prototype with a module to guide experts to align
ontologies. In current systems the measure scheduling
is fixed; on the contrary, in our proposition, the
system selects the measures relatively to the ontology
A similarity database stores all the calculated
similarities and a mapping database containing all the
relations validated by the experts. All the stored
measures can be reused to avoid new computations
and so not to perform the process.
Currently, the system of the geotechnical
knowledge management is partially implemented.
The local ontologies and the created mappings
between concepts evolve. They imply modifications
in the global ontology and the generated mappings.
So, the first perspective of this work is to analyze the
consequences of the hybrid ontology evolution and
to propose some solutions to maintain the
consistence of all the ontologies (local and global).
There are diverse systems which manage the
ontology evolution (Stojanovic, 2004; Jaziri, 2010;
Djedidi, 2010). Our future contribution will manage
an hybrid ontology evolution.
The second perspective is to estimate all the
mappings stored in the similarity database. The
interest is to deduce other semantic relations.
Finally, the third perspective is to study the
scalability of the hybrid ontology and the alignments
between concepts.
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