Santiago Martín
, Liudmila Pupo
, Yoander Cabrera
and Ramón Rubio
Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Construction, University of Oviedo, Gijón, Spain
Department of Visualization and Virtual Reality, University of Informatics Sciences, Havana, Cuba
Computer graphics, Virtual reality, Stereoscopic applications.
The Graphics Library Stereo Vision engine (GLSVe) is a freely available open-source C] library based on
OpenGL. It has been designed to facilitate the creation, mainly by researchers or students, of graphic and
virtual reality prototypes incorporating stereoscopic representation. Its design will allow a stereoscopic graphic
application in an easy way and without previous theory knowledge. This is demonstrated to be a good training
for student’s motivation in order to learn the theoretical bases by means of experimentation. The observer,
the 3D pointer, the screen, the 3D sound and the graphics primitives are managed through different classes.
This allows easy implementation of virtual reality scenarios if a tracking system is available (including multi-
screen environments). Graphic primitives could have different appearance as they are seen by each observer
eye, allowing the development of software for optometry research. Different stereoscopic modes have been
implemented: side by side, cross eye, anaglyph, interlaced, alternated pages and dual stream. The article
describes the GLSVe architecture and main capabilities, as well as different application scenarios (virtual
reality environments; ophthalmology research; and visualization and compilation of geological photo pairs).
The GLSVe is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License agreement.
Learning methods have evolved from master classes
to practical training due to industrial competitive re-
quirements (Clausen, 2005). Software packages and
virtual laboratories are especially useful in this new
way to learn. Nowadays it is common to include
them in teaching classes, especially in engineering
degrees, where the engineer expected to have intui-
tive knowledge of complex and very different sub-
jects(Palanichamy et al., 2004; Patryn and Pietruszko,
2005). Stereoscopic visualization and virtual reality
systems are interesting subjects to include in an en-
gineering degree (syllabus), in the senior year course,
as this topic uses previous and important mathematic
and geometric concepts. Historically, the first step
in the development of computer vision theory has
been the understanding of human stereoscopic vision.
The difficulty of this subject makes advisable a suit-
able computer tool. A close example of this is a
package oriented to obtain disparity maps and three-
dimensional models based on stereo images (Castejón
et al., 2009).
On the other hand, scientists need software pack-
ages as an easy development prototypes tool to val-
idate their research. Regrettably, scientific software
is too often a closed source, leaving the user with a
black box performing magical operations. The open-
source revolution that has taken place in the world of
software development, perceived as being counterpro-
ductive for the overall scientific progress, faces these
limitations (Steven, 1999). Stereoscopic visualization
and virtual reality systems are subjects of research by
computer graphics scientists. Their results are applied
in different areas, like medical image, surgical plan-
ning and training (Kockro et al., 2007), ophthalmol-
ogy research (Waddingham et al., 2006), psychology,
scientific visualization, industrial design, chemistry
education (Limniou et al., 2008), geology or cartog-
raphy (Billen et al., 2008) . An open source package
oriented to easily develop stereoscopic graphic appli-
cations will be very well received by researchers of
these areas.
The creation of graphic prototypes, incorporat-
ing stereoscopic representation, is possible using an
API (Application Programming Interface) as aid, like
OpenGL or DirectX. However, any programmer who
wishes to develop these contents has to fully un-
Martín S., Pupo L., Cabrera Y. and Rubio R..
DOI: 10.5220/0003646902050210
In Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH-2011), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-78-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
derstand the rules governing stereoscopy which, be-
sides entailing a considerable additional effort, is a
possible source of errors. Some graphics card and
display device manufacturers have developed drivers
with stereo functions. These drivers generate two or
even more cameras from a single scene. The result is
a stereogram that can be displayed in devices that sup-
port the driver in question (shutter glasses, auto-stereo
monitors, etc.). Obviously, offering these drivers with
stereo functions represents a first competitive advan-
tage for hardware manufacturers.
The problem is that these drivers are not multi-
platform and the programmer does not have total con-
trol of parameters associated with the stereo nature of
the scene. From this we can deduce the advantage of
defining a library that eliminates the need for the pro-
grammer to make any calculations requiring mastery
of the theory of stereo vision.
With this in mind, a first library was proposed by
our research team, named GLSV library (Graphics Li-
brary Stereo Vision) (Martín et al., 2009). It was a
set of auxiliary functions similar to the ones used in
OpenGL: gluLookAt was substituted by glsvLookAt;
gluPerspective by glsvPerspective; and so on. Thus
the use of GLSV does not require changing the way a
programmer develops applications development with
Despite its interest, GLSV is not an object-
oriented library but a set of functions. It is not suitable
for beginner programmers, although expertise com-
puter graphics programmers would appreciate it. The
creation of graphic prototypes incorporating stereo-
scopic representation is feasible with GLSV and eas-
ier than with OpenGL, but it is not at all an easy or
quick task. GLSV does not seem to be the solution a
medical researcher is looking for. It is not what stu-
dents would like to use in an intensive course about
virtual reality systems.
Therefore, in this paper a new Graphics Library
Stereo Vision engine (GLSVe) is proposed. GLSVe
has been written in C] and based on OpenGL, and
it is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library
General Public License agreement.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 describes functional and non functional require-
ments of the GLSVe library; Section 3 presents a de-
scription of the libraryt’s structure. The result of us-
ing the GLSVe library in different applications is pre-
sented in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 is devoted to
concluding remarks.
2.1 Functional Requirements
First of all, the observer, the 3D pointer, the screen,
the 3D audio and the graphics primitives are managed
through different classes. This functional requirement
allows implementation of virtual reality scenarios if
a tracking system is available. Viewport transforma-
tions are also implemented on its own class. This al-
lows having under control the conversion from pixel
to user unit.
Graphic primitives can have different appearance
as seen by each observer’s eye. This requirement al-
lows the development of software for optometry re-
search and it can be also used when a stereoscopic
photo pair is included in the virtual scene. Related
with this, once the library is compiled, the program-
mer can still define its own new graphic primitives.
Monoscopic mode and several stereoscopic modes
have been implemented: side by side, cross eye,
anaglyph (red-cyan, red-blue, red-green), interlaced,
alternated pages and dual stream (for Quadro graphic
cards) (Lipton, 1997).
Finally, as GLSVe evolves from GLSV, all the set
of GLSV functions are still accessible to the program-
2.2 Non-functional Requirements
GLSVe has been written in C] because this program-
ming language has been designed to be easily learned
and used by beginner programmers. C] was devel-
oped by Microsoft within the .NET initiative. Even
though, other considered simple and general-purpose
programming languages, like Visual Basic, an object-
oriented language. Although C] applications are in-
tended to be economical with regard to memory and
processing power requirements, the language was not
intended to compete directly on performance and size
with C. For example, managed memory cannot be ex-
plicitly freed; instead, it is automatically de-allocated.
Moreover memory address pointers can only be used
within blocks specifically marked as unsafe. The ref-
erence C] compiler is Microsoft Visual C] but there
are also other compilers, including open source ones.
GLSVe uses OpenGL as low level graphic pro-
gramming library. OpenGL is the pervasive standard
for the development of multiplatform applications. It
was developed by Silicon Graphics Inc. (SGI) in 1992
and it is still the reference for graphic application de-
velopers. Generally, programmers use OpenGL in
SIMULTECH 2011 - 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and
combination with other supplementary APIs in order
to generalize common functions. Thus, for exam-
ple, the GLU (OpenGL Utility) library provides some
functions to create complex objects and to easily man-
age the camera.
Currently there is no managed code library widely
known for working with OpenGL. For that reason,
it is necessary to use a wrapper for OpenGL or di-
rectly import the relevant methods into the assem-
bly. The solution selected in this project has been
the Tao Framework. It implements a OpenGL wrap-
per allowing to use it in the C] language. It has only
been necessary a small modification to support dual
stream stereo mode for Quadro graphic cards. Tao
Framework also gives GLSVe access to SDL (Simple
DirectMedia Layer) and OpenAL (Open Audio Li-
brary). Non-functional requirements are graphically
summarized in Figure 1.
Figure 1: GLSVe context.
3.1 Core Classes
GLSVe core classes are represented in Figure 2. The
main class is called like the old library, GLSV. This
is because all the functions defined in the old library
are still accessible through it. Internally, it declares
objects of the rest of the classes: Observer, Display,
Viewport, Mode, and a list of Model. It invokes the
drawing of the scene using the currently active stereo-
scopic viewing mode.
The Observer class is defined by the 3D positions
of its two eyes (Figure 3). Near and Far planes, which
represent in OpenGL the top and the base of the pyra-
mid frustum to be rendered, are also properties of the
Observer class. That distances are measured from
each eye to the perpendicular direction to the Display.
The Display class is defined with 6 degrees of free-
dom and two dimensions. Both Observer and Dis-
play belong to a virtual space which dimensions can
be made equal to the ones in the real space. As view-
Figure 2: GLSVe core classes.
ing devices work in pixel, it is necessary to implement
a transformation between the Display’s dimensions in
the virtual space and its dimensions in pixels. View-
port class does that.
Figure 3: Observer and Display cases.
In a virtual reality prototype this would be enough.
But in other applications would be desirable another
transformations, like translation (pan), scaling (zoom)
and parallax. These transformations are properties
measured in pixels in the Viewport and in virtual units
in the Display. We must take into account that these
transformations break the virtual reality paradigm,
as they introduce geometric distortions in the per-
ceived 3D space. A translation (pan) entails mov-
ing the Display (or the Viewport) laterally, it dif-
fers from a lateral movement of the whole scene,
but the observer would tolerate it. A scaling (zoom)
transformation entails making the Display (or the
Viewport) bigger. If we use the property Viewport
zoom , we will be constrained by OpenGL limita-
tions (see GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS). Zoom is
not the same as making the scene bigger, but the ob-
server would tolerate it also. Finally, a parallax trans-
formation entails moving the left and right projections
in opposite directions. It is not the same as getting
closer to the scene, but again the observer would tol-
erate it. Figure 4 explains these transformations in the
Viewport implementation.
Figure 4: Viewport pan, zoom and parallax transforma-
The available visualization modes are defined
in an abstract class, named Mode. We have
a monoscopic visualization mode and several
stereoscopic modes: SideBySideMode, CrossEye-
Mode, AnaglyphMode, InterlacedMode, MonoChan-
nelStereoMode (alternated pages) and QuadroStereo-
Mode (dual stream).
Finally, we have the graphics primitive. Each
graphic primitive is defined on its own class, which
inherit attributes and behaviors from a parent class,
named Model. Each graphic primitive has three dif-
ferent drawing methods: left eye, right eye and head.
Moreover, they have also the properties VisibleLeft-
Eye and VisibleRightEye. In this way, graphic primi-
tives must have different appearance as they are seen
by each observer eye. OpenGLs depth and blend tests
can be switched through the main class GLSV. Once
the blend test is activated, we can define graphics
primitives with a different alpha value for each eye.
This can be used in optometric software to study the
visual perception of a patient.
Anyway, once the library is compiled, the pro-
grammer can still define its own new graphic prim-
itives. Graphic primitives are organized in a Scene
Graph with Nodes. Parts of the 3D scene can be ro-
tated, translated and scaled thanks to the Nodes.
3.2 The 3D Pointer and Mouse
M_Pointer3D is a singular subclass of Model. It rep-
resents the user pointer in the 3D virtual space. It
can have different appearances (Type property). Its
left and right projections can have constant size on
the screen if needed (ConstantSize property): as the
M_Pointer3D goes farther away, its size will be in-
creased to compensate the effect of the perspective.
Two new classes, MouseState and MouseEvents,
allow managing the pan/zoom/parallax transforma-
tions with the mouse. They also manage the XY
and Z (depth) movements of the M_Pointer3D. Mous-
eState stores the mouse changes on its proper-
ties. The public MouseEvent function (of the class
MouseEvents) receives an object MouseState and in-
terprets it. M_Pointer3D projections will move to
the center of the screen due to the perspective ef-
fect. If we want M_Pointer3D projections not to
move up or down, MouseEvents will compensate
these changes for us again. Finally, MouseEvents
guarantees also the coherence between the windows
coordinates of the mouse and the projected coordi-
nates of the M_Pointer3D.
3.3 Audio3D Class
A class named Audio3D has been defined using Ope-
nAL, a free software cross-platform audio API. It is
designed for efficient rendering of multichannel three
dimensional positional audio. The basic OpenAL ob-
jects are a Listener, a Source, and a Buffer. Each
buffer can be attached to one or more Sources, which
represent points in 3D space which are emitting audio.
There is always one Listener object (per audio con-
text), which represents the position where the sources
are heard rendering is done from the perspective of
the Listener.
Each Audio3D object can be played, stopped or
paused; it has a volume, a file path and a 3D position.
Moreover, it receives a copy of GLSV instance. Thus,
the Audio3D instance knows where the observer (lis-
tener) at any moment.
3.4 File Input/Output
X3D is the ISO standard XML-based file format for
representing 3D computer graphics, the successor to
the Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML). It
has been adopted as the main CAD format in this
project. The structure of the graphic primitives tree,
which uses the class M_Node : Model as said before,
is a direct interpretation of the X3D file format.
Although, at present, this module is not com-
pletely functional, its development is not a difficult
task thanks to the System.Xml class available in .Net
C]. As example, the M_Mesh : Model has a public
function to read the data directly from a X3D file.
3.5 Interaction with Input Devices
The programmer can use other libraries in conjunc-
tion with GLSVe to face the development of more so-
SIMULTECH 2011 - 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and
phisticated software using VR devices. It is especially
interesting to implement the tracking option to control
the Observer properties and the Pointer3D position.
Simple examples of use have been developed using
the WiimoteLib (for the Nintendo Wiimote) and the
Touchless SDK (which permits to track color marks
with a web cam), both written in C].
The library is being used in different application sce-
narios, demonstrating its utility and versatility.
4.1 VISAGE: A Stereo Viewer and
Compilation Software Tool for
Geologic Works
The aim of this project is to define a suite of applica-
tions to solve the problem of seeing a stereo pair and
manually recover a 3D model. It was originally ori-
ented to geologic works, but it can be used in other
applications, like building restitution, medical image,
reverse engineering, etc (Martín et al., 2007).
VISAGE is written in .Net C] using the GLSVe
and the TAO Framework. The user can see pairs of
stereo photos (implemented as objects of PhotoPair
: Model class) with total control of all the variables
involved: intraocular distance, camera focal, cam-
era size, screen size, observer position. Translation
(pan), scaling (zoom) and parallax transformations
have been implemented using the Display class. Vec-
torial entities can be drawn using the mouse as a
3D pointer thanks to MouseState and MouseEvents
classes. The DXF format is used to export and import
those vectorial entities to or from a CAD program.
The reference system can be defined by the user us-
ing the terrain coordinates module. VISAGE it’s able
to work with different stereoscopic modes.
The stereo pair used in VISAGE has been pre-
viously idealized, it is supposed. This means: to
solve the problems of intrinsic and extrinsic calibra-
tion problems of the stereo pair. Then a new pair of
photos can be generated without geometric distortion
and a common projection plane. Nowadays, this has
been implemented in a different tool, called STEREO
NORMALIZER, which uses the OpenCV library.
4.2 AMBLY: Medical Optometry
Treatment of amblyopia consists of forcing use of
the amblyopic eye, usually by patching the good eye.
It results in a better accuracy of the lazy eye after
the treatment, but the stereopsis is not improved (Si-
mons, 2005). Virtual Reality and Stereoscopic Vision
technologies can be used to design computer games
where each eye receives different signals of the vir-
tual world (Waddingham et al., 2006; Achtman et al.,
2008; Kozulin et al., 2009). This project consists in
the development of computer activities to improve the
vision of the child, not only the visual acuity of the
lazy eye but also the stereoscopic vision.
Although the project is in its initial stages, there
have been designed four different activities that
should be clinically validated. The first activity mea-
sures the stereopsis. As in the classic TNO Test, a
dot stereogram is showed. The hidden shape must be
identified by the patient. The second activity trains
the lazy eye. The patient must look for a hidden ob-
ject in a flat scene. Although the lazy eye sees per-
fectly the object, the healthy one is penalized. This
can achieved thanks to different drawing methods im-
plemented in the Models for each eye. The third and
fourth activities train the stereopsis ability. In the third
one the patient must look for a hidden object in a 3D
scene and in the fourth activity he/she must draw a
3D shape joining a set of 3D points. The mouse is
used again, as a 3D pointer thanks to MouseState and
MouseEvents classes.
The viewing format selected has been side by side.
The conversion among real units, virtual units and
pixels are well known thanks to the Viewport class.
The results of visual acuity can be presented to the
optometrist in seconds of arc.
4.3 Virtual Reality Room
The aim of this project is to build a multiwall vir-
tual reality stereo system using low cost hardware and
open-source libraries (CruzNeira et al., 1993; Johnson
et al., 2006).
The tracking system is implemented using the
Nintendo Wii Remote infrared cameras. Intrinsic and
extrinsic calibration camera is implemented using In-
tel OpenCV image processing library. Emgu CV
is used as .Net C] wrapper to the OpenCV library.
In the basic implementation, two wiimote cameras
are needed to track the Observer and the Pointer3D.
The observer is marked with at least two IR leds, as
GLSVe Observer class needs the positions of the two
eyes. The pointer is marked with at least one led, as
Pointer3D class needs only a 3D position.
In addition, a virtual device server has been devel-
oped. Different physical devices (data gloves, inertial
tracking, gaming controllers, etc.) can be connected
with the virtual server using XML messages. Finally,
a GLSVe based application connects to the server, re-
ceiving the data of the virtual device as XML mes-
sages. This architecture makes easier the interaction
with devices whose libraries are written in other lan-
guages. Moreover, the virtual server can be config-
ured as a tracking system. Several computers, each
one with its own screen and all running the same
GLSVe based application, are connected to the vir-
tual server, receiving the tracking data in a multiwall
We presented some details of a new open-source li-
brary designed to facilitate the creation of graphic and
virtual reality prototypes incorporating stereoscopic
representation. Different application scenarios have
been described to demonstrate the utility of the library
and to justify several aspects of its design. It is es-
pecially remarkable that graphic primitives can have
different appearance as they are seen by each observer
eye, allowing the development of software for optom-
etry research.
The GLSVe is freely available under the terms
of the GNU General Public License. Nowadays two
Universities are collaborating on its development, but
the project is open to other contributions. You can
download GLSVe with several examples of use from
the SourceForge website.
Besides its proven usability in research and pro-
duction of quality scientific software, the library has
also become a valuable tool for teaching virtual reality
concepts. Until now the library has been successfully
used in four university courses for computer engineer-
ing students.
This research has been possible thanks to the exis-
tence of the collaboration agreement between the Uni-
versity of Oviedo and the University of Informatics
Sciences of Havana.
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SIMULTECH 2011 - 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and