ceiving the data of the virtual device as XML mes-
sages. This architecture makes easier the interaction
with devices whose libraries are written in other lan-
guages. Moreover, the virtual server can be config-
ured as a tracking system. Several computers, each
one with its own screen and all running the same
GLSVe based application, are connected to the vir-
tual server, receiving the tracking data in a multiwall
We presented some details of a new open-source li-
brary designed to facilitate the creation of graphic and
virtual reality prototypes incorporating stereoscopic
representation. Different application scenarios have
been described to demonstrate the utility of the library
and to justify several aspects of its design. It is es-
pecially remarkable that graphic primitives can have
different appearance as they are seen by each observer
eye, allowing the development of software for optom-
etry research.
The GLSVe is freely available under the terms
of the GNU General Public License. Nowadays two
Universities are collaborating on its development, but
the project is open to other contributions. You can
download GLSVe with several examples of use from
the SourceForge website.
Besides its proven usability in research and pro-
duction of quality scientific software, the library has
also become a valuable tool for teaching virtual reality
concepts. Until now the library has been successfully
used in four university courses for computer engineer-
ing students.
This research has been possible thanks to the exis-
tence of the collaboration agreement between the Uni-
versity of Oviedo and the University of Informatics
Sciences of Havana.
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