Alginic acid is a viscous gum derived from algae
and is composed of β-D-mannuronate and α-L-
guluronate. Calcium alginate, which is a salt of
alginic acid, is harmless to cells and used as a
scaffold in tissue transplantation (Heise, 2005).
However, cells cannot adhere to intact calcium
alginate. In this study, alginate sheet that have both
properties that transform sol/gel state and
adhesiveness of cells could be made. Using this
sheet, a specific cell can be collected without
exfoliating surrounding cells.
Recently, Okano et al. have developed
techniques, which allow us to detach cells from
culture dishes without using digestive reagents9.
Temperature dependent polymer, poly (N-
isopropylacrylamide) (PIPAAm) changes the
hydrophilic/ hydrophobic property in a temperature-
dependent manner (Masuda, 2008). PIPAAm is
hydrophobic at 37°C and hydrophilic at 20°C, so
that cells on the PIPAAm coated culture dish can be
detached from the culture dish without perturbing
the extracellular matrix and intercellular connection
such as tight junctions. Such a method gives us cell
sheets that retain intercellular connections. Using
this technique, the stick cardiac tissue stacked mono-
layered cardiac cell sheet can be made.
However, individual cells that have specific
property cannot be collected with this method
because temperature cannot be controlled on the
scale of micrometer. In fact, dispersed cultured cells
have heterogeneous properties while if averaging the
physiologically property, dispersed culture cells are
apparently homogeneous. So that, to align the
physiological properties homogeneously, it must be
necessary to develop a method to collect each single
cell from culture dishes non-invasively.
On the other hand, our method is suitable for
collecting single cells or small clusters of cells.
Therefore, for example, if there are several types of
differentiated or undifferentiated cells derived from
ES or iPS cells in the culture dish, our method can
allow us to collect only targeted cells.
Moreover, primary neurons were cultured on the
agarose-micropatterned chamber. The cultured
neurons extended neurite along the microchannel.
Furthermore, the extracellular action potential of
single neuron can be measured by an agarose-
micropatterned multielectrode array.
The results of three techniques; the noninvasive
collection method of neuron, agarose
microproceesing method and multielectrode array,
allow us to make artificial neuronal networks using
neurons regulating direction of neurotransmission,
and to measure the activity of artificial neuronal
networks. The next stage of the study is to construct
basic components working in the actual brain.
We developed three techniques 1) a non-invasive
neuron collection method, 2) an agarose micro-
processing technique, 3) a multielectrode array
system. These techniques allow us to construct and
demonstrated the actual neuronal networks
simulated by the computed neural networks.
We greatly thank Ms. Misa Sasajima, Ms. Hiromi
Mikami, and Ms. Tamae Takato for their technical
assistance. This work was financially supported by
the Kanagawa Academy of Science of Technology.
Pelletier J. G., Lacaille J. C., 2008, O. Prog Brain Res.
169, 241-250.
Heise, M., Koepsel, R., Russell, A. J. & McGee, E. A.
2005, Reprod Biol Endocrinol 3, 47.
Masuda, S., Shimizu, T., Yamato, M. & Okano, T. 2008,
Adv. Drug Del. Rev. 60, 277-285.