Definition and Characteristics
Kurt Sandkuhl
Institute of Computer Science, Rostock University, Ulmenstr. 69, Rostock, Germany
School of Engineering, Jönköping University, Box 1026, Jönköping, Sweden
Keywords: Organisational knowledge, Pattern, Enterprise Modelling, Knowledge pattern.
Abstract: The importance of managing organizational knowledge for enterprises has been recognized since decades.
Enterprise knowledge modeling contributes to this subject by offering methods, tools and approaches for
capturing knowledge in formalized models supporting the lifecycle of organizational knowledge
management. The paper focuses on reuse of organizational knowledge in different organizational contexts
by using patterns. We argue that organizational knowledge patterns have to combine technical and cognitive
qualities in order to support organizational knowledge creation and IT-supported knowledge reuse. The
contributions of the paper are (1) to define of the term organizational knowledge pattern in relation to other
pattern types, (2) to identify characteristics of such patterns, and (3) to examine two established pattern
types from knowledge engineering to expose the key features of organizational knowledge patterns.
The importance of managing organizational
knowledge for enterprises has been recognized since
decades. The expectation is that systematic
development and reuse of organizational knowledge
will help to improve the competitiveness of the
enterprise under consideration. Enterprise
knowledge modelling contributes to this purpose by
offering methods, tools and approaches for capturing
knowledge about processes and products in
formalized models in order to support the entire
lifecycle of organizational knowledge management.
The paper focuses on a specific aspect of
enterprise knowledge management: organizational
knowledge prepared for reuse in different
organizational contexts by using patterns. The use of
patterns in computer science has some tradition (see
Section 2.1); in knowledge management and
knowledge engineering patterns commonly provide
reusable components or methods for well-defined
problems in specific knowledge engineering
contexts. However, such patterns focus more on
technical characteristics than on cognitive qualities
required for supporting organizational aspects of
knowledge creation and management. We argue that
organizational knowledge patterns have to combine
technical and cognitive qualities in order to support
organizational knowledge creation and IT-supported
knowledge reuse.
If we consider information or knowledge-
intensive industry or service sectors as an
application context for such reusable organizational
knowledge, the time to deployment and the required
efforts become an issue. With time to deployment
we denote the time from selecting a knowledge
pattern to an operative use of this knowledge.
Operational use usually does not only require a
transfer of the knowledge captured in the knowledge
pattern to the individuals in the organization
supposed to use this very knowledge, but also the
implementation of supporting IT systems, like work
flow or information management support, by
configuring existing platforms, executing the model
as such or implementing new software systems. In
the light of the ever increasing pressure for more
efficiency and shorter time-to-market, the ideal
organizational knowledge pattern would be easy-to-
understand and easy-to-deploy. But what features
should organizational knowledge patterns have in
order to meet these requirements of being easy-to-
understand and easy-to-deploy? How close are the
many existing pattern types to this vision of “ideal”
ones and how could they be enhanced? As initial
contributions to these questions, the paper offers (1)
the definition of the term organizational knowledge
pattern in relation to other pattern types, (2) the
Sandkuhl K..
ORGANIZATIONAL KNOWLEDGE PATTERNS - Definition and Characteristics.
DOI: 10.5220/0003667702300235
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2011), pages 230-235
ISBN: 978-989-8425-81-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
identification of characteristics of such patterns, and
(3) the examination of two established pattern types
from knowledge engineering in order to expose the
key features of organizational knowledge patterns.
The research approach used is exploratory.
Grounded in relevant related work, we propose a
new concept and discuss its validity.
After an introduction to the background of this
work (Section 2), the term of organizational
knowledge pattern is defined and discussed (Section
3). In Section 4, the paper presents two different
kinds of patterns: enterprise model patterns and
ontology design patterns. Section 5 discusses the
given definition and briefly compares the pattern
types. A short summary concludes the work in
section 6.
Two areas forming the background for work
presented in this paper will be briefly introduced in
this section: pattern use in computer science and
enterprise knowledge modelling.
For more than a decade, patterns have been
popular in computer science and were introduced for
numerous areas. The seminal book on patterns was
published by the “Gang of Four” (Gamma et al.,
1995) and focuses on software design patterns.
Many other books followed, basically offering
patterns for all phases of the software development
process, including analysis patterns (Fowler, 1997)
and software architecture patterns (Buschmann et
al., 2000). The pattern idea was adapted in other
areas of computer science, like workflow patterns
(van der Aalst et al., 2003) or ontology patterns
(Blomqvist, 2005). Despite the many different fields
addressed by these different pattern types, they share
some characteristics:
They are based on experiences and deeply
rooted in the practice of the field.
They are not meant to be used blindly as they
are. You have to understand the core idea and
adjust or apply it for the problem at hand.
They do not only help to build software,
processes or models, but also to communicate
approaches within a team.
Enterprise modelling, in general terms, is
addressing the systematic analysis and modelling of
processes, organization structures, products
structures, IT-systems or any other perspective
relevant for the modelling purpose (Vernadat, 1996).
Enterprise models can be applied for various
purposes, such as visualization of current processes
and structures in an enterprise, process improvement
and optimization, introduction of new IT solutions
or analysis purposes. Frameworks like GERAM and
CIMOSA or the results of FP6-IP-ATHENA
(Ruggaber, 2006) aim at supporting enterprise
engineering in the large by providing reusable
enterprise models for administrative and
manufacturing functions commonly found in
enterprises of a specific domain.
Enterprise knowledge modelling combines and
extends approaches and techniques from enterprise
modelling. The knowledge needed for performing a
certain task in an enterprise or for acting in a certain
role has to include the context of the individual,
which requires including all relevant perspectives in
the same model. Thus, an essential characteristic of
knowledge models are “mutually reflective views of
the different perspectives included in the model”
(Lillehagen and Krogstie, 2009). Enterprise
knowledge modelling aims at capturing reusable
knowledge of processes and products in knowledge
architectures supporting work execution.
Enterprise knowledge modelling has a tradition
of using visual models, which basically allow for
adapting the language extension (i.e. the graphemes,
vocabulary and syntax of the modelling language) to
the application domain. This contributes to
increasing social pragmatic quality, i.e. to what
extent the stakeholders understand and can apply the
models. Enterprise domains often are socially
constructed and intersubjectively agreed upon, and
enterprise knowledge models usually created as part
of a dialogue among the participants involved in
This section introduces and defines the term
“organizational knowledge pattern” in the context of
relevant work from knowledge engineering (3.1) and
from organizational knowledge management (3.2).
We decided to contrast the requirements from
organizational knowledge management, expressed as
features of reusable knowledge which we chose to
call organizational knowledge patterns, with
characteristics of contemporary approaches for
reusing knowledge which commonly are referred to
as knowledge patterns.
3.1 Knowledge Patterns
The term knowledge pattern has been explicitly
ORGANIZATIONAL KNOWLEDGE PATTERNS - Definition and Characteristics
defined by Clark, Thomson and Porter in the context
of knowledge representation (Clark et al., 2000).
They define “a pattern as a first-order theory whose
axioms are not part of the target knowledge-base,
but can be incorporated via a renaming of the non-
logical symbols” (Clark et al., 2000, p.6). The
intention is to help construct formal ontologies by
explicitly representing recurring patterns of
knowledge, so called theory schemata, and by
mapping these patterns on domain-specific concepts.
Staab (Staab et al., 2001) investigated the use of
so called “semantic patterns” for enabling reuse
across languages when engineering machine-
processable knowledge. Semantic patterns consist in
this approach of one description of the core elements
independent from the actual implementation and for
each target language a description that allows for
translating the core elements into the target
language. Compared to knowledge patterns,
semantic patterns try to separate engineering
knowledge from language-specific implementations
instead of theories from domains they are applied in.
Knowledge formalization patterns have been
proposed by Puppe as rather simple templates
proven in practice for the (mass) formalization of
knowledge (Puppe, 2000). Puppe puts a lot of
emphasis on proven problem solving methods,
which uncover implicit knowledge of experts.
3.2 Organisational Knowledge
In organization theory and management science
different views on knowledge from an
organizational perspective have been published and
discussed. One important dimension often discussed
is the distinction between two types of knowledge,
which is based on the work of Polanyi (Polanyi,
1958): explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge.
Explicit knowledge refers to knowledge that is
codified, i.e. transmittable in a formal representation
or language. Tacit knowledge is hard to formalize
due to its personal quality of “simply knowing how
to do something” in a specific context.
Organizational knowledge includes both, tacit and
explicit knowledge.
In this context, the paper follows the opinion of
Nonaka that an organization cannot create
knowledge without individuals, i.e. at a fundamental
level, knowledge is created by individuals (Nonaka,
1994). The organization supports individuals and
provides a context for knowledge creation.
Organizational knowledge creation includes
processes that organizationally amplify the
knowledge created by the individuals and
crystallizes it as part of the knowledge network of
the organization.
Spender (Spender, 1996) discusses the term
organizational knowledge from a perspective of
organizational science and management science. The
article comes to the conclusion of two parallel views
on organizational knowledge. The first one
separating the notion of knowledge from learning
and memory, which essentially leads to a perception
of knowledge as an asset of the organization, with its
implicit conservation or constancy in quantity. The
second view perceives knowledge as public good
whose quantity and value is not diminished by
sharing it and as a subject to extension and reshaping
rather than conservation. Spender states that “Assets,
as resources, are compounded with knowledge about
their use, knowledge of a different type.”
3.3 Organisational Knowledge Patterns
As motivated in the introduction, organizational
knowledge patterns should combine technical
features and cognitive quality and in an ideal case be
easy-to-understand and easy-to-deploy. With easy-
to-understand we address the challenge of providing
knowledge to individuals in a way which for their
context of use has the appropriate presentation and
quality and thus eases the internalization of
knowledge. With easy-to-deploy we target a
representation of the knowledge which is adaptable
to a specific organizational context and formalized
or specified in a way that eases the provision of IT
solutions supporting the knowledge use. As a
contribution to promote these features, we propose
to extend by Clark’s knowledge patterns by
supporting more explicitly the focus on providing
characteristics for organizational knowledge. In this
context, we define the term organizational
knowledge pattern as follows:
An organizational knowledge pattern is a
formalization of knowledge for a recurring
organizational task abstracting from organization-
specific aspects, which is of value for an
organizational actor and an asset for an
In the context of this definition, the following
characteristics of organizational knowledge patterns
(OKP) have to be emphasized:
OKP need to represent organizational
knowledge, not individual knowledge, i.e.
support the organizational knowledge creation
process, the organizational context for use of
knowledge by individuals as opposed to
supporting knowledge creation of an individual.
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
OKP address recurring organizational tasks and
at the same time abstracting from a specific
organization, i.e. like most other kinds of
patterns in computer science is the description
of the core elements independent from the actual
solution for an organization.
OKP are expressed in a formalized way, which
requires a formal language or at least a
structured representation. Thus, OKP are
explicit knowledge.
OKP are an asset of the organization, i.e. are not
only a resource as such but capture knowledge
about the resource’s use. This means they do not
only capture how to use the pattern (as for many
computer science patterns) but how to use the
An OKP is of value for an organizational actor
in its original form and / or its adaptation for a
specific organization.
The cognitive and technical quality of an OKP is
adequate for the stakeholders, i.e. the OKP are
developed and described for a defined context of
usage with identified stakeholders.
We propose to use the term organizational
knowledge pattern in order to emphasize that
explicit organizational knowledge is represented and
on the other side the technical quality of knowledge
patterns is reached. Furthermore, the intention is to
expose from an organizational perspective the
weakness of today’s knowledge pattern types and
the discussion in the knowledge representation
community. At the same time the value and the
suitability of today’s knowledge pattern
developments as a basis for considerations from an
organizational perspective.
Reusing organizational knowledge has been subject
of research activities for many years. Two
approaches for capturing organisational knowledge
were selected for further discussion in this paper and
shall be presented in this section: task patterns
(section 4.1) and ontology design patterns (4.2.).
These developments were selected since they use
different perspectives on organisational knowledge,
and since they have already been used outside
academia in an organisational context.
4.1 Task Patterns
The concept of task pattern is a result of the EU-FP6
project MAPPER. In this project, collaborative
engineering was supported by adaptable models
capturing best practices for reoccurring tasks in
networked enterprises. These best practices were
represented as active knowledge models using the
POPS* perspectives. Active knowledge models are
visual models of selected aspects of an enterprise,
which cannot only be viewed and analyzed, but also
executed and adapted during execution. The POPS*
perspectives include the enterprise’s processes (P),
the organization structure (O), the product developed
(P), the IT system used (S) and other aspects deemed
relevant when modelling (*).
The term “task patterns” was introduced for
these adaptable visual models, as they are not only
applicable in a specific company, but are also
considered relevant for other enterprises in the
application domain under consideration. Task
pattern in this context is defined as “self-contained
model template with well-defined connectors to
application environments capturing knowledge
about best practices for a clearly defined task”
(Sandkuhl, 2010). In this context, self-contained
means that a task pattern includes all POPS*
perspectives, model elements and relationships
between the model elements required for capturing
the knowledge reflecting a best practice. Model
template indicates the use of a well-defined
modelling language and that no instances are
contained in the task patterns. Connectors are model
elements representing the adaptation of the task
pattern to target application environments.
The representation of a task pattern consists of
the description of the problem addressed by the task
pattern, a knowledge model proposing a solution for
the problem addressed, and a rationale behind the
solution, i.e. an explanation about the most
important preconditions, principal results and most
important work steps.
4.2 Ontology Design Patterns
In a computer science context, the aim is to
efficiently produce high quality ontologies as a basis
for semantic web applications or enterprise
knowledge management. Despite quite a few well-
defined ontology construction methods and a
number of reusable ontologies offered on the
Internet, efficient ontology development continues
to be a challenge, since this still requires a lot of
experience and knowledge of the underlying logical
ORGANIZATIONAL KNOWLEDGE PATTERNS - Definition and Characteristics
theory. Ontology Design Patterns (ODP) are
considered a promising contribution to this
challenge. In 2005, the term ontology design pattern
in its current interpretation was mentioned by
Gangemi (Gangemi, 2005) and introduced by
Blomqvist and Sandkuhl (Blomqvist and Sandkuhl,
2005). Blomqvist defines the term as “a set of
ontological elements, structures or construction
principles that solve a clearly defined particular
modelling problem“. Ontology design patterns are
considered as encodings of best practices, which
help to reduce the need for extensive experience
when developing ontologies, i.e. the well-defined
solutions encoded in the patterns can be exploited by
less experienced engineers when creating ontologies.
The two types of ODP probably receiving most
attention are logical and content ODP. Logical ODP
focus only on the logical structure of the
representation, i.e. this pattern type is targeting
aspects of language expressivity, common problems
and misconceptions. Content ODP often are
instantiations of logical ODP offering actual
modelling solutions. Due to the fact that these
solutions contain actual classes, properties, and
axioms, content ODP are considered by many
researchers as domain-dependent, even though the
domain might be considering general issues like
‘events’ or ‘situations’.
After defining the term of organizational knowledge
patterns in section 3.3, the purpose of this section is
an application of the characteristics and their initial
validation by investigating to what extent the
patterns type presented in section 4 is an
organizational knowledge patterns. Furthermore, we
will briefly discuss whether or not the concept of
organizational knowledge patterns helps to achieve
reusable knowledge easy-to-understand and easy-to
deploy. Table 1 shows the characteristics of OKP
introduced in section 3.3 and to what extent task
patterns show these characteristics. The purpose of
this comparison is to illustrate the borderline
between knowledge patterns and organization
knowledge patterns. Not only offering reusable
organizational knowledge, but also making the
context of its use explicit, requires the inclusion of
the task to be performed. Task patterns meet this
characteristic, ontology design patterns do not. All
other characteristics are equally met by both
table also illustrates some of the future
Table 2: Comparing task patterns and ODP based on
characteristics of OKP.
Characteristic of
Task Pattern
Ontology Design
For an organizational
Task patterns are
capturing specific
organizational tasks
Ontology design pattern in
general do not address
tasks, but capture best
practices for “engineering
Are recurring
Task patterns were
developed with the
intention to be reused in
various enter-prises;
reuse has been reported
in some cases
Ontology design patterns
are available for reuse and
numerous cases of reuse
have been reported
Abstracting from
organization specific
Task patterns need to be
configured and adjusted
for the target
organization, i.e. the
pattern provides an
abstraction from a
specific organization
Ontology design patterns
need to be configured and
adjusted for the target
ontology, i.e. the pattern as
such provides an
abstraction from a specific
Formalization of
Task patterns are
formalized in a
modelling language
Ontology design patterns
are captured in ontology
Asset for organization
The evaluation of task
pattern use confirmed
economic advantages for
the organizations using
them. An investigation
whether task patterns are
considered an asset was
not performed yet.
In organizations
developing or using
ontologies, we expect this
characteristic to be met.
However, an investigation
towards this aspect was not
performed yet.
Of value for an
organizational actor
The evaluation of task
patterns shows
acceptance by the actors
involved, i.e. it is
assumed that they are of
value for them
Ontology design patterns
are expected to be of value
for ontology engineers, i.e.
in organizations
developing or using
ontology, this
characteristics will be met
Stakeholder adequate
The evaluation of task
pattern showed adequate
quality for both,
IT-experts and
The quality is deemed to
be considered adequate for
ontology engineers.
research needs. To validate the characteristics of
being of value for an organizational actor and an
asset for the organization requires additional efforts
and probably a new perspective in validation.
The main difference between knowledge patterns
(section 3.1) and organizational knowledge patterns
is the organizational focus, which is emphasizing the
importance of also representing the context of
knowledge use in order to be able to reduce time-to-
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
solution. The lessons learned from task pattern use
and the positive results of the economic evaluation
in this context (Sandkuhl, 2010) are supporting this
perspective but are far from sufficient. Much more
and systematic evaluation has to be performed.
The ambition of organizational knowledge
patterns to be easy-to-understand has to be discussed
in the context of the intended use of these patterns.
Aiming at organizational knowledge management,
different groups of stakeholders are involved,
including business professionals applying the
context part and IT specialists using the technical
part of the patterns. Involvement of non-IT-
professionals in model development and use and
effects of notation on model understanding have
been subject to numerous research activities. There
is an opinion that visual models with stakeholder
adapted terms and language extensions increase
pragmatic quality. This view supports our proposal
to apply visual modelling languages. Again, more
work is needed.
The work presented addresses the subject of
organizational knowledge patterns as contribution to
systematic development and reuse of organizational
knowledge. The contributions of this paper are the
definition of the term organizational knowledge
pattern in relation to other pattern types from
computer science, to identify characteristics of such
patterns, and to examine task patterns and ontology
design patterns in order to expose the key features of
organizational knowledge patterns.
One of the purposes the definition of
organizational knowledge patterns was to make
explicit what the commonalities and what the
differences to related terms in knowledge
engineering are. Organizational knowledge patterns
and established knowledge patterns show a number
of commonalities, like separation of structure and
solution, capturing of recurring knowledge, or use of
formalization. Future work on organizational
knowledge patterns will benefit from having these
commonalities in mind and of trying to apply and
transfer experiences from knowledge pattern use to
organizational knowledge patterns.
From a computer science perspective, sound and
fairly mature technological concepts for representing
and deploying knowledge patterns exist, but more
attention should be paid to organizational aspects,
like business value and deployability.
Further work has to be spent on refining the
requirements of patterns being easy-to-understand
and easy-to-deploy. The concept of being easy-to-
understand could be refined by using work from
model quality or the physics of visual languages. For
easy-to-deploy, classifications for the formalization
of models and specifications, like the differentiation
between executable and enactable, would be relevant
when detailing this concept.
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ORGANIZATIONAL KNOWLEDGE PATTERNS - Definition and Characteristics