Zikrija Avdagic, Samir Omanovic, Emir Buza and Belma Cardakovic
Department for Computer Science and Informatics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo,
Zmaja od Bosne bb, Kampus Univerziteta, 71000, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Keywords: Coevolutionary algorithm, Fuzzy logic, Neural network, Mamdani fuzzy system, Hybridization.
Abstract: This paper is related to a research of modelling fuzzy-neural systems using the coevolutionary algorithm,
and has the focus on advantages of using the coevolutionary algorithm for system structure optimization. In
the context of this work, the term fuzzy-neural system defines the system that can be used as the fuzzy
system with all its functionalities or as the neural network with all its functionalities. The hybridization of
fuzzy logic, neural networks and coevolutionary algorithm and its architecture are presented in general, and
the role of the coevolutionary algorithm in structure optimization is described in details. Results of testing
with Iris Database, from UCI Machine Learning Repository are also presented. Tests performed during the
research supports the conclusion that usage of the coevolutionary algorithm for the fuzzy-neural system’s
structure optimization is very efficient.
This paper presents current results in research of
modelling fuzzy-neural systems using the
coevolutionary algorithm, based on the novel
hybridization of fuzzy logic, neural networks and
coevolutionary algorithm. Focus of this paper is on
advantages of usage of the coevolutionary algorithm
for fuzzy-neural system’s structure optimization. In
the context of this work, the term fuzzy-neural
system defines the system that can be used as the
fuzzy system with all its functionalities or as the
neural network with all its functionalities. In this
hybridization, the coevolutionary algorithm is used
as the primary mechanism for model optimization,
while specific backpropagation (Omanovic and
Avdagic, 2011) is used as the secondary mechanism
and is not explained here in details.
Basically, there are two main approaches in
using coevolutionary algorithm. In the first approach
coevolving species are complete models, while in
the second approach coevolving species are parts of
the one model. The hybridization used in this
research uses the second approach where coevolving
species are parts of the one model. There are similar
usages of the coevolutionary algorithm like the
coevolutionary fuzzy modelling (Pena-Reyes, 2002).
There are many other approaches in combining soft
computing techniques that do not use coevolutionary
algorithm, but have the same purpose (see Abraham,
2005; Kasabov, 2003; Cordón, 2001; Chen and
Abraham, 2010; and many others).
Each approach has its advantages and
disadvantages and this hybridisation try to use
advantages of the cooperative coevolution. The main
idea of the cooperative coevolution is that species
are helping each other in achieving the common
goal. The most important aspect of applying the
coevolutionary algorithm is creating the species in
the way that the model’s structure breakdown is
performed based on logical meanings of structure
The fuzzy-neural system’s structure and its logical
breakdown to ++2 coevolving species are
presented on Figure 1, where is the number of
input fuzzy variables and is the number of
membership functions of the output fuzzy variable.
Avdagic Z., Omanovic S., Buza E. and Cardakovic B..
DOI: 10.5220/0003642001250130
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications (ECTA-2011), pages 125-130
ISBN: 978-989-8425-83-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Architecture of the hybridization.
ECTA 2011 - International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications
As can be seen on Figure 1, fuzzy system and
neural network have a full structure mapping.
are species related to input fuzzy variables,
where one species have a chromosome that contains
all nodes (i.e. membership functions parameters)
related to one input fuzzy variable.
species related to fuzzy rules. Antecedent parts of
rules with the same consequent part are encoded in
the same chromosome. Since the number of different
consequent parts is equal to the number of
membership functions in output fuzzy variable,
number of species related to fuzzy rules is equal to
the number of membership functions of the output
fuzzy variable. Chromosome for the species
is composed of nodes (i.e. membership functions
parameters) of the output fuzzy variable. The last of
species –
is related to active/inactive rules in
the model. This species is not marked on Figure 1
because it cannot be done in adequate way.
Chromosome size in each of species is variable
during the evolution of that species, because the
number of membership functions per fuzzy variable
and number of rules are changed dynamically.
From the rough description of the coevolving
species is possible to see that structure of the fuzzy-
neural system is split to coevolving species based on
logical interrelationships of elements. This is very
important for the coevolution efficiency, which is
shown in the tests results.
2.1 General Characteristics of the
Hybridisation presented on Figure 1. uses only
triangular fuzzy sets. Fuzzy system is of Mamdani
type. Defuzzification type is centroid. The neural
network is five-layered with a clear mapping of the
fuzzy system into the neural network. The specific
backpropagation, not explained in details here, used
in this hybridisation can perform small adaptations
of the fuzzy-neural system and can be used after
system is built. Although the main optimization
mechanism is coevolutionary algorithm,
backpropagation is used partially during system
building. These two mechanisms interleave during
system’s model optimization as global and local
These characteristics are chosen to support
following goals:
Fuzzy presentation of knowledge learned, that
enables its easier interpretability;
Smaller size of the resulting fuzzy system’s model
comparing to Sugeno since “the number of the input
fuzzy sets and fuzzy rules needed by the Sugeno
fuzzy systems depend on the number and locations
of the extrema of the function to be approximated”
(Sivanandam et all, 2007);
The resulting system can be used as fuzzy system
with all its functionalities or as neural network with
all its functionalities including the backpropagation.
2.2 Coevolution Characteristics
From the previous explanation of the species that are
in coevolution it is obvious that complexity of the
optimization problem is high. Besides that,
implementation this hybridisation generates the
fuzzy-neural system from data automatically, which
additionally makes the problem more difficult. But
this coevolution organization has species with
relatively small chromosomes comparing to similar
cases where less species is used for fuzzy system’s
model optimization.
Each optimization algorithm has its mechanisms
to skip local optimums and search for better
solution. In the case of this hybridization, the
coevolutionary algorithm is implemented with
following mechanisms and with following
Coevolution of species. Coevolution of species is
implemented in the classical manner where each of
species has its own evolution up to the fitness
calculation. For fitness calculation, target member
and chosen cooperators from the rest of the species
are joined to form fuzzy-neural system. That fuzzy-
neural system (as neural network) is shortly trained
via the specific backpropagation to increase the
quality of the model and to measure its performance
with the training dataset. Behaviour of the
coevolution of species mainly depends on input
parameters, but also on additional mechanisms:
In the case of the very weak progress mechanism
of random generation of members is used along with
the basic mechanisms – crossover and mutation.
In the case of the weak progress, some of parameters
of the coevolution are change dynamically.
Coevolution of two groups of species. This type of
coevolution is based on the analogy with the
coevolution of two species in coevolutionary fuzzy
modelling (Pena-Reyes, 2002). While in
coevolutionary fuzzy modelling there are only two
species – one related to fuzzy variables and one
related to fuzzy rules, in the coevolution of two
groups of species one of groups contains species
related to fuzzy variables while the other one contain
species related to fuzzy rules.
Except the analogy, the rest of behaviour is
different. Figure 2 shows how it works. At the start
co-operators from all species are selected. Then, one
of two groups is randomly selected. All members,
from all of the species of the selected group, are
simultaneously mutated. Then members from all of
the species (mutated and non mutated) are integrated
to create fuzzy-neural system (FNS on figure 2).
This fuzzy-neural system (as neural network) is
shortly trained via the specific backpropagation to
increase the quality of the model and to measure its
performance with the training dataset. After that
Matlab fuzzy inference system (FIS on figure 2)
object (MathWorks, 2009) is created from the fuzzy-
neural system. That FIS object is then validated with
the validation dataset. Based on the results of the
short training and the validation, fitness calculation
is performed. At the end fitness is assigned to each
of the mutated members and new, mutated members
are placed in the population. If the fitness of the
newly created fuzzy-neural system is the best one,
then it is recorded as the best known.
Coevolution of species and coevolution of two
groups of species are combined in the way that the
coevolution of species is a basic mechanism and the
coevolution of two groups of species is an additional
mechanism that helps escaping from local
Fitness calculation is performed in three levels.
Each of levels has its purpose and influence on the
optimization process. Levels are following:
The first level controls the overfitting. It holds
percentage results of training and validation near to
each other. That means that training progress is not
allowed if it is not followed by validation progress.
The second level is used to maximize the total
accuracy. It is a sum of the accuracy of the training
and the accuracy of the validation.
Third level is used to minimize the total number of
fuzzy rules in the model and to minimize the
absolute average error.
Levels have importance, which means that the first
level is more important than the second, and the
second is more important than the third.
2.3 Tests
Implementation of this hybridization is done in
MATLAB. Tests were performed with databases
from UCI Machine Learning Repository
(http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml). Irvine, CA:
University of California, School of Information and
Computer Science). In this paper are presented some
results of tests with Iris database. Table 1 shows one
of tests that were composed of ten (10) runs with sa-
Figure 2: Coevolution of two groups of species.
ECTA 2011 - International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications
Table 1: Results of one of tests with Iris database.
Testing result Overall result
Number of
fuzzy rules
1. 128/130=98.46% 19/20=95.00% 147/150=98.00% 3
2. 125/130=96.15% 20/20=100.00% 145/150=96.67% 4
3. 122/130=93.85% 19/20=95.00% 141/150=94.00% 2
4. 128/130=98.46% 20/20=100.00% 148/150=98.67% 3
the best result
5. 126/130=96.92% 19/20=95.00% 145/150=96.67% 2
6. 130/130=100.00% 18/20=90.00% 148/150=98.67% 3
7. 126/130=96.92% 18/20=90.00% 144/150=96.00% 2
8. 121/130=93.08% 15/20=75.00% 136/150=90.67% 2 the worse result
9. 126/130=96.92% 20/20=100.00% 146/150=97.33% 4
10. 126/130=96.92% 18/20=90.00% 144/150=96.00% 2
Average 96.77% 93.00% 96.27% 2.7
same parameters. Since the Iris database is small, it
was split on training, validation and testing subsets
with ratios 11:2:2, respectively. Population size for
each of species was 50. Number of generations is
used as termination criteria and it was set to 1000
generations of the coevolution. This way all runs are
done under the same experimental conditions.
From the results in Table 1, and based on
characteristics of the hybridisation used in tests, and
parameters settings for this test, it is possible to note
the following:
Obtained results in each run shows capability for
high classification of the generated fuzzy-neural
system. Having in mind that the number of
generations is limited, that only triangular
membership functions are used (less precise) and
that the fuzzy system is of Mamdani type (less
precise) then the classification result is high.
Results were obtained in 1000 generations which
is near to similar usages of the coevolutionary
algorithm (Pena-Reyes, 2002) but without setting
any predefined element of the structure of the fuzzy-
neural system at the beginning. This shows the
strength of the presented approach in species
creation and automatic building of the system from
The fuzzy-neural system is build easily by setting
few parameters of the execution and providing the
dataset, without providing the initial structure of the
fuzzy-neural system. All is build from data
automatically. From the optimization point of view
this is harder problem than to optimize the structure
of the system that have some predefined elements.
The overfitting is held well under control in most
of the runs, which is not easy with the small
database. This shows a good generalization
capability. The overfitting control results are a very
important fact for deciding which is the best build
The hybridization of fuzzy logic, neural network and
coevolutionary algorithm is a very efficient
approach for the automatic generating the fuzzy-
neural system from data, whose main strength is in
usage of the cooperative coevolution in the way
presented earlier in this paper.
Cooperative coevolution implemented in this
way is a very good global search mechanism. When
more the two species are used in the coevolution
then mutation in one of the species makes a small
change and escaping from local optimums is not
fast, but with the coevolution of two groups of
species escaping from local optimums is faster
because several species simultaneously have a
Our special interests are hybridisations of soft
computing techniques, especially hybridisations that
include the cooperative coevolution. We will
continue to improve this hybridization of fuzzy
logic, neural network and coevolutionary algorithm,
and try to make some practical real-life applications
and build some systems in medicine and
bioinformatics. Coevolution of more than two
species is very interesting for parallel or distributed
implementation and that is also one of directions of
our interest.
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Cordón, O., et al., 2001. Genetic Fuzzy Systems –
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ECTA 2011 - International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications