After clarifying the target management systems in
Section 2, Section 3 shows preliminary studies of
industrial cases, and a proposed model of the
quotation process is described in Section 4. Using
the model defined in Section 4, Section 5 illustrates
result of the industrial case studies with typical
numerical data. In order to manage the process of
quotation, the paper proposes usage of PSLX
information model. The section 6 briefly introduces
the standard model, and then explains how to apply
the PSLX onto the quotation. Finally in Section 7,
the concluding remarks are described for future
Manufacturing operations management can be
modelled with the viewpoint of customer order
fulfilment strategies. With respect to occasion of
start production, make-to-order (MTO) and make-to-
stock (MTS) strategies are defined. Considering that
whole manufacturing processes begin with design
and engineering, procurement, production, and
shipping and delivery, make-to-order (MTO)
strategies are divided into finish-to-order (FTO),
build-to-order (BTO) and engineering to order
(ETO). One-of-a-kind production can be categorized
in ETO strategies.
The scope of this paper is mainly on
management processes on ETO strategy. But it is not
limited to, because when a particular one-of-a-kind
production order will be repeated several times, then
the situation changes to BTO. It is assumed that the
target management process has a quotation process
before receiving a firm order from the customer.
During such quotation process, a customer and the
manufacturer have to exchange engineering
specification necessary for estimation of cost and
delivery date.
Information exchanged in this process contains
engineering drafts, 2D or 3D CAD data, bills of
materials/resources (BOM/BOR), instruction sheet
of fabrication, quality assurance test specification
and so on. Initial offers are provided by customers,
but sometimes, the first offer may be revised by the
manufacturer to optimize the specifications and
increase effectiveness. The manufacture, at this time,
uses domain specific knowledge and huge technical
Some manufacturers receiving a quotation
request cannot make a final estimation without
initiating another quotation process to their second
tire suppliers. Usually those second tire suppliers are
also SMEs, and take an important role of partial
manufacturing processes or providing key supply
parts. They have to deal with information chain in
quotation process among the SMEs network.
Preliminary research was done with industrial case
studies of two SMEs in Japan. Yuki Precision Co.
Ltd., Kanagawa prefecture, is a precise
manufacturing company of approximately 20
employees. Yuki provides precise parts in small lot-
size for aero and space industries as well as medical
and welfare equipment industries. In terms of
quotation, the company receives a quotation request
with engineering data and quality insurance
information. Most of those requests need to have a
face-to-face meeting with engineers in the first
After clarifying the specification, Yuki start
quotation process by deciding material treatments,
selection of fabrication process and equipment,
design of tools and operations. Then, Yuki tries to
plan whole manufacturing processes including
outsourcing. Cost and lead time estimation is done
after those resource allocation and optimization. In
order to reduce the effort for this quotation process,
Yuki tries to acquire the knowledge of quotation by
storing the fact of those decisions. Most of
manufacturing steps are standardized and defied in
database schema.
The second company, Konno Corporation Ltd.
of approximately 30 employees in Tokyo, is
providing products and equipment parts made of
stainless steel panels. Main fields of Konno’s
customers are laboratories and research and
development division of makers or institute,
especially chemical, foods, and life sciences. In this
case, quotation processes start with rough sketch
written by hand. Konno’s customers send e-mail of
quotation request with pdf-file attachments.
The information that Konno receives from
customers has functional requirements of the final
product. Since the information received doesn’t have
detailed specifications for manufacturing, additional
engineering information must be produced by
Konno, such as material component, size and
mechanism of parts, estimated strength, surface
preparation, and so on. All of these engineering
processes are included in the quotation process and
need to be done in average of 5 to 10 days.
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing