Discriminative Models for Expert Retrieval
Philipp Sorg
and Philipp Cimiano
AIFB, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
CITEC, University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany
Expert retrieval, Learning to rank, Language models, Feature design, Machine learning.
We tackle the problem of expert retrieval in Social Question Answering (SQA) sites. In particular, we consider
the task of, given an information need in the form of a question posted in a SQA site, ranking potential
experts according to the likelihood that they can answer the question. We propose a discriminative model
(DM) that allows to combine different sources of evidence in a single retrieval model using machine learning
techniques. The features used as input for the discriminative model comprise features derived from language
models, standard probabilistic retrieval functions and features quantifying the popularity of an expert in the
category of the question. As input for the DM, we propose a novel feature design that allows to exploit
language models as features. We perform experiments and evaluate our approach on a dataset extracted from
Yahoo! Answers, recently used as benchmark in the CriES Workshop, and show that our proposed approach
outperforms i) standard probabilistic retrieval models, ii) a state-of-the-art expert retrieval approach based on
language models as well as iii) an established learning to rank model.
Imagine you have a non-trivial information need or
question for which you seek an expert that you can
directly interact with. In fact, for very specific infor-
mation needs, the general knowledge available on the
Web might not be detailed enough and the expertise
of an expert in the domain might be needed. An ex-
ample for such an information need taken from our
dataset – is: Which cat has the largest variety of prey?
This setting gives raise to the so called expert re-
trieval problem (Yimam-Seid and Kobsa, 2003), i.e.
the task of, given a certain information need, re-
trieving those experts that can most likely contribute
to answering the question. Such an expert retrieval
use case arises naturally in Social Question Answer-
ing (SQA) portals such as Yahoo! Answers
or An-
. In these portals, users post questions
which are then answered by other users. In this sce-
nario, new questions could be directly routed to the
most promising experts. The input to the expert re-
trieval task as defined in this paper is a question and
the output is a ranked list of experts that could help to
answer this question.
In general, we can assume that the expertise of
people is essentially defined by their behavior on the
Web, in a specific social network (LinkedIn, Face-
book, Xing etc.) or a social website like Yahoo!
Answers or Wikipedia. By constructing and index-
ing text profiles consisting of postings by the given
expert, standard IR models can be applied to rank
experts. This is the approach followed in many
approaches to expert retrieval (Balog et al., 2009;
Craswell et al., 2005). However, there are other ev-
idence sources for expertise than the overlap between
the question and the (textual) profile of the expert.
Our focus in this paper is on approaches that allow
to combine different models of expertise in a single
retrieval model.
In particular, we propose to use a discriminative
model to score experts that is optimized using ma-
chine learning (ML) techniques. In a supervised set-
ting, a classifier is trained using the question/answer
history and relevance assessments of former topics.
This classifier is then applied in the retrieval scenario
to score each expert for a given query, thus produc-
ing a ranking according to the scores. This approach
allows to combine different sources of evidence in a
principled manner as the combination parameters are
Sorg P. and Cimiano P..
FINDING THE RIGHT EXPERT - Discriminative Models for Expert Retrieval.
DOI: 10.5220/0003650501820191
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2011), pages 182-191
ISBN: 978-989-8425-79-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
optimized through the training of the classifier.
The contributions of the paper are the following:
We compare the performance of different expert
retrieval models on a subset of the Yahoo! An-
swers dataset used as benchmarking dataset in
the Cross-lingual Expert Search (CriES) work-
shop recently hosted at CLEF.
We propose a novel feature design that allows to
build feature vectors from language models in a
retrieval scenario. In our detailed feature analy-
sis, we evaluate different subsets of features and
show that our feature design indeed captures the
relevance of experts. We also identify those fea-
tures which contribute most to the retrieval perfor-
We show that the discriminative model based on
the novel feature design allows to combine differ-
ent sources of evidences in a principled way and
outperforms all the other models we consider, in-
cluding an alternative learning-to-rank approach.
As sources of evidence, we propose to exploit dif-
ferent language models that are estimated using
the text profile of experts, the text profiles of cat-
egories and on the basis of the popularity of an
expert in a given category. Additionally, we use
established probabilistic retrieval models as fur-
ther source of evidence.
The structure of the paper is as follows: We
first present different expert retrieval models in Sec-
tion 2 that we use as baselines and that are also used
as sources of evidence for the discriminative model.
Then, we introduce the discriminative model and our
feature design in Section 3. Afterwards, we describe
our datasets, experiments and results obtained in Sec-
tion 4. After discussing related work in Section 5, we
finally wrap up in Section 6.
In this section we present the retrieval models used
in our experiments. Firstly, we present a popularity
model. Secondly, we introduce different standard ap-
proaches to information retrieval (IR). Then we in-
troduce a mixture language modeling approach that
allows to factor in information about categories. Fi-
nally, we present a learning to rank approach that is
used as a reference model in our experiments.
2.1 Popularity Models
The popularity model assumes that the category of a
new question is known. Experts are ranked according
to their “popularity” for the given category. In par-
ticular, the popularity models rank experts according
to their likelihood of being able to answer any ques-
tion from a given category, estimated on the available
question/answer history and other features of this cat-
egory. We define two different measures of popular-
Definition 1 (Frequency Pop. Model (PM
is defined as the share of answers that an expert
e has contributed to category c:
(e, c) =
The second approach applies the Pagerank algo-
rithm (Page et al., 1999) to the expert network G
category c. Nodes in G
are defined by the users of
the SQA portal. There is a directed link from user u
to user u
if u
provided the best answer to a question
posted by u
Definition 2 (Pagerank Pop. Model (PM
Given the expert network G
of category c, the Pager-
ank based popularity model of user e is defined as:
(e, c) =
, e)
, e
2.2 Probabilistic Models and Language
We have selected two different standard MLIR mod-
els as baselines for our experiments:
BM25. As experts are defined through textual pro-
files, the task of retrieving experts can be reduced
to a standard document retrieval scenario. As state-
of-the-art probabilistic retrieval model to compare to
we chose the BM25 model (Robertson and Walker,
1994). As we consider a multilingual expert re-
trieval scenario, results from language-specific in-
dices are combined using Z-Score normalization
(Savoy, 2005), which has proven to be effective for
multilingual IR (see e.g. (K
ursten, 2009)).
BM25 + Popularity. In the experiments we assume
that the category of a new question is known. In this
case, the popularity of experts in this target category
can be combined with any vector space or probabilis-
tic retrieval model by simply adding the popularity to
the score of each expert. In our experiments, we will
combine BM25 with the frequency based popularity
model PM
. To ensure compatible values, we will
FINDING THE RIGHT EXPERT - Discriminative Models for Expert Retrieval
again first apply Z-Score normalization, resulting in
and PM
. The final score is then defined by
the weighted sum of the normalized values:
s(e, q) = α · s
(e, q) +(1 α) · PM
(e, c
Language Models. An alternative approach to IR
is based on the theory of language models (LMs). In
line with Model 1 presented by Balog et al. (Balog
et al., 2009) we use the following basic LM for expert
search based on answers of users:
(q|e) =
+ (1 α)P
where P(t|a) is the probability of an answer gen-
erating a term t and P(a|e) is the probability that ex-
pert e provides answer a. We estimate P(t|a) via
Maximum Likelihood Estimation: P(t|a) =
In order to estimate the probability P(a|e) that ex-
pert e generates answer a, we apply Bayes’ Theorem:
P(a|e) =
with P(e|a) = 1 in case e is ac-
tually the author of a, 0 otherwise. The priors P(a)
and P(e) are assumed to be uniformly distributed, i.e.
P(a) =
and P(e) =
. The background language
model P
(t) is estimated by considering the distribu-
tion of terms in the entire answer corpus.
As the data we use in our experiments contains
both questions in different languages as well as ex-
perts posting answers in these languages, we extend
the model from Balog by constructing a translated
query q
, consisting of all terms of the translations
of the original query to all corpus languages. For
translated queries we use a multilingual background
language model P
(t) that estimates priors of terms
in different languages based on the language-specific
term distributions in the entire corpus.
2.3 Mixture Language Model
We also compare our discriminative approach to a
mixture language model (MLM), which extends the
model of Balog at al. and allows to combine different
evidence sources to estimate the relevance of experts
into a single generative model. The evidence sources
are modeled as conditional probabilities P
(t|e) of an
expert e generating a query term t and combined in a
mixture model of probabilities using weights α
|e) =
(t|e) + (1
The α
weights thus determine the influence of
each component or source of evidence of the mixture
model. Overall, in the MLM approach we combine
the following models that are used to estimate P
Text Profile Model. This is a generative model that
quantifies the probability of an expert e generating a
query term t on the basis of its text profile, consisting
of all answers that are associated to this expert:
(t|e) =
Category-restricted Text Profile Model. Given a
target category c, the text profiles of experts can be
restricted to answers a c. This results in the follow-
ing estimation:
(t|e) =
In this model, only answers in the target category are
considered in order to estimate the relevance of ex-
perts. Other answers of experts which might intro-
duce noise to the language models of expert in respect
to the given query are ignored.
Category Model. Language models of categories
can be defined using the text of all answers in each
category. These language models can then be used
for an implicit classification of query terms, resulting
in the following category-based estimation of P(t|e):
(t|e) =
The probability P(c|e) of category c given expert e
is estimated by the popularity models as presented
above: P
(c|e) PM
(e, c) and P
(e, c).
2.4 Learning to Rank
Joachims (Joachims, 2002) has presented a modified
version of support vector machines (SVMs) called
ranking SVMs – that learn a retrieval function on the
basis of rankings provided as training input. The
ranking for training is essentially given by a prefer-
ence function as formalized in the following defini-
Definition 3 (Learning to Rank). Given a question
q, learning to rank approaches compare pairs of ex-
perts to compute a preference of which expert to rank
before the other. The ranking of experts can then be
reduced to the preference function pref:
pref : E ×E × Q {0, 1}
with pref(e
, e
, q) = 1 meaning that e
should be
ranked before e
for query q.
KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
In our experiments, we applied the SVMRank soft-
ware published by Joachims to the problem of expert
retrieval. Thereby, we used the same features and the
same training data as defined for the discriminative
model that will be presented in Section 3. This allows
to compare the effectiveness of the ML model applied
to the ranking problem, as the same feature vectors for
expert-query tuples are used as input in both cases.
In Section 2 we presented several expert retrieval
models. Combining different retrieval models is a
promising approach to further boost the retrieval per-
formance. However, this combination often depends
on parameters, for example when using the mixture
language model as presented above. Exploring the
parameter space using for instance gradient descent
methods is time consuming and prone to lead to lo-
cal optima. Therefore, we reduce retrieval to a classi-
fication/regression problem and thus make ML tech-
niques applicable to this task:
Definition 4 (ER as Regression Problem). The
problem of ranking experts E for a given question q
can be reduced to a regression problem of learning
the optimal parameters for a function expertise:
expertise : E × Q [0, 1]
The experts can then be ranked according to
expertise(e, q) for a given question q.
The clear advantage of this approach is that ef-
ficient optimization techniques are known from ma-
chine learning research which can then be applied to
the retrieval problem.
In case we use a standard discrete or binary clas-
sifier instead of a regression function, expertise(e, q)
could be set to the probability that a pair (e, q) be-
longs to the positive (relevant) class, i.e. rank(e)
P(class = 1|q, e).
3.1 Feature Design
As input for the regression function, feature represen-
tations of candidate experts have to be defined. As
the feature vectors need to have the same length inde-
pendent of the length of the query (in the number of
terms), the features need to be designed in such a way
that their number is constant for any query length.
Therefore, we propose to use aggregated values over
all query terms to define single features.
Given expert e and query q, we use the following
features to describe (e, q):
Table 1: Aggregated features that are defined by the con-
ditional probability distribution P
(t|e). These features de-
scribe properties of expert e given query q = (t
, t
, . . . ) ac-
cording to generative model i.
Feature Description
MIN min
MAX max
MEDIAN Median in {P
(t|e) | t q}
STD Standard deviation in {P
(t|e) | t q}
Language Model Features. As described above,
different sources of evidence are used to model the
probability P
(t|e) of query term t being generated
by expert e: P
, P
, P
, P
and the
popularity models PM
and PM
. We use this
probability distribution to define aggregated features
over all query terms. These aggregated features are
described in detail in Table 1. We thus assume the
generation of any query term to be conditionally in-
dependent from the generation of other query terms.
Products of Language Model Features. As the
above aggregate features do not capture the depen-
dencies between different sources of evidence on term
level, we additionally consider products of these con-
ditional probability distributions. For example given
two evidence sources i and j, we define the combined
distribution as P
i j
(t|e) = P
(t|e). The aggre-
gated features as described in Table 1 are then com-
puted based on P
i j
. In our experiments, we add fea-
tures for all permutations of up to three models.
Probabilistic Model Features. In addition to the
aggregated features over query terms for the differ-
ent generative models, we also use standard IR re-
trieval scores based on the text profile of each ex-
pert. Features are then defined as the score of expert e
given query q. In particular, we used retrieval models
based on BM25, TF.IDF and DLH13 term weighting
in combination with Z-Score normalization for mul-
tilingual retrieval, resulting in exactly one feature for
each retrieval model.
3.2 Classifiers
In order to rank experts, we used Multi-Layer Per-
ceptrons (MLP) and Logistic Regression as regres-
sion classifiers in our experiments. The layout of the
MLPs was set to one hidden layer with half as many
nodes as the number of input features. We used these
standard settings as changes in the layout of the MLPs
FINDING THE RIGHT EXPERT - Discriminative Models for Expert Retrieval
did not show any significant differences when apply-
ing the trained classifiers in the retrieval scenario.
We also used decision trees as instance of discrete
classifiers. In particular, we used the J48 decision
tree, a pruned version of C4.5 (Quinlan, 1993). In
this case, the probability that the example belongs to
the relevant class is used as expert score. For imple-
mentation we relied on the Weka framework
and also
used the class probabilities for discrete classifiers as
given in the output of the Weka API.
In this section, we will describe our experiments on a
dataset from Yahoo! Answers, a popular SQA portal.
We will present and discuss the retrieval results of the
different baselines and of the proposed models.
Dataset. We used a dataset from the Yahoo! An-
swers portal introduced by (Surdeanu et al., 2008).
In our experiments we use the subset of the Ya-
hoo! Answers Webscope dataset defined in the CriES
workshop (Sorg et al., 2010). This dataset consists of
780,193 questions posted by 169,819 different users,
representing the pool of experts in our experiments.
These questions are classified into 305 categories
which form a taxonomy. While the biggest share
of questions and answers are written in English, the
dataset also contains German (1%), French (3%) and
Spanish (5%) questions. In our evaluation, we relied
on the 60 topics use as part of the benchmarking task
associated with the CriES workshop. There were 15
topics for each language in the dataset: English, Ger-
man, French and Spanish. The Gold Standard was
created by manual assessment of a result pool con-
sisting of the top 10 retrieved experts of all submitted
runs to the workshop for each topic. In our experi-
ments we rely on the Gold Standard based on strict
assessment (Sorg et al., 2010).
Training Data for Discriminative Model. As
training data we used the available Gold Standard
provided by the CriES workshop. Positive examples
are generated from pairs of topics and corresponding
experts marked as relevant, while negative examples
are generated from pairs of topics and expert marked
as non-relevant. Training and evaluation was per-
formed in cross-validation manner with three sets of
This dataset is provided by the Yahoo! Research Web-
scope program (L6. Yahoo! Answers Comprehensive Ques-
tions and Answers (version 1.0)).
randomly chosen topics. The discriminative approach
is trained on each combination of two folds, using the
relevance assessments of the according topic/expert
pairs. The evaluation was conducted on the remaining
fold. The final results are averaged over three folds.
Evaluation Measures. As our results were not part
of the initial result pool used to create the Gold Stan-
dard in the context of the CriES workshop we have
to deal with incomplete relevance assessments. For
some of the retrieved experts there is no relevance in-
formation available. Therefore, we chose BPREF as
primary evaluation measure as this measure has been
shown to be robust against incomplete relevance as-
sessments (Buckley and Voorhees, 2004).
Further, we will use mean average precision
(MAP), precision at cut-off level 10 (P@10) and re-
call at cut-off level 100 (R@100) as standard evalua-
tion measures for retrieval scenarios. These measures
were applied to evaluate the results both with respect
to strict and lenient assessment.
4.1 Results
The results of our expert search experiments are pre-
sented in Table 2. The statistical significance between
systems was verified using a paired t-test at a con-
fidence level of .01. Significant results are marked
with the ID number of the system compared to.
the experiments based on ML, namely the discrimi-
native models and the learning to rank approach, we
performed a 3-fold cross-validation on the set of top-
ics. The standard deviation of the values of each eval-
uation measure – computed for the three sets of topics
– are given after the corresponding values.
In the following, we discuss the results of the
baseline models, the mixture language model, the
learning-to-rank model (LR) and the discriminative
model (DM). We will use the system ID in parenthe-
sis to link to the according results in Table 2. As a
first observation, it is important to mention that the
usage of the information given by the topic category
generally improves retrieval results (runs 1-3 vs. runs
4-11). The results support the following conclusions:
Underperformance of Probabilistic Retrieval
Models. Probabilistic retrieval models (1) do not
produce comparable results to LMs (2,3) in most
cases worse than half of the performance of LMs.
Using probabilistic retrieval models on the prob-
lem of multilingual expert search in SQA portals
seems therefore not adequate.
For example, the P@10 value
.50 of system 2 (P
shows a statistical significant difference compared to the
P@10 value .19 of system 1 (BM25).
KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 2: Expert retrieval results on the Yahoo! Answers dataset. Runs 4 to 11 are exploiting the a priori knowledge of the
target category of new questions. BPREF, mean average precision (MAP), precision at cutoff level 10 (P@10) and recall at
cutoff level 100 (R@100) are presented as evaluation measures.
ID Model BPREF MAP P@10 R@100
1 BM25 + Z-Score .08 .04 .19 .10
2 P
(Balog et al., 2009)
3 P
+ .9P
4 CriES best run (Iftene et al., 2010) .23 .21
.62 .24
5 PM
(Popularity Model)
.67 .43
6 PM
(Popularity Model) .35 .25 .56 .42
7 BM25 + PM
+ Z-Score
8 P
+ .5PM
9 SVMRank
.43 ± .02
.32 ± .03 .58 ± .05
.60 ± .04
10 DM (Logistic Regression) .39 ± .03 .27 ± .05 .50 ± .08 .54 ± .05
11 DM (MLP)
.43 ± .01
.33 ± .02
.60 ± .02
.60 ± .03
Popularity Models Outperform Retrieval
Models that do not Exploit the Target Cate-
gory. Using answer frequencies in categories as
popularity model (5) beats all results of retrieval
models which do not use the target category of
new questions (1-3).
The Best Run Submitted to the CriES Chal-
lenge is Outperformed by Popularity Baseline.
The best run out of the five submissions to the
CriES workshop (4) is not able to beat the pop-
ularity baseline (6) we defined using answer fre-
BM25 Combined with Category Knowledge
and the Informed MLM Outperform the Pop-
ularity Model. The MLM combining both text
profiles of experts and the popularity model (8)
slightly improves retrieval compared to the pop-
ularity model, which is significant for R@100,
MAP and BPREF. Combining the probabilistic re-
trieval model BM25 with the popularity model
achieves the best results according to P@10 (7).
Results for R@100, MAP and BPREF are identi-
cal to the MLM. This is an astonishing result, as
BM25 performs poorly in the non-informed sce-
nario (1).
DMs Successfully Combine Sources of Evi-
dence. Using MLPs as learning approach (11),
P@10 drops by .11 compared to the best informed
model (7). However R@100 is improved by .13,
BPREF by .04 and MAP by .02. This shows that
our approach to the combination of different prob-
ability distributions using ML is indeed successful
as BPREF, MAP and R@100 are significantly im-
When using logistic regression as classifier func-
tion, the results are consistently worse. BPREF
drops by .04 and MAP by .06. This shows that op-
timizing the logistic regression function does not
result in optimal combination parameters of dif-
ferent sources of evidence.
DMs are Able to Compete with the Learning to
Rank Approach. The learning to rank approach
represented by the SVMRank implementation by
(Joachims, 2002) achieves similar results as the
DM based on MLPs. Firstly, this proves that our
feature design can also be applied in alternative
ML models to solve the ranking problem. Sec-
ondly, this shows that the DM is able to compete
with state-of-the-art learning to rank models.
4.2 Feature Analysis
In the following, we evaluate the impact of single fea-
tures and specific feature groups that were defined
in Section 3.1. Similar to the experiments presented
above we use the expert retrieval scenario and per-
form a 3-fold cross-validation using the DM based on
MLPs or logistic regression. Only the features under
consideration are thereby used to train the classifier
and as input for the DM.
In summary, our feature analysis consists of the
following parts:
Evaluation of the aggregation functions that are
used to aggregate the probabilities of each query
term to build features.
Evaluation of the features that are based on prod-
ucts of language models that model the dependen-
cies of query terms prior to the aggregation step.
Evaluation of the most important features that
contribute most to the retrieval performance.
FINDING THE RIGHT EXPERT - Discriminative Models for Expert Retrieval
Figure 1: Retrieval results using the DM, MLP classifier
and different features subsets. The MIN, MAX, AVG, ME-
DIAN and STD feature subset consist of all features that are
based on the according aggregation functions of the query
term probabilities.
Aggregation of Term Probabilities. For the fea-
ture design we used five aggregation function that ag-
gregate the probabilities of all query term for a spe-
cific generative language model into one value: MIN,
MAX, AVG, MEDIAN and STD (see Section 3). To
evaluate these aggregation functions, we define set of
features that only consist of the features constructed
using a specific aggregation model. These sets of
features were then used to train MLPs which were
evaluated using 3-fold cross-validation on the CriES
dataset. The results are presented in Figure 1.
The presented R@100 and BPREF values show
that all aggregation functions define features that con-
tain information about the relevance of experts. For
all feature sets the results are comparable or better
than the baseline given by the popularity model.
Comparing the different aggregation functions,
the features based on the MEDIAN function achieve
the best retrieval performance. Actually, using all
language model features slightly declines the perfor-
mance compared to the results using the MEDIAN
feature subset. This licenses the conclusion that the
median of all query term probabilities contains the
most information about the relevance of the accord-
ing experts.
Features from Products of Language Models. As
the query term probabilities are aggregated over all
query terms, dependencies between query terms can
not be modeled. Therefore, we used products of lan-
guage models that implicitly contain the dependen-
cies of up to three different language models. In or-
der to evaluate the effect of these features based on
products of language models, we defined three differ-
ent feature subsets: all features based on single lan-
guage models, all features based on single and prod-
LM with
LM with
products +
Figure 2: Retrieval results using the DM, MLP classifier
and three different features subsets: all language model fea-
tures, all language model features including products of up
to three language models and all features including the three
features derived from probabilistic retrieval models.
Table 3: Retrieval performance of the DM with logistic re-
gression. The classifier is trained and evaluated using single
ID Feature BPREF
] .37
] .34
#3 TF.IDF .26
#4 AVG[P
] .25
#5 AVG[P
] .23
] .23
] .23
#8 STD[P
] .22
#9 MAX[P
] .21
#10 STD[P
] .21
#11 MAX[P
] .20
#12 DLH13 .18
#13 AVG[P
] .13
#14 BM25 .11
#15 MAX[P
] .10
ucts of language models and all features including the
features based on probabilistic retrieval models. The
retrieval results using these feature subsets are pre-
sented in Figure 2.
The results show that the performance gain us-
ing products of language models is small, increasing
BPREF by .02 only. Our conclusion is that the depen-
dencies on term level across the language models are
not important for modeling the relevance of experts.
In contrast, adding the features based on prob-
abilistic language models leads to a substantial im-
provement of R@100 by .10. This shows that these
features add more information about the relevance of
Greedy Feature Selection. To measure the impact
of each feature, we performed retrieval experiments
based on the input of single features. In contrast to
the feature analysis experiments presented above we
KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 3: Retrieval results using the discriminative model,
logistic regression and different features subsets. The set
of features is based on a greedy feature selection of the top
performing features.
used logistic regression as underlying ML model of
the discriminative model. The reason for this is that
MLPs do not show stable performance with few fea-
tures only. The retrieval results of the top performing
features are presented in Table 3.
Firstly, the ranking of features according to re-
trieval performance shows that the features based
on the two different popularity models, PM
, are most important. Secondly, all three fea-
tures based on the probabilistic retrieval models are
present in the top 15 features, which shows that they
contain information about the relevance of experts.
Thirdly, features based on the language models of ex-
pert profiles achieve high retrieval results. This in-
cludes features based on the global profile P
on the category-specific profile P
. Finally, the
category language models P
and P
also valuable features in the retrieval process. Inter-
estingly, these features do not depend on the a priori
knowledge of the target category.
In order to evaluate the combination of the most
important features, we applied a greedy feature se-
lection approach. Based on the ranking of features
as presented in Table 3, we add the best performing
set of features in a step-by-step greedy fashion, eval-
uating the performance of the classifiers at each step.
The retrieval results of the greedy feature selection are
presented in Figure 3.
The best P@10 values are achieved using features
#1 and #2, which correspond to the popularity mod-
els of experts in the target category. Adding more
features, e.g. #3 corresponding to the TF.IDF score,
results in a drop of P@10. However, all other mea-
sures are improved, with a remarkable improvement
w.r.t. R@100. Adding more features slightly im-
proves BPREF, MAP and R@100 until features #13.
Thereby P@10 stays on the same level.
Using only features #1-#13 as input for the logistic
regression function actually leads to the best retrieval
results in our experiments with BPREF of .60 ± 0.01
and MAP of .65 ± 0.04. Compared to the DM based
on MLPs, BPREF is further improved by .02, MAP
by .03.
This is a well-known phenomena in ML. In some
cases, the input of a large set of features might “con-
fuse” the classifier. The restriction of the set of fea-
tures to the most important ones can then be used to
improve the prediction performance. In our greedy
feature selection, this effect can be observed when
adding features #14 and #15 as the retrieval perfor-
mance declines.
4.3 Summary of Results
In the following, we summarize all results presented
in this paper. We also discuss some negative results
obtained in our experiments. We think that these re-
sults might be helpful to avoid mistakes and dead ends
in future research.
Best Retrieval Results with MLP-based DM.
Standard retrieval approaches probabilistic models
as well as language models – do not perform well on
the task of expert retrieval using the Yahoo! Answers
dataset. Using mixture language models that also
take into account the intra-categorial popularity of ex-
perts improve retrieval results substantially. However,
the DM based on MLPs significantly outperforms the
mixture language model in respect to BPREF, MAP
and R@100.
Comparing to other learning to rank models, the
MLP-based DM achieves similar results as ranking
Feature Analysis in DM. The feature analysis
showed that our approach to aggregate query term
probabilities to define features is reasonable, with
MEDIAN being the most predictive aggregation func-
tion. Further, our results indicate that the prod-
ucts of different language models prior to aggrega-
tion do not provide valuable information for the clas-
sification. Finally, the evaluation of single features
showed that among the most predictive features are:
] (the popularity model in the tar-
get category), TF.IDF (score of the vector space re-
trieval model) and AVG[P
] (using the answer pro-
files of experts). These features are based on differ-
ent sources of evidence, which shows that all sources
contribute to measuring the expertise of users given a
FINDING THE RIGHT EXPERT - Discriminative Models for Expert Retrieval
Discrete Classifiers in Discriminative Model. Us-
ing classifiers with discrete output such as decision
trees resulted in poor retrieval results. In this case
many experts get the same or very similar scores,
which makes them indistinguishable for ranking pur-
poses. Cross-validation on the training set was usu-
ally comparable to MLP, but differences were huge
when applying the classifier to the actual retrieval task
(more than 50% performance drop).
Training Data. We performed experiments training
on pairs of questions and experts providing the best
answer as specified in the Yahoo! Answers dataset
(i.e. not using the relevance judgments provided in
the CriES dataset). Let’s call these pairs best-answer-
pairs. This did also yield unsatisfactory results. A
possible explanation for the negative performance is
the fact that negative examples where randomly sam-
pled from non-best-answer-pairs, thus leading to a
noisy dataset as many experts might be relevant for
a given question in spite of not having provided the
best answer.
There have been previous IR approaches dealing with
data from SQA sites. Bian et al. (Bian et al., 2008)
have proposed a system for factoid QA over Social
Media. They present a general framework for factual
IR that also exploits the social structure of the dataset.
Their best model is a ranking function learned via su-
pervised ML approaches. A related approach is the
one of Agichtein et al. (Agichtein et al., 2008) which
predicts the quality of answers in SQA portals and
builds on a classifier trained on various features de-
rived from text, meta data and user relationships. We
have shown that supervised models can also be suc-
cessfully applied to the task of ranking experts instead
of answers in data from SQA sites.
Cao et al. (Cao et al., 2009) present an approach to
use categorization information for Community Ques-
tion Answering. They build a LM of category profiles
and use a mixture model for answer retrieval. In this
paper, we extend this idea to expert search by mod-
eling the importance of an expert in a given category
which enables the application of category smoothing
in expert search. Cao et al. use empirical methods to
optimize weights in the mixture model. In this paper
we present the DM that relies on supervised ML to
build a combined model.
Balog et al. (Balog et al., 2009) have presented an
approach to expert retrieval based on LMs. They pro-
pose a model that builds on expert profiles compris-
ing of all the documents written by a given expert and
is thus similar to our text-profile based approach. In
this paper, we compare the DM to a mixture language
model approach that extends this model by integrating
different evidence sources, in particular a category-
based generative model, and by including support for
multilingual retrieval. We show that the DM outper-
forms this mixture language model baseline.
Fang et al. (Fang et al., 2010) propose a dis-
criminative model to integrate document evidence and
document-candidate associations for expert search.
Similar to the DM in this paper, they use available
relevance assessments as training data. The features
they use are based on language models as well as on
similarity measures defined on specific properties of
the dataset. This includes the extraction of names,
email addresses and URLs. While they only generate
one feature for the language model, we define several
features. In addition, our approach can be applied to
any type of dataset as it does not require the modeling
of specific features.
Joachims (Joachims, 2002) introduced SVMRank
as a learning to rank approach that exploits click-
through data from Internet search engines, which is
used to define the preference function. In contrast, we
rely on the Gold Standard as training data. Our results
show that – given the same input features and training
data our learning to rank approach has similar per-
formance as SVMRank.
We have approached the problem of retrieving rele-
vant experts for given information needs in the con-
text of Social Question Answering sites such as Ya-
hoo! Answers. We have shown that probabilistic
models (BM25) and standard language models – con-
sidered as state-of-the-art do not perform well on the
task. We have proposed a novel approach to expert re-
trieval based on discriminative models optimized us-
ing machine learning techniques that substantially im-
prove the retrieval performance. As part of this new
retrieval model we presented a novel feature design
that allows to use language models as input for learn-
ing to rank approaches. We use this approach to sys-
tematically optimize the combination parameters of
different sources of evidence. These sources of evi-
dence essentially comprise of text profiles of experts,
category text profiles and approximations of the intra-
categorical popularity of experts.
We have shown that our suggested discriminative
model outperforms all baselines and has similar per-
formance as SVMRank. We performed a detailed fea-
KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
ture analysis and identified the most important fea-
tures in the retrieval scenario. This shows the appro-
priateness of our feature design and also allows to fur-
ther improve the retrieval performance by restricting
the set of features that are used in the discriminative
This work was funded by the Multipla project
sored by the German Research Foundation (DFG) un-
der grant number 38457858 as well as by the Monnet
funded by the European Commission under
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FINDING THE RIGHT EXPERT - Discriminative Models for Expert Retrieval