Mohamed Kharrat, Anis Jedidi and Faiez Gargouri
Multimedia, Information systems and Advanced Computing Laboratory, SFAX University, Sfax, Tunisia
Keywords: Semantic, Multimedia, Relationships.
Abstract: Existing systems or architectures does not almost provide a way to localize sub-parts of multimedia objects
(e.g. sub regions of images, persons, events…), which represents semantics of resources. In this paper, we
describe semantic relationships between resources, how to represent and create them via contextual schema.
In our main system, we use languages such as XQuery to query XML resources. Using this contextual
schema, the previously hidden query result can be reused to answer a subsequent query.
Advances in multimedia technologies have made the
storage of huge multimedia documents collections
on computer systems possible. In order to allow an
efficient exploitation of these collections, designing
tools for accessing data resources is required. One of
the biggest challenges is the exploitation of these
collections as well as search and querying. But the
lack of efficiency is perceived as the main obstacle
for a large-scale deployment of semantic
technologies. Following the same process, our
system published already (Kharrat, 2011), proposes
to retrieve multimedia documents using a
multimodal approach. The main characteristic of our
system is the use of two languages, XQuery and
SPARQL to interrogate the description of
multimedia resources. Performance of our system
(Kharrat, 2011) can be significantly increased by
applying a semantic relationship schema in a
contextual document description.
The importance of discovering such links is
essentially for retrieving relevant hidden resources
in results.
The algorithm which is exposed here, allows the
generation and publication of linked data from
metadata. Any resource which is composed of many
parts could have many relationships with other
The aim of this paper is to present how to
implement semantic relationships between data
along with media resources.
The upcoming step will be the integration of this
mechanism over XQuery language, which gives the
possibility to add new relationship through queries.
That means, concerning resources which are results
of queries, we create new relationships based on
these resources. XQuery will be used to build
semantic relationships over queries based on
functions and to harness them in second time.
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows. Section 2 provides an overview of semantic
relationships. We present proposed semantic
relationships and a complementary inference
reasoning to build these relationships in section 3,
finally we conclude in section4.
As far as we know, there is no research which
exclusively deals with semantic relationships
between multimedia resources, so we are going to
present here some researches which are quite close
to ours.
A number of researchers have proposed
techniques to model video content. Some of these
techniques are based on describing physical objects
and spatial relationships between them. An approach
that uses spatial relationships for representing video
semantics is proposed in (Beretti, 2001).
In (Wang, 2009), the author identifies a number
of semantic relations as well as artwork features and
explores the use of their combinations. These
Kharrat M., Jedidi A. and Gargouri F..
DOI: 10.5220/0003670503340339
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2011), pages 334-339
ISBN: 978-989-8425-79-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
sequences of ratings allow users to derive some
navigation patterns, which might enhance the
accuracy of recommendations which can be reused
for other recommender systems in similar domains.
This system is for partially solve the cold-start and
over-specialization problems for content-based
recommender system.
In (Hassanzadeh, 2009), the author presents a
framework to discover of semantic links from
relational data. This framework supports rapid
prototyping, testing and comparison of link
discovery methods between different data items in a
single data source. The author introduces LinQL, an
extension of SQL that integrates querying with link
discovery methods, which permits users to interleave
declarative queries with interesting combinations of
link discovery requests.
In (Erwin, 2010), the author presents a
Framework (GUMF) that facilitates the brokerage of
user profile information and user model
representations. The goal is to allow Web
applications to exchange, reuse, integrate, and enrich
the user data using openly accessible data published
on the Web as Linked Data with a new method that
is based on configurable derivation rules that guide a
new knowledge deduction process.
In (Aouadi, 2010), the author creates new links in
precise region on image. This region represents the
most relevant part in XML document of each image
using hierarchical structure and adds weights for
every link. The goal is to ameliorate the image
retrieval in the semi-structured documents.
In (Murakami, 2010), the author describes the
construction and evaluation of a prototype semantic
relation identication system. He builds on the
semantic relations {AGREEMENT, CONFLICT,
CONFLICT} that applies across facts and opinions,
but that are simple enough to make automatic
recognition of semantic relations between statements
in Internet text possible. The author presents a
system that identifies these semantic relations in
Japanese Web texts using a combination of lexical,
syntactic, and semantic information and evaluates
the system against data that was manually
constructed for this task.
All these works treat mono-media documents.
They propose descriptions which allow establishing
of relations between annotated concepts, resources
and parts of resources. These works does not take
into account multimedia resources and the set of
sturdy relations which are between resources or
between parts of a same resource. In addition, most
of them, do not consider the semantic side. This lead
us to multi-modal querying considering multimedia
features existing in each resource. We have
published and presented our multi-modal system for
multimedia resources retrieval. In this paper we
introduce relations and rules which allow us to
extract semantic from resources. We demonstrate
that semantic relationships are a solution for
multimodal querying.
In this work, we introduce a contextual schema
which constitutes formalism for semantic
relationships representation. It expresses meaning in
a form that is both logically precise and humanly
readable. This schema is implemented in our
multimodal system.
However, not all semantically related concepts
are interesting for end users. In this paper, we have
identified a number of semantic relations.
Media fragments are really parts of a parent
resource. The use of identifiers seems therefore
appropriate to specify these media fragments. As for
any identifier, access to the parent identifier shall be
possible in order to inspect its context. Providing an
agreed upon way to localize sub-parts of multimedia
objects (e.g. sub regions of images, temporal
sequences of videos or…) is fundamental.
In NewsML the metadata itself comes in
bewildering variety. There are specific terms to
describe every type of media. We harness them to
extract contextual relations to be used in semantic
and contextual recognition. Each resource in our
collection is described with NewsML which is a
standard for news documents. Most visual and audio
features (motion, speech, text) will be used to
describe each part. For example, in order to describe
the content of video news, we apply concepts to
describe scenes like meeting, speech, interview, live
reporting or events/topics like sports, politics and
commercials. Notably, we also apply the identities
of persons that can be recovered from the visual
flow (person who appears on the screen), form audio
or from textual information.
Additional links are possible if one considers the
existence of links between the locations of patients
and the presence of clinical trials in these locations.
Our goal is to make semantic search based on
content and structure at the same time. We do not
propose to use existing links between resources, but
we create our own links.
Our algorithm takes in input a resource and
generates a new relationship if links exit with some
other resources.
We could extend this schema in the future with
spatial and temporal relations or other types.
Figure 1: Sample Contextual Schema.
3.1 Relationships Mechanism
T: Talk
This type of relationships describes links between
resource R which contains {person, organization,
team…} talking. This relation must be between
image and another type of document.
TA: Talk About
This type of relationships describes links between
resource R which represents {Document, reportage
documentary…} and another resource R'.
S: Speak
This type of relationships describes links between
resource R which contains only person and another
resource R'.
SA: Speak About
This type of relationships describes links between
resource R which contains only person peaking, and
another resource R'.
SH: Show
This type of relationships describes links between a
resource R {documentary, event, interview…}
which show {person, organization, team, place…}
and another resource R'.
AI: Appear In
This type of relationships describes links between a
resource R which represents {person, organization,
team, place…} and appears in another resource R'
which represents {event, scene, sequence…}.
In the following we briefly explain the
mechanism via rules that must be used to create
these links. The main goal of this mechanism is
generating semantic relationships over multimedia
Input: Xml resource r
Output: relation between two or more
resources in contextual schema CS
For all r {R} do
{Extract metadata from r and r'
If any verified module
If in CS
Add new relation to CS
End If
Execute module inference
End If
End For
Return r r'
Rule 1:
, , 
‹›, ‹›, ‹›
⋀∃{‹›, ‹›} .
To add new relationship Talk the resource origin
R must be an image and the destination R' could be
any type (video, audio, text). Secondly metadata like
‹object›, ‹person› or ‹organization› must exist in the
two resources, in addition, ‹interview› or ‹report›
must be present in the destination resource.
Rule 2:
, 
⋀∃{‹›⋁‹ℎ›} ′ .
To add new relationship Speak the resource
origin R must be an image and the destination R'
could be (video or audio). Secondly metadata only
‹person› must exist in the two resources, in addition,
‹interview› or ‹speech› must be present in the
destination resource.
Rule 3:
(∃, ′
, , , 
To add new relationship TalkAbout the resource
origin R and the destination R' could be of any type
of media (image, video, audio, text). Secondly there
must be a similarity between metadata of both
resources. The type of related resources must be
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<resource id="IMAGE01" type="image">
<link name= "AI">
<resource id="IMAGE02"
<resource id="VIDEO01"
<resource id="VIDEO07" type="video">
<link name="SH">
<resource id="IMAGE03"
KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
different, (e.g. we could not relate two images or
two videos).
Rule 4:
, 
, , , 
⋀ ′ .
To add new relationship Speak About the
resource origin R must be a video or an audio
resource and the destination R'
could be any type
(image, video, audio, text). Secondly metadata
‹person› must exist in the origin resource. Finally,
there must be a similarity between metadata of both
Rule 5:
, 
, , , 
‹›, ‹›} ′
To add new relationship Show the resource
origin R could be only a video or an image and the
destination R'
could be any type (image, video,
audio, and text). Secondly metadata {documentary,
event, interview…} must exist in the origin
resource. Finally, there must be a similarity between
metadata of both resources.
Rule 6:
(∃ {}⋀′
‹›, ‹›, ‹›
To add new relationship Appear In the resource
origin R must be only an image and the destination
could be (image or video). Secondly metadata
like ‹object›, ‹person› or ‹organization› must exist in
the two resources.
3.2 Inference Reasoning
Since XML does not support or suggest reasoning
mechanisms, we have to rely on an underlying
logical formalism.
We define here some rules to deduce new
relationships from existing relationships.
1, 2
⋀(3, 2)
(1, 3) .
R1R2 are two related resources, so if the new
resource R3 have proximity with R2 then
See Figure 2 below.
) 1 = 2. (8)
Figure 3 display two resources R1 and R2 which
are related indirectly and they have many semantic
relations with other resources. If these types of
relationships are the same, then R1and R2 are
∃( 
1, 2
(1, 2)⋀(1, 3))
2 3 4 .
If there is semantic relationship between resource R1
and other resources as follow:
So, there will be similarity between R2, R3 and R4
Figure 2: Reasoning mechanism (case1).
Figure 3: Reasoning mechanism (case2).
We define link (R,R’) as an existing semantic
relation between R and R’ and Proximity (R,R’) as
the similarity between R and R’ calculated by the
measure below.
3.3 Similarity Measure
We use this computation in any case we need a
similarity measure which is composed of three steps.
First Step:
Pre-processing: this module is concerned with
pre-processing operations preparing the input
resource to be linked, it check if a resource R is
Second Step:
- Comparing ‹keyword› of R and R’ are equal or
- Comparing ‹title› of R and R’ are equal or similar
R4 R6 R6R5 R4 R5
Third Step:
Similarity is defined by some functions:
The Jaccard index is a statistic used for
comparing the similarity and diversity of sample
The Jaccard coefficient measures similarity
between sample sets, and is defined as the size of the
intersection divided by the size of the union of the
sample sets:
We use in addition, term frequency. This count is
usually normalized to prevent a bias towards longer
documents (which may have a higher term count
regardless of the actual importance of that term in
the document) to give a measure of the importance
of the term t
within the particular document d
. Thus
we have the term frequency, defined as follows:
where n
is the number of occurrences of the
considered term (t
) in document d
, and the
denominator is the sum of number of occurrences of
all terms in document d
, that is, the size of the
document | d
| .
A threshold parameter is used which changes
during evaluation.
In the main system, queries attempt to find
semantic contents such as specific people, objects
and events in a broadcast news collection.
We define the following classes according to
intent of the queries:
1. Find videos of president OBAMA speaking.
2. Find shots of archaeological sight of Carthage.
3. Find shots of the Fukushima earthquake.
Named Person: queries for finding a named
person, possibly with certain actions, e.g., “Find
shots of president OBAMA speaking ".
Named Object: queries for a specific object
with a unique name, which distinguishes this object
from other objects of the same type. For example,
“Find shots of archaeological sights of Carthage".
General Object: queries for a certain type of
objects, such as “Find shots of Fukushima
earthquake ". They refer to a general category of
objects instead of a specific one among them, though
they may be qualified by adjectives or other words.
Our retrieval system needs to go through the
following steps to find relevant multimedia
resources for content-based queries without any user
feedback and manual query expansion.
Metadata provides rich semantic relationships that
can be used for retrieval purposes. This paper has
presented our proposition of a contextual schema for
interlinking multimedia resources semantically via
XML. The goal of this schema is firstly is to be used
in the main multimodal retrieval system; secondly,
to provide more efficiency and recover previously
hidden query result. An initial evaluation of the
algorithm has shown good results.
The next step is to integrate the process of
building these semantic relationships process to
XQuery language, which gives the possibility to add
new relationship over queries. Based on resulting
resources, we could build new relationships that will
be used in second time. Furthermore, we plan to
investigate the weights for different semantic
relations based on their relevance. More
investigations are still present.
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