An Evaluation of Thesaurus of Predicate-argument Structure for Japanese Verbs
Koichi Takeuchi, Suguru Tsuchiyama, Masato Moriya, Yuuki Moriyasu and Koichi Satoh
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University, Tsushimanaka, Okayama-shi, Japan
Thesaurus, Predicate-argument structure, Japanese verbs, Word sense disambiguation.
This paper presents a system for word sense disambiguation based on a manually constructed thesaurus of
predicate-argument structure, which is an ontology on the linguistic side providing essential information for
mapping form texts to verb concepts. This system can be effective for word sense disambiguation even though
the target word sense system is different from the thesaurus. We applied the proposed word sense disam-
biguation system to the test corpus of SemEval-2010 Japanese tasks. Experimental results showed that the
thesaurus-based disambiguation system outperformed a CRFs-based system in recall rates of verb sense dis-
ambiguation. From the results of verb sense disambiguation, we clarified that the abstracted verb classes (709
types) in our proposed system were effective sets for verb sense disambiguation.
This paper presents a system for word sense disam-
biguation based on a manually constructed thesaurus
of predicate-argument structure. The system can be
effective for word sense disambiguation even though
the target word sense system is different from the the-
We are manually constructing a verb thesaurus of
predicate-argument structure (Takeuchi et al., 2010)
to deal with verbal paraphrases as well as verb
sense disambiguation, such as “He employed/used a
method” or “He employed/hired Mr. Smith as an
accountant”.Since each verb is highly polysemous,
verbs can be categorized into several verb classes, and
verbs in each verb class have shared concepts.Thus,
our dictionary describes set verb classes with argu-
ment structures to make a correlation between their
. From the view of ontology, our thesaurus
can be regarded as an ontology on the linguistic side,
which can provide essential information for mapping
form texts to verb concepts (i.e., verb classes). Thus
one of the issues in creating a verb thesaurus is mak-
ing sure how effective the constructed thesaurus is for
verb sense disambiguation.
On the other hand, the first Balanced Corpus of
The thesaurus is freely downloadable at
Contemporary Written Japanese, BCCWJ, has
been developed (Maekawa, 2008), and SemEval-
2010 (Okumura et al., 2010) Japanese word sense
disambiguation tasks are organized based on the
sense annotated corpus of the BCCWJ. In regard
to verb sense, identifying verb sense indicates the
finding of a group of verb synonyms. Thus, the verb
sense tagged corpus can be regarded as a test bed of a
task to detect a verb synonym group. This task would
be the first step in detecting the argument structures
of verbs for dealing with verbal paraphrases.
Given the abovebackground,in this paper we clar-
ified the usefulness of the verb thesaurus by applying
a thesaurus-based shallow semantic analyzer to WSD
for verb senses, regarding the task of detecting a verb
class, i.e., a verb synonym group, in our thesaurus.
The definitions of verb classes in our thesaurus and
those of verb sense tags in SemEval-2010 are not
equivalent. Thus, our verb classes were converted to
verb sense tags by a conversion table constructed in-
dependently for this task. Since the SemEval-2010
corpus provides a training corpus and test corpus,
the performance of tasks of the thesaurus-based an-
alyzer was compared with the performance of Con-
ditional Random Fields (CRFs), a statistical learning
approach-based model. It was also compared with the
performance of the best WSD system for SemEval-
2010 tasks.
Experimental results of verb sense disambigua-
Takeuchi K., Tsuchiyama S., Moriya M., Moriyasu Y. and Satoh K..
argument Structure for Japanese Verbs.
DOI: 10.5220/0003639802080213
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2011), pages 208-213
ISBN: 978-989-8425-80-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tion showed that the thesaurus-based analyzer outper-
formed CRFs in recall rates for all genres as well
as for white paper domains. For precision rates,
the thesaurus-based analyzer provided lower accuracy
than the best WSD system; however, most of the er-
rors were caused not by the analyzer, but by the con-
version table. Thus, we clarified that the performance
of the thesaurus-based analyzer was almost equal to
that of the best WSD system when we discounted con-
version table errors.
The position of our thesaurus of predicate-argument
structure for Japanese verbs can be described from
the following three viewpoints: language resources,
Japanese dictionaries and ontologies.
View from Language Resources. In English thor-
ough, well-organized language resources relating
to predicate-argument structure are constructed and
available, e.g., EVCA (Levin, 1993), Dorr’s LCS
(Dorr, 1997), PropBank (Palmer et al., 2005), Verb-
Net (Kipper-Schuler, 2005), WordNet (Fellbaum,
1998) and FrameNet (Baker et al., 1998). In addi-
tion, there is a research project (Pustejovsky and Mey-
ers, 2005) to find a general description framework of
predicate-argument structure by merging several lex-
ical databases (i.e., PropBank, NomBank, TimeBank
and PennDiscouse TreeBank).
On the other hand, our thesaurus provides sev-
eral granularities of semantic verb classes with argu-
ment structure (see Section 3). Comparedto the above
language resources, our thesaurus corresponds partly
to each lexical database, i.e., Frame and FrameEle-
ments in FrameNet correspond to our verb class and
semantic role labels, and the way of organizing simi-
lar verb classes with a thesaurus corresponds to Word-
Net; however, these elements and the method of orga-
nization of similar verb classes with a thesaurus are
not exactly the same as those of our approach and our
proposed thesaurus.
View from Japanese Dictionaries. There are sev-
eral Japanese lexicons: IPAL (IPAL, 1986) was con-
structed focusing on morpho-syntactic classes but
IPAL is small
. EDR (EDR, 1995) is composed of a
large-scale lexicon and corpus. EDR is a well thought
out and wide ranging bilingual dictionary between
Japanese and English, but EDR’s semantic classes
It contains 861 verbs and 136 adjectives.
were not designed with syntactical lexical relations
between verbs, such as alternations and causative or
transitive relations between verbs. In contrast, our
thesaurus can deal with these relations.
Besides Japanese version of WordNet (Bond et al.,
2008) and FrameNet (Ohara et al., 2006) have been
proposed. Japanese WordNet are constructed by ma-
chine translation from English to Japanese and man-
ual revision, and then we find that some of the ba-
sic verbs of Japanese (i.e., highly ambiguous verbs)
are wrongly assigned to unrelated synsets. Japanese
FrameNet currently has published fewer than 150
verbs, then it is much smaller than our thesaurus.
View from Ontologies. Previous upper ontology
studies have discussed how to describe processes and
events (Takeda, 2004) (Galton, 2010), and practical
ontologies such as SUMO (Niles and Pease, 2001)
and DOLCE (Masolo et al., 2002) have been pub-
lished; however, because they are upper ontologies,
they are too abstract to deal with practical events. In
contrast, a more concrete event ontology that can give
a formal framework to deal with relations between
Japanese verb concepts with description logic has
been proposed (Kaneiwa et al., 2007) (Kaneiwa and
Iwazume, 2010). An event ontology gives clear defi-
nitions of different verb concepts; however, the target
of the ontology is not to deal with practical texts, but
to deal with logical semantic relations between con-
cepts. Thus, there is no information for verb sense
disambiguation that constitutes an essential technique
for mapping from texts to concepts. Compared to this
approach, our proposed verb thesaurus provides in-
formation on verb sense disambiguation as well as on
verb classes (i.e., concepts), and thus, our thesaurus
can bridge the gap between texts and event ontolo-
gies, which are well-organized according to descrip-
tion logic.
Since the details of our thesaurus are described in pre-
vious papers (Takeuchi et al., 2010) here we describe
the basic design of our thesaurus.
The proposed thesaurus consists of a hierarchy
of verb classes we defined. A verb class, a concep-
tual class, indicates a shared meaning of verbs in a
verb class. A parent verb class includes concepts of
a child verb class; thus a child verb class is a de-
tailed concept of the parent verb class and multiple
inheritance is prohibited in the hierarchy. Meaning
Evaluation of Thesaurus of Predicate-argument Structure for Japanese Verbs
of a verb class is described as a semantic descrip-
tion that is a kind of semantic skeleton such as lexical
conceptual structure (Jackendoff, 1990) (Kageyama,
1996) (Dorr, 1997). Thus, core semantic relations be-
tween arguments are represented in the semantic de-
We allow a verb has several senses, i.e., a verb can
be a polysemous, and adopt verb senses defined in
Lexeed (Fujita et al., 2006) as a verb senses repository
of our thesaurus. Thus each verb sense is assigned to a
verb class, and then a verb sense is linked to example
sentences. Every example sentence is analyzed into
its arguments and semantic role labels; the core argu-
ments are linked to the semantic description via vari-
ables. This allows that if semantic role labels cannot
capture the correct linking, the links of variables can
designate corresponding arguments in example sen-
tences (Figure 2). In addition, by linking one seman-
tic description to several example sentences of a verb
sense, our thesaurus can provide rich verb sense dis-
ambiguation information.
Here we explain this structure using verbs such
as buy, purchase, hire, rent, recapture
. Each verb
sense is designated by example sentences, e.g., “Hi-
roshi buys a bicycle to his son”, “Jiro purchases a car
form her”, “Taro hires a car”, “Kazuko rents a book”
and “Yoshio recaptures the top position”. As Figure 1
shows, all of the above verb senses are involved in the
verb class Moving One’s Possession From
. The se-
mantic description, which expresses the core meaning
of the verb class is
([Agent] CAUSE) BECOME [1] BE AT [2],
where the brackets [] denote variables that can be
filled with arguments in example sentences; [Agent]
is a semantic role label that can be annotated to all
example sentences; the parentheses () denote an com-
ponent. The semantic description consists of roughly
3 components describing causer, manner and (change
of) state. A manner component expresses various
kinds of complex meanings of a verb concept such
as condition, purpose, attitude, and so on
Figure 1 shows the children of the verb
class Moving One’s Possession From, e.g.,
The actual verbs are Japanese in our thesaurus, but to
make the explanation easy to understand we give their En-
glish translation.
The actual verb class names correspond to
the hierarchical system in the thesaurus, e.g., the
full length of Moving One’s Possession From is
Change of State/ Change of Position (Physical)/ Mov-
ing One’s Possession From, where ’/’ denotes a delimiter
between hierarchies. Then the verb class names in Figures
1 and 2 show the abbreviated verb class names.
Currently about 800 kinds of words are used to describe
a manner component.
Moving One’s Possession From/Buying, Mov-
ing Ones Possession From/Renting and Mov-
ing Ones Possession From/Repossessing. The verbs
buy and purchase are in the Buying class, while the
verbs rent and hire are in the Renting class. The
semantic descriptions in the children verb classes are
more detailed than those in the parent’s description.
Figure 1: Example of verb classes, verbs and their semantic
A semantic description in the Renting class, i.e.,
([Agent] CAUSE)
(BY MEANS OF [Agent] renting [1])
BECOME [1] BE AT [2]
describes semantic relations between [1], [2] and
[Agent]. Since semantic role labels and variables are
annotated to all of the example sentences, correspond-
ing arguments can be linked via semantic role labels
and variables in the semantic description. As we show
Figure 2: Linking between semantic description and exam-
ple sentences.
in Figure 2, the semantic description contains only es-
sential arguments. Thus, the key arguments such as
[1] and [2] in example sentences have links, and an-
other argument such as [Source] does not have a link.
This indicates the two type of arguments we assumed,
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
i.e., arguments that are essential to a verb class and ar-
guments that are not essential. This is because of the
current perspective on arguments in linguistics, that
is, there are several levels of arguments depending on
closeness to a verb concept such as core, non-core,
peripheral and adjunct arguments in FrameNet, and
constructions (Goldberg, 1995). Since the variety of
adjuncts and constructions is wide, the proposed de-
scription framework can deal with this variety, which
is impossible to pre-compile, by adding analyzed ex-
ample sentences. The current types of semantic roles
are organized into 71 for the results of analyses of
about 7,400 verb senses.
A predicate-argument structure analyzer, ASA
, was
constructed on the basis of our thesaurus of predicate-
argument structure. ASA identifies the verb classes
and semantic role labels of their arguments. In our
thesaurus, for polysemous verbs, each verb sense cat-
egorized to a verb class has a few example sentences.
Since each verb sense in a verb class only has a few
example sentences, statistical learning methods do not
work well in the preliminary tests. Thus, as the basic
strategy for detecting the verb class (i.e., verb sense)
of an input sentence, we take a nearest neighbor ap-
proach: find the most similar example sentence com-
pared to the input sentence, and take the verb class of
the example sentence as the word sense.
The similarity between an input sentence and an
example sentence is evaluated on the similarity of the
arguments between them; the similarity of the argu-
ments is evaluated on three features: shallow syntac-
tic position, noun categories, and surface words. Let
SimSnt be this similarity function, the disambiguation
of verb sense for an input sentence X is to detect the
verb class
C that gives the highest score of among the
example sentences Y
in a verb class C.
C = argmax
SimSnt(X, Y
). (1)
The details of SimSnt are described in (Takeuchi et al.,
2009). Since SimSnt() is calculated on the basis of the
example sentences in the thesaurus, the performance
of the ASAs verb class disambiguation depends on
the quality and quantity of the thesaurus.
4.1 CRFs-based Word Sense
Disambiguation System
We applied Conditional Random Fields (Lafferty
et al., 2001) as a competitive alternative to the ASA.
Conditional Random Fields is a probabilistic model
for labeling sequence data, and we applied it to
word sense disambiguation. The parameters of CRFs
can be trained using the training corpus provided by
CRFs selects the best output sequence, i.e., a se-
quence of word senses Y = (Y
, Y
, ..., Y
) given in-
put word sequence X = (X
, X
, ..., X
) by the follow-
ing equations:
P(Y|X) =
exp(Λ· F(Y, X))
, (2)
where Z
denotes a normalized factor, Y
possible label (i.e., word sense) candidates and
denotes the sum of all possible word sense sequences
from an input word sequence X. Λ is a weight for the
feature vector F. For the word sense disambiguation
in Section 5 we apply as the features surface word,
part-of-speech and combinations of previous and fol-
lowing words and part-of-speeches at from -3 to +1
according to the results of CoNLL shared
SemEval-2010 annotated corpus consists of four gen-
res (books, newspaper articles, white papers, and doc-
uments from a Q&A site on the WWW) and we used
this corpus as the gold standard for a Japanese verb
sense annotated corpus.
Table 1: Precision and recall of verb sense disambiguation
in white papers.
Precision Recall
CRFs 0.971 (134/138) 0.244 (134/550)
ASA 0.660 (229/347) 0.416 (229/550)
Table 1 shows the results of verb sense disam-
biguation for the test data in white papers. The pa-
rameters in CRFs were trained on the training data
in white papers, and the training data excluded doc-
uments that overlapped with test data. In Table 1 the
Evaluation of Thesaurus of Predicate-argument Structure for Japanese Verbs
precision of CRFs is quite high; however, the number
of correctly detected verb senses is much lower than
that of the ASA—the ASA detected almost twice as
many verb senses as the CRFs did. The point of the
results is that the ASA does not use any domain de-
pendent information, but the CRFs do. If we apply
these systems to all genres, the differences become
much more clearer.
Figure 2 shows the results of verb sense disam-
biguation in all genres. In Figure 2 RALI-2, a naive
Table 2: Precision and recall of verb sense disambiguation
in books, newspaper articles, white papers and documents
from a Q&A site on the WWW.
Precision Recall
RALI-2 0.719 no published data
CRFs 0.940 0.0372
(608/648) (608/16332)
ASA 0.593 0.378
(6173/10417) (6173/16332)
Bayes model, denotes the best results of the word
sense disambiguation system in SemEval-2010 tasks.
Both CRFs and RALI-2 used training data documents
that overlapped with test data documents. The train-
ing data consisted of three genres i.e., books, news-
paper articles and white papers, and there was no
training data for Q&A documents. From the results,
we found that the ASA outperformed CRFs in recall
rates; CRFs seemed to have difficulty detecting cor-
rect verb senses in different genres. This tendencyi.e.,
simple statistical models such as naive Bayes over-
come more sophisticated statistical models such as
support vector machines (SVMs) and maximum en-
tropy models in word sense disambiguation, is also
reported in the results of SemEval-2010 task (Oku-
mura et al., 2010).
Table 2 shows that the ASA did not detect any
verb sense for 5915 (16332 - 10417) examples due
to the lack of verb entries in our thesaurus. From this
result we can estimate the coverage of the verb en-
tries in our thesaurus for all genres in Japanese text
was 63.8% (10417/16633).
The output verb senses of the ASA are verb
classes in our thesaurus, but the results of the ASA
in Tables 1 and 2 were evaluated based on the trans-
formed verb senses in SemEval-2010. To do this
transformation, we use the conversion table that was
manually created while doing the construction work
of the thesaurs; this construction work was indepen-
dently done for the purpose of this evaluation task.
The total number of detected verb classes by the ASA
in all genres was 10,417 words, but 1,637 words of
these (about 16%) were not converted to any word
sense because of the lack of sense identifications in
the conversion table. This data indicates that there is
room for further improvement of correctly detecting
verb sense by adding instances of verb senses to our
If we exclude non-converted examples, the preci-
sion rate of the ASA would be 70% (6173/8780) for
all genres. This precision rate is almost the same as
that of RALI-2. From the view of the conversion ta-
ble, about 70% of verb classes in total can be success-
fully converted to SemEval-2010 word senses. The
number of types of all verb classes is currently 709;
and the verb classes are manually defined by summa-
rizing over 7,400 verb senses in Lexeed (Fujita et al.,
2006). Thus the success of the conversion indicates
that the abstracted verb class is not too coarse but still
keeps a granularity that can discriminate verb senses
in SemEval-2010 tasks. Furthermore, since verb class
disambiguation is done on the basis of the analyzed
example sentences in the thesaurus, we can conclude
that the proposed thesaurus provides effective linguis-
tic data for verb sense disambiguation.
The methods of verb sense disambiguation de-
pend on the availability of linguistically annotated
resources. Table 3 shows the results of CRFs in a
white paper genre that used overlapping training data.
Comparing the results in Table 1, CRFs outperformed
Table 3: Precision and recall of verb sense disambiguation
by CRFs in a white paper genre that used overlapping train-
ing data.
Precision Recall
CRFs 0.993 0.434
the ASA in both precision and recall rates. The results
indicate that if we have enough sense annotated train-
ing data as test data for the same genre, a statistical
learning approach will work well. Thus, we need to
keep developing our thesaurus.
To evaluate a manually constructed Japanese verb the-
saurus that is an ontology on the linguistic side pro-
viding essential information for mapping form texts
to verb concepts, we constructed a system for word
sense disambiguation (ASA) based on the thesaurus
and applied the system to SemEval-2010 word sense
disambiguation tasks. The definitions of verb classes
in our thesaurus and verb sense tags in SemEval-
2010 are not equal. Thus, we converted our verb
classes to verb sense tags by a conversion table that
we constructed independently for this task. Since
the SemEval-2010 corpus provides training corpus
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
and test corpus the performance of the ASA was
compared with that of Conditional Random Fields
(CRFs), a statistical learning approach-based model.
Experimental results of verb sense disambiguation
showed that the ASA outperformed CRFs in recall
rates for all genres as well as for the white paper do-
main. Regarding precision rates, the ASA provided
lower accuracy than the best system for SemEval-
2010 tasks; however, since most of the errors were
caused by the conversion table, we found that the pre-
cision rate of the ASA was almost equal to the level
(70%) of the best WSD system when we excluded
conversion table errors. From the recall rate of the
ASA for all genres the current coverage of the verb
entries in our thesaurus can be estimated at 63.8%.
The key to success for the ASA will be proper
working of the conversion table. Thus, the suc-
cess of the conversion indicates the abstracted verb
class is not too coarse, but still keeps a granularity
that can discriminate verb senses in SemEval-2010
tasks. In addition, since verb class disambiguation
is done based on analyzed example sentences in the
thesaurus, we can conclude that the proposed the-
saurus provides effective linguistic information for
verb sense disambiguation.
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Evaluation of Thesaurus of Predicate-argument Structure for Japanese Verbs