Experiences in Integrating SSME Research Communities
Vasilios Andrikopoulos, Michael Parkin, Mike P. Papazoglou
European Research Institute in Service Science (ERISS), Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands
Patricia Lago
Software Engineering Group, Department of Computer Science, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Knowledge model, Knowledge management.
The field of Service Science, Management & Engineering (SSME), covers a wide range of research topics
and has become fragmented due to the necessary specialization such broad area requires. The European Com-
mission’s Network of Excellence in Software Services and Systems (S-Cube) is an attempt to bring scientists
together to perform joint research in this field that crosses existing research boundaries and, in the process of
doing so, to help establish an enduring European network of researchers practicing SSME.
To assist in the consolidation of research and bridge the gaps between disciplines, the S-Cube Knowledge
Model (KM) has been developed to provide a method of capturing, managing and refining the knowledge
produced by the network and provide a common understanding of research outputs. This paper describes the
motivation, requirements and realization of the S-Cube KM, which allows the collection, analysis and man-
agement of research within S-Cube and enables the extraction and combination of the explicit, cross-cutting
knowledge embedded in collaborative research.
In response to the fragmentation of software service-
based systems research, the Software Services and
Systems Network of Excellence (S-Cube NoE
) was
conceived by the European Commission (EC) to es-
tablish and develop an integrated, multidisciplinary,
vibrant European community in Service Science
Management & Engineering (SSME). The S-Cube
NoE brings together researchers from many different
domains, distributed across 16 academic partner in-
stitutions, 6 associated industry partners and 17 asso-
ciate members to collaborate on research topics de-
fined in the S-Cube research framework. A central
goal of the S-Cube NoE is to bring these diverse
communities together to ensure their joint research
is coherent, interdisciplinary and aligned through the
cross-fertilization of knowledge. To help achieve this,
The research leading to these results has received fund-
ing from the European Community’s Seventh Framework
Program FP7/2007-2013 under grant agreement 215483 (S-
the S-Cube NoE has developed the S-Cube Knowl-
edge Model, or KM for short, to capture, organize and
refine the knowledge generated by researchers in the
network and provide a common understanding at a
terminological level of the wide range of knowledge
required for SSME research.
The S-Cube KM is made up of a publicly-
accessible technology platform, corpus of informa-
tion and set of quality assurance procedures. It al-
lows researchers in the network to share, in a standard
way, key information about them and their work and
to position their research and competencies in relation
to case studies and other research and researchers.
This information can be used to provide a compre-
hensive understanding of how the network’s research
efforts and capabilities fit into the larger body of
SSME knowledge and, through its analysis, be used
to identify relationships between people, institutions
and gaps and overlaps in the research of the network.
This paper is a description of the motivation,
methodology and implementation of the S-Cube KM
and a presentation of our experiences in capturing,
curating, managing and refining the knowledge gath-
Andrikopoulos V., Parkin M., P. Papazoglou M. and Lago P..
THE S-CUBE KNOWLEDGE MODEL - Experiences in Integrating SSME Research Communities.
DOI: 10.5220/0003662102010210
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2011), pages 201-210
ISBN: 978-989-8425-81-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ered from researchers in the S-Cube NoE. The paper’s
main contribution is to describe how a large, multi-
disciplinary research project went about ensuring a
common understanding of research, capabilities and
outputs by using a holistic and consistent knowledge
management framework and a set of procedures for
content validation and quality assurance.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 provides the motivation for the KM
through a brief introduction to the organization of S-
Cube and related works; Section 3 briefly discusses
the methodology followed for the construction of the
KM; Section 4 describes how the methodology was
used in the context of S-Cube to build the KM; Sec-
tion 5 reports on the realization of the KM in terms
of technologies used and functions offered; Section 6
presents details on how the contents of the KM has
evolved; Section 7 provides a discussion of our expe-
riences and findings; and, finally, Section 8 presents a
set of conclusions and a description of future work.
S-Cube is an EC initiative to bring researchers from
different research domains together in an interdis-
ciplinary approach to the study, design, and imple-
mentation of service networks. Research on service
networks encompasses a broad range of academic
and practical fields in the areas of Information Sys-
tems and Computer Science, such as Business Pro-
cess Management (BPM), Grid computing and Soft-
ware Engineering. Thus, research in this domain nec-
essarily requires an interdisciplinary effort. S-Cube
attempts to bridge these domains and bring together
scientists and practitioners from different areas to per-
form research into service networks that cuts across
traditional disciplines.
To achieve its goals, the S-Cube NoE has a com-
prehensive research framework that is split into joint
research activities and associated tasks to support
and promote the integration and dissemination of re-
search (Papazoglou et al., 2010). The scope of S-
Cube’s Joint Research Activities (JRAs) is designed
to cover the areas where future challenges will arise
in software service-based systems and applications.
Figure 1 shows the conceptual relationship be-
tween the JRAs of S-Cube. Each block represents a
JRA and the figure shoes how the research program
positions three service realization mechanisms as a
central ‘spine’ of research in three functional layers:
service infrastructures, service composition and coor-
dination and BPM. Together, these mechanisms cover
how service-based applications are built, deployed,
Quality Definition, Negotiation & Assurance
Adaptation & Monitoring
Engineering & Design
Figure 1: The S-Cube Joint Research Activities (JRAs).
composed and organized before being managed as
business processes. The spine of service realization
mechanisms is surrounded by three cross-cutting con-
cerns applicable to each of the mechanisms, i.e., prin-
ciples and techniques that should be applied in each of
the functional layers. For example, each of the func-
tional layers should be concerned with cross-cutting
principles regarding how they are designed and en-
gineered and also methods for defining, negotiating
and assuring the quality of that layer. Likewise, each
functional layer should also be concerned with how
they are monitored and adapted (should the quality-
of-service drop below an agreed level).
In addition to the research activities, S-Cube also
contains a set of integration workpackages to promote
interdisciplinary research across the JRAs, ensure the
creation of a network of researchers in the field of
software services and systems and assess the state and
progress of integration. These are grouped into the ar-
eas of: spreading of excellence, integrating communi-
ties and integrating knowledge.
The S-Cube KM is part of the ‘integrating knowl-
edge’ group of integration workpackages and was cre-
ated to provide a common understanding at a ter-
minological level of the wide range of knowledge
required for SSME research. This requirement has
come about as the same term is often used in different
SSME research areas but with a contextual or domain-
specific meaning. As a result, the multiple meanings
of terms makes it difficult for researchers to commu-
nicate across research boundaries and enhances the
fragmentation of research.
As we will describe in Section 4, each term is cre-
ated as a result of the consolidation and reconciliation
of conflicting or overlapping definitions of the vocab-
ulary used in each JRA and the KM provides a method
of defining associations between concepts, competen-
cies and methodologies to position knowledge in rela-
tion to research domains. As a result, it helps achieve
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
the goals of the integration workpackages by provid-
ing data through which the integration of research in
S-Cube can be assessed.
Therefore, the KM aims to map, integrate and syn-
thesize the diverse concepts and knowledge from the
different JRAs and provide a resource that can be used
not only as a reference point for teachers, researchers
and practitioners but also as a tool to identify a net-
work member’s competencies (for mobility, spread
of excellence, contact points and sources of informa-
tion), to help classify research results (which assists in
demonstrating research integration) and to illustrate
the use of knowledge through associations with com-
mon scenarios and use cases.
2.1 Related Work
Before continuing with the description of the S-Cube
KM, it is important to acknowledge methods of cap-
turing the knowledge generated in other EC ICT
research projects. For example, the NEXOF Ref-
erence Architecture (NEXOF-RA) project
has cre-
ated a glossary containing a list of terms and defini-
tions for Service Oriented computing (Stricker et al.,
2009); the Business Experiments in Grid (BEinGrid)
has developed Gridipedia (“the knowledge
and toolset repository [. . . ] to preserve and make ac-
cessible a whole range of resources on Grid comput-
ing and related technologies such as cloud computing
and virtualization”); and the INTEROP project has
developed a Knowledge Map (KMap) of competen-
cies required for research into the interoperability of
enterprise applications (Velardi et al., 2007).
However, as described in (Andrikopoulos et al.,
2008), these previous efforts fail to meet the require-
ments of the S-Cube NoE. For example, the NEXOF-
RA glossary has a domain-specific scope for terms,
focusing on architectural and infrastructural knowl-
edge, and follows a “flat” glossary (dictionary) for-
mat. Similarly, Gridipedia only focuses on the Grid
and Cloud computing communities. In addition to
containing knowledge of Grid computing, Gridipedia
also contains downloadable Grid software compo-
nents and solutions for common business problems.
In comparison with this previous work, it was a re-
quirement for the S-Cube KM to be applicable to
many communities and the hosting of software com-
ponents was not required. The S-Cube KM was to
provide more dynamic, web- and encyclopedia-based
approach that is broader in content coverage, focus-
ing on semantic associations between concepts, ap-
proaches and methodologies and capturing associated
information about the network, such as competencies
and illustrations of how knowledge could be used.
We now describe the theoretical background for the
development of the S-Cube KM. The methodology
we used closely follows the activities necessary for
the construction of a knowledge model described
in (Schreiber and Wielinga, 1998), which illustrates
how knowledge model development is decomposed to
the sequential steps of knowledge identification, spec-
ification and refinement.
Figure 2 shows how the three stages proceed from
the initiation of the KM and how the final stage of
knowledge refinement is an ongoing, iterative task
to integrate systematically different bodies of already
codified knowledge in a formal, systematic manner.
As we will describe in detail in the following sections,
the effect of these three stages is to perform the com-
bination of explicit knowledge contained in deliver-
ables. Deliverables are project documents that either
aggregate published/submitted papers and/or include
original work, i.e. capture the knowledge produced by
the network (see also Section 4). In this sense, de-
liverables perform the externalization of knowledge
in Nonaka and Takeuchi’s Four Modes of Knowledge
Conversion model (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995). The
internalization of explicit knowledge contained in the
KM is carried out as the knowledge is internalized
into a KM user’s tacit knowledge-base, for example
through applying the knowledge to their own work.
The remainder of this section describes each of the
steps from Figure 2 in more detail:
Knowledge Identification. In this phase the informa-
tion sources to be used for knowledge modeling, such
as glossaries, summaries and scenarios, are identified.
In addition, existing model components, e.g., domain
or task-related artifacts, are also found and evaluated
for reuse during the modeling task.
Knowledge Specification. In the specification phase,
a common representation of this information is de-
veloped. This is achieved through taking the model
components identified in the previous phase and then
“filling the holes” between components using the in-
formation sources.
Knowledge Refinement. The final phase of KM con-
struction has the purpose of validating the knowledge
model, refining the knowledge it contains and com-
pleting the knowledge base (to the extent that it is
possible). As shown in Figure 2, the knowledge re-
finement phase is an iterative process. This fits with
THE S-CUBE KNOWLEDGE MODEL - Experiences in Integrating SSME Research Communities
KM Initiated
Figure 2: The KM Development Methodology.
previous experiences of architecting knowledge, such
as (Boer et al., 2007), which described how architects
commonly perform their activities (analysis, synthe-
sis and evaluation) in an iterative fashion.
This section contains a description of how the phases
of the general methodology from Section 3 were ap-
plied to the construction of the S-Cube KM, with each
phase or sub-phase containing a description of the les-
son (or lessons) learnt in completing it.
4.1 Knowledge Identification
For the initial stage of the KM development in S-Cube
we identified:
Information Sources. In the initial phase of the net-
work, each JRA completed an extensive literature sur-
vey that accumulated a significant amount of state-
of-the-art knowledge in each area, some of which
have subsequently been published as journal articles
or book chapters. The results of these surveys acted
as the initial, primary information source for the KM.
In addition, research expertise of specific people and
institutions within the network was identified.
Components. The design of the research frame-
work and the outputs of the integration activities were
the basic components for the KM. For example, the
model of the structure and relationships between re-
search domains defined in the contractual description
of work and by the integration activities, provided a
framework for the collection, description and publi-
cation of use cases that provides a context for knowl-
edge items.
4.2 Knowledge Specification
For the S-Cube KM, this phase is translated into the
following three steps:
4.2.1 Initial Version
The first step in compiling the KM was to ask each
JRA to compile a short document describing the re-
search performed in their area. This description had
to contain a number of terms (keywords) considered
important for the area, together with a separate, self-
contained definition for each term. We also asked
that when a definition was drawn from an existing
source the source to be identified, or, in the case where
no widely accepted definition existed, for an explicit
original definition. After these terms and definitions
were collected, we bootstraped the KM by organizing
the information in a simple table format, described in
(Andrikopoulos et al., 2008). This initial version of
the KM was essentially a type of a dictionary. The
competencies of each partner institution were added
directly to each term, so as to connect it with one or
more experts and/or institutions in the network.
For this first version a commercial spreadsheet
software was used to collect and collate the knowl-
edge from the JRAs. After the information was
checked and edited where necessary by each JRA
leader, it was incorporated in the S-Cube web por-
tal as a set of static web pages. At this stage the KM
was only accessible to the network participants and
EC project officers responsible for overseeing and re-
viewing the project.
Lessons Learnt. Creating an initial version of the
KM and assessing its strengths and weaknesses al-
lowed us to derive the requirements for the ‘final’
KM format. It also allowed us to reduce the risk
in moving to this format, as it allowed us think
about what information each term should contain
and refactor the knowledge accordingly (described
in later lessons learnt).
4.2.2 KM Templating
While compiling the initial version of the KM we
became aware of two major problems with the
dictionary-style approach. Firstly, the same term may
have different definitions in each research domain.
For example, the term ‘adaptation’ has a different
meaning in the context of Service Composition & Co-
ordination — it refers to modifying a previously con-
figured service composition than the one used in
the Adaptation & Monitoring JRA, where it applies
to service-based applications in general.
Secondly, the dictionary failed to capture if/when
a definition was either domain-specific or context-
specific. A domain-specific definition is defined as
an item of relevant knowledge that applies across all
of the service realization mechanisms or all of the
cross-cutting concerns for that term, whilst a context-
specific definition applies across two JRAs. In the
previous example, ‘adaptation’ has both a domain-
specific definition (in the Adaptation & Monitoring
JRA) and a context-specific definition (in the junc-
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
ture of the Service Composition & Coordination and
Adaptation & Monitoring JRAs) which supersedes
the former one in the context of service compositions.
As the initial version of the KM provided terms as
simple documents, it could not express these proper-
ties or relationships.
Therefore, to record these different definitions
and capture the relationships between domain- and
context-specific knowledge we re-thought our ap-
proach and designed a grid-like template for terms,
shown in Table 1. The grid is arranged with service
realization mechanisms on the vertical axis and cross-
cutting concerns on the horizontal axis; the position
of a definition within this grid indicates its relation-
ship to each JRA of the research framework. The ar-
rangement of the JRAs like this allows us to capture
multiple definitions and both domain- and context-
specific information. For example, a definition for a
term that is contextual between BPM and Engineer-
ing & Design (e.g., a methodology for designing busi-
ness processes) is recorded in the top left cell of the
grid. If a definition is domain-specific to Engineer-
ing & Design, it applies across all service realization
mechanisms and the definition is placed in the bot-
tom cell of the first column (in the Generic row) to
indicate this. The right-most lower cell in the tem-
plate, where the Generic row and column intersect, is
used for terms whose definition is applicable across
all JRAs areas; e.g., ‘software service’. In addition,
placeholders where competencies, validation scenar-
ios and references to publications/deliverables can be
recorded were attached to each term template.
Lessons Learnt. We found that definitions from
different research domains differ not necessarily be-
cause of ambiguity of meaning but because they may
address different contexts. In ontology engineering,
differences in definitions usually indicate ambigui-
ties and a lack of cross-fertilization of knowledge
and their removal is encouraged (Shvaiko and Eu-
zenat, 2008). In our case we preserve the differ-
ences in definitions to capture domain and contex-
tual information, and the term definitions are codi-
fied across these two dimensions.
4.2.3 Public Release
Once this template had been evaluated and agreed
by the members of S-Cube, we proceeded to migrate
the set of terms from the initial version of the KM
to the template, reviewing and adding definitions to
them where appropriate. At the same time, while we
were completing this process, each of S-Cube’s JRAs
was asked to revisit the state-of-the-art reports already
produced to determine further knowledge that could
be added to the KM. These reports, together with
other first-year project deliverables, were processed
by the domain experts within the network, isolating
and defining important terms and attaching partner
competencies to them. The initial conceptualization
of the S-Cube KM was concluded with its release on
the network’s web portal and was the first publicly
accessible version of the KM. This was done in May
2009, following a successful review of the project by
the EC.
Lessons Learnt. Having knowledge sources (i.e.,
state-of-the-art reports) immediately at-hand accel-
erated the bootstrapping of the KM, despite the el-
ement of duplication that was introduced as knowl-
edge was recorded in the state-of-the-art reports and
again in the KM.
4.3 Knowledge Refinement
Since the first public release of the KM, we have per-
formed two major refinement cycles, each resulting in
a new version of the KM with one more expected by
the end of the project. The motivation for carrying
out these cycles is not only to add content to the KM
with new knowledge produced by the network, but
also to ensure the quality of the KM terms. Further-
more, as described earlier, a major goal for the KM is
the identification of gaps and overlaps in knowledge
produced by different domains, which provides feed-
back about the status of research in the network and
ensures KM consistency. Since the KM is an evolv-
ing resource, we recognized the need for a clear set of
repeatable processes to ensure the continuous growth,
quality and consistency of the KM. To this end we
defined and implemented three major actions that are
carried out at regular intervals:
The KM Update Process. To ensure its quality,
each deliverable is reviewed both internally by dif-
ferent project members and externally by reviewers
assigned by the EC. An approved/accepted deliver-
able contains new or updated terms and definitions
that need to be recorded in the KM. The same pro-
cedure as before is used to extract knowledge from a
deliverable and enter it into the KM, with the only
difference being that the person contributing to the
KM should check for existing terms and definitions
before adding them. As each JRA produces deliver-
ables in a different periodic cycle, this complicates
the application of this process. For this reason we de-
coupled it completely from the production of deliver-
ables and the process is triggered at regular intervals
independent of the JRAs deliverable cycle. However,
this approach introduces an element of reproduction
THE S-CUBE KNOWLEDGE MODEL - Experiences in Integrating SSME Research Communities
Table 1: S-Cube Knowledge Model Template.
Technology Principles, Techniques & Methodologies
Research Theme
Engineering & Adaptation & Quality Definition Generic or
Design (ED) Monitoring (AM) Negotiation & Domain-specific
Assurance (QA)
Business Process
Management (BPM)
Service Composition
& Coordination (SC)
Infrastructure (SI)
Generic or
Service Technologies
as knowledge is first captured in the deliverable and
then again in the KM. Unfortunately, this is a direct
result of EC reporting requirements that mandate the
presentation of knowledge in deliverable (i.e., docu-
ment) format.
Lessons Learnt. The completion of terms was
helped by two factors: when deliverables contained
a glossary of terms, the entry of definitions was
speeded up as it was easy for the person entering the
data to copy-and-paste the definitions into the KM;
and, as the deliverables used as knowledge sources
had already been reviewed both in the internal au-
thoring process and externally by the EC, the qual-
ity of the knowledge being added to the KM was al-
ready assured, which also helped the person creat-
ing or completing a term. Regarding the coordina-
tion of who entered which terms and definitions, we
found letting people self-organize themselves within
the JRAs to process deliverables was preferable to
telling them what should be done and when. This
‘bottom-up’ approach provided a sense of ownership
of terms, research domains and the KM in general,
as contributors essentially became stakeholders.
Quality Assurance (QA) Process Format. The
manual addition of definitions to terms and additional
information for associated competencies, validation
scenarios and references to publications/deliverables,
led to mistakes in the formatting of some terms. We
found the most common problems to be:
Typos, grammatical and expression mistakes.
Misuse of the term template, such as entering in-
formation outside of the grid/template.
Definitions that were copy-pasted directly from
a deliverable sometimes only made sense in the
context of the deliverable it was taken from.
References to deliverables or publications that
contain the definitions provided were missing.
We addressed these issues by designing a straight-
forward QA procedure that was applied by manu-
ally checking each page: following the completion
of the data-entry stage of the process, each term in
the KM was assigned to a contributor (not the per-
son who entered or modified the term during the KM
update process) who checked the term for these prob-
lems and modified it if necessary. To distribute the
terms between S-Cube partners fairly, we developed a
simple algorithm that automatically and randomly as-
signs a proportional number of terms to each partner
for checking based on the amount of stated effort the
partner is willing to put into the QA process.
Lessons Learnt. Manual addition and editing of the
KM content generates mistakes and requires a man-
ual QA process. As this process was carried out af-
ter each round of KM update, terms were checked
and quality-assured in a regular cycle and formatting
mistakes were not long-lasting. Errors due to man-
ual editing were mitigated by iterative QA, as well
as by codifying the knowledge structure (in our case
through templates). Also, as contributors became
familiar with how the template should be used we
found that the number of these errors has decreased
with each entry cycle.
Quality Assurance Process Content. The sec-
ond aspect to QA is checking the accuracy of the
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
knowledge entered in the KM. We observed early
in the KM’s lifecycle that too many domain-specific
terms were being entered at the expense of context-
specific terms. This was reflected by a dense concen-
tration of definitions in the shaded area of Table 1.
The origin of this problem was found to be a result of
the design of the research framework around focused
research domains, which meant researchers were un-
sure of how their contribution applied to other do-
mains. In particular, while questioning contributors
to the KM they stated that they were uncomfortable
adding a context-specific definition to a term except if
they were an expert in both domains. In our opinion,
this is a more general problem concerning how people
behave in large groups of experts and is a larger issue
outside the scope of our analysis.
Therefore, to ensure an even distribution of
knowledge in the KM, we designed a process which
normalizes and rationalizes the distribution of defi-
nitions within the terms, ‘landscaping’ the recorded
knowledge. To do this, we classified each S-Cube
partner as specializing in either service realization
techniques (rows in Table 1) or cross-cutting concerns
(columns in Table 1). We then classified terms as be-
ing either domain-specific to service realization tech-
niques or cross-cutting concerns depending on their
definitions. Domain-specific terms in service realiza-
tion techniques were assigned to partners who spe-
cialized in cross-cutting concerns and vice-versa to
ensure as much as possible that ‘new eyes’ viewed the
term. As in the case of the format-focused QA pro-
cess above, we assigned the terms to partners based
on each partner’s intended effort (in person months) to
determine the proportion of terms they should ‘land-
scape’. Once a partner received their set of terms to
validate, we asked them to determine for each term
if each domain-specific definition could be replaced
with a context-specific definition. If it could be, we
asked them to modify the term accordingly.
Lessons Learnt. After we assigned terms to insti-
tutions for checking we found further evidence of
self-organization. Terms were swapped between in-
stitutions so the right expert could address a partic-
ular definition. This also supports our finding that
people were uncomfortable editing terms that they
did not feel to be an expert in. Furthermore, dele-
gation of responsibility to empowered teams per in-
stitution allowed them to autonomously forward KM
terms to the ‘right’ peers. This practice requires that
teams know who knows what, a known best practice
in knowledge sharing (Clerc et al., 2007).
We initially applied the QA processes for format-
ting and content to all the terms in the KM. However,
as the number of terms in the KM grew, the workload
on members of S-Cube carrying out the QA processes
increased. To reduce the effort required we priori-
tized the checking of terms modified since they were
last subjected to QA (i.e., terms not modified since
the last round of QA were not re-checked) and those
which had only domain-specific definitions. We de-
termined which terms to check and which to leave
out of the process by developing a set of tools to
‘crawl’ the KM, find simple formatting errors and de-
termine the distribution of definitions within the term.
These tools, and the implementation of the KM, are
described as part of the next section.
5.1 Platform
For the implementation and publication of the S-Cube
KM we used the Plone content management system
(CMS) (McKay, 2009). Plone is a versatile free and
open source CMS oriented towards web page pub-
lishing but also supporting document publishing and
groupware applications. Four reasons led us to using
Plone as the platform for the KM:
1. There was a heavy investment in implementing
the project’s web portal using Plone. In contrast,
there was no provision in the budget of the project
for separate infrastructure for the KM.
2. Other knowledge management solutions, such
as the Simple Knowledge Organization System
(SKOS), were immature at the time we were seek-
ing a KM platform. A separate platform would
also require integration with the main project por-
tal, which would require additional effort.
3. Plone offers wiki-like capabilities like collabora-
tive editing and versioning that were deemed to
fulfill our purposes.
4. The use of a CMS like Plone for the KM means
that data input and editing is done through the
browser. No familiarization effort with a par-
ticular tool (further of the one for learning the
template) is therefore necessary and the learning
curve is shallow and short.
Lessons Learnt. Using an out-of-the-box CMS sys-
tem was cheaper in terms of time and money than
developing a new application with database schema,
persistence methods, middleware and presentation
layer. As the KM was implemented in the same CMS
as the network’s web portal, there was no overhead
for integrating the KM with a primary dissemina-
tion channel of S-Cube. This increased the visibil-
THE S-CUBE KNOWLEDGE MODEL - Experiences in Integrating SSME Research Communities
ity of the KM and in time the KM became synony-
mous with the S-Cube NoE. Regarding the adoption
of the platform, partners within the network were
more than happy to contribute their knowledge using
Plone and this ensured the steady accumulation of
knowledge and growth in the total number of items.
We feel that this success was mainly a result of the
KM being implemented using a standard, what-you-
see-is-what-you-get CMS that had the same ‘look-
and-feel’ as the project’s web portal.
5.2 Functions
The implementation of the KM based on Plone pro-
vides to the KM users and contributors with the fol-
lowing standard functions, which are accessible in a
tab-based view:
View displays the actual content, along with page cre-
ation information. Also allows for direct editing of
the term by double-clicking on the page.
Edit allows the editing of the term.
Sharing provides the option to make the term visible
to and editable by particular users.
History shows a description of changes to the term
per user and date, allowing for differencing between
versions and offering roll-back to a previous version.
These functions are available only to registered
users of the S-Cube Web portal, allowing us with a
better control over the KM modifications. Unregis-
tered users of the KM Web page are offered only the
view function.
5.3 Applying the KM Template
In order to apply the KM Template discussed in the
previous section, a standard page was created con-
taining an empty KM term template. Each new KM
term was (and still is) created by copying this tem-
plate page, completing the term-specific details and
saving as a new page. Each term is represented in
a single web page and has a unique URL, allowing
for indexing, bookmarking and sharing of the URL.
A subdomain in the web portal was created to contain
these pages, publicly accessible at http://www.s-cube-
Lessons Learnt. The copy-and-paste of text from
various sources to the CMS behaved differently de-
pending on which browser is used by inserting hid-
den characters in the pasted text. These characters
are not directly a problem since they are simply not
rendered to KM viewers. However, they become im-
portant when we use automated tools (discussed be-
low) to extract the information they contain for data
analysis and reporting.
5.4 Tool Support
As part of the KM development and QA processes, we
created a set of command-line scripts to check the for-
mat and content of the KM and ensure its general con-
sistency. As the KM is deployed within the S-Cube
web portal and access to the main Plone database is
restricted, the tools were developed to ‘crawl’ the KM
by following the hyperlinks found in the KM term in-
dex and retrieve each web page representing a term,
parse the HTML and create a local in-memory rep-
resentation. Using this representation allows the for-
matting and content analysis of the KM terms and the
automatic report generation that support the manage-
ment of knowledge in the KM. They have also al-
lowed us to perform the transformation of the KM
into different formats, e.g., XML dialects such as
GraphML, which was used in an attempted visualiza-
tion of the relationships between concepts.
Lessons Learnt. Although ‘screen-scraping’ is of-
ten seen as an archaic method of gathering data,
this approach has worked well for us: building tools
in a programming language known for its speed of
development (i.e., Ruby (Flanagan and Matsumoto,
2008)) allowed us to spend a minimum amount of
time on developing supporting tools for the KM. The
standard structure of each term meant that once the
main body of code for retrieving and processing web
pages was written it only needed to be extended to
generate new reports.
In principle, the evolution of the KM is driven by the
progress of the network, i.e., the more knowledge pro-
duced by the partners, the more content (terms, def-
initions, competencies and references, etc.) is added
to the KM. The development of the KM content over
time is summarized by Figure 3. Measurements are
shown at 7 different points in the network’s lifes-
pan that coincide with deliverable releases, project re-
views and contractual milestones, where Month 1 of
the network corresponds to March 2008. There are
two major growth periods in Figure 3, around month
13 and month 33, marking the production of two ma-
jor versions of the KM (the first public release and the
consolidated version, respectively).
The latest version of the KM (month 39 of the
project) contained 688 definitions across 419 terms
with 215 recorded competencies. Due to the nature of
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Figure 3: Evolution of the KM.
the processes discussed in Section 4, there were very
few removals of terms from the KM, with the em-
phasis being on reconciliating and landscaping prob-
lematic terms which also partially contributes to
the continuous growth of the KM shown in Figure 3.
Overall, Figure 3 reflects the periodical nature of the
activity in the KM on behalf of its contributors where
short periods of intense activity and growth are fol-
lowed by longer periods of smaller activity and cor-
rective actions. This is to be expected since the evo-
lution of the KM is aligned with the network’s time-
line, defined by the deliverable schedule and impor-
tant milestones at specific intervals (e.g., annual re-
Figure 4: KM Visits – Source: Google Analytics
In terms of public visibility of the KM, Figure 4
shows the number of visits to the KM subdomain of
the S-Cube Web portal as reported by Google Analyt-
ics. The KM receives on average approximately 2500
page views and 2000 unique page views (i.e., number
of visits during which one or more of the KM pages
were viewed) per month since going public. The KM
is visited from users in more than 100 countries, with
USA, India, Philippines and Canada in the top 10.
Note that the support tools discussed in Section 5 ac-
cess the KM via an external HTTP connection and do
not effect the data gathered by the Google Analytics
service used to provide metrics of the KMs use and
Lessons Learnt. In most months, the difference
between page views and unique page views is rel-
atively small, meaning that KM visitors view just
a few pages per visit, as shown in Figure 4. This
can be explained by the lack of direct links between
terms in the KM, which discourages viewers from
navigating between them, as one would when brows-
ing Wikipedia. We are planning to address this de-
ficiency of the KM by adding (hyper)links between
terms as part of the final version.
Generally, we have found the development of the S-
Cube KM to be remarkably smooth: conflicts be-
tween researchers, such as those regularly observed
between Wikipedia authors fighting to have ‘their’
knowledge accepted, were minimized due to several
factors (listed in no particular order):
The grid structure of each term allowed multiple
definitions to co-exist within the same term.
The production of the state-of-the-art reports in
the initial phase of the network gave S-Cube re-
searchers the opportunity to understand their part-
ners research strengths, weaknesses and perspec-
tives and use them in later stages of the project.
Most discussions over the finer points of termi-
nology had already taken place as the deliverables
were being produced so by the time they entered
the KM most ambiguities, discrepancies and con-
troversies had already been removed.
The network’s emphasis on regular face-to-face
meetings to encourage joint research allowed re-
searchers to start ‘speaking the same language’
more quickly than if their relationships had been
remote. In terms of impact to the KM, the shared
understanding of the objectives of S-Cube created
by these meetings facilitated the KM construction.
We feel the success of the KM can be also demon-
strated in examples of how the KM has been and is
currently being used as:
A Point of Reference. For example, the terms and
definitions from the S-Cube KM were used as a com-
monly accepted glossary in (Dustdar and Li, 2011).
THE S-CUBE KNOWLEDGE MODEL - Experiences in Integrating SSME Research Communities
A Teaching Aid. The KM has been used in the S-
Cube Virtual Campus
to tag course material so they
can be re-used by lecturers and students across teach-
ing modules.
An Accepted Knowledge Source. As discussed in
Section 6, the KM has been accessed by researchers
from many countries seeking an accepted definition
for a term. In this sense, the KM has provided
publicly-available reference material for researchers
in SSME and helped to align research across domains.
A Hub for Other EC Knowledge-related Activi-
ties. The S-Cube KM has been adopted by other EC-
funded projects, e.g., the Hola! co-ordination activ-
intends to build a repository of structured knowl-
edge using KM terms from projects in the SSME area.
This paper presents our experiences in developing a
Knowledge Model (KM) for S-Cube, a large, pan-
European research network that brings together scien-
tists and practitioners from different areas to carry out
fundamental interdisciplinary research in SSME. The
KM aims to map, integrate and synthesize various
concepts from different research areas, facilitates re-
search by consolidating and reconciling overlapping
definitions used by each research area and provides a
resource that can be used as a reference point, teach-
ing aid and a hub for project activity.
The variety of communities involved and the dif-
ferences in how they use terminology led us to design
a template to capture knowledge that allows the po-
sitioning of knowledge within a domain and context.
We implemented this template using the content man-
agement system (CMS) used to provide the network’s
web portal and developed an iterative methodology
to accumulate knowledge captured in project deliver-
ables (documents that aggregate existing knowledge
and/or contain existing work) in the template. To ad-
dress issues with mistakes due to manual editing and
uneven distribution of knowledge across the KM we
developed and applied appropriate QA processes at
regular intervals.
By observing the KM’s evolution over many
months we can conclude that network members were
happy to contribute their knowledge to the KM, re-
sulting in a successful product. The number of ac-
cesses to the (publicly available) S-Cube KM from
all over the world is evidence of this success. Dur-
ing the different phases of the KM construction
we had to take a number of design and manage-
ment decisions. It is our intuition that some of the
lessons learnt in these decisions are more applica-
ble/useful for large communities (like S-Cube) and
distributed/virtual ones (as in the case of Wikipedia)
than others (e.g., enterprises). Further investigation
of our findings are necessary to provide empirical ev-
idence of this intuition. In addition, we plan to inves-
tigate visualization techniques for the KM that will
make it more accessible to users.
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KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing