Yoshimi Suzuki and Fumiyo Fukumoto
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Engineering, University of Yamanashi, 4-3-11 Takeda, Kofu, Japan
Thesaurus, Patent, Document classification.
This paper presents a method for patent document classification by using an expanded technical term thesaurus.
For classifying structural documents such as patent documents, structural information is very useful. However,
if we use documents divided into several applicant tags, the number of words are limited. For example, ‘Title
of invention’ tag is very important for patent document classification. However, the number of words in the
tag is very few. Therefore, in order to deal with this problem, we employ two methods. One is to classify
applicant tags into semantic tags, the other is word expansion using an expanded technical term thesaurus.
For thesaurus expansion, our system integrates technical terms into a thesaurus using patent documents. The
classification results showed the method using the expanded thesaurus was better than that without thesaurus.
Although our method is very simple, it is comparable to other methods. These results suggest that thesaurus
and our method to expand thesaurus can be useful for patent document classification.
Patent documentclassification is an important issue of
NLP. Some workshops for patent documents classifi-
cation have been held, and many researchers proposed
various methods. However, there are few methods us-
ing thesaurus. Because technical term thesaurus are
required for patent document classification.
Currently there are a lot of machine readable the-
sauri, e.g. WordNet(Fellbaum, 1998), BunruiGoi-
Hyo (National Language Research Institute, 1964)
and EDR concept dictionary. However, they are the-
sauri of common words and they have few technical
terms or their hierarchical semantic features are not
for technical terms. JST Thesaurus (Japan Science
and Technology Agency, 1999) is a technical term
thesaurus. It consists of 43,314 index words, while
many technical terms are not listed in it. Therefore, it
is necessary to construct thesaurus of technical terms.
There are a lot of studies for thesaurus construc-
tion and thesaurus expansion. Tokunaga, et al. (Toku-
naga, 1997) and Uramoto (Uramoto, 1996) proposed
methods for extending an existing thesaurus by classi-
fying new words in terms of that thesaurus. However,
their studies are for words commonly used and not for
technical terms.
For thesaurus construction or thesaurus expan-
sion, we have to extract similar word pairs. In order
to extract similar word pairs, some methods ((Hindle,
1990), (Lin, 1998) and (Hagiwara et al., 2006)) based
on dependency relationships are proposed. However,
their methods are for commonly-used words and they
did not mentioned whether their methods were effec-
tive for technical terms.
For extracting similar words of a technical term,
we have to deal with the following two difficulties.
Some technical terms do not appear frequently.
Some technical terms are used in the same con-
Therefore, it is difficult to extract various dependency
relationships of technical terms.
In this paper, we use an expanded thesaurus for
text categorization. We propose a method to integrate
new technical terms into a core thesaurus. We also
propose a method to use the thesaurus for patent doc-
ument classification. We perform some experiments
using the thesaurus in order to confirm the expanded
thesaurus is effective for multi-labeled patent docu-
ment classification. We compare the results of our
system with the results using other methods. Our
method is very simple, while our system is compet-
itive to other systems.
Suzuki Y. and Fukumoto F..
DOI: 10.5220/0003658504250428
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2011), pages 425-428
ISBN: 978-989-8425-80-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: System overview.
Our system consists of two phases: “Thesaurus ex-
pansion” and “Document classification”. Figure 1
shows our system overview.
2.1 Thesaurus Expansion
Some technical terms do not frequentlyappear in even
if large corpora, then we have to use hierarchical
semantic features for smoothing technique. Firstly,
we extract similar word pairs using dependency re-
lationships. Dependency relationship between two
words is used for extracting semantic similar word
pairs. For example, Lin proposed “dependency triple”
(Lin, 1998). A dependency triple consists of two
words: w, w
and the grammatical relationship be-
tween them:r in the input sentence. ||w, r, w
|| denotes
the frequency count of the dependencytriple (w, r, w
||w, r, ∗|| denotes the total occurrences of (w, r) rela-
tionships in the corpus, where ” indicates wild card.
We used 10 kinds of Japanese case particles as r.
Table 1 illustrates the case particles which we used as
In order to extract the corresponding semantic fea-
ture of the new word, we extract dependency triples
of the new word and the extracted words. Using some
extracted words, many types of dependencytriples are
extracted. For extracting the similar words from the
core thesaurus, first, I(w, r, w
) is calculated using For-
mula (1).
Table 1: 10 case particles.
case particle (r) description
ga nominative case
no genitive case
wo accusative case
ni dative case
he goal
to comitative case
kara elative case
yori from, at
de inessive case
ya coordination
I(w, r, w
= log(P
(A, B, C))
= log
||w, r, w
|| × ||∗, r, ||
||w, r, ∗|| × ||∗, r, w
where P
is the maximum likelihood estimation of
a probability distribution.
Let T(w) be the set of pairs (r, w
) such
that log
is positive. The similarity
, w
) between two words: w
and w
is defined
by Formula (2).
, w
, r, w) + I(w
, r, w))
, r, w) +
, r, w)
Finally, candidates of corresponding semantic fea-
tures of the new word are detected using the hierarchi-
cal semantic features of the core thesaurus.
2.2 Document Classification
In document classification phase, we classify each
document into some relevant themes.
In patent documents, there are many applicant
tags: “Title of invention”, Abstract”, “Purpose”,
“Claims”, and so on. Each document has about 56 ap-
plicant tags. Most of applicant tags are used in most
of documents. However, there are some notational
variant in applicant tags. We classify these applicant
tags into 6 semantic tags (Kim et al., 2005). Each la-
bel of semantic tag and classified applicant tags are
shown in Table 2. In Table 2, “# of nouns” means
average number of nouns in each documents.
Table 3 illustrates some examples of themes.
Many of themes correlate with “Purpose” of the
semantic tags. Therefore, we decided “Purpose” is
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 2: Examples of classified applicant tags into semantic
Semantic tag Examples of # of
Applicant tag nouns
Technological industrial application 80.5
field field
Purpose title of the invention, 134.1
purpose of the invention
Method means of solving 71.2
the problem
Claim claim 151.2
Explanation composition 166.4
Example embodiment example 72.5
Table 3: Examples of themes.
Theme code Description
2B011 Mushroom Cultivation
3C036 Drilling and boring
4D057 Centrifugal separators
5E022 Connector installation
5K068 Stereo-broadcasting methods
the most important semantic tags, and we used word
expansion using expanded thesaurus for documents of
“Purpose” tag, in document classification.
For document classification, we used “Bag Of
Words” and distribution of words. Although we use
many training data, many words in test data do not
appear in training data. Therefore, we have to use
word expansion using the expanded thesaurus. Al-
though word expansion is useful, if we expand all
words using thesaurus, the results must be worse by
noise. Therefore, we use word expansion using the
expanded thesaurus for documents of “Purpose” tag.
We used Naive Bayes classifier for document classi-
fication. The themes
theme which are selected as the
relevant themes using the following equation.
theme = arg max
|theme) (3)
where w
and w
mean word
and a related word of
. If w
is a word in the expanded thesaurus, the
words which are next neighbours in the thesaurus also
used as w
We have an experiment to evaluate the effectiveness
of the expanded thesaurus for document classifica-
tion. We used the thesaurus for patent document
classification. In the experiments, we decided cor-
responding themes for each patent documents out of
Table 4: The number of related words.
related words # of words
NT(narrower terms) 102,645
BT(brother terms) 122,606
RT(related terms) 26,958
Figure 2: A part of JST Thesaurus (Fourier transform).
about 2,900 themes.
3.1 Experimental Setup
For the experiments we used Japanese patent docu-
ments and technical term thesaurus which was ex-
panded by our method.
We used patent publication bulletins written in
Japanese (1993-1999) which were provided by patent
retrieval task of NTCIR Workshop 5 (Iwayama et al.,
2005). The training data we used is the documents
from 1993 to 1997. For test data we used the patent
documents from 1998 to 1999. The number of train-
ing data was 1,707,194 documents. The number of
test data was 2,008 documents. Each training data and
test data had multiple themes. The number of themes
was 2,903. Average number of themes of each docu-
ment was about 2.26.
Firstly, we obtained similar word pairs and inte-
grated them into a core thesaurus. We used JST The-
saurus (Japan Science and Technology Agency, 1999)
which had 43,314 index words. Each index word
had about 6 related words on average. The related
words were classified into 3 categories: NT (narrower
terms), BT (brother term) and RT (related terms). Ta-
ble 4 shows the number of related words.
Figure 2 illustrates an index word (Fourier trans-
form) and its related words of JST Thesaurus. The in-
dex words appeared about 2 million times in the 2,008
patent documents (1998-1999).
3.2 Document Classification Results
We retrieved relevant documents from Japanese
patent documents using thesaurus information, We
compared our results with the results in NTCIR5.
Table 5: Classification results (MAP).
Method MAP
cosine 0.45
cosine + JST Thesaurus 0.46
cosine + expanded thesaurus 0.46
Naive Bayes 0.63
Naive Bayes + JST Thesaurus 0.64
Naive Bayes + expanded thesaurus 0.64
k-NN (BOLA1 (Kim et al., 2005)) 0.69
Naive Bayes (JSPAT2) 0.66
k-NN (WGLAB9) 0.62
VSM (FXDM3) 0.49
We used Mean Average Precision (MAP) to compare
these results. MAP is defined by the following equa-
MAP(Q) =
) (4)
where Q is set of test documents, m
is the number of
relevant documents of document
, and R
means kth
ranked retrieval results of document
Table 5 shows results of document classification.
In Table 5, BOLA1, JSPAT2, WGLAB9 and FXDM3
are RunID of NTCIR5 Patent Retrieval Task. BOLA1
used k-NN and structure of patent documents. JS-
PAT2 used Naive Bayes. WGLAB9 used k-NN,
where retrieval model is BM11 or the vector space
model. FXDM3 used vector space model.
We expanded a technical term thesaurus using
Japanese patent documents. To confirm our thesaurus
is useful for text classification, we compared the re-
sults using our thesaurus with results without the the-
saurus. As the results, we found that our thesaurus
is effective for document classification. We also com-
pared our method with the methods in NTCIR5 patent
classification task. Although our method is very sim-
ple, we found our system is competitive to other sys-
tems. We classified 6 semantic tags in the experi-
ments, and applied word expansion in “purpose”.
Future work includes (i) applying the method to
other data for quantitativeevaluation, and (ii) compar-
ing the method with other classification techniques to
evaluate the effectiveness of the method.
The authors would like to thank the referees for their
comments on the earlier version of this paper. This
work was partially supported by The Telecommuni-
cations Advancement Fundation.
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KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development