cough and snoring.
A touch-screen workstation, the Home Patient
Monitor (HPM), is employed to collect a number of
other physiological and contextual parameters. More
in detail, an environmental device, installed in
patient’s living room and cable-connected with the
HPM (USB connection), acquires contextual data
related to ambient light, carbon monoxide, volatile
organic compound and air particle. Body weight,
blood pressure and blood glucose are measured
using commercially available devices, which send
data to the HPM via a Bluetooth connection. Finally,
information pertinent to patient’s lifestyle, food and
drug intake, and psychological conditions is
collected through questionnaires proposed on the
touch-screen of the HPM. All these data are
gathered, on a regular time basis via a wireless
connection, by a PDA assigned to each patient. The
PDA performs a first data processing by applying
simple range checking rules and detects possible
alarming situations, alerting, in this case, the
personnel on duty, and requires an in-depth analysis
of the situation by the CDSS.
Indeed, the CDSS was designed to be invoked
each time new data to be analyzed are available, and
this happens in three scenarios:
when the PDA detects a worrying condition
and issues an alarm: in this case, the sensor
data collected are sent to the CDSS;
at the end of each day: when the PDA stores all
the collected data and sends them to the CDSS
for their analysis;
when a patient undergoes a clinical visit: the
newly collected data are sent to the CDSS for
In all these cases, the CDSS correlates these data
with historical patient’s data according to the
knowledge modeled into its Knowledge Base (KB),
and supplies, as a response, a diagnosis about
current patient’s status, plus suggestions about what
to do. The KB is the main component of the system
and is modeled for inferential reasoning, through a
dedicated inference engine, as described in the next
2.2 The Knowledge Base
The clinical knowledge modeled for developing the
KB consists of:
the structure of the domain knowledge, namely
the declarative knowledge;
the knowledge about the procedures of the
decision making activity, namely the procedural
In particular, the declarative knowledge concerns
the domain compositional elements, such as raw and
abstract concepts, their properties and inter-relations.
On the other hand, procedural knowledge captures
the behavioral logic and provides more explicit
information about which actions/conclusions can be
taken/drawn from declarative knowledge. The
formalism selected for encoding both these types of
knowledge consisted in one ontology and a set of
production rules (i.e. a set of conditional statements
expressed in form of "if antecedents then
consequent") built on the top of it.
The main purpose of the ontology and rules is to
represent domain-specific knowledge necessary to
remotely support clinical operators in the daily
home-monitoring of chronic patients. The approach
is generally aimed at the chronic disease
management, but specific focus was given to the two
pathologies chosen for system demonstration, i.e.,
The way the knowledge is represented for
clinical decision support is one of the most key
facets for having a successful CDSS, starting from
the analysis and design of the CDSS at the very
beginning and ending to the implementation of the
CDSS at the final stage. Ontologies combined with
production rules seemed the most suitable and up-to-
date methodology for solving this task since easily
understandable by a non-specialized audience, e.g.
clinicians. In this way, they could be involved not
only in the knowledge elicitation and representation,
but also in the process of modification/updating of
existing knowledge.
In fact, the eliciting process ran through several
meetings with clinicians for systematizing the
approach to patients’ monitoring. The list of
monitored parameters was used as the starting point
to formalize all the statements about the different
situations and conditions that a patient can go
through and that can be identified by these
parameters. A great help to this process came from
the fact that clinicians were already skilled in
patients’ telemonitoring and were already trained at
interacting with computerized applications for
processing of clinical data.
The result of the elicitation was the formalization
of evidence-based statements which were used to
define the suggestions that should be provided by
the CDSS. The clinicians supplied these statements
in a rule-like form, written in natural language.
These were discussed and extended for creating a set
of consistent and complete rules to be processed by
an automated rule engine. The ontology was defined
to list up all the relevant concepts, selecting a
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development