing then the path is “broken”). In the
following, Max(s), where s is a set of integers,
returns the higher element of s (and returns 0 if s is
empty); and Max_path(executor,contributor,S’), where
{executor, contributor}
Persons and S’ is an
interdependencies system, returns the size of the
larger path from executor to contributor in S’. For a
task t, the sensitivity by depth metric, noted
sensitivity_by_depth(t) is defined by Max(depth_paths)
where depth_paths is the following set:
For instance, for the Ending validation task (see
Figure 3), sensitivity_by_depth(Ending validation)=1.
For the Inventory task (see Figure 2),
Now, let’s consider a metric measuring the
density of the informal network underlying a task t.
The density is a well-known metric used in the
social network analysis community. It measures the
number of non oriented connections devided by the
number of possible non oriented connections
(number of non oriented connexion in the
corresponding strongly connected graph). The
highter is the measure, the denser is the network and
so the more tolerant is the network to the absence of
a person, as persons are very connected (they “know
each other”). Contrary to previous metrics,
performing the measurement with the graph
restricted to the considering task would be limitative
because, if persons know each other, that is not
necessary via this specific task execution. We then
define the density for the whole informal network S
limited to the persons (but not the relations) implied
in the task. We decide to measure a dispersion (1-
density) for uniformization with the other metrics
preserving the highter
is riskier convention for
results interpretation.
Definition (Metric “Dispersion of the Informal
Network underlying a Task”). For a task t, this
metric noted dispersion(t) is defined by:
where |Persons
| is the number of vertices from S
and |E
| is the number of pairs of the set E
by { {p
} | p
and p
) or r
) with t
Tasks) } i.e. the set of
pairs of persons, implied in the task t, connected by
a task -any task- of Tasks.
As an activity or a business process consists of a
set of tasks, metrics for business process robustness
can be defined by aggregation of the robustness
metrics of its tasks (e.g. by sum, average, maximum,
weighting tasks metrics according to the task
importance, etc., eventually taking decision nodes
into account). By lake of place, we do not consider
such metrics here.
Table 1 presents the results of metrics evaluation
for the tasks of activities 2 and 3. These measures
show that the Inventory task is more sensitive than
the majority of the other tasks. Indeed it implies a
large number of persons (global_sensibility) with a
high dispersion of the network (dispersion), meaning
there are lots of persons implied in the Inventory
task and they are poorly connected together. One can
observe the same phenomenon for the Edition task,
which additionally presents a longer path executor-
contributor (sensitivity_by_depth) than the other tasks.
Table 1: Measurement of metrics on the application case.
Activity 2 - TPM Ending
Task Command
7 2 0,5
Task Inventory
Task Ending validation
4 1 0,3
Task Edition
12 3 0,8
Activity 3 - Edition and valid. of the transition plan
Task Transition valid.
4 2 0,5
Metrics presented here allowed identifying
sensitive “zones” (activities and tasks) of a business
process, this identification being explained by
objective measures. The study points the TPM
ending activity as being the most sensitive one of the
business process. Within this activity, two tasks
were noticed particularly sensitive: Inventory and
Edition ones. We can draw several conclusions: 1-
these tasks are more complex to achieve than we
thought before the study, the executors seeking for a
lot of informal help (besides the official procedure),
2- the absence of persons (not appearing in the
official procedure), could negatively impact the
execution quality of these tasks.
Based on the results on this study, we can
consider several business perspectives:
(1) Monitoring of the sensitive tasks execution
quality. As a rule, a very special attention has to be
paid to the execution quality of sensitive tasks and
activities, even more particularly if a situation can
create departure or moving of contributors (e.g.
reorganization of the entity a contributor belongs to,
or more simply to tasks performed during summer
vacation periods).
(2) Improvement of the procedures. Informal
contributors whose knowledge is absolutely
necessary to a task should appear in the official
procedure (adding new official “sub-tasks”).
Nevertheless, the precision level of the business
process description is delicate to find. Indeed a very
precise procedure insures a best execution of the
process but often slows its execution. Furthermore a
very complex procedure is often hardly accepted
because it is more difficult to execute and can make
the job “off-putting”.
Quality metrics of interest were proposed for
business processes (Vanderfeesten et al., 2007). In
particular, lots of contributions concern the
complexity metric, which can be seen as a factor for
the understandability dimension. One can also cite
the cyclomatic number (McCabe, 1976) (Gruhn and
Laue, 2006), (Cardoso et al., 2006), the Conrol-Flow
Complexity (Cardoso, 2008), or the size (Cardoso et
al., 2006) (Gruhn and Laue, 2006). The robustness
factor is well-studied in the multi-criteria decision
aiding domain (see (Aissi and Roy, 2009) for an
overview) but, as far as we know, not in control flow
oriented processes. Another close work is (Hassan,
2009). In this work, N. Hassan measures IT-enabled
business process performance by evaluating the
impact of an IS evolution (i.e. the implementation of
a new technology). Considering the IS system as an
IT actor, he analyses a social network of IT actors
before and after the implementation of the new
technology. Based on this analysis, he draw
conclusions concerning for instance the adoption of
the new IS system or the evolution of the business
Concerning the knowledge facet, we point that
none of all these works explicitly consider persons
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
and their tacit knowledge implied in the business
process execution. We believe that our method
brings a complementary vision by focusing on
persons’ tacit knowledge.
In this article, we deal with the quality evaluation of
a business process, in particular its robustness
evaluation. We propose metrics for the evaluation of
–a part of– the robustness using information coming
from the analysis of an informal network (a social
network for which the resource is informal help).
We illustrate metrics on a real application case: the
transition phase of an outsourced project
management in a French PSTI. We also discuss
some business perspectives based on results of this
The application case illustrating the metrics
constitutes a “proof of concept”. One has to note that
we could consider lots of other metrics and quality
dimensions for the definition of a business process
quality (or even just robustness). A second more
detailed study aiming at defining the quality more
comprehensively (and consequently considering
other dimensions and metrics) on the same
application case is in progress. For this second
study, we use the GQM paradigm (Basili, Gianluigi,
and Rombach, 1994) that gives a methodology for
quality requirements elicitation.
Metrics definition can be improved through
different ways. (1) Metrics are defined in function of
the system of interdependencies only. We could go
further by using results of the analysis of the system
-performed by sociologists- in order to define other
metrics. We think about stability of the network (the
stabler is the network, the easier a person can find
help through it), centrality of persons (if there is a
central person, communication between persons is
facilitated), or similarities of persons (if a person p
is absent, a similar person p
could eventually
replace p
, minimizing the impact of the absence of
). (2) As discussed in Section 4, the formalism
used to model the interdependencies system does not
permit to express alternatives or options. Another
more expressive formalism should be considered
(e.g. and/or graphs) in order to enrich the
interdependencies system thus refine the definition
of metrics. (3) Social network analysis domain deals
with a notion of resource, which is what a person
needs from another one. Thus, a network is not
simply a graph, but a set of graph, one for each
resource. For our application, the only resource to be
observed between persons was the need of informal
help. It would be interesting to characterize different
resources in order to express more astute metrics.
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