Enhancing Data Linking through Ontology Alignments
Franc¸ois Scharffe
and J
ome Euzenat
LIRMM, University of Montpellier, 161 Rue Ada, Montpellier, France
INRIA, 655 Avenue de l’Europe, Montbonnot, France
Semantic web, Linked data, Data linking, Ontology alignment, Ontology matching, Entity reconciliation,
Object consolidation.
The Web of data consists of publishing data on the Web in such a way that they can be connected together
and interpreted. It is thus critical to establish links between these data, both for the Web of data and for the
Semantic Web that it contributes to feed. We consider here the various techniques which have been developed
for that purpose and analyze their commonalities and differences. This provides a general framework that the
diverse data linking systems instantiate. From this framework we consider the relation between data linking
and ontology matching activities. Although, they can be considered similar at a certain level (they both relate
formal entities), they serve different purposes: one acts at the schema level and the other at the instance level.
However, they would find a mutual benefit at collaborating. We thus present a scheme under which it is
possible for data linking tools to take advantage of ontology alignments. We present the features of expressive
alignment languages that allows linking specifications to reuse ontology alignments in a natural way.
The Web of data is the network resulting from pub-
lishing structured data sources in RDF and inter-
linking these data sources with explicit links. Web
datasets are expressed according to one or more vo-
cabularies or ontologies, which range from simple
database schema exposure to full-fledged ontologies.
The Web of data requires to interlink the various
published data sources. Given the large amount of
published data, it is necessary to provide means to au-
tomatically link those data. Many tools were recently
proposed in order to solve this problem, each having
its own characteristics.
In many cases, datasets containing similar re-
sources are published using different ontologies.
Hence, data interlinking tools need to reconcile these
ontologies before finding the links between entities.
This could be done automatically, but more often this
is done manually and built in the link specifications.
This has two drawbacks: (a) this prevents to reuse the
work made in ontology matching for reconciling on-
tologies and (b) the information about reconciling the
ontologies is mixed with the information about how
to identify entities.
Hence, the goal of this work is to consider data
interlinking and ontology matching and to determine
how these two activities are related and how they
could better cooperate.
For that purpose, after briefly introducing the chal-
lenges of data interlinking and ontology matching
(Section 2), we provide a general framework for data
interlinking (Section 3). This framework clearly sep-
arates the data interlinking and ontology matching
activities and we show how these can collaborate
through three different languages for links, data link-
ing specification and ontology alignment. We provide
examples of an expressive alignment language and a
modified linking specification language that can im-
plement this cooperation (Section 4).
An extended version of this paper is available as a
technical report (Scharffe and Euzenat, 2011).
We briefly introduce the data interlinking problem.
We provide examples of this problem and why it
would require specific linking tools. We then present
Scharffe F. and Euzenat J..
LINKED DATA MEETS ONTOLOGY MATCHING - Enhancing Data Linking through Ontology Alignments.
DOI: 10.5220/0003666002790284
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2011), pages 279-284
ISBN: 978-989-8425-80-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
why these tools could take advantage of ontology
matching and alignments.
The main problem on the Web of data is to create
links between entities of different datasets. Most of-
ten, this consists of identifying the same entity across
different datasets and publishing a link between them
as a sameAs statement. We call this task data interlink-
ing and summarize it in Figure 1.
Data interlinking
Figure 1: The data interlinking problem.
Once identified, the links discovered between two
datasets must also be published in order to be reused.
The VoiD vocabulary (Alexander et al., 2009) allows
for describing linksets as special datasets containing
sets of links between resources of two given datasets.
Once linksets are constructed, two approaches are
proposed to retrieve equivalences between resources:
it is possible to assign to each real world entity a
global identifier that will then be related to every URIs
describing this entity. This is the approach taken in
the OKKAM project (Bouquet et al., 2008) that pro-
poses the usage of Entity Name Servers taking the
role of resource name repositories. The other ap-
proach uses equivalence lists maintained with inter-
linked resources across datasets. There is thus no
global identifier in this approach but equivalence links
can be followed using a third-party Web service, e.g.,, or a bilatteral protocol (Volz et al.,
The data interlinking task can be achieved manu-
ally or with the help of data interlinking tools. These
tools take as input two datasets and ultimately provide
a linkset. In addition, they use what we call a linking
specification, i.e., a “script” specifying how and/or
what to link. Indeed, given dataset sizes, the search
space for resources interlinking can reach many bil-
lion resources, e.g., DBPedia. It is thus necessary to
use heuristics giving hints to the interlinking system
where to look for the corresponding resources in the
two datasets. These linking specifications can be spe-
cific to a pair of datasets and can be reused for re-
generating linksets (we provide an example of such a
specification in the Silk language in Section 4).
Mining for similar resources in two Web datasets
raises many problems. Each datasets having its own
namespace, resources in different datasets are given
different URIs. Also, although naming conventions
exist, there is no formal nor standard way of naming
resources. For example, if we take the URI for the fa-
mous musician Johann Sebastian Bach in various Web
datasets we obtain very different results even though
they all represent the same real world object.
Fortunately, dereferencing URIs can be used for
retrieving more information about entities: property
values and related resources can be observed. But
for a same real-world entity, the same property can
take different values, making the interlinking process
more difficult. This can be because of varying value
approximations across datasets, because of different
units of measure, because of mistakes in the datasets,
or because of loose ontological specifications. For
instance, the property foaf:name does not specify in
what format should the name be given. “J.S. Bach”,
“Bach, J.S. or “Johann Sebastian Bach” are possible
values for this property. Hence, data interlinking tools
have to compare property values in order to decide if
two entities are the same, and must be linked, or not.
For that purpose, tools use similarity measures based
on the type of values (e.g., string, numbers, dates) and
aggregate the results of these measures. This activity
is reminiscent of record linkage which has been given
considerable attention in database (Fellegi and Sunter,
1969; Winkler, 2006; Elmagarmid et al., 2007).
Another problem is caused by the usage of het-
erogeneous ontologies for describing datasets. In this
case, a same resource is typed according to differ-
ent classes and described with different RDF pred-
icates belonging to different ontologies. For exam-
ple, a name in a dataset can be attributed using the
foaf:name data property from the FOAF ontology
while it is attributed using the vcard:N object prop-
erty from the VCard ontology in another dataset.
Hence, for the interlinking techniques to work, it
is necessary that the datasets use the same ontology
or that data interlinking tools are aware of the corre-
spondences between ontologies.
The goal of this paper is to investigate the relation-
ships between data interlinking and ontology match-
ing (Euzenat and Shvaiko, 2007). In particular, we
want to understand if these two activities would ben-
efit to be merged into a single activity and sharing the
same formats.
We provide in this section a general framework en-
compassing the various approaches used to interlink
resources on the Web of data. We first consider each
case that may happen when interlinking data and de-
scribe them abstractly and through an example. In the
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
end, we unify all this cases in a common framework.
In the first case resources are manually inter-
linked. Manually linking resources can be performed
using collaborative tools in the case of large datasets.
In some cases, illustrated below, resources can be
trivially linked using a simple transformation of their
URI transformation
Figure 2: URI transformation.
A set of rules can be defined to identify equiva-
lent resources from their identifier. For example, in
the dataset LastFM
, the URI representing an artist
is built on the pattern “First name+Last name”. Per-
son URIs in DBPedia
are built around the pattern
“FirstName LastName”. A trivial algorithm can be
developed to find equivalent artists based on their
Further that the URIs, it may be necessary to con-
sider the ontologies in order to identify entities. In
a first case, the two datasets to interlink are described
by the same ontology. The role of the interlinking sys-
tem is to analyze resources of the same type in order
to detect the equivalent ones. To do this, the system
compares resource properties with a similarity mea-
sure. Systems in this category take as input the prop-
erties to compare, the type of comparison algorithm to
use for each property, and the method to aggregate the
similarity measures of the various properties in order
to construct a measure between two resources.
Resource matching of
datasets described by
the same ontology
Figure 3: Matching two datasets described according to the
same ontology.
For example, Jamendo and MusicBrainz, two
datasets containing musicological data, are both de-
scribed according to a common music ontology (Rai-
mond et al., 2007). The artist J.S. Bach can be iden-
tified in both datasets by observing the first name and
last name properties of the class MusicArtist. It is not
possible in this case to identify the equivalence of re-
sources based on their URIs. This example is illus-
trated in Figure 4.
Resource matching algorithm,
datasets described according
to a common ontology
Figure 4: Example of matching two datasets described ac-
cording to the same ontology.
Datasets can be described by different ontologies.
This case is illustrated in Figure 5. In order to know
which types of entities have to be linked together, the
system needs to know the correspondences between
these types of entities. Then it can work similarly as
if there were a single ontology.
We represent this case in Figure 5 by introducing
the correspondences between ontology classes as an
alignment. This alignment is presented as implicit be-
cause it does not exist as such, but it is mixed with the
data interlinking specification or system.
O1 O2
Implicit alignment
Resource matching of
datasets described by
different ontologies
Figure 5: Two datasets matched using an implicit align-
For example, OpenCyc
represents the artist J.S.
Bach using a different ontology than the one used
to describe MusicBrainz. The properties “firstname”
and “lastname” correspond to a property “EnglishID”
in which both names are concatenated. The class Mu-
sicArtist in the Music Ontology corresponds to a class
Classical Music Composer in OpenCyc. An align-
ment between classes and properties needs to be spec-
ified in order to find an equivalence between the two
resources. This example is illustrated in Figure 6.
LINKED DATA MEETS ONTOLOGY MATCHING - Enhancing Data Linking through Ontology Alignments
Classical Music Performer
English ID
Figure 6: Example of two datasets described with heteroge-
neous ontologies.
O1 O2
Explicit alignment
Resource matching of
datasets described by
different ontologies
Figure 7: Two datasets matched using an explicit alignment.
Another approach, illustrated in Figure 7, takes
advantage of an already existing explicit alignment
between the two ontologies used by the datasets.
An additional possibility, not found in existing
systems, would be for the data linking system to first
match the two ontologies before using the resulting
alignment for supporting data interlinking. In such
a system, ontology matching and data interlinking
would be merged.
Figure 8 unifies all these processes in a single de-
scription. This framework leads to clarify interactions
between data interlinking and ontology matching. It
would be useful to use it in order to make tools in-
teroperate. This would present many advantages, in
particular the possibility to share, distribute and im-
prove link specifications, as well as reuse them or ex-
tend them instead of computing them again whenever
a dataset is modified. This would also allow to com-
pose linking specifications such that it would be pos-
sible to go from one dataset to another without going
through an intermediary. We consider below many
possible ways to realize this integration.
O1 O2
Ontology matching
Data interlinking
Figure 8: General framework for data interlinking involving
ontology matching.
The next section discusses how using ontology
alignments could lead to more automation for the
interlinking task, as well as how linked data could
provide evidence for obtaining better ontology align-
Although ontology matching and data interlinking
can be similar at a certain level (they both relate for-
mal entities), there are important differences as dis-
played by the the previous framework. Indeed, one
acts at the schema level and the other at the instance
level. These differences are reflected in the types of
specification involved in these processes - asameAs
statement tells which City in wikipedia correspond
to which P (place) in geonames, - a linking specifica-
tion tells how to find the former, an ontology align-
ment tells which components from one ontology cor-
responds to which components in the other. This re-
sults in two process specifications interlinking and
matching and their results linksets between data
and alignments between ontologies. By clearly es-
tablishing these differences, we obtain a natural parti-
tioning between data links, linking specifications and
ontology alignments:
The assertion expression language allows for rep-
resenting equivalence between resources in
datasets, e.g., RDF and VoiD;
The linking specification language allows for
defining how to search for equivalence between
resources, e.g., Silk;
The alignment representation language allows for
specifying equivalence rules between ontological
entities, e.g., the Alignment format or EDOAL
(see below).
However, data interlinking and ontology match-
ing could find a mutual benefit at collaborating. We
propose a scheme under which it is possible for data
linking tools to take ontology alignments as a way to
constrain their solution space. The of Section 3, as
displayed in Figure 8, provides a natural way to im-
plement this collaboration.
EDOAL (Expressive Declarative Ontology Align-
ment Language) is the new name of the OMWG map-
ping language for expressing ontology alignment (Eu-
zenat et al., 2007) that has been available through the
Alignment API since version 3.1. This language is
an extension of the Alignment format (David et al.,
2011) that can be generated by most matchers. Its
main purpose is to offer more expressiveness in the
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
way alignments are expressed so it can represent com-
plex alignment patterns (Scharffe and Fensel, 2008;
Scharffe, 2009). It presents the advantage to be
declarative and also to specify transformations like
those needed in order to construct links between re-
In particular, EDOAL allows for expressing con-
textual relations between elements. For instance, the
typical example in Silk documentation is the link-
ing of DBpedia cities and geoname P(laces) through
comparing their names and populations. Expressing
this with a simple alignment does not express the ex-
pected meaning because, of course, rdfs:label is not
equivalent to gn:name. One could consider expressing
that gn:name is more specific than rdfs:label. This
is correct but still not precise enough. The intended
meaning is that, in the context of dbpdia:City and
gn:P, these two properties are equivalent. This is what
EDOAL can express through the following alignment:
:dbp-geo a align:Alignment;
align:onto1 <>;
align:onto2 <>;
align:map [ :map1 a align:Cell;
align:entity1 dbpedia:City;
align:entity2 gn:P;
align:relation align:subsumedBy.
align:map [ :map2 a align:Cell;
align:entity1 [ a align:Property;
edoal:and dbpedia:populationTotal.
edoal:and [ a edoal:PropertyDomainRestriction;
edoal:domain dbpedia:City.
align:entity2 [ a align:Property;
edoal:and gn:population;
edoal:and [ a edoal:PropertyDomainRestriction;
edoal:domain gn:P. ];
align:relation align:equivalent.
align:map [ :map2 a align:Cell;
align:entity1 [ a align:Property;
edoal:and rdfs:label.
edoal:and [ a edoal:PropertyDomainRestriction;
edoal:domain dbpedia:City.
align:entity2 [ a align:Property;
edoal:and gn:name;
edoal:and [ a edoal:PropertyDomainRestriction;
edoal:domain gn:P. ];
align:relation align:equivalent.
Even if such an alignment would provide infor-
mation to data interlinking tools, this is still not suf-
ficient. Of course, it tells which properties should be
equivalent and thus can be used for identifying enti-
ties. But it does not tell how to take them into account.
So, this alignement would be sufficient to link entities
if the values of rdfs:label were exactly the same as
those of gn:name and the values of populationTotal
were exactly the same as those of population, but not
EDOAL provides more features for transforming
this information. This could be helpful but the prob-
lem is deeper: data interlinking is a decision problem
rather that just a transformation. It is the role of the
data linking specification to tell when a dbpedia:City
and a gn:P should be considered the same. This is
why we propose to use data interlinking specifications
together with alignments.
Indeed, using an explicit alignment, provided that
it is expressive enough, can serve two functions:
1. narrowing the search space through pointing to
equivalent concepts, and
2. providing the properties that can be used for iden-
tifying concepts.
A link specification like Silk-LSL (Bizer et al.,
2009) fulfills two roles: - it is an alignment: it speci-
fies the classes in which entities to link can be found,
it specifies how to link entities. It could be possible to
refer to an external alignment between the two under-
lying ontologies instead of specifying it in the link-
ing specification. This approach would present ob-
vious reuse advantages when other datasets requiring
the same alignment, i.e., using the same ontologies,
need to be interlinked.
Given that the alignment is available, it is pos-
sible to simplify the Silk specification and refer to
the alignment, by introducing three types of informa-
tion: which alignments to use (UseAlignment), entities
of which correspondences must be linked (LinkCell)
and which matched properties can be compared for
identifying entities (CellParam).
<UseAlignment rdf:resource="#dbp-geo" />
<Interlink id="cities">
<LinkCell rdf:resource="#map1" />
<Compare metric="jaroSimilarity">
<CellParam rdf:resource="#map2" />
<Compare metric="numSimilarity">
<CellParam rdf:resource="#map3" />
<Thresholds accept="0.9" verify="0.7" />
<Output acceptedLinks="accepted_links.n3"
mode="truncate" />
The specifics of the data interlinking task remain
in this specification: how to compare values, how to
aggregate their results and when to issue the link or
LINKED DATA MEETS ONTOLOGY MATCHING - Enhancing Data Linking through Ontology Alignments
This approach presents several advantages:
1. The link specification is simplified, reducing the
manual input;
2. The alignment can be reused for linking any two
datasets described according to these two ontolo-
3. There is a clear separation between links, linking
specification, and ontology alignments.
We have proposed an architecture based on three dif-
ferent languages having each its own precise pur-
pose: expressing links, expressing linking specifica-
tions, and expressing ontology alignments. This ar-
chitecture can be used in order to organize a better
collaboration between ontology matchers and data in-
terlinking tools. This can be achieved with only min-
imal extensions to existing languages. In particular,
we have illustrated the ontology alignment part with
EDOAL, an expressive ontology alignment language
that offers the necessary concepts for being used in
data interlinking. On the data interlinking side, we
have focussed on the Silk-LSL language which seems
to be at once declarative and powerful enough to ex-
press a wide range of constraints on data interlinking.
Extending it with the capacity to benefit from ontol-
ogy alignments would allow tools using it to benefit
from the wide range of ontology alignment techniques
and tools.
This work was conducted in the context of the Datalift
project funded by the French ANR (Agence Nationale
de la Recherche) under grant ANR-10-CORD-009.
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KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development