Enabling Graphical After Action Analysis of Federated Agents Logs
Rani Pinchuk
, Sorin Ilie
, Thomas Neidhart
, Tiphaine Dalmas
, Costin Bădică
and Gregor Pavlin
Space Applications Services, Leuvensesteenweg 325, Zaventem, Belgium
University of Craiova, Software Engineering Department, Craiova, Romania
Aethys, Edinburgh, U.K.
Thales Nederland B.V., D-CIS Lab, Delft, The Netherlands
Keywords: Software agents, Topic Maps, Ontology, Logging, After action analysis, Crisis management, Decision
Support, Graphical querying.
Abstract: A distributed multi-agent system is used to support collaborative situation assessment and decision making
for effective management of chemical hazards crisis in industrial areas. The system of agents supports
creation of complex information flows between large numbers of stakeholders. The disseminated
information and the system states are logged, which supports the analysis of the collaborative crisis
management processes as well as the performance of the multi-agent systems framework. An ontology is
designed to model the logged process. The fragments of logs that are meaningful to the users are converted
to topic maps using the designed ontology. These topic maps are then merged to provide a federated picture
of the data. A graphical query mechanism for querying the topic maps has been developed. This query
mechanism creates graphical representations of relevant excerpts of the merged topic map, allowing
conducting a thorough analysis of the logs.
In modern industrial areas many factories deal with
hazardous materials. Because of the combined
growth of the industry and the residential areas, it is
very common to find houses very close to factories.
Such is the case, for example, in Rijnmond, a
heavily industrialized and densely populated area in
Rotterdam, the Netherlands. In such locations, a
harmful chemical leak must be dealt with
immediately. The leaking chemical compound must
be identified, the leaking facility must be located,
the weather conditions must be assessed and,
accordingly, the development of the leaked gas
plume should be estimated. The danger that the leak
poses to the residents should then be understood and,
as a result, decisions should be taken in order to
protect the population (i.e. immediate evacuation or
Managing such a crisis requires expertise in
many domains. For example, experts in the chemical
plants can assess the type and amount of the escaped
gas. Experts familiar with gas distribution models
can predict the gas plume basing on meteorological
information and environment conditions (provided
by other experts). Medical experts can then estimate
the danger to the population. Other experts have to
check the available transportation infrastructures.
As information and knowledge are spread across
multiple experts, communication and workflows
have to be coordinated.
The Dynamic Process Integration Framework
(DPIF) is a service-oriented architecture that
supports such collaborative crisis management by
automating the management of communication
between the experts, and facilitating workflows
(Pavlin, 2010).
DPIF includes a multi-agent system where each
agent represents a human expert, or other modules
(e.g. a decision support module or a gas detector).
Through the DPIF system, the experts can register
themselves as providing a certain service (i.e. expert
for predicting the evolution of the gas plume), and as
dependent on other services (i.e. weather report).
Later on, when coping with an actual situation, the
experts will get requests to provide their expertise.
Pinchuk R., Ilie S., Neidhart T., Dalmas T., B
a C. and Pavlin G..
AUGMENTING SEMANTICS TO DISTRIBUTED AGENTS LOGS - Enabling Graphical After Action Analysis of Federated Agents Logs.
DOI: 10.5220/0003658802320241
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2011), pages 232-241
ISBN: 978-989-8425-80-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
DCMR Milieudienst Rijnmond,
The system will automatically manage these
communications, and build the necessary workflows
(i.e. the weather report must be provided before the
prediction of the plume can be done).
Because crisis situations tend to be very hectic, it
is important to be able to conduct a thorough after
action analysis following trainings and actual
Of course, such after action analysis can take
advantage of the fact that most communication is
done using the agents, and therefore logs are
available to fully follow the chain of events (Ilie,
However, it is not trivial for end users to
understand the full picture, and answer their
questions, solely basing on technical log entries.
Moreover, because the system is naturally
distributed, different log files are created by the
agents in the different locations. A federation of
these data must be done before the full situation can
be understood.
We cope with these challenges by converting the
logs to semantic representations where the
information meaningful for the users conducting the
after action analysis is kept. These representations
are then merged, and the resulted data is then
queried and browsed graphically.
In order to further explain the approach we first
introduce the details of the DCMR
use case
(Badica, 2011). Later, we present the Topic Maps
ontology designed for representing the information
from the logs that is meaningful to the users. The
conversion of the log files to topic maps and their
merge is described next and finally a graphical query
and browsing user interface over the data is shown.
We illustrate our approach by using an example
derived from a real world use case investigated in
the FP7 DIADEM project ( For the sake of clarity we assume a
significantly simplified scenario. In a chemical
incident at a refinery, a chemical starts leaking and
forms a toxic plume spreading over a populated area.
The impact of the resulting fumes is assessed
through a service composition involving
collaboration of human experts, as explained below
and shown in Figure 1:
1. The Control Room operator is triggered by the
Gas Detection system about the possible
presence of a chemical incident caused by the
leak of a dangerous gas.
2. The Control Room uses the information
provided by the Gas Detection system and
applies local knowledge about the industrial
environment to determine the source of the
incident. Consequently, she requests a report of
the situation from the factory via the Factory
Representative. The Factory Representative
replies with a report that confirms the incident
and provides information about the type of
escaping gas.
3. The Control Room directs a field inspector
denoted by Chemical Adviser 1 to the location
of the incident. Chemical Adviser 1 has
appropriate expertise to estimate the quantity of
the escaping gas and to propose mitigation
measures at the refinery.
4. The Control Room dispatches a chemical expert
that holds expertise in estimating the gas
concentration in the affected area. This expert is
denoted as Chemical Adviser 2.
5. The Chemical Adviser 2 requires information
about the meteorological conditions, the source
of the pollution, and the quantity and type of
escaping fumes in order to estimate the zones in
which the concentration of toxic gases has
exceeded critical levels and to identify areas
which are likely to be critical after a certain
period of time. We assume that Chemical
Adviser 2 gets the weather information from the
Control Room and the information about the
source, quantity, and type of the escaping gas
from Chemical Adviser 1. Chemical Adviser 2
makes use of domain knowledge about the
physical properties of gases and their
propagation mechanisms.
6. In addition, Chemical Adviser 2 guides fire
fighter Measurement Teams which can measure
gas concentrations at specific locations in order
to provide feedback for a more accurate
estimation of the critical area. This interaction
between Chemical Adviser 2 and Measurement
Teams involves negotiation to determine the
optimal providers of appropriate measurements.
7. A map showing the critical area is supplied by
the Chemical Adviser 2 to a Health Expert. He
uses additional information on populated areas
obtained from the municipality to estimate the
impact of the toxic fumes on the human
population in case of exposure.
Analyzing the utilization scenario, we were able
to identify an initial list of stakeholders that are
involved in the collaborative incident resolving
process. Each stakeholder is mapped onto a DPIF
Federated Agents Logs
Figure 1: Workflow of the scenario.
Table 1: The provided and required services for each DPIF agent from the utilization scenario.
Agent Provided Service Required Service
Gas Detection Hypothesis n/a
Control Room
Send at location
Factory report
Weather report n/a
Factory Representative Factory report n/a
Chemical Adviser 1 Information about source Send at location
Chemical Adviser 2 Map of high concentration zones
Information about source
Weather report
Concentration measurements
Measurement Team 1 Concentration measurements n/a
Measurement Team 2 Concentration measurements n/a
by the stakeholder, as well as services that are
required by each provided service - see Table 1. For
example, Chemical Adviser 2 provides output
service Map of high concentration zones producing a
map of the critical area. In order to provide service
Map of high concentration zones she consumes four
input services called Information about source, Leak
at location, Weather report and Concentration
measurements providing her with (i) information
about the source, (ii) information about the presence
gas leak at location, (iii) weather information, and
(iv) concentration measurements in the interest area,
The interactions between DPIF agents during the
collaboration workflow described in the utilization
scenario can be represented using an AML sequence
diagram presented in Figure 2. Note that on this
diagram we can identify three types of messages:
INFORM messages correspond to "bottom-
up" information propagation. For example, the
Gas Detection system can generate hypotheses
about a possible chemical incident via the
Hypothesis service by processing information
received from sensors. Note that "bottom-up"
information propagation can trigger other
"bottom-up" propagations, as seen for
example when the Control Room, based on
analyzing the information got from Gas
Detection and the information requested and
received from Factory Representative agent
decided to send Chemical Adviser 1 at the
incident location.
REQUEST messages correspond to ``top-
down'' requests for information. For example,
whenever the Control Room is notified with a
hypothesis about a possible incident, she will
look for more information about it by
explicitly requesting new information from a
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 2: AML representation of the interactions from the scenario.
Factory Representative located at the factory
that is suspected as being the cause for the
incident. An example in this sense is the
message REQUEST Factory Report shown on
Figure 2.
REPLY messages correspond to replies with
information that was requested in ``top-down''
fashion. An example on Figure 2 is the
message REPLY Factory Report. A REPLY
message always follows a REQUEST message
in a request-reply interaction.
Moreover, the workflow shown in Figure 2 is not
hard-coded anywhere. Rather, this workflow is
dynamically composed using the DPIF service
composition model. Composition of services is
achieved through service matching and discovery
based on local domain knowledge. Each expert or
process has complete knowledge of which types of
services he/she can provide to the community -- the
set of output services, as well as the types of services
that are needed from the community to provide the
output services, i.e. a set of input services.
Consequently, the DPIF does not require centralized
service ontologies describing relations between
services and centralized service composition
3.1 Topic Maps Ontology
The users interested in after action analysis cannot
read the agents logs directly. The DPIF logs are
written as unique entries represented in JSON (Ilie,
loggerName: 'StructuredLogging.HealthExpert',
level: 'INFO',
timeStamp: 1304582631229,
humanReadableTimeStamp: '2011-05-05 11:03:51',
message: {
eventType: 'Message_Sent',
source: 'HealthExpert',
context: 'NONE',
properties: {
content: {
from: 'HealthExpert',
to: 'ChemicalAdviser2',
sendertaskid: 4,
receivertaskid: 6,
data: {
data: 'Has the information been verified?'
timestamp: {
unit: 1000000000,
value: 1305529442047351
sequencenumber: 1,
publisher: 'DeinzillaNegotiationProcessingPlugin'
to: 'ChemicalAdviser2',
The logs contain much technical information that
is not relevant for the users. Many entries in the logs
Federated Agents Logs
are related to other entries, and cannot be understood
by themselves. In addition, like the agents
themselves, these logs are distributed - which makes
the understanding of the overall picture more
difficult by just looking at individual logs.
This is where we introduce Topic Maps to model
the parts of the logs that are meaningful to the users.
Topic Maps is a standard (ISO/IEC 13250:2003) for
knowledge representation and information
integration. In Topic Maps, each subject in the
knowledge domain is represented by a topic. In
Figure 3, Chemical Adviser 2 is a topic representing
the agent of Chemical Adviser 2. Each topic may
have a type. Here, the topic Chemical Adviser 2 is
typed by the topic Agent, meaning that Chemical
Adviser 2 is an agent.
Topics can be associated with other topics. The
topic Chemical Adviser 2 is associated with the topic
Health Expert and with the topic Chat Message 9.
The type of this ternary association is Sends. The
fact that topics are associated with each other
provides a structure that corresponds to the way we
conceptually grasp knowledge. It also allows asking
questions about the knowledge within the topic map,
e.g. “What message was sent to the Health Expert?”
Association is built from players, role types and
association type – all are topics. For example,
Health Expert plays the role Destination in the
association of type Sends and Chat Message 9 plays
the role Message in the same association.
Figure 3: Excerpt of the DCMR logging topic map.
Each topic can hold extra information called
occurrences. These are pieces of information about
the topic, similar to paragraphs in a book that are
referenced by the book index. Occurrences can be
simple textual information or references to any other
media, such as web pages, audio, video, etc. Like
associations, occurrences are also typed. For
example, the topic Chat Message 9 may have an
occurrence of type Data containing the value "I
confirm that the information is indeed verified".
Topic names, occurrences and associations can
all be scoped. The scope can then be used in order to
filter those elements in or out when using the topic
Scopes can be used to provide different
perspectives (e.g. describing a scene from different
points of view) in the same topic map. They can also
be used in order to describe dynamic situations. For
example, the message described above was sent at
11:03:51.229 and was received at 11:03:51.316. This
Sends association can be scoped by a topic that
represents this period in which the message is
actually sent. This way, a topic map can model the
dynamics of a crisis management communication.
As was mentioned above, the topic map contains
topics that represent the different types, association
types, occurrence types and scopes. This group of
topics can be seen as the structure or the skeleton, of
the topic map and referred here as Topic Maps
The Topic Maps ontology used is described in
the Figure 4, Figure 5 and Figure 6 below. In these
figures, created by Onotoa (Niederhausen, 2009) the
suggested GTM (Graphical Topic Maps notation -
ISO 13250-7) is used.
Figure 4: Agents and offered services.
In Figure 4 the agents and their offered services
are described. When the agent starts to run, a log
entry is added containing the reference to the
running platform. It then specifies a service which
usually has a query form and a reply form. Note that
the actual fields in the forms are described as
occurrences of the form instances. The dependencies
between the services may be defined as well at that
point (i.e. in order to provide a map of high
concentration zones, weather report, concentration
measurements and information about the source leak
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
must be available). After the agents specify the
services, and their dependencies, they may start to
offer these services (Penders, 2010).
Some agents will provide the services bottom up.
For example, the gas detector service will send its
payload when unusual gas is detected. However,
much of the communication between the agents will
be based on negotiation process. An agent that needs
a certain service will send a call-for-proposal
message to other agents offering that service (see
Figure 5). The message itself is a filled-in form
containing the details of the request. Agents that can
provide the necessary service will send a proposal
with certain issues (i.e. the service can be provided
in certain time frame) to the requesting agent. The
requesting agent can then accept the proposal of the
Figure 5: Negotiation.
Figure 6 describes the message ontology. When
an agent provides a service to another agent, it sends
a payload form and possibly a description form.
These are filled-in forms containing the information
required. In addition to this message, agents can
send to each other chat messages. This chat
messages are simple text messages similar to the
common SMS.
Note that negotiation as well as bottom-up
notification messages are just used to dynamically
create links or acquaintances between the agents.
Chat messages actually represent the information
exchanged by the agents along these dynamically
established communication channels.
In order to be able to merge the topic maps
created from the different agent logs, each topic
must have a unique identifier. In Topic Maps
terminology these are the subject identifiers.
In and across the log files, agents have unique
identifiers. Messages and negotiation sessions have
unique identifiers as well.
Figure 6: Messages.
The message identifiers are used to relate
messageSent log entry with messageReceived log
entry so the start and end time can be used in the
scope of the association describing the sending of
the message. These identifiers were used also to
uniquely identify the forms sent. Note that we have
to be cautious with time; if the time stamps are local
times recorded automatically by the agents sending
and receiving the message, then their clocks are not
necessarily synchronized.
The negotiation identifiers were used in order to
relate different log entries to the same negotiation
3.2 Populating the Topic Maps
As mentioned above, each entry in log files is
written as a JSON object.
has been used to parse JSON entries
( Ontopia engine API has been
used to define the topics and the associations
between them ( Ontopia
engine also allowed the merging of the topic maps
created for the different logs files. Finally, it was
used to export the merged topic map as an XTM 2.0
file (ISO 13250-3: Topic Maps — XML Syntax).
Federated Agents Logs
The created topic map contains the relevant
information from the distributed log files organized
in a meaningful way. However, the end users must
be provided with tools to access this information.
A Topic Maps structure can be considered as a
graph where nodes represent the information items
(topics) and edges between them put them in some
defined relation (associations).
Research (Thomere, 2006), (Heim, 2010) for
specialized analysis of linked data shows the
possibilities for link analysis in different application
domains, though the question remains how users can
efficiently express the information elements and the
relations they are interested in to facilitate their
analysis process.
Instead of incrementally filtering out
information, one can visually compose a query
containing all information elements that are of
interest. The resulting visualization links together
the elements that match the query and consequently
allows the user to identify new relationships. At that
point, manual browsing is possible to further analyze
the available data.
In Figure 7, the basic concept of visual querying
is illustrated. The left part of the figure defines a
query that shall include two specific nodes and any
possible path between them. The result is a spanning
tree of the sub-graph constrained by our query,
which can be seen on the right.
Figure 7: Visual query example.
It is possible to define different kinds of queries
using this approach. Constrains over the topic types,
and/or their names are possible. Also constraining
the association types or role types is possible.
For example, Figure 8 shows a query to find
topics of type Service who are associated with the
association of type Requires to other topics of type
Figure 8: Query - dependencies of services.
The result of this query can be seen in Figure 9:
the full dependency chain of the services is provided
in a very visible and clear manner.
Figure 9: Result - dependency of services.
One can query how the service Health Report is
related to the service Information About Source. In
that case, constraints for the names of these two
topics should be added, however the constraint over
the association type is not necessary. This query can
be seen in the left side of Figure 10. On the right
side the result of that query is presented. It can be
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
seen that the relation between these two topics is
found by following two associations. The query
processor tries first to find links with one
association, continues for links with two associations
and so on. In order to avoid running exceedingly
deep queries, the user may adjust the maximum
search depth.
Figure 10: Finding relation between two specific services.
When a result graph is provided, the user may
further browse through it. For example, in order to
check which agent offers the health report, the user
can right click on the Health Report service, and
select to browse to the Health Expert through the
association of type Offers as shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11: Browsing interface.
The resulting graph is shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12: Browsing result.
Another interesting feature provided is the
ability to filter according to time on the query
results. In Figure 13 the relationship between two
agents is queried.
Figure 13: Querying relation between two agents.
The resulted graph, shown in Figure 14, is quite
complex to understand as it includes the negotiation
steps between the two agents, as well as the resulted
message containing the requested report. Moreover,
it is not clear when each message is sent. Especially
during after action analysis it is very crucial to
understand the timing of various events.
This is accommodated by introducing a time
filter exposed to the user as a time slider. The user
can slide two time range markers to define a time
range and associations scoped with periods outside
of the chosen range are filtered out. This way, the
result shown in Figure 14 can be clarified as shown
in Figure 15, Figure 16, Figure 17 and Figure 18.
In order to simplify managing the time slider, it
includes ticks that represent the events available in
the graph. This way, the user can easily adjust the
range markers to the next event.
Federated Agents Logs
Figure 14: Communication between the Control Room and the Chemical Adviser 2 agents.
Figure 15: Call for proposal is sent.
Figure 16: Proposal is sent back.
Figure 17: The proposal is accepted.
Figure 18: The service is provided.
Log files contain vital information for conducting
useful after action analysis. However, especially in
complex and distributed settings, the logged data is
too large and complex to analyze.
It has been shown how to convert log files from
a DPIF-based distributed multi agent system into
one merged topic map. The transformation exploits
the inherent structure of the messages as well as the
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
protocols used in the system. The created topic map
contains the relevant data for the users.
Having the topic map enables the users to use
different tools for analyzing the events logged. A
novel visual link analysis technique has been
presented, where the user can define queries in a
graphical and intuitive manner. It was shown also
how the user can further browse from the resulted
graphs, and how the graphs can be filtered by time in
order to analyze dynamic situations.
The concept is also portable to other domains: it
can be applied to any log-producing application that
is bound by an ontology. The only additional efforts
would be the design of the Topic Map ontology and
the population of the Topic Map from logs.
As future work, we are currently working on
merging agent logs with additional data coming
from procedure guide software. The procedure guide
(see Figure 19) allows users to define and to follow
procedures during crisis situation or in other
complex settings. The different procedures and
related resources are kept in a topic map. Moreover,
the actual actions of the users, while following a
procedure, are logged as well in a topic map.
Figure 19: Procedure Guide.
Merging the topic maps of this procedure guide
with the topic map representing the agents' logs will
allow analyzing not only what the different
professionals did but also to align that with what
they were supposed to do.
The work reported in this paper received funding
from the European Union Seventh Framework
Programme (FP7) under grant agreement n°224318
within the DIADEM project.
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Federated Agents Logs