and test corpus the performance of the ASA was
compared with that of Conditional Random Fields
(CRFs), a statistical learning approach-based model.
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showed that the ASA outperformed CRFs in recall
rates for all genres as well as for the white paper do-
main. Regarding precision rates, the ASA provided
lower accuracy than the best system for SemEval-
2010 tasks; however, since most of the errors were
caused by the conversion table, we found that the pre-
cision rate of the ASA was almost equal to the level
(70%) of the best WSD system when we excluded
conversion table errors. From the recall rate of the
ASA for all genres the current coverage of the verb
entries in our thesaurus can be estimated at 63.8%.
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working of the conversion table. Thus, the suc-
cess of the conversion indicates the abstracted verb
class is not too coarse, but still keeps a granularity
that can discriminate verb senses in SemEval-2010
tasks. In addition, since verb class disambiguation
is done based on analyzed example sentences in the
thesaurus, we can conclude that the proposed the-
saurus provides effective linguistic information for
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