1959). Other non-equilibrium methods include
diversion models, multipath assignments and
eventually combined methods.
Equilibrium methods are algorithmic approaches
which assume equal travel times. They are optimal
assignments since they are formulated on the basis
of linear or nonlinear mathematical programming
(Matsoukis, 1986). The user optimum equilibrium
can be found by solving a nonlinear programming
When a time dimension is added at the models
previously described then the DTA is obtained.
Thus, by including temporal dimensions we can
represent the real life traffic situation and compute
the traveling time. Literature surveys in this field
generally mention two main approaches for DTA:
the analytical-based models and the simulations.
The first approach which is the analytical-based
approach model considers two time indices: the time
at which the path flow leaves its origin and the time
at which it is observed on a link. In other words, the
approach assumes that the whole time is divided in
intervals. Then, static mathematical analytical
control models are applied to each interval, on the
assumption that one interval is long enough so that
drivers can complete the trip within that certain time
Literature within this area of research is
extensive. DTA has evolved a lot since the work of
Merchant and Nemhauser (Merchant and
Nemhauser, 1978) who considered a discrete time
model for dynamic traffic assignment with a single
destination. The model they assumed was nonlinear
and non-convex.
Meantime, researchers became aware that DTA
theory was still undeveloped and necessitated new
approaches to account for the challenges from the
application domain. DTA comes across a large set of
problems depending on various decision variables,
possessing varying data requirements and
capabilities of control.
The second approach is the simulation-based
model. This approach simulates the behaviour of the
drivers in different traffic settings. Due to their
capability of better representing the real world they
increased their popularity. Simulations usually try to
replicate the complex dynamics of the traffic.
Although that this is considered a different
approach, the mathematical abstraction of the
problem is a typical analytical formulation.
Next we consider some analytical-based
approaches and mathematical programming models
for DTA from literature. (Ziliaskopoulus, 2000) split
the analytical models from literature in four broad
methodological groups where the first ones are the
mathematical programming formulations. Within
this approach flow equations are deducted and a
nonlinear mathematical programming problem has
to be solved. (Merchant and Nemhauser, 1978) and
(Ho, 1980) studied such models. Due to the
complexity of a nonlinear problem, a linear version
of the model with additional constraints can be
created and solved for a global optimum using a
simplex algorithm. The linear program has a
staircase structure and can be solved by
decomposition techniques.
In optimal control theory the routes are assumed
to be known functions of time and the link flows are
considered continuous functions of time. The
constraints are similar to the ones at the
mathematical programming formulation, but defined
in continuous-time setting. This results in a
continuous control formulation and not in a discrete-
time mathematical program. (Friesz et al., 1989)
discuss two continuous link-based time formulations
of the DTA for both the SO and UE objectives
considering the single destination case. The model
assumes that the adjustments of the system from one
state to another may occur while the network
conditions are changing. The routing is done based
on the current condition of the network but it is
continuously modelled as conditions change. The
SO model is a temporal extension of the static SO
model and proves that at the optimal solution the
costs for the O-D used paths are identical to the ones
on the unused paths. They established as well a
dynamic generalization of the well known
Beckmann's equivalent optimization problem.
Simulation environments address key issues of
the traffic assignment, such as the flow's propagation
in time and the spatio-temporal interactions.
Contemporary DTA models were developed using
different traffic simulators (such as CONTRAM
(CONtinous TRaffic Assignment Model),
and Willumsen, 1980) is an early DTA simulation
tool that uses an equilibrium technique.
The CONTRAM, (Taylor, 1980) simulation
environment is more dynamic than the previous ones
as it allows the re-routing of cars if traffic conditions
worsen. However, it does not consider a maximum
storage capacity for roads and it assigns cars only
based on the Wardropian principle. DYNASMART
is a contemporary DTA model which uses the basic
CONTRAM concept. (Abdelfatah and Mahmasanni,
2001) show an example of a DTA model developed
by the DYNASMART approach.
(Lum at al., 1998) showed that the average speed
ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics