Hadi Mohammadzadeh
, Thomas Gottron
, Franz Schweiggert
and Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh
Institute of Applied Information Processing, University of Ulm, D-89069 Ulm, Germany
Institute for Web Science and Technologies, Universit¨at Koblenz-Landau, D-56070 Koblenz, Germany
Institute of Statistics, Econometrics and Mathematical Finance, University of Karlsruhe, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
Main content extraction, Information extraction, Web mining, HTML web pages.
Extracting the main content of web documents, with high accuracy, is an important challenge for researchers
working on the web. In this paper, we present a novel language-independent method for extracting the main
content of web pages. Our method, called DANAg, in comparison with other main content extraction ap-
proaches has high performance in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. The extraction process of data DANAg
is divided into four phases. In the first phase, we calculate the length of content and code of fixed segments
in an HTML file. The second phase applies a naive smoothing method to highlight the segments forming
the main content. After that, we use a simple algorithm to recognize the boundary of the main content in an
HTML file. Finally, we feed the selected main content area to our parser in order to extract the main content
of the targeted web page.
Content extraction is the process of identifying the
main content (MC) and/or removing the additional
items, such as advertisements, navigation bars, design
elements or legal disclaimers (Gottron, 2008). (Gib-
son et al., 2005) in 2005 estimated that around 40
to 50% of the data on the web are additional items.
The identification of the MC is beneficial for web
search engines. When crawling and indexing the web,
knowing the main content part of each web page can
be exploited for determining descriptive index terms
for a document. In addition, main content extraction
(MCE) is also applied in scenarios where a reduction
of a document to its main content is of advantage,
e.g. on devices that have limited storage or bandwidth
capacity, such as mobile phones, screen readers, etc,
(Rahman et al., 2001).
In the literature there are several approaches ad-
dressing MCE. (Gottron, 2008), (Moreno et al.,
2009), (Mohammadzadeh et al., 2011a), and (Mo-
hammadzadeh et al., 2011b) are recent examples.
(Mohammadzadeh et al., 2011b) proposed a novel al-
gorithm, called R2L, which is working only on spe-
cial languages, for example Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, and
Pashto. In (Mohammadzadeh et al., 2011a) we ex-
tended R2L and compared the new algorithm, called
DANA, with eleven algorithms proposed by (Gupta
et al., 2003), (Mantratzis et al., 2005), (Finn et al.,
2001), (Pinto et al., 2002), (Gottron, 2008), (Moreno
et al., 2009). The drawback of DANA and R2L is that
they are language-dependent. In this paper, we ex-
tend DANA and R2L and introduce DANAg which is
an accurate language-independent approach.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, we review related work. In Section 3,
where we introduce our algorithm, DANAg. Sec-
tion 4 shows the data sets, the evaluation method, and
the results and compares DANAg with the latest main
content extraction algorithm. In Section 5, we discuss
our conclusion and give some suggestions for future
In this section based on the characteristics of MCE ,
all main content extraction algorithms can be catego-
rized into the following three groups:
Mohammadzadeh H., Gottron T., Schweiggert F. and Nakhaeizadeh G..
DOI: 10.5220/0003665304620467
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2011), pages 462-467
ISBN: 978-989-8425-79-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Dom Tree based Methods
Three algorithms proposed by (Gupta et al., 2003),
(Mantratzis et al., 2005), (Cai et al., 2003), and (Deb-
nath et al., 2005) use DOM tree structure to extract
the MC area of web pages.
2.2 HTML based Methods
By using HTML tags, methods proposed by (Finn
et al., 2001), (Pinto et al., 2002), (Gottron, 2008),
(Moreno et al., 2009) , (Lin and Ho, 2002), and
(Weninger et al., 2010) are able to extract the MC of
web pages.
2.3 Methods based on Character
(Mohammadzadeh et al., 2011b) proposed a new and
simple approach, called R2L, which is independent
from the DOM tree and HTML tags and was able
to extract the main content of special language web
pages, such as Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, and Pashto, writ-
ten from right to left. The proposed method relies on a
simple rule: the distinction between characters which
are used in English and characters used in languages
written from right to left. Hence in the first step,
R2L separates and stores the R2L characters from En-
glish ones, in two different arrays of strings, and then
counts the number of these two groups of character
for each line of HTML file. In a second step, R2L
depicts a density diagram based on the length of En-
glish characters and R2L characters of each line to
determine the area comprising the main content of an
HTML file. It was shown that the area in the den-
sity diagram with high density of the R2L characters
and low density of the English characters contains the
main content of web page with high accuracy. Af-
ter R2L finds such a main content area, all the R2L
characters located in this area are detected as the main
content of the HTML file.
The shortcoming of R2L is that it only works
on special web pages. Moreover, it loses the Non-
R2L characters, for example English characters, of
the main content of each line of the HTML file be-
cause in the first step when R2L separates characters,
it categorizes all Non-R2L characters incorrectly as
the English characters while some of these Non-R2L
characters are members of the main content.
(Mohammadzadeh et al., 2011a) introduced new
version of R2L, called DANA, with considerable ef-
fectiveness and compared this method to eleven es-
tablished main content extraction methods. DANA
like the R2L approach is language-dependent but
it could overcome the second drawback of the R2L,
losing the Non-R2L characters of the main content.
DANA comprises of three phases. The first and the
second phase are, to a certain extent similar to the first
and second steps of R2L. In the third phase, DANA
extracts the main content of the selected main content
area, which is produced in a second phase, using an
HTML parser used also in (Gottron, 2008) .
In this section we explain DANAg, which is an ex-
tended and language-independent version of DANA.
We present our approach by categorizing it into one
preprocessing step and four phases as follow. Phases
two, three and four are to a certain extent similar to
the phases two and three in DANA as introduced by
(Mohammadzadeh et al., 2011a). Nevertheless, we
describe briefly these phases for the sake of com-
pleteness. In the preprocessing step, all JavaScript
and CSS codes and comments are removed from the
HTML file, as they definitely do not contribute to
the main content and might negatively influence the
downstream analysis.
3.1 Calculating the Length of Content
and Code of Each Line
In the first phase of the algorithm, our aim is to count
the number of characters comprising both the content
and the code of segments of the HTML file. As seg-
ments we use lines of a normalized source code repre-
sentation. First, we feed the HTML file to our parser
to extract all tokens representing the content of the
HTML file. Afterward, we search the extracted to-
kens, which are stored in an array of string, in the
HTML file to find the line containing tokens. By this
method, we can find the location of all tokens in the
HTML file, so we are able to count and store into two
one-dimensional arrays T1 and T2, respectively, the
number of characters used in content or code of each
line in an HTML file.
3.2 Smoothing
Our hypothesis is that in the main content area, the
number of characters used in content is greater than
the number of characters used in code, so we are in-
vestigating the HTML file to find an area with this
characteristics. In doing this and to explain, more
clearly, our algorithm and for better understanding,
we draw a Cartesian diagram, Figure 1, in which for
each element of array T1 a verticalline is drawnabove
Figure 1: An example plot shows the number of characters
uesd in content and code in each line of an HTML file.
Figure 2: Smoothed diagram of Figure 2.
the x-axis and, similarly, for each element of array T2
a vertical line is depicted below the x-axis.
In Figure 1, the measurement unit for the x-axis
is the number of lines in the HTML file. The mea-
surement unit for the y-axis toward up and down is
the number of characters in code and content, respec-
tively, of each line of an HTML file.
Three kinds of regions can be observed in Figure
1. Regions like the one with label A consist mainly of
HTML tags because, mostly, there is no line above the
x-axis. The second type of regions, here labelled with
C, belongs to navigation menus and panels because it
can be seen both kinds of characters used in content
Table 1: Evaluation corpus of 9101 web pages.
Web site URL Size Languages
BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/ 1000 English
Economist http://www.economist.com/ 250 English
Golem http://golem.de/ 1000 German
Heise http://www.heise.de/ 1000 German
Manual several 65 German, English
Republica http://wwwrepublica.it/ 1000 Italian
Slashdot http://slashdot.org/ 364 English
Spiegel http://www.spiegel.de/ 1000 German
Telepolis http://www.telepolis.de/ 1000 German
Wiki http://fa.wikipedia.org/ 1000 English
Yahoo http://news.yahoo.com/ 1000 English
Zdf http://www.heute.de/ 422 German
and code. Finally, there is only one region, labelled
B, in which the number of characters used in content
is much more than the number of characters used in
To recognize region B easily, we depict Figure 2
using smoothing Formula 1. In Figure 2 for each col-
umn i, diff
is computed and then a vertical line is
drawn above or below the x-axis, respectively, if diff
is greater than or less than zero. As you see, many
columns above the x-axis which are parts of menu and
additional items are removed.
= T1
+ T1
+ T1
Now, we count the number of characters for each
region above the x-axis and then among all regions
we specify the position of just one region with the
maximum number of characters as the first paragraph
of the main content area.
3.3 Recognizing the Boundary of the
MC Area
After recognizing the first paragraph of the main con-
tent area in the previous section, now we are going
to extract the other paragraphs of the main content
area. In doing this, the algorithm moves up and down
in the HTML file to discover all paragraphs making
the main content. We know in the HTML file and in
the area of the main content, there are some lines be-
tween each two paragraphs, which are not concerning
to the main content. In other words, there is a gap be-
tween each two paragraphs comprising the main con-
tent. We configure the gap parameter with a value
of 20. So after finding the first paragraph, we are
extracting all paragraphs around the first paragraph
KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 2: Evaluation results of Table 1 based on F1-measure.
BBC Economist Zdf Golem Heise Republica Spiegel Telepolis Yahoo Manual Slashdot Wikipedia
Plain 0.5950 0.6130 0.5140 0.5020 0.5750 0.7040 0.5490 0.9060 0.5820 0.3710 0.1060 0.8230
LQF 0.8260 0.7200 0.5780 0.8060 0.7870 0.8160 0.7750 0.9100 0.6700 0.3810 0.1270 0.7520
Crunch 0.7560 0.8150 0.7720 0.8370 0.8100 0.8870 0.7060 0.8590 0.7380 0.3820 0.1230 0.7250
DSC 0.9370 0.8810 0.8470 0.9580 0.8770 0.9250 0.9020 0.9020 0.7800 0.4030 0.2520 0.5940
TCCB 0.9140 0.9030 0.7450 0.9470 0.8210 0.9180 0.9100 0.9130 0.7580 0.4040 0.2690 0.6600
CCB 0.9230 0.9140 0.9290 0.9350 0.8410 0.9640 0.8580 0.9080 0.7420 0.4200 0.1600 0.4030
ACCB 0.9240 0.8900 0.9290 0.9590 0.9160 0.9680 0.8610 0.9080 0.7320 0.4190 0.1770 0.6820
Density 0.5754 0.8741 0.7081 0.8734 0.9060 0.3442 0.7609 0.8043 0.8856 0.3539 0.3622 0.7077
DANAg 0.9240 0.8996 0.9120 0.9794 0.9450 0.9704 0.9488 0.9317 0.9518 0.4012 0.2092 0.6455
with maximum 20 lines between each two consequent
paragraphs comprising the main content.
3.4 Extracting the Main Content
In the last phase of our algorithm, we feed the main
content area which is discovered in the previous phase
to a parser (Gottron, 2008). The output of the parser
is, following our hypothesis, the main content tokens
of the HTML file.
4.1 Data Set
As evaluation corpus we use 9,101 web pages from
different web sites (see Table 1). This dataset has been
introduced in (Gottron, 2008).
4.2 Evaluation Methodology
By applying the classical information retrieval perfor-
mance measures Recall, Precision, and F1-measure,
(Gottron, 2007), and using Hirschberg’s algorithm
(Hirschberg, 1977), which finds longest common sub-
sequence between two strings, we calculate the accu-
racy of DANAg.
4.3 Results
The average F1 scores of DANAg and other MCE ap-
proaches show in Table 2 in three groups. In column
one, diffrent algorithms we compare with DANAg are
shown. Link quota filter (LQF) proposed by (Kaiser
et al., 2005) and used in Crunch framework which is
introduced by (Gupta et al., 2003). (Pinto et al., 2002)
construct Document Slope Curve (DSC) which is one
of the prominent solution for CE. Content Code Blur-
ring (CCB), Adapted Content Code Blurring (ACCB)
and Token based Content Code Blurring (TCCB) all
Figure 3: The original diagram of wikipedia.
Figure 4: The smoothed diagram of wikipedia.
introduced by (Gottron, 2008). And the last algo-
rithm, called Density, propose by (Moreno et al.,
2009). In each column, we highlight the highest F1
score, bold one, and the highest F1 score among all
algorithms except DANAg, italic value. The follow-
ing results are considerable.
In the middle part of the Table 2, DANAg achieves
Figure 5: One Paragraph of BBC HTML file.
Figure 6: One Paragraph of Wikipedia HTML file.
F1 score higher than six web pages, golem, heise,
republica, spiegel, telepolis, and yahoo. As can
be seen, ACCB is the best algorithm, on three web
pages, between all other algorithms after DANAg.
The left side of Table 2 shows three web pages
that DANAg achieves F1 score less than DSC,
CCB, and ACCB approaches. But as it can
be seen, the differences between F1 score of
DANAg and last three mentioned methods are
0.013, 0.0144, and 0.017 and it shows DANAg
could be acceptable on these web pages as well.
In the right side of Table 2, we see three web
pages, manual, slashdot, and wikipedia which
DANAg and other algorithms could not achieve
considerable F1 score. For better explanation
about these web pages, we depict original and
smoothed diagrams of an example of wikipedia
web page, see Figure 3 and Figure 4. The recall,
precision and F1 scores of this web page achieved
by DANAg are 0.3636, 0.8889, and 0.5161, re-
spectively. In Figure 3, we determinted the main
content area that should be extracted, but Figure 4
shows that only small part of the web page was
The Wikipedia web pages are fully structure be-
cause many HTML tags used in each line of the
Wikipedia HTML files in comparison with nor-
mal HTML files, for example BBC web pages. In
Figure 5 and Figure 6, we demonstrate one small
part of BBC and Wikipedia web pages. By look-
ing in these two figures we observe that the ra-
tio of HTML tags in the Wikipedia web pages are
more than the BBC web pages, so if we calculate
the length of content and code of each line in the
Wikipedia HTML file then the length of code is
greater than the length of content. Hence, formula
one guess, by mistake, these lines as the extrane-
ous items, not as the main contents. In contrast,
for normal web pages, such as BBC , formula one
KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
could recognize the main content , correctly, be-
cause normal web pages are not fully structure.
In this paper, we proposed DANAg: an extended
and especially language-independent new version of
DANA, with considerable effectiveness. Results
show that DANAg determines the main content with
high accuracy on many collected data sets. Achiev-
ing an average F1-measure > 0.90 on the test corpora
used in this paper, it outperforms the state of the art
methods in MCE.
In the future and for next research step, we will try
to extend DANAg to use machine learning methods
to group several areas in an HTML file contributing
to the main content of web pages. This allows for dis-
carding the parameter setting for gaps between main
content blocks and to overcome the problem observed
on certain documents in the evaluation corpora.
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