Richa Sharma
and K. K. Biswas
School of Information Technology, IIT, Delhi, India
Department of Computer Science, IIT, Delhi, India
Keywords: Requirement engineering, Requirement engineering problem, Knowledge engineering, Ontology.
Abstract: The growing interest in Ontology has resulted in an increasing interest in Ontology based Requirement
Engineering over last few years and a lot has been talked about ontological approach towards the core
problem of requirement engineering, i.e. requirements representation and analysis. However, it is important
to understand the Requirement Engineering problem and to what extent Ontology can serve as solution to
this problem. There are two aspects to the problem – first establishing and evolving Requirement
Engineering ontology and second aspect pertains to the Ontology of the business domain in question. In this
paper, we discuss the second aspect in detail as requirement engineering is all about capturing, validating
and maintaining the requirements for the system in question. We argue that though ontology provides the
building blocks for the solution to the requirements problem but the blocks need to be integrated into a
process-flow satisfying the quality needs and environmental constraints.
The interest in formalizing Requirement Engineering
practices has aroused a growing interest in making
use of Ontology in the field of Requirement
Engineering. Ontology has been listed as a part of
metaphysics dealing with questions like what
entities exist or can be said to exist, how these can
be grouped, related within a hierarchy, and sub-
divided according to similarities and differences.
Drawing a parallel between philosophy and
information science, it can be said that ontology is
an explicit specification of conceptualization
(Gruber, 1993). Ontology is a representation of
knowledge as set of concepts and their relationships;
and, can be used to reason about entities, hierarchies
and the relationships within that domain. A
Requirements Engineer needs to perform similar
task while modelling and analyzing the requirements
during requirements processing. Ontology offers a
suitable solution to the tasks of a requirements
engineer. These two fields, namely Ontology and
Requirement Engineering (RE hereafter), have a lot
in common.
Whilst much work has focused on ontology-
based requirement engineering (Dobson and Sawyer,
2006); (Yu, 1997); (Breitman and Leite, 2003) it is
interesting to study the role played by ontologies in
RE. In this paper, we study if ontologies can be
viewed as a solution to the basic RE problem –
requirements representation. Before arriving at a
conclusion, we need to have a careful look at the RE
problem and the kind of solution expected. The
remainder of this paper is organized as: Section 2
discusses the RE problem. In section 3, we present
the relevance of ontology in context of RE. Section
4 presents an illustration with reference to the points
studied in section 3. Finally, we conclude on
applicability of ontology to RE in section 5.
The direction of work in RE has varied based on
programming practices on one hand to business
goals on other hand. These varying directions have
resulted in different approaches to RE as: structured
RE, object-oriented RE, aspect-oriented RE, goal-
oriented RE. Despite their differing nature, the
central problem that RE aims at resolving is still the
same – the requirements problem. Broadly speaking,
the requirements problem has to deal with what is to
be represented and secondly, how it is to be
Sharma R. and Biswas K..
DOI: 10.5220/0003667204610465
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2011), pages 461-465
ISBN: 978-989-8425-80-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
represented. Let’s discuss each of these two points of
requirements problem in detail below.
2.1 What is to be Represented?
The elicited requirements are a reflection of the real-
world system including entities; their properties, and
behaviour within the constraints of the domain.
Requirements representation needs to cover all the
relevant aspects of the real-world under normal as
well as exceptional scenarios. There are constraints
and the presuppositions that need to find its way in
the requirements representation. The analyst usually
grapples with the issue of coming up with a
requirements representation that portrays the real-
world system as close as possible. As suggested in
(Zave and Jackson, 1997), requirements problem
amounts to finding the representation S, that for
given domain assumption K satisfies the given
requirements R. If K, S and R are represented in
mathematical logic, then the requirements problem
is solved once the requirements engineer finds S
such that K, S |- R.
The RE ontology is expected to cover an
exhaustive spectrum of real-world system as
discussed above. RE ontology itself has been refined
and evolved over last few years. In (Jureta,
Mylopoulos and Faulkner, 2008) RE core ontology
has been revisited to include goal, softgoal, quality
constraint, plan and domain assumption; and the
relationships are attitude-based optionality and
preference, justified approximation and non-
monotonic consequence. But an object-oriented view
of the system is missing here. Since our focus is to
examine whether ontology can play an effective role
in RE or not, we won’t delve deeper into the concern
of RE ontology. Nevertheless, this discussion
prepares the ground for our arguments in context of
ontology’s role in RE to be covered in next section.
2.2 How It is to be Represented?
This question is important from the point of view of
how the representation is going to be utilized. An
answer to this question needs to address the
appropriate level of abstraction, generalization and
prioritization; and, this appropriate level has to do
with the expressivity and reasoning power of the
representation. Most of the formalism for
requirements representation is often reducible to
first-order logic. RML (Greenspan et al., 1986) and
Telos (Mylopoulos et al., 1990) representations find
their well-formedness and semantics in the roots of
first order logic. KAOS (Dardenne et al., 1996) and
i* (Yu, 1997) representations are goal-oriented in
nature. The advantage of formal representation of
requirements lies in reasoning with representations
for inferencing purpose. We would like to highlight
whatever approach is adopted for requirements
representation; the representation should be
expressive, flexible and should have sufficiently
good reasoning and inferencing power.
In the words of Gruber, ontology is a specification
of conceptualization (Gruber, 1993). Ontologies are
useful for defining a common vocabulary for a
domain, and coming up with a common taxonomy of
terms used across multiple stakeholders. We discuss
the relevance of ontology in context of RE below:
3.1 Knowledge Capturing
The real-world concepts have been represented
using various other methodologies prior to
ontological technique like UML class diagrams
(Booch et al., 1990), conceptual graphs (Mineau et
al., 2000). Ontology also belongs to the family of
knowledge representation languages for authoring
concepts. With the advent of web ontology
language, OWL (OWL), ontologies offer a relatively
easy mechanism of sharing information across web.
As the nature of RE problem involves capturing and
sharing information across multiple interested
parties, ontology offers potential use from two
points of view - first, ability to define common
vocabulary for the represented knowledge and
second, the ability to share information in terms of
the defined vocabulary. Though ontology serves as a
suitable technique for presenting a unified shared
view of the world, but is that sufficient to capture the
requirements of a real-world system for which an
information system is to be developed? We’ll
explore this question in the next section.
3.2 Limitations
The limitations of ontology in context of RE can be
considered in terms of following points:
1. Dependency on Domain Experts. Capturing well-
defined, ordered and meaningful ontology pertaining
to a certain domain requires the involvement of
subject-matter or domain experts (SMEs hereafter)
to correctly classify and group the entities.
Availability of SMEs is a problem and secondly,
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
ontology-building task in itself is an arduous and
time-consuming one. Also, the model cannot be built
in one go – it evolves over time with multiple inputs
pouring in. Another dependency on SMEs comes
from the fact that there are implicit knowledge
components in any domain under consideration.
These can be in terms of entities classification;
association or the rule processing part. Since SMEs
are well-versed with the system behaviour, it
becomes important to take their views to ensure that
modelling is correct and complete.
2. Exceptions in Hierarchies. The hierarchies
captured through ontologies can possibly have
exceptions in terms of attributes or behaviour
exhibited by them. Unfortunately there is no way to
represent such exceptions or prioritize the ontologies
to avoid conflicts. A famous example relevant to this
scenario is that of bird ontology where classification
into flying and non-flying birds is a problem.
Though there are alternatives to capture this
behavioural exception but that does not go in line
with abstraction properties.
3. Constraints. Any business domain under study
will definitely be operating under certain constraints
related to mode of operation or external factors.
Ontologies support expressions for the constraints
that are expressible in terms of attributes of entities.
But, other constraints like pertaining to the
environment or to the mode of operation of the
domain are not always expressible as ontology. For
example: number of permissible seats to enrol for a
course may vary as per the course level, course
name, year of admission etc. It is not possible to
generalize number of seats at a particular level.
Adding this as a constraint would require procedural
logic representation to express the constraints. This
refers to a situation owing to the mode of operation.
4. Business Processing Rules. The business
processing rules are an important aspect of the real-
world system as rules only govern the behaviour of
the entities in a domain; define their tasks and
sequence them in a manner that aids in collectively
achieving a common goal of the domain under
study. Ontology provides the building blocks of the
system; but it is the business rules that act as a
system integrating agent by binding the system in a
way that it doesn’t fail and remains operational.
Ontologies are not sufficient to capture business
processing rules owing to two main reasons, namely:
business processing rules are usually complex in
nature; and secondly, they span across multiple
entities and different attributes. It is imperative to
integrate some means of rule-processing techniques
or methodologies with ontology.
5. Conflicting views. When it comes to business
requirements, users and various other stakeholders
can have multiple conflicting views corresponding
to a certain processing, or even classification and
grouping of entities. There can be conflicting
requirements and prioritized requirements. The latter
ones refer to trade-off decisions that can be reached
to a consensus through ranking or prioritizing the
requirements. But conflicting viewpoints for some
requirement in a particular release of software need
to be addressed while specifying the requirements.
We studied the grade-processing part of an
educational organization with the idea of expressing
the requisite knowledge as ontology only. Though
grade-processing part is rule-intensive, we took the
challenge of writing the given use-cases using
ontological approach only. Our aim in conducting
this experiment was to determine if software
requirements can be expressed in terms of ontology
alone. The experiment started with the identification
of entities, relevant attributes and relations in the
grade-processing sub-system. We identified a total
of 7 entities along with their attributes as:
1) Student 2) Administrator
3) Dean 4) Course-Coordinator
5) Head of Department (HoD)
6) Moderating Committee Chairman
7) Grades and their sub-categories
This experiment could not serve as a good example
of point 2 discussed in section-3.2 as the only
classification was in case of grades with no
exception scenario. We’ll now discuss our
observations for the remaining four points:
1. Dependency on SME. Within the periphery of
students’ grade processing, identifying the ontology
was not ambiguous. But, few use-cases presented the
instances of implicit/tacit knowledge for which
SMEs had to be consulted. Direct Grade Change
use-case processing stated: User initiates ‘Direct
Grade Change’. User selects academic year,
semester and student whose grades need to be
changed. User submits the information to save.
The precondition was: Grade rules must be
defined in the system and grades should be
submitted and approved. And, the post-condition
part stated: Grades submitted are finalized.
Apparently, there is no problem in this use-case.
But, studying it with other use-cases where three
different levels of approval are defined, we needed
SME’s advice as to understand when can admin
intervene for changing the grades? Also, what is
meant by grade finalization and if finalization and
approval refer to same status? These questions led to
the refinement of the values for attribute - status
associated with grades. The fact that value of an
attribute can play a significant role in deciding the
operations-flow cannot be unravelled through
ontological approach.
2. Constraints. The grade master mapping use-case
describes as: User has the option to specify the
grade details like grade points and whether it is pass
grade or not. The pass grade points vary from A to E
and F would indicate Fail. Students’ relative scores
are mapped to grade points. Course coordinator can
alter the mapping under special circumstances and
assess the student by asking him to appear for re-
exam or viva.
Expressing the score mappings to grade points
with pass or fail constraint was easy to implement as
Ontology. But the additional constraints of alteration
of mapping by the course coordinator under special
circumstances couldn’t be captured as representing
this knowledge requires procedural logic.
3. Business Processing Rules. The Grade
Conversion use-case was defined with processing
part stating: User initiates ‘Grade Conversion’
process. User selects academic year, semester and
course of which he wants to change the grade. User
then selects the student names and can optionally
give remarks while converting the grade. The
updated information is saved.
The post-condition part stated: Grade status gets
modified and entire workflow of grade approval is
initiated. We couldn’t capture this kind of an
ordered workflow as represented in the use-case
mentioned above using ontology alone.
4. Conflicting Views. There were conflicting views
on grade conversion process among departments.
The rules for grade assignment and grade conversion
criterion varied across multiple departments. It is
possible for student to be registered in one
department and take course in another department –
there was conflict in this case which constraint
should be applied for grade conversion. We could
associate the constraints with each of the
departments but could not associate prioritization
part between various departments. This particular
use-case served an excellent example of implicit
knowledge which is there with the people in the
system but unknown to the developer.
A study of above example shows that ontologies are
an expressive means for modelling and designing the
semantic structure of the domain under study. But
the remaining part of RE ontology - business
processing rules, the exceptions and conflicting
views is not expressible in terms of ontologies. A lot
of focus has been there on ontology based RE but it
won’t be incorrect to say that the approach is like
reinventing the wheel. UML, RML and conceptual
graph based entity models are equally good for
conceptualising the domain under study. The only
advantage of Ontology based approach is in sharing
the Ontology across web. It won’t be worthwhile to
over-engineer if other suitable form of class
diagrams already exist or, possibly need not be
shared across web. Eventually, requirement analyst
would need to integrate the domain ontology model
with business processing methodology.
Finally, we would like to conclude with the
statement that the approach of ontology-based
requirement engineering needs to be substantiated
with additional rule-processing mechanism; conflict-
handling and prioritization.
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