classification of normal subjects and epileptic pa-
tients were done with the accuracy of 100%, only if
when the number of features for classification M and
the size of dictionary N are properly set.
Although the proposed method has shown good
performance on the EEG signal classification, there
still remain some problems to be solved. The speed
is relatively slow and the selection of dictionary size
and number of features is a key point to classifica-
tion accuracy. So how to speed up the sparse repre-
sentation calculation and how to automatically de-
termine the size of dictionary and the number of
features suitable to EEG classification are our future
The authors wish to thank the anonymous reviewers
for their useful suggestions and comments on the
paper. And the authors also would like to express
their sincere thanks to Ms. Xiuling Zhou for her
many useful suggestions.
The research work described in this paper was
fully supported by the grants from the National
Natural Science Foundation of China, (Project No.
90820010, 60911130513) Prof. Guo is the author to
whom the correspondence should be addressed, his
E-Mail address is pguo@ieee.org
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