Miguel Ballesteros, Virginia Francisco, Alberto D
ıaz, Jes
us Herrera and Pablo Gerv
Departamento de Ingeniera del Software e Inteligencia Artificial, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
C/ Profesor Jos
e Garc
ıa Santesmases s/n, Madrid, Spain
Speculation, Dependency parsing, Information extraction, Biomedical texts.
In the last few years speculation detection systems for biomedical texts have been developed successfully,
most of them using machine–learning approaches. In this paper we present a system that finds the scope
of speculation in English sentences, by means of dependency syntactic analysis. It infers which words are
affected by speculation by browsing dependency syntactic structures. Thus, firstly an algorithm detects hedge
. Secondly the scope of these hedge cues is computed. We tested the system with the Bioscope corpus,
annotated with speculation and obtaining competitive results compared with the state of the art systems.
The cue is defined as the lexical marker that expresses speculation, like might or may.
Every text contains information that includes uncer-
tainty, deniability or speculation. Interest in spec-
ulation has grown in recent years in the context of
research on information extraction and text mining.
Moreover, lots of information in texts consisted on
non–factual information that informs about probabil-
ity, casuality or uncertainty. For example in he may
be wrong but he thinks you would be wise to go, may
expresses contingency and condition and would ex-
presses uncertainty.
Nowadays speculation detection is an emergent
task and it has been one of the most recent advances in
natural language processing research. Detecting un-
certain and hedged assertions is essential in most text
mining tasks where, in general, the aim is to derive
factual knowledge from textual data. Moreover, the
presence of speculation can yield also to obtain non
factual information from texts.
In this paper we present a speculation scope find-
ing system for English using dependency analysis.
The aim of this paper is to show that dependency
analysis is useful to detect speculation and the words
within the scope. But finding speculative sentences
is not the goal of our system, our aim is to infer the
scope of speculation. Therefore, our proposal detect
hedge cues and annotate the scope in sentences. It is
general and the rules used can be applied to different
In Section 2 we show the background of the
present work. Section 3 describes the scope of specu-
lation in the Bioscope corpus. Section 4 describes our
system. In Section 5 we show the results and, finally,
in Section 6 we give our conclusions and future work.
In this section the state–of–the–art on related ap-
proaches about speculation detection and dependency
parsing is briefly described.
2.1 Speculation Detection and the Scope
of Speculation Problem
This Section presents systems that infer the scope of
speculation and predict which words of a sentence are
inside or outside the scope.
The recent CoNLL’ 2010 shared task was devoted
to systems that infer the scope of speculation (Farkas
et al., 2010), using data–sets from the Wikipedia and
a part of Biological publications of the Bioscope cor-
pus and other scientific publications. This shared task
is a starting point to evaluate systems that infer the
scope of speculation. One of the main conclusions of
the shared task is that dependency syntactic parsing
is useful to achieve higher results when it is used in-
stead of other technologies. For instance, Velldal et
Ballesteros M., Francisco V., Díaz A., Herrera J. and Gervás P..
DOI: 10.5220/0003661502480253
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2011), pages 248-253
ISBN: 978-989-8425-79-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
al (Velldal et al., 2010) adopted some heuristic rules
from dependency parsed trees to infer the scope of
Morante and Daelemans published a machine
learning approach for the biomedical domain
(Morante and Daelemans, 2009). The system was
evaluated with the Bioscope corpus and their results
were 61.51% recall and 83.37% precision.
Zhu et al. applied their framework to speculation
using shallow semantic parsing (Zhu et al., 2010).
They evaluated it with the Bioscope corpus using
hedge cues. Their results, without using golden cues
(which means that their system does not need to find
where is the cue and which one is it) were 62.54%
recall and 76.55% precision.
The work done by
Ozgur and Radev, show an
interesting approach employing some heuristic rules
from constituency parse tree perspective on specu-
lation scope identification (
ur and Radev, 2009).
They obtain an accuracy of 79.89% and 61.13% using
golden cues and the abstracts and full papers subcol-
lections of Bioscope.
Additionally, Aggarwal and Yu used Conditional
Random Fields (CRF) to infer the scope of specula-
tion (Agarwal and Yu, 2010). We consider that their
results are not comparable with the other systems of
the state of the art because they take into account the
whole corpus to measure it. Thus, any sentence with-
out any scopes tagged (that is a frequent situation in
the Bioscope corpus (see Section 3), counts as a per-
fect annotated scope.
Finally, it is important to mention that Morante
et al also adapted their system to participate in the
CoNLL’ 2010 task (Morante et al., 2010).
2.2 Dependency Parsing
The basic idea of Dependency Parsing is that syn-
tactic structure consists of lexical items, linked by
binary asymmetric relations called dependencies. A
dependency structure for a sentence is a labeled di-
rected tree, composed of a set of nodes, labeled with
words, and a set of arcs labeled with dependency
types (Nivre, 2006).
We selected Minipar (Lin, 1998). to develop our
approach, and this decision was because of four main
Regarding precision, Minipar is a state–of–the–art
dependency parser.
It is a domain independent dependency parser.
It does not need any training. It is a rule–based ap-
proach, so we do not need to depend on any train-
ing corpora specifically developed with sentences
from a concrete domain.
It does not need a lemmatizer or a part–of–speech
tagger to pre–annotate the testing sentences and
training corpora.
Moreover, we tested Minipar manually with sen-
tences from Bioscope and it worked well. To infer the
scope of speculation it is not the domain what we care
for this work, it is the hedge syntactic structures and
how well are the hedge cues attached in the depen-
dency tree.
Bioscope (Szarvas et al., 2008) is an open access cor-
pus, annotated manually with the scope of speculation
for the biomedical domain.
The Bioscope corpus contains more than 20,000
sentences, divided in three different collections, as
shown in Table 1. The documents inside the Bioscope
collections are annotated not only with speculations,
but also with negation. Table 1 shows the number
of documents, sentences, speculation sentences and
hedge cues for each collection and the percentage of
scopes to the right and to the left in the Bioscope cor-
pus, considering only sentences with speculation.
Table 1: The statistics of the Bioscope corpus considering
only speculations.
Collection Clinical Papers Abstracts
Documents 1,954 9 1,273
Sentences 6,383 2,670 11,871
% Hedge Sentences 13.39 19.44 26.43
Hedge Cues 1,189 714 2,769
%Scopes to the right 73.28 76.55 82.45
%Scopes to the left 26.71 23.44 17.54
In Bioscope all the scopes include a cue, but, it is
worth emphasizing that when the scope is opened at
the cue and continues to the right of the cue (Scopes
to the right in Table 2), the scope affected by the cue
leaves the subject out. This correspond to sentences
in active voice and they are the most frequent case.
Additionally, there are some cases in which the scope
is opened to the left of the cue (Scopes to the left in
Table 2). The most frequent one is the passive voice.
As shown in (Szarvas et al., 2008), passive voice is
an exception in the way of tagging sentences in Bio-
scope. In this case the subject is marked within the
scope, because if the sentence had been written in ac-
tive voice, it would be the object of a transitive verb.
When studying how to develop an algorithm that de-
tects wordforms within the scope of speculation, we
found that dependency parsing could be very useful,
because it allows to consider which nodes depend on
others and leads to detect which nodes are affected
by speculation. Our system traverses the dependency
tree, searching for hedge cues to determine the correct
scope of them over the tree. Our contribution lies in
the identification of the scope, which is not explicit in
the dependency tree. Therefore, we can consider the
nodes that shared the same branch with a hedge sig-
nal or which nodes directly depend on a hedge signal.
Additionally, if we run through the tree until we find
terminals, we can find the wordforms deepest in the
tree structure that depend on, or are related to a hedge
signal that infers the scope of the cues.
A parsing given by Minipar is the input for the
Hedge Wordfoms Detection Algorithm described in
Section 4.2, which returns the set of wordforms
within the scope of speculation. Then, the Scope
Finding Algorithm described in Section 4.3 acts on
that set using the passive voice module, returning an
annotated sentence.
Following, we describe the Speculation Cue Lex-
icon used in our system, the algorithm that detects
the wordforms within the scope of speculation and,
finally, the Scope–Finding Algorithm that finishes the
4.1 Speculation Cue Lexicon
To determine the scope of speculation, first of all a
set of hedge cues must be established. We classified
the hedge cues that are considered in our biomedical
system obtained from the Bioscope corpus.
We show an excerpt of the lexicon considered for
our system configuration for the Biomedical domain
in Table 2. The lexicon only shows the lemmas of
each wordform but our system is able to parse not
only the lemma, but all kind of verb forms, such as
third person, past tense, etc.
Table 2: Lemmas for the Hedge Cues of the Biomedical
lexicon considered in our Biomedical system.
appear can could either
indicate that indicate imply evaluate for
likely may might or
possible possibly potential potentially
propose putative rule out suggest
think unknown whether would
4.2 Hedged Wordforms Detection
We implemented an algorithm that takes the depen-
dency tree for a sentence returned by Minipar, and re-
turns the hedge cue and a set with the words affected
by the cue.
The algorithm runs through the dependency tree
of a sentence and does the following steps:
1. It detects all the nodes that are contained in the
speculation cue lexicon.
If the node is an auxiliary verb and it is af-
fected directly by a cue, the algorithm marks
the verb affected by it as a cue. This is because
the words that are affected by this cue depends
on the verb.
If the cue is a different wordform, contained in
the lexicon, it is marked as a cue.
2. For the rest of nodes, if a node directly depends
on any of the ones previously marked as a cue,
the system marks it as affected. Moreover, the de-
tection is propagated from the cue word through
the dependency graph until it finds terminals, so
wordforms that are not directly related with the
cue are detected too.
4.3 Scope Finding Algorithm
This algorithm uses the set of words returned by the
Affected Wordforms Detection Algorithm, described
in the previous Subsection, and the dependency tree
given by Minipar. This second–step algorithm returns
sentences annotated with the scopes of cues, inferring
where to open a scope and where to close it.
Where to open a scope is related to the voice of the
sentence: if the sentence is in passive voice the scope
must be opened to the left of the cue and if the sen-
tence is in active voice, the scope must generally be
opened to the right of the cue. So, the first step of this
algorithm is to determine the voice of the sentence.
Thus, we considered that the Scope Finding Al-
gorithm must be divided into two main processes:
first, to detect if the sentence follows a passive voice
structure or not, and second, to annotate the sentence
with the scope of the cue considered in the lexicon, or
scopes if there is more than one (which is a common
situation when there is more than one cue).
A sentence is in passive voice if:
It contains a transitive verb, such as, show, con-
sider, see, use, detect, etc.
KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
It follows this pattern
: modal verb + be + past
Once our system has decided if the sentence is in
passive voice or not, the Scope Finding Algorithm it-
erates the sentence, token by token, and applies a set
of rules about scope opening and closing. Only one
rule is applied for each token.
1. Scope opening:
a. If the token is contained in the set of nodes
marked as affected by the Affected Wordforms
Detection Algorithm and the scope for the cue
involved is not open: the system opens the
scope at the token and establishes that the scope
for the cue involved is already opened.
b. If the token is a cue (contained in the lexicon)
and the sentence is in passive voice: the system
goes backward and opens the scope just before
the subject of the sentence. The system opens
and closes the cue at the token.
c. If the token is a cue and the sentence is not in
passive voice: the system opens the scope just
before the token. The system opens and closes
the cue at the token.
2. Scope closing:
a. If the token is a punctuation symbol, followed
by some wordforms that indicate another state-
ment, such as but: the system closes the scope
just after the token.
b. If the token is any wordform and all the nodes
that are marked as affected by the hedge cue are
already included in the scope: the system closes
the scope just before the token.
c. If the token is at the end of sentence: the sys-
tem closes the scope at the end of the sentence.
3. Other case: if none of the previous rules has been
applied the token is added to the annotated sen-
At this point, the system has computed the scope
(scopes) of the cue (cues) for a given sentence, by
inferring which nodes pertain to that scope (scopes)
from the node (nodes) marked as affected.
Thus, our system is able to parse sentences like
the one shown in Figure 1 where we illustrate the text
processing of a sentence from the Bioscope corpus.
We tested the whole Hedge Scope Finding System
with the three collections of Bioscope: the Scientific
We only consider modal verbs because it is what we
care for the Speculation Scope problem.
Figure 1: The processing of a sentence by our system. The
rule applied to open the scope is 1a, and the rule applied
to close the scope is 2c. These rules are described in the
present Section.
Papers Collection, the Abstracts Collection and the
Clinical Radiology Reports Collection. In this Sec-
tion, we discuss the evaluation design, the results ob-
tained by our system and the discussion in which we
compared our system with similar approaches.
5.1 Evaluation Design
Our first step was to select the sentences containing
speculations in the three collections of Bioscope. In
this way we only evaluated our system with 13.39%
of the clinical sentences, 19.44% of the papers sen-
tences, and 17.70% of the abstracts sentences. These
are the percentage of hedge sentences for each collec-
We evaluated using Precision per token, Recall per
token and to balance them, we used micro F1. Ad-
ditionally, we evaluate our system with the percent-
age of correct scopes (PCS). Most of the systems of
the state of the art, such as (Morante and Daelemans,
2009), used this metric as well. We also decided to
evaluate it with the percentage of correct hedge cues
(PCHC). Both of them are recall measures.
By using all these measures we are considering
not only a token–based evaluation but a whole scope
classification measure. Also, PCHC gives a measure
for the failures of the system when predicting hedge
cues, which cause a decrease in PCS.
5.2 Results and Discussion
In this Section we show the results given by our sys-
tem. As shown in Table 3 the results vary, depending
on the collection used to evaluate. It is worth em-
phasizing that we did scope identification with auto-
matic cue recognition, so the input of our system is the
sentence without any extra information. Therefore, it
means that we do not use neither golden cues (which
means that the system did not need to find where was
the cue and which one was it) nor golden trees (which
means that the tree is given and it is certainly correct).
Table 3: Results of our Speculation Scope Finding System,
evaluated with the three Collections of Bioscope.
Collection Precision Recall F1 PCS PCHC
Papers 82.78% 73.88% 78.08% 39.43% 80.38%
Abstracts 87.96% 75.35% 81.14% 46.75% 79.50%
Clinical 83.96% 67.15% 74.62% 36.20% 67.19%
Average 86.70% 74.62% 79.54% 43.96% 77.26%
As can be observed in Table 3, one of the main
problems is to correctly detect the hedge cue. One
of the main reasons is that there are some hedge cues
that are not always considered as cues. For instance,
the wordform can is not commonly used as a hedge
cue in the papers collection (just 31.57%) but it is
more frequent as a hedge cue in the abstracts collec-
tion. Therefore we found that hedge cue classification
is a really difficult task, as some cues are not always
used as hedge cues. In systems like ours we need to
decide which cues are included and which ones not,
so mistakes in this decision may result in a loss of
accuracy because the scopes of the speculative sen-
tences that contain these non common hedge cues are
not correctly annotated.
5.3 Comparison with the State of the
Art Systems
In this Section we compared the results of our system
with the best state of the art systems (Morante and
Daelemans, 2009) and (Zhu et al., 2010). The main
comparison is shown in Table 4.
Our system does not need any training, so we did
our test with all the corpus. Morante et al. per-
formed 10-fold cross validation experiments with the
abstracts collection. For the other two collections,
they trained with the abstracts set and they tested with
the corresponding collection. We can also show that
the results obtained by them for the abstracts col-
lection are very high if we compare our results for
the other collections. This is probably because they
trained their system with the abstracts collection. The
Table 4: Results of our work, evaluated with the three col-
lections of Bioscope and compared with the systems of
Morante et al., Zhu et al.
Collection System Precision Recall F1 PCS PCHC
Our Results 82.78% 73.88% 78.08% 39.43% 80.38%
Morante et al. 67.97% 53.16% 59.66% 35.92% 92.15%
Zhu et al. 56.27% 58.20% 57.22%
Our Results 87.96% 75.35% 81.14% 46.75% 79.50%
Morante et al. 85.77% 72.44% 78.54% 65.55% 96.03%
Zhu et al. 81.58% 73.34% 77.24%
Our Results 83.96% 67.15% 74.62% 36.20% 67.19%
Morante et al. 68.21% 26.49% 38.16% 26.21% 64.44%
Zhu et al. 70.46% 25.59% 37.55%
Our Results 86.70% 74.62% 79.54% 43.96% 72.26%
Morante et al. 83.37% 61.51% 68.71% 54.68% 89.58%
Zhu et al. 76.55% 62.54% 67.41%
ways of annotating hedge scopes in the abstracts col-
lection and the clinical reports collection are really
different, which leads to a loss of accuracy in these
cases. The Scientific Papers collection is more simi-
lar, but there are some infrequent cues in the Abstracts
collection that appear in the Scientific Papers collec-
tion, like would.
As we can observe in the results for the Clinical
Reports Collection, the differences are greater than in
the other cases for the recall measure. The results of
Morante et al. system mean that considering their pre-
cision results, their system correctly classifies most
of the tokens. But regarding recall, their system de-
tects very few tokens. For a system that includes all
the correct tokens except one for each scope, the pre-
cision and recall measures would be very high, but
the PCS measure would be zero. This means that our
system leaves out some of the tokens for each scope
out, but most of the tokens are correctly included. We
can conclude that their results are completely derived
from the fact that they train the models using the ab-
stracts collection. As a result, this factor deeply af-
fects the recall in the Clinical Reports collection be-
cause it contains somewhat different hedge cues and,
more important, uses them in a different way. Nev-
ertheless, for us, the problem is not as deep as their
case, because we used a configurable lexicon of word-
forms which is the same for the three collections and
includes all the wordforms that appear in the whole
In Table 5 we show the percentage of correct
scopes (PCS) per speculation cue, for hedge cues that
occur 20 or more times in one of the subcorpora com-
pared with Morante et al.
The differences in the PCS measure (percentage
of correct scopes) show that their system correctly an-
notates more scopes than ours, but our results in Pre-
cision and Recall show that we classified more cor-
rect tokens within the scope of speculation. Morante
et al. used machine–learning to predict the correct
hedge cue, while we only have a lexicon.
KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 5: PCS per hedge cue for hedge cues that occur 20 or
more times in one of the subcorpora. Comparing the results
of our system (Ours) with the results of Morante et al. sys-
tem (Mor.). The column annotated as # shows the number
of appearances for each case.
Abstracts Papers Clinical
# Mor. Ours # Mor. Ours # Mor. Ours
appear 143 58.04 18.88 39 28.20 12.82
can 48 12.15 45.83 25 0.00 24.00 22 0.00 27.27
consistent with 67 0.00 46.29
could 67 11.94 34.33 28 14.28 46.43 36 22.22 33.33
either 28 0.00 0.00
evaluate for 86 3.84 0.00
imply 21 90.47 0.00
indicate 23 73.91 86.21
indicate that 276 89.49 47.32
likely 59 59.32 42.37 36 30.55 36.11 63 66.66 60.32
may 516 81.39 44.96 68 54.41 55.88 107 80.37 39.25
might 72 73.61 27.78 40 35.00 25.00
or 120 0.00 13.33 276 0.00 26.09
possible 50 66.00 34.00 24 54.16 29.17 26 80.76 100.0
possibly 25 52.00 24.00
potential 45 28.88 40.00
potentially 21 52.38 38.10
propose 38 63.15 15.79
putative 39 17.94 28.20
rule out 61 0.00 24.59
suggest 613 92.33 32.62 70 62.85 30.0 64 90.62 59.38
think 35 31.42 0.00
unknown 26 15.38 0.00
whether 96 72.91 23.96
would 21 28.57 28.57
The potential of an accurate speculation scope find-
ing system is undeniable. This papers presents a high
performance system able to infer the scope of specu-
lations. From the results of our experiments we can
conclude that dependency parsing is a valuable aux-
iliary technique for speculation detection, at least in
the particular case of English. We obtained similar
results as the state–of–the–art systems without using
machine learning, just using a rule–based approach
with the help of an algorithm that runs through de-
pendency syntactic structures.
As a suggestion for future work, we consider that
the scope of speculation must not always be annotated
as continuous. In Bioscope, the scope of speculation
leaves normally the subject out (when the scopes are
to the right), nonetheless, we consider that the sub-
ject must always be considered as a part of the scope.
Thus, we suggest that the scope must be discontinu-
ous in the way of considering other wordforms that in
Bioscope are out of the scope, but are directly affected
by the speculation cue.
Finally, it is worth to mention that the system can
be accessed online at
This research is funded by the Spanish Ministry
of Education and Science (TIN2009-14659-C03-01
Project), Universidad Complutense de Madrid and
Banco Santander Central Hispano (GR58/08 Re-
search Group Grant).
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