J. Griffith
, C. O’Riordan
and H. Sorensen
College of Engineering and Informatics, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Department of Computer Science, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Collaborative filtering, Neighbourhood-based approach, Genetic algorithms.
The work outlined in this paper uses a genetic algorithm to learn the optimal set of parameters for a
neighbourhood-based collaborative filtering approach. The motivation is firstly to re-assess whether the de-
fault parameter values often used are valid and secondly to assess whether different datasets require different
parameter settings. Three datasets are considered in this initial investigation into the approach: Movielens,
Bookcrossing and Lastfm.
Since Herlocker et al.s comprehensive investigation
of collaborative filtering parameters for the Movielens
dataset (Herlocker et al., 2002), there has been mostly
general acceptance that these parameters are the best
for the Movielens dataset. The space of possible pa-
rameter values, and their combinations, explored by
Herlocker et al. were large and the exploration was
done in a brute-force manner. In recent years there are
a number of new collaborative filtering datasets avail-
able, with potentially different characteristics to the
Movielens dataset. It is not clear if the results from
the previous work by Herlocker et al. are applicable
to different datasets.
The approach outlined in this paper uses a genetic
algorithm to learn the best set of collaborativefiltering
parameters for three datasets (Movielens, Bookcross-
ing and Lastfm). Genetic algorithms are stochastic
search techniques that evaluate a population of solu-
tions (individuals) over a number of iterations (gen-
erations) and at each iteration, evaluate how good (or
fit) each solution is (Holland, 1975). Based on this
evaluation, some simple operations are performed on
the solutions to create a new, “better” population for
the next iteration. The process continues until a sat-
isfactory solution is found or until a set number of
iterations have been reached. The genetic algorithm
approach has been applied successfully in other areas
of Information Retrieval (Trotman, 2005). The mo-
tivation of the work is two-fold: firstly to validate,
or improve upon, the default settings commonly used
for the Movielens dataset (Herlocker et al., 2002);
secondly to ascertain if the set of parameter values
found for the Movielens experiment are also the opti-
mal parameter values for two other datasets that dis-
play different characteristics to the Movielens dataset
(Bookcrossing and Lastfm).
A large body of work has concentrated on different
collaborative filtering techniques and their evaluation
and comparison. Within the popular neighbourhood-
based approaches, much early work empirically eval-
uated variants of the approach (Breese et al., 1998).
Herlocker et al. tested a classic neighbourhood-based
collaborative filtering algorithm using the standard
Movielens dataset and the mean absolute error met-
ric (MAE) was used to compare results. The over-
all recommendations from the work for the Movielens
dataset were (Herlocker et al., 2002):
1. to use Pearson correlation for the similarity mea-
2. to dampen similarity scores between users who
have co-rated a small number of items. A deval-
uation term above 50 did not appear to improve
results. The devaluation term was used by multi-
plying two user’s correlation by
where n is the
number of co-rated items between the two users
and d is the devaluation value.
Griffith J., O’Riordan C. and Sorensen H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003657404440447
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2011), pages 444-447
ISBN: 978-989-8425-79-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
3. to normalize user ratings by “deviation from the
4. to use the TopN best neighbours (highest similar-
ity to the test user) for neighbourhood selection.
The potential best range of neighbours (N) was
found to be between 20 and 60.
5. to weight neighbour contributions when forming
More recently, work has shown that results us-
ing a combination of a mean-square difference met-
ric and the Jaccard coefficient between users outper-
forms the commonly-used approach using Movielens
and Netflix datasets (Bobadilla et al., 2010). Two pa-
rameters from Herlocker et al.s work - similarity be-
tween users and normalisation of user ratings - were
re-evaluated using the Movielens and Netflix dataset
(Howe and Forbes, 2008). It was found that Pearson
correlation is not necessarily the best similarity met-
ric to use and different parameterisations work better
for different datasets.
Some work has applied genetic algorithms in the
collaborative filtering domain. However, the ap-
proaches which learn per user are very computation-
ally expensive. Hwang uses a genetic algorithm, per
user, to learn an optimal weighting scheme for the
collaborative filtering system for each user (Hwang,
2010). Both collaborative and inferred content infor-
mation is used. In comparison to a traditional collab-
orative filtering approach, using the metrics of preci-
sion, recall and the f1 measure, improvements were
seen with the genetic algorithm approach. Ko et al.
first classify items into groups using a Bayesian clas-
sifier to reduce the dimensions of the space. A genetic
algorithm is used to cluster users in this new space
(Ko and Lee, 2002). Ujjin et al. use a genetic al-
gorithm to find the best “profile” that describes each
user in the dataset (Ujjin and Bentley, 2002). The
Movielens dataset is used and 22 features from the
dataset are used to create a profile for each user us-
ing the movie ratings and user and movie details. The
weights for each feature are evolved, per user, using
a genetic algorithm. Similarity is found between pro-
The collaborative filtering technique used is a stan-
dard neighbourhood-basedtest approach where a por-
tion of users are chosen as the test users (10%) and a
portion of their items are withheld as test items (up
to 10%). The task is to generate predictions for the
withheld test items for the test users. Using a similar-
ity function, users similar to the test users are found
(their neighbours). Deviation from the mean is used
to normalise user ratings. Similarity scores between
users are “dampened” if the number of items co-rated
by two users is below a certain significance threshold.
Using a prediction formula, predictions for test items
are calculated using a function based on the neigh-
bour’s ratings for the test items, the neighbour’s simi-
larity score with the test user, the neighbour’s mean
ratings and the test user’s mean rating. The accu-
racy of the predictions are calculated based on the pre-
dicted ratings produced by the system and the actual
ratings given to the test items in the withheld set using
mean absolute error (MAE).
For the genetic algorithm, the parameters chosen
are based on a subset of those tested in the work by
(Herlocker et al., 2002). The flow of control of the
genetic algorithm experiment is as follows:
For each of 20 generations:
1. Pick test users and test items. A new set of test
users and items are picked for each new genera-
tion to avoid over-fitting.
2. Randomly generate a population of individuals, of
a fixed size (size is 50 in these experiments).
3. Calculate the fitness of each individual by set-
ting all of the collaborative filtering parameters to
the values indicated in the individual and running
the collaborative filtering component. The aver-
age MAE is calculated and returned as the fitness
score of the individual. The genetic algorithm for
this experiment is required to minimise the fitness
4. Perform the genetic algorithm operators of
crossover and mutation and selection. The
crossover operator used is single point crossover
and the crossoverrate is 80%. The mutation rate is
set at 5%. The selection operator used is roulette
wheel selection.
The parameters tested per position in the chromo-
some are:
sigT, the significance threshold, which is an inte-
ger in the range 0 to 100. This is used when cal-
culating the similarity between users to dampen
the similarity between two users if the number
of co-rated items between the users is less than
this threshold. The dampening used is that al-
ready outlined from the work by (Herlocker et al.,
2002). 100 was chosen as the limit as it does not
seem reasonable to dampen a similarity score if
the number of co-rated items is greater than 100.
sim, the similarity option, which is an integer
value in the range 0 to 2. This indicates which
Table 1: Comparison of Datasets.
Domain Movies Books Music
Num Users 943 77805 3080
Num Items 1682 185968 30520
%Sparsity 87.66% 99.9% 99.1%
Rating range 1-5 1-10 1 to 7939
similarity function should be used to find the sim-
ilarity between users. The options are: Spear-
man rank correlation (0), Pearson correlation (1)
or Cosine similarity (2).
P, the predict option, which is an integer value
in the range 0 to 3. This indicates which ver-
sion of a prediction formula is used. There are
two main differences in the prediction formulas
currently tested: when selecting the neighbours
whose ratings will be used to generate the pre-
dictions, whether the topN best (most similar)
neighbours are chosen (option 1 and 3) or whether
all neighbours whose similarity is above a certain
threshold (the correlation threshold) are chosen
(option 0 and 2); and when calculating the aver-
age ratings of users and neighbours, whether these
averages are calculated over all the ratings a user
or neighbour has given (option 2 for correlation
thresholding and option 3 for topN neighbour se-
lection) or only over the ratings given to co-rated
items between the current test user and the current
neighbour (option 0 for correlation thresholding
and option 1 for topN neighbour selection).
N, the topN value, which is an integer in the range
0 to 300. This is used when the predict option of
using topN (option 1 or 3) is chosen and indicates
the number of neighboursthat will be used to form
a prediction.
corrT, the correlation threshold value, which is a
real value in the range [0.0 0.35]. This is used
when the predict option of correlation threshold-
ing (option 0 or 2) is chosen. The limit of 0.35 was
chosen as in reality user similarities would rarely
be greater than this.
Three data sets are used in the experiments:
Movielens (ML), Bookcrossing (BX) and Lastfm
(Lfm). Each dataset has slightly different character-
istics. A summary of the datasets is outlined in Table
The Lastfm data differs to the other two in that the
number of times a user listens to a music track (the
playcount), is stored rather than a discrete rating for
an item. The normalisation used for the experiments
in this paper maps the playcounts to discrete values
Table 2: Learning 5 parameters.
sigT P N corrT sim MAE
ML 18 1 199 0.319 1 0.627
BX 9 2 241 0.015 1 5.07
Lfm: 1 2 279 0.032 2 0.655
in the range [1 6] based on 6 “buckets”, where the
first 5 buckets contain playcounts in steps of 10, e.g.
playcounts in the range [110] are mapped to 1, play-
counts in the range [1120] are mapped to 2, etc. The
final bucket (with value 6) contains playcount values
from 51 upwards.
The goal of the experiment is to find the individual
(set of parameter values) with the lowest MAE score.
Table 2 outlines the results for all the parameters spec-
ified for the three datasets.
For Movielens, the prediction option chosen is
topN with co-rated means (option 1). The number
of neighbours (N) is high at 199. For Bookcross-
ing and Lastfm, correlation thresholding (option 2),
where means are not calculated over co-rated items,
is chosen. The threshold values are low at .015 and
0.032. In the two different scenarios selected, there is
likely to be a small difference between a topN neigh-
bourhood selection approach with a high N value and
a correlation threshold approach with a low correla-
tion threshold value.
The similarity option (option 1) of Pearson cor-
relation is chosen for Movielens and Bookcrossing
but cosine similarity (option 2) is chosen for Lastfm.
An initial experiment using the same parameter val-
ues as in Table 2, except using P = 0, i.e., corre-
lation thresholding with co-rated means, produced
an equally good MAE (an average of 0.731 over 10
runs). This suggests that cosine similarity does seem
a better similarity function than Pearson correlation
for this normalised Lastfm dataset and it was not any
of the other factors which accounted for the improved
A very low significance threshold value is selected
for Bookcrossing and Lastfm. This indicates that
dampening the similarity measure between users with
a small number of co-rated items is not useful for the
Bookcrossing and Lastfm dataset, whereas doing so
is beneficial in the Movielens case. This makes par-
ticular sense for the Bookcrossing dataset where the
dataset is extremely sparse and where any evidence,
even between users with only a few co-rated items, is
KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
better than the common case of having no evidence
available to find similar users.
Each best set of parameters found were run 10
times (for 10 different test sets) in a collaborative fil-
tering approach to test how accurate the best MAE
found was. Table 3 shows the average MAE over ten
runs in comparison to the best MAE found by the ge-
netic algorithm for each of the best solutions found
per dataset. It can be seen from Table 3 that the best
MAE found is significantly better than the average
MAE found when using these parameter values in a
collaborative filtering system over 10 runs. Further
runs need to be performed to test and analyse these
results and to see if results are replicated over addi-
tional runs.
Table 3: Best MAE Vs Average MAE.
Best MAE Average MAE
ML 0.627 0.731
BX 5.07 5.91
Lfm 0.655 0.746
A genetic algorithm approachwas used to learn an op-
timal set of parameters for three datasets in a nearest-
neighbour collaborative filtering approach. The sam-
ple space of parameters and their possible values
and the potential combinationsof differentparameters
was considered too large and unwieldy to perform a
brute force analysis of the problem. For this reason a
genetic algorithm approach was adopted where each
individual represented a set of values for parameters.
The fitness of each individual was calculated by run-
ning a collaborative filtering approach on a test set
using the parameter values specified in the individ-
ual and calculating the mean absolute error (MAE) of
the results. Although the approach is computation-
ally expensive it only needs to be carried out once per
dataset. Results show that the genetic algorithm does
converge to useful results which do not always agree
with previous results. It could be argued in some in-
stances that the field of recommendation has moved
past a complete reliance on the neighbourhood-based
model outlined in this paper and that the recent fo-
cus is on incorporating additional information that is
available. Whilst this is undoubtedly an avenue of
work which can potentially overcome many of the
disadvantages associated with a pure collaborative fil-
tering approach, there is still scope to continue in-
vestigation into the assumptions and parameter values
chosen for the basic collaborative filtering approach.
It is from such a perspective that the work outlined in
this paper was undertaken.
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