Krista Rizman Žalik and Borut Žalik
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia
Keywords: Clustering, Community detection, Network, Graph, Modularity.
Abstract: Real time community detection is enabled by recently proposed linear time – O(m) on a network with m
edges – label propagation algorithm (LPA). LPA finds only local maxima in modularity space. To escape
local maxima, we propose LPA* that propagate label of a neighbour node having the most common
neighbours in the case when multiple neighbour labels are equally frequent and use multistep try of
propagation of each neighbour label in the case when multiple neighbour labels are equally frequent in two
successive iterations. Experiments show that LPA* detects communities with high modularity values. LPA*
propagation is more stable and improves detection of natural communities while it retains high scalability
and simplicity of label propagation.
The large-scale online social networks require the
new and fast computational techniques for their
analysis. Beside social networks, many other
complex networks have recently developed:
collaboration networks, the internet, the World-
Wide-Web, biological networks and transport
Important property of networks is their community
structure: nodes gathered into distinct groups called
clusters or communities. Detecting communities in
networks is important task that provides insight into
the complex structure and functional units of real-
world systems. A community in a network is a group
of nodes that are similar to each other and dissimilar
from the rest of the network. A community is a
group of nodes where nodes are densely
interconnected and sparsely connected to other parts
of a network. A network can be represented by a
graph. Partitioning of the vertex set of a graph into
disjoint subsets called clusters or communities is
graph clustering.
Network data sets become larger and larger.
Therefore the speed of community detection
algorithms becomes more and more important.
Several different approaches have been proposed to
find community structures in networks; reviews of
the various methods present in the literature can be
found (Forutnato, 2010).
The detection of community structure in a
network can be performed by mapping the network
into a tree known as dendogram. Leaves of the tree
are nodes that are joined by branches into bigger and
bigger clusters and communities and so forming a
hierarchy of communities. It is neccessary to
measure the goodness of partitioning at each step of
hierarchical clustering otherwise hierarchical
algorithms would continue with clustering until
every node is split into a single community or all
nodes are joined into one community. To measure
the goodnes of particular clustering of network into
communities, Newman introduced measure called
modularity Q (Eq.1) and proposed hirarchical
aglomerative algorithm with time complexity O(m d
log n), where d is the depth of dendogram, n number
of nodes and m number of edges (Newman, Girvan,
Consider a undirected and unweigted network of
n nodes and m edges represented by an adjacency
matrix A, with elements A
equal to 1 if there is a
link between node u and v and 0 otherwise. This is
described by 
Kronecker’s delta and degree
of node u is described by
. Modularity essentially
measures the actual fraction of intra-community
edges minus expected value in null model, where
connections are made randomly and division model
is the same. Modularity Q is defined:
is probability in the null model that an
Rizman Žalik K. and Žalik B..
DOI: 10.5220/0003656104360439
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2011), pages 436-439
ISBN: 978-989-8425-79-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
edge exists between node u and v. We can define
modularity matrix B with elements:
, then modularity is:
And modularity is addition of contributions over
all communities
is the number of intra-community edges
that have both ends in community t and
 is the
number of outgoing edges that have only one end in
community t.
Among the many clustering techniques for
network data now available (see Fortunato, 2010 for
review) the methods of modularity maximization are
the most popular.
Recently Raghavan et al (Raghavan et al., 2007)
proposed a near linear time algorithm to detect
comunities named label propagation algorithm
(LPA). Bare and Clark (Baber and Clark 2009)
extended LPA and introduce LPAm algorithm that
maximizes modularity measure of community
The LPA algorithm is based on a simple idea.
1. Each node is associated by a label, which is an
integer identifier. At the beginning each node is
initialized with unique label. Then the label can
change in many iteration steps.
2. Nodes sequentially update their labels. Vertices
order in label updating proces is random.
3. New label of each node is the most frequent label
among its neighbours. The label updating rule for
node x is :
If more than one label is the most frequent ones,
then the new label is chosen randomly. This occurs
usually in the beginning of label propagation. The
propagation step is performed iteratively until all
vertices have labels that do not change any more. At
the end, nodes with the same label forms cluster or
The label propagation offers less expensive
computation as possible – it has linear time
complexity. The weaknesses are that LPA is not
stable and that the algorithm is sensitive to the order
of nodes that are updated. Therefore solutions can be
different in different runs. Sometimes LPA may
even end with trivial solution where only one
community is identified.
Baber and Clark extended LPA by modifying
the label updating rule so that modularity can be
maximized and their proposed method LPAm use
the following updating rule for node x:
3 LPA*
At first, we show examples where LPA and LPAm
gets stuck in a local maximum on an example
network (see Figures 1, 2a) similar to example
network used by Liu and Murata (Liu and Murata
2010), who employed greedy agglomerative
algorithm for merging identified communities by
LPA algorithm and so extend LPA to advanced
modularity specialized label-propagation algorithm
Take an example network from Figure 1. It can
be intuitively divided into two clusters. LPA can
partition this example network into four clusters
(Figure 2a) or even one cluster as a result of
propagation iterations as shown in Figure 1.
The first problem of label propagation
algorithms are large communities as a result of
epidemic nature of the algorithm and the second is
that the label propagation is prone to get stuck in
local maximum.
To escape from formation of large communities
as result of the epidemic nature of LPA algorithm as
shown in Figure 1, we must solve a major limitation
where one node-label spread over large amount of
nodes by using random choose of label in the case
when all neighbour label are equal frequent. The
reason is in initial formation of communities or in
networks, where some communities do not have
strong enough links to prevent foreign communities
to spread through.
To escape the local maximum as shown in an
example network in Figure 2.a we must try to
continue with label propagation and searching for
new maximum (Figures 2.b,2.c)..
The LPA* algorithm uses two extensions to LPA:
1. Instead of random choose of neighbour label in
the case where there is more than one most frequent
neigbour lables for current vertex, we choose a label
having more common neigbours with current vertex.
2. To escape from local minimum we continue with
propagation so that in each iteration we choose one
different label from a set of most frequent labels in
the case that remains more maximal neighbour
labels in two succesive iterations (see Figures 2.a,
Figure 1: An example network. Vertex v7 has four
neighbours connected with one edge (v4, v6, v5, v11).
With choosing label 11 for propagation to v7 and with
choosing label 11 for vertices v6 and v13, the propagation
ends with bad clustering partition having one cluster.
Figure 2a: Similar example network as in Figure 1 that can
be intuitively partitioned into two communities. LPA and
LPAm gets stuck in a poor local maximum where network
is partitioned into four communities with labels: 2,6,8,10.
Figure 2b: LPA* algorithm escape the local maximum
shown in Figure 2.a by choosing the next neighbour label
(2) for propagation in vertex v9, because although 8 is
picked for propagation in the previous step (Figure 2a),
there remains multiple maximal labels (2,6,8).
Figure 2c: After continuing and finishing label
propagation by LPA* from Figure 2b, we climb to global
Figure 3: The similar network as in Figure 2 where LPA*
finds solution with tree clusters with modularity 0.45 that
is global maximum, while partition with two clusters has
modularity 0.38.
Algorithm LPE* for label propagation clustering
of graph with n vertices and m edges is simple:
for ll=1,…,n
assign label ll to vertex ll
for v=1,…,n
if there is one most frequent neigbour label
assign most frequent neigbour label to vertex v
if in the previous step is only one most frequent label
assign label of neigbor vertex v1 that has the greatest
number of common neigbours with current vertex v
assign randomly one of the most frequent neigbours
label that has not been assigned
until there is no changes of labels
We tested LPA* for clustering of several real-world
networks: the karate club network - Karate club
(Zackary, 1977), the dolphin association network -
Dolphins (Lusseau et al., 2003), the network of co-
published political books - Political Books (Krebs,
2008) and the network of co-authorships for e-print
papers posted to the condensed matter archive -
Condomat2003 (Newman, 2004). Used real-world
networks have different number of edges and nodes
(see Table 1). We treated all networks as undirected
and unweighted.
Table 1: The number of edges and nodes of real-world
networks used in our experiment.
Network No. of nodes No. of edges
Karate Club 34 78
Dolphins 62 159
Political Books 105 441
Condomat 2003 27519 116181
Experiments show that LPA* outperform LPA in
quality measured by modularity of detected
communities and in two examples also LPAm,
KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
which is more computational complex (Table 2).
Table 2: Comparison between LPA, LPAm and LPA*.
Values are collected from twenty runs for each network.
denotes maximal modularity, Q
denotes the
average modularity.
Network Q
Karate Club 0,415 0,366
Dolphins 0,523 0,484
Political Books 0,519 0,481
Condomat 2003 0,622 0,607
Karate Club 0,40 0,347
Dolphins 0,515 0,495
Political Books 0,522 0,493
Condomat 2003 0,594 0,582
Karate Club 0,367 0,350
Dolphins 0,519 0,488
Political Books 0,489 0,483
Condomat 2003 0,598 0,588
Table 3: Comparison of standard deviations between
LPAm and LPA*.
 LPAm ) LPA*)
Karate Club 0,027 0,011
Dolphins 0,007 0,033
Political Books 0,02 0,014
Condomat 2003 0,004 0,004
Authors of LPA algorithm describe that the number
of label propagation steps required by LPA
algorithm to converge is independent of number of
nodes and after 5 steps 95% of the nodes can be in
the right community. Table 4 shows the actual
values of number of iterations obtained from running
LPA* twenty times for used real-world networks.
Table 4: The average number of label propagation steps
required for the LPA* to converge. Values are averaged
over twenty runs in each of the real-world networks.
Network Number of steps
Karate Club 3,2
Dolphins 5,3
Political Books 5,2
Condomat 2003 5,6
In this paper we propose LPA* algorithm based on
the previously proposed LPA algorithm. LPA*
algorithms try to continue with propagation and
drive out of local maxima that stops LPA and
improved LPAm algorithms.
Experiments show that LPA* outperforms
algorithm in quality measured by modularity of
detected communities LPA and LPAm.
Another important property is that the identified
communities in different runs are not distinct very
much. This is property more obvious for bigger
networks. Open problem for future work remains
how to make the algorithm complete deterministic.
The authors wish to thank (anonymous) reviewers.
The work has been supported by the Slovene
Research Agency within the program P2-0041.
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