In the computer aided diagnosis, the image seg-
mentation is often used as a first step in an au-
tomated case analysis. As such, it benefits from
the fuzzy notion provided by the fuzzy connected-
ness. After 15 years since being announced the fuzzy
connectedness-based algorithms appeared in multiple
segmentation applications and programming environ-
ments (e.g. note the specified FC filters in the ITK –
Insight Toolkit – environment). The properly defined
connectedness between points within objects is help-
ful in achieving precise and reliable delineation of the
structures. Sometimes the FC analysis is sufficient as
a standalone segmentation method; other times it pro-
vides just the most accurate part of a larger process.
The spatial relations and fuzziness used in the seg-
mentation step permit better resemblance to the pro-
cessing performed by the human brain and perceptual
system. In our work the fuzzy connectedness proved
to be a powerfull tool; we can conclude, that its fuzzi-
ness improves flexibility of the segmentation process.
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FCTA 2011 - International Conference on Fuzzy Computation Theory and Applications