essary that a document contains terms of query. From
the recall, the boolean representation has the better re-
sult. This was because BR returned a lot of documents
(more than 300) for each query.
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minig and natural language processing to obtain a
document-topic matrix representation for a set of doc-
uments. First, verb-noun relationships are obtained
by using a POS tagger. Then the Clustering by Com-
mittee algorithm is used to group terms according to
verb-noun relations. After that, the Latent Direch-
let Allocation is applied to obtain the most relevant
terms. The parameters for LDA are obtained without
human intervention. According to the experiments,
in general, the proposal has a better performance in
topic-based semantic searches over traditional mod-
els (boolean and vector space model). Future work
should include semantic processing in web search or
analysis of tweets/posts.
This research was partialy funded by project number
165474 from “Fondo Mixto Conacyt-Gobierno del
Estado de Tamaulipas”.
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