As we showed (figure 2) we can to identify the
intellectual capital based on transformation
processes from human resources to structural capital
and relational capital. This is the challenge for the
next research will be find the transformation about
A new solution needs a new approach to understand
and run the knowledge management (figure 3).
Figure 3: Collaborative concepts for e-business. Source:
We can see the collaboration through the
organization. We can to share information, also
understand intellectual capital approach.
Each organization needs a specific database to
obtain its workflow structure. We need both,
common and complex problems and the expertise
that exists in the environment.
We want to improve the processes and some
problems like spending an inordinate amount of time
looking for information, or documents, or contents
or people expertise.
Knowledge management is present in each
activity of people, organizations, and its value is in
to obtain itself, to register itself, to analyze itself and
finally to give to others users.
People need to share knowledge, but in the most
of the cases they are not prepared to do that, because
they feel that their knowledge is the source to keep
their job and their reason to live.
We need a cultural change as new conditions for
the success, like ethic, transcendental motivation,
which ones will be joined and interchanged with e-
business processes. The system identifies
collaboration needs, and creates new ways for give
collaboration based on both, software agents and
information systems.
The system creates value while people put their
experiences and knowledge about different problems
and solutions, without fears, always having the main
goal on the organization.
The new concepts will be development into one
controlled environment in order to improve the
competitive advantage in the organization.
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