Widura Schwittek, Holger Schmidt, Stefan Eicker and Maritta Heisel
paluno: The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg and Essen, Germany
Common body of knowledge, Knowledge management, Software engineering, Security engineering, Services
computing, Interdisciplinary.
Interdisciplinary communities involve people and knowledge from different disciplines in addressing a com-
mon challenge. Differing perspectives, processes, methods, tools, vocabularies, and standards are problems
that arise in this context. We present an approach to support bringing together disciplines based on a com-
mon body of knowledge (CBK), in which knowledge from different disciplines is collected, integrated, and
structured. The novelty of our approach is twofold: first, it introduces a CBK ontology, which allows one to
semantically enrich contents in order to be able to query the CBK in a more elaborate way afterwards. Second,
it heavily relies on user participation in building up a CBK, making use of the Semantic MediaWiki as a plat-
form to support collaborative writing. The CBK ontology is backed by a conceptual framework, consisting of
concepts to structure the knowledge, to provide access options to it, and to build up a common terminology. To
ensure a high quality of the provided contents and to sustain the community’s commitment, we further present
organizational means as part of our approach. We demonstrate our work using the example of a Network of
Excellence EU project, which aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners from services computing,
security and software engineering.
Software engineering (SE) can be considered as an
“umbrella discipline”: typical SE tasks involve in-
terdisciplinary knowledge about processes, methods,
tools, and standards. Consequently, new types of SE
sub-disciplines have emerged bringing together SE
and other disciplines. For example, the field of secu-
rity engineering, which “is about building systems to
remain dependable in the face of malice, error, or mis-
chance” (Anderson, 2001), has been combined with
SE, and is referred to as secure software engineering.
Bringing together different disciplines harbors a
number of problems, such as bringing together dif-
fering perspectives, vocabularies, and approaches.
Moreover, these problems have to be considered with
respect to multiple dimensions such as research and
practice, which further complicates the situation.
We present in this paper an approach to over-
come the aforementioned problems based on a com-
This research was partially supported by the EU project
Network of Excellence on Engineering Secure Future Inter-
net Software Services and Systems (NESSoS, ICT-2009.1.4
Trustworthy ICT, Grant No. 256980).
mon body of knowledge (CBK). While existing bod-
ies of knowledge (BOKs) like the Software Engineer-
ing Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) (Bourque and
Dupuis, 2005) solely rely on books or hypertext sys-
tems as a medium, our CBK provides several advan-
tages such as improved flexibility and access possi-
bilities for its users. In fact, the CBK introduces
an ontology that allows users to semantically enrich
content. The CBK ontology is backed by a concep-
tual framework consisting of three main pillars: The
structuring of knowledge from different disciplines
that the CBK collects and integrates, such as specific
tools, methods, and notations constitutes the first pil-
lar. To consolidate an interdisciplinary community,
we need a common understanding of the key con-
cepts as well as a common vocabulary of the differ-
ent disciplines. The CBK introduces a common ter-
minology, i.e., necessary basic notions and relations
between them. The common terminology is the sec-
ond pillar, and it allows us to create a mapping be-
tween discipline-specific terminology and the notions
of the common terminology. The last pillar comprises
means to group knowledge in order to provide a va-
riety of access options to the knowledge for a wide
Schwittek W., Schmidt H., Eicker S. and Heisel M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003666303690374
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2011), pages 369-374
ISBN: 978-989-8425-81-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
range of different target groups. Since the CBK’s
content is semantically enriched, it can be precisely
queried in order to, e.g., find appropriate methods to
analyze and solve a given problem. Moreover, the
CBK can be used to contribute to identifying possible
research gaps, weaknesses, and interesting directions
for future research.
Another difference to existing BOKs is that our
CBK heavily relies on user participation supported
by the wiki platform Semantic MediaWiki
with ad-
ditional extensions (SMW+). Consequently, the CBK
supports collaborative writing and provides mecha-
nisms to build up and update the CBK. Since the CBK
will be opened for the public, our approach is comple-
mented by organizational means considering aspects
such as quality assurance to ensure a high quality of
We demonstrate our work using the example of
the EU project Network of Excellence (NoE) on Engi-
neering Secure Future Internet Software Services and
Systems (NESSoS)
, which aims at bringing together
researchers and practitioners from security engineer-
ing, service computing, and SE. One of the main
goals of the NESSoS project is to create a long-lasting
research community on engineering secure software
services and systems. Our approach for creating a
CBK presented in this paper is our contribution to this
The paper is organized as follows: we briefly
present our case study, the NESSoS EU project, and
outline use cases for the CBK in Sect. 2. In Sect. 3,
we present the concepts and an ontology underlying
our CBK. Section 4 introduces organizational mea-
sures of the CBK. We present related work in Sect. 5.
Finally, we conclude and raise ideas for future work
in Sect. 6.
The major goal of NESSoS is to lay the foundation
for a long-lasting research community on engineer-
ing secure software-based Future Internet services
and systems within a funding period of 42 months.
Thus, partners from different fields coming from both
academia and industry are re-addressing, harmoniz-
ing and integrating research activities. This interdis-
ciplinary and international research setting has a high
demand in transferring knowledge from research into
practice and triggering research from practical chal-
lenges. An impact on training and education activities
in Europe is expected as well. Within this overall ef-
fort of building a long-lasting research community the
CBK plays an integral part. It supports the commu-
nity to integrate and structure overlapping knowledge
areas (e.g. SE, security engineering, services comput-
ing). Having in mind that the CBK should serve as a
flexible computer-based handbook, we identified sev-
eral roles and use cases in order to sketch the function-
ality and the scope of the CBK. We identified the re-
searcher, practitioner, administrator and quality agent
as typical roles. Each role has different aims when
using the CBK, which have to be considered when
defining the use cases. We finally came up with two
groups of use cases. In the first group, use cases are
defined concerning the management of contents such
as adding and editing. In the second group, use cases
define different views on the same contents for dif-
ferent target groups and purposes. Two examples for
the second group of use cases are ”Overview of a spe-
cific knowledge area” and ”Comparison of different
knowledge entities of the same type”. Based on the
uses cases sketched in this section, we have identified
four key concepts for a CBK, which we present in the
next section.
The basic idea behind the structural concept of the
CBK is to be able to link arbitrary content classes
with each other and to allow users to browse con-
tent along the links. Furthermore, the aim is to pro-
vide several access possibilities to the CBK, each cus-
tomized to the target audiences and use cases the CBK
addresses. In the following, we introduce a concep-
tual framework that consists of four basic concepts:
knowledge objects, knowledge areas, learning trails,
and the common terminology. All these concepts can
be considered as the building blocks of the CBK.
We formalize these CBK concepts using a spe-
cial CBK ontology. Ontologies are used to capture
knowledge about some domain of interest. We use
the OWL (Web Ontology Language)
terminology in
the following. An ontology describes concepts and
relations between them. In OWL, a concept is spec-
ified in terms of a class, i.e., a set of individuals. An
individual represents a concrete object in the domain
in which we are interested. In general, in OWL a re-
lation is specified as a property, which represents a
binary relation between individuals.
We partially present the current ontology under-
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
0..1 0..*
Figure 1: CBK ontology (excerpt).
lying the NESSoS CBK in Fig. 1. We describe the
CBK concepts as well as their representation as part
of the CBK ontology in more detail in the following
3.1 Knowledge Objects
A knowledge object (KO) is a fundamental entity of
the CBK. The content of a KO is structured around
the problem and solution description (see exemplary
properties of KO class in Fig. 1) based on the pattern
approach prevalent in SE, such as design and architec-
tural patterns). Each KO can be linked to other KOs,
resulting in a network of KOs, which as a whole can
be considered as a representation of a body of knowl-
edge of a certain discipline. For the initial version of
the CBK, we derived four KO types, which we con-
sider as typical types of contributions to a body of
knowledge of an engineering discipline, engineering
secure software and services in particular. These KO
types are methods, tools, patterns, and notations (see
Fig. 1). We consider them as a starting point, open
for extensions in the future. Methods define a set of
activities, which in combination with a notation or a
number of notations are used to tackle problems in en-
gineering secure software and services in a systematic
way. Tools support a software engineer in achieving a
development goal in an (at least partially) automated
way. Patterns provide a form through which knowl-
edge about recurring development tasks is codified.
A notation defines symbols, a syntax, and semantics
to express relevant artifacts.
3.2 Knowledge Areas
We adopt the concept of knowledge areas (KA) from
the SWEBOK (Bourque and Dupuis, 2005) for our
CBK. KAs span the research field as a whole, divid-
ing it into smaller parts and providing an easier ac-
cess to subjects of interest. The SWEBOK was cre-
ated in a long process from 1998 to 2003, involving
approximately 500 reviewers from 42 countries in a
first phase and over 120 reviewers from 21 countries
in a second phase. One main result is the world-
wide accepted common understanding of what is to-
day viewed as SE. This includes the differentiation of
the field into a number of KAs on which we want to
base our KAs, e.g., software requirements and soft-
ware design (see exemplary properties of KA class in
Fig. 1). We took this decision because we regard the
field of engineering secure software and services as
a supplement of SE and therefore concerning all SE
KAs. In addition, we introduce KAs specific to the
fields of security and services based on standard liter-
ature. For example, we introduce the KAs risk anal-
ysis and privacy as presented in Anderson’s Security
Engineering book (Anderson, 2001).
Each KA consists of a description providing an
overview of the KA and its scope, as well as relation-
ships to other KAs. KAs are detailed further into sub-
areas, topics and sub-topics. Each topic or sub-topic
contains the following three items: A short state-of-
the-art description of the topic/sub-topic, links to KOs
supporting the topic/sub-topic and a list of the most
relevant publications for further reading.
3.3 Learning Trails
Learning trails are a structuring element meant to pro-
vide access to the common body of knowledge on
engineering secure software and services for differ-
ent target groups. This idea is based on the fact that
content has to be prepared in accordance with the
background of the reader. An expert in a topic area
expects more detailed information, whereas a non-
expert needs more contextual information in order to
be able to understand. Learning trails are therefore
written and categorized along different expert lev-
els indicating, e.g., what prior knowledge is required
to understand the content. Another differentiation is
made concerning the reader’s background: if (s)he is
from research or from practice. Learning trails are
realized by moderated tours, which guide the reader
through a set of KOs, which are considered to be part
of a certain topic. Each step builds upon the previous
step and gives a successive introduction into a topic
with respect to the reader’s expert level and back-
ground (see classes LearningTrail and LearningTrail-
Step in Fig. 1). The overall aim of this approach is
to provide access to the CBK for a broad spectrum of
people, regardless of whether the reader is a student,
an experienced expert, a practitioner, or a researcher.
3.4 Common Terminology
The aim of a common terminology is to enable a com-
munity to speak the same language; or at least to sim-
plify the translation of a term to another domain with
the help of a common reference or common term as
we want to call it in the following (see Fig. 1). A
common term is a term with a meaning on which an
agreement was reached within the community. With
the common terminology, we therefore introduce an
instrument for defining a common term with a certain
meaning and for relating different terms with the same
or a similar meaning to this common term. In the
opposite direction, the common terminology serves
the purpose of a dictionary from which synonyms and
translations can be queried. A term does not always
have the same exact meaning of another similar term,
so that deviations to the meaning of the common term
must be made explicit. In the CBK, this is realized by
three different relationship types. A term’s meaning
is either synonymical, broader or narrower in relation
to another term’s meaning (see relationships between
CommonTerm and KOTerm in Fig. 1).
The core CBK team initially creates an ontology
of terms of the domain “engineering secure software
and services” on basis of the existing CBK content
and term usage after a certain period of time. It is
then proposed to the community and refined within
regular feedback cycles.
Formulating a body of knowledge for a new discipline
is not a task which is accomplished by an individual.
It is a highly collaborative effort with many people
involved comprising many activities, such as having
discussions about what the core of the discipline is,
what common terminology to agree upon, and what
the state-of-the-art is constituted by, to name just a
few. It should also be realized collaboratively, be-
cause codifying the knowledge into words and sen-
tences or at least referencing existing knowledge like
books and papers means a lot of work. Since the work
is never finished, regarding of all new research results
contributing to the body of knowledge every day, col-
laboration is the only feasible way to keep the CBK
up-to-date. We acknowledge this by choosing a col-
laborative approach backed by SMW+ to build up a
CBK for engineering secure software and services re-
lying explicitly on user participation.
A CBK has the greatest benefit, if it is complete,
up-to-date, and valid. Especially in the beginning of
such a project this is not the case, leading to low ac-
ceptance and low user participation, if launched for
the public too early. We therefore conceived three
phases, each with a different focus and participation
style in order to work against this effect. Furthermore,
the CBK content has to be revised on a regular basis
to ensure a high quality, which can be summed up by
the question: How is content provisioning and quality
assurance supported best while relying on user partic-
We present the three phases in Sect. 4.1, and we
introduce quality assurance means in Sect. 4.2.
4.1 Three Phases
The first phase is a planning phase, in which all dis-
cussed aspects are considered while preparing the ini-
tial CBK structure and planning.
During an inception phase, content is provided
by a closed user group, consisting of experts from
different areas within the secure software develop-
ment field. These experts are mainly researchers from
NESSoS, where we profit from the opportunity of
having so many researchers linked together through
the NoE. The writing process is managed by a central
coordinator, who creates the initial CBK structure, de-
fines clear writing responsibilities, watches deadlines,
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
and ensures quality (see Sect. 4.2). At the end of this
phase, the result is a sound CBK content base pro-
viding a complete, up-to-date, and validated state-of-
the-art of this interdisciplinary research field. A high
benefit of this work is expected for researchers from
service, security, and software engineering. But also
practitioners will find it interesting to get a glimpse
on what current research has to offer.
The run phase is marked by the launch of the CBK
for the general public in terms of reading and writ-
ing. At this point in time, the CBK should provide
a complete overview of the research field of secure
software development. To launch the CBK with a
sound content base, which has mostly been created by
the community itself, increases the attraction of the
CBK for other people that we considered in the use
cases (see Sect. 2). Especially for practitioners and
for stakeholders other than researchers, learning trails
will guide through the vast amount of research results,
with respect to their expert level (see Sect. 3.3).
4.2 Quality Assurance
The SMW+ supports quality assurance tasks in dif-
ferent ways. Authors are notified via e-mail, when
other people have modified their KO. In the case of
vandalism or wrong information, it is possible to re-
vert the changes back to a previous state, making use
of the versioning functionality of SMW+. If provided
information is controversial, the system allows users
to have discussions for each knowledge object on the
same page. If new attributes are introduced into the
ontology, it is usually the case that these attributes
lack of values for existing individuals. SMW+ pro-
vides a mechanism to gather information about miss-
ing attribute values and allows us to notify the respec-
tive author. Furthermore, SMW+ provides an elabo-
rate access control mechanism, which makes it possi-
ble to define groups and assign read and write access
rights. We make use of this mechanism in order to
introduce roles, each with different access rights for,
e.g., KOs, KAs or administrative functions of SMW+.
Depending on the project phase, quality is assured
in different ways.
In the inception phase, quality is assured by a re-
strictive access control, allowing only partners of the
network to have full access to the CBK. Additionally,
a central quality assurance (QA) team will start their
work having a regular qualitative review on the con-
tents of the CBK, flagging them with a marker indi-
cating when a KO needs to be revised due to a low
content quality. But not only the QA team is able to
flag KOs. Everyone is allowed to flag an article if
vandalism is detected.
While the inception phase is characterized by
a controlled environment through a closed user
group, the run phase takes a more decentralized and
community-driven approach. Since we assume that
we will reach a critical mass of users during a short
period after going public, content contribution will in-
crease and self-regulation will become realistic. Thus,
quality assurance is incrementally shifted over to the
user, because the QA task is no more feasible to be ex-
ercised by a few experts. Instead, experts will rather
be assigned responsibilities along the knowledge ar-
eas, taking a more moderating role.
As already mentioned, the underlying SMW+
platform supports both approaches, providing ade-
quate collaboration functionality such as feedback
and access control mechanisms.
The concept of a codified BOK is not new and can be
found in many different disciplines. Compared to our
CBK, they all differ in how they were created and in
how knowledge is codified.
All of the BOKs presented in the following were
created top-down. By this we mean that an expert
team was formed or authors were chosen to write ar-
ticles. Our approach comprises a top-down phase, but
also a bottom-up phase in which the CBK is opened
to the public in terms of reading and writing (see
Sect. 4). This is comparable to the shift from the cre-
ation of the Encyclopedia Britannica to the creation of
Wikipedia, acknowledging the fact that new knowl-
edge is generated very fast and by many people these
A BOK mentioned before is the “Software
Engineering Body of Knowledge” aka SWEBOK
(Bourque and Dupuis, 2005), the most prominent
among all other BOKs within the SE discipline. The
Computer Engineering Body of Knowledge (Com-
puting Curricula 2005) (Div. Auth., 2006) and the
Software Engineering Education Knowledge (SEEK)
(part of (Div. Auth., 2004)) have a special focus on SE
education. The Project Management Body of Knowl-
edge (PMBOK) (Project Management Institute, 2008)
is also well-known and covers project management
knowledge in general. In the security field, BOKs do
exist with different focuses promoted by both indus-
try and governments such as the Information Tech-
nology Security Essential Body of Knowledge (U.S.
Department of Homeland SecurityOffice of Cyberse-
curity and Communications National Cyber Security
Division, 2008).
A more collaborative approach is taken by the two
BOK projects Usability BOK
and Build Security In
by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, both
also fostering user participation to provide content
following a bottom-up approach.
All of the BOKs presented so far do not allow
to be queried elaborately. Many BOKs only exist
as a book with access possibilities given by the ta-
ble of contents or a key word index, while others also
provide a hypertext system, allowing one to browse
content along links, such as the online version of the
, the IEEE Body of Knowledge on Services
or the Guide to the Systems Engineer-
ing Body of Knowledge (G2SEBoK)
. We go one step
further and allow more elaborate queries through our
CBK ontology with which we are able to semantically
enrich all CBK contents.
The need for defining a common terminology for
different interdisciplinary communities led to a large
number of publications in this area, e.g., the work by
Fabian et al. (Fabian et al., 2010) for SE and security.
Similar to our common terminology concept, their ap-
proach defines a taxonomy relating fundamental no-
tions across the different disciplines, and they spec-
ify to what extent notions from one discipline can be
translated into notions of the other discipline. The
main difference to our work is that Fabian et al. do
not complement their results by further concepts such
as KAs, learning trails, etc. to create a CBK.
In this paper, we presented a conceptual approach to
support bringing together disciplines based on a CBK.
We demonstrated our approach using the NESSoS EU
project and the interdisciplinary field of engineering
secure software and services.
Our approach comprises the following main con-
tributions to consolidate interdisciplinary communi-
KOs allows users to structure knowledge such as
best practices and research results according to
their type. Provided content is semantically en-
riched in an automated manner. This allows users
to browse, compare, and run complex queries on
the CBK.
The CBK introduces a mechanism to group
knowledge into KAs. This provides access to the
CBK via a hierarchical taxonomy and represents
a valuable instrument to discover gaps in practice
and research.
The common terminology helps the community
to find a common language of the different dis-
ciplines, and to define and use translations.
Learning trails provide access to the CBK for a
broader audience, practitioners and researchers in
The ontology which underlies the whole CBK
supports several representations of the CBK, in-
cluding known ones like books and hyper texts. It
provides the flexibility to create customized rep-
User participation is supported by adequate pro-
cesses and by the chosen SMW+, which might
lead to a more up-to-date, a more comprehensive,
and a sustainable CBK.
The realization of the CBK through SMW+ pro-
vides a smart means to allow collaborative cre-
ation and editing since SMW+ is fully integrated
with the design of the ontology.
In the future, we plan to elaborate more on us-
ing the ontology properties for specific use cases such
as identifying gaps in research areas. Moreover, we
want to include user rating mechanisms in our CBK
Anderson, R. (2001). Security Engineering. Wiley.
Bourque, P. and Dupuis, R., editors (2005). SWEBOK
Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowl-
edge. IEEE Computer Society.
Div. Auth. (2004). Software engineering 2004: Curriculum
guidelines for undergraduate degree programs in soft-
ware engineering.
Div. Auth. (2006). Computing Curricula 2005: The
Overview Report: A volume of the Computing Curric-
ula Series. Computing Curricula Series. Association
for Computing Machinery and Association for Infor-
mation Systems and IEEE Computer Society.
Fabian, B., G
urses, S., Heisel, M., Santen, T., and Schmidt,
H. (2010). A comparison of security requirements en-
gineering methods. Special Issue on Security Require-
ments Engineering, 15(1):7–40.
Project Management Institute (2008). A Guide to the
Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK
Guide). Project Management Institute, 4th edition.
U.S. Department of Homeland SecurityOffice of Cyberse-
curity and Communications National Cyber Security
Division (2008). Information technology (IT) secu-
rity essential body of knowledge (EBK): A compe-
tency and functional framework for it security work-
force development.
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing