Mitra Montazeri
, Abbas Bahrololoum
Hossein Nezamabadi-pour
Mahdieh Soleymani Baghshah
and Mahdieh Montazeri
Member of Young Researchers Society, Computer Engineering Department, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran
Computer Engineering Department, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran
Electronic Engineering Department, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran
Medical University, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: Meta-heuristic algorithm, Hyper-heuristic algorithm, Traveling Salesman Problem.
Abstract: Until now various heuristic optimization methods have been developed for solving NP-Hard problems.
These methods by trading off between exploration and exploitation attempt to find an optimum solution. In
this paper, we introduce a new optimization algorithm based on hyper-heuristic for solving TSP. A hyper-
heuristic approach has two layers. In low level, we have six local searches and in high level we use Genetic
Algorithm. Genetic Algorithm corporate local searches efficiency. The proposed method has high ability to
searching in solution space and explores and exploit appropriately. This method exploits space depended on
characteristics of the region of the solution space that is currently under exploration and also the
performance history of local searches. The proposed method is used to solve TSP and compared with well-
known methods. The experimental results confirm the efficiency of the proposed method.
The traveling salesman problem, TSP, which is
known as NP-hard in the field of combinatorial
optimization has been studied by many researchers
since it appeared in the 1930. In this problem, we
have n cities and for each pair of cities a connection
cost is defined. The problem is concerned with
finding an optimum path which starts from one city
and passes all other cities exactly once and finally
returns to the starting city. The exact approaches
such as dynamic programming (Neapolitan and
Naimpour, 2004), can find exact solution but if the
number of cities is large, the problem will be
intractable. Therefore heuristic approaches been
attended in the last decades. This class of methods
has been achieved acceptable solutions within
reasonable time and is relatively efficient for dealing
NP-hard problems (Ozaglam and Cunkas, 2008).
However, since a heuristic operator always seeks to
find immediate improvement, the heuristic method
is at the risk of quickly trapping a local optimum. In
such cases, it is often desirable to guide the heuristic
search by employing a strategy known as a meta-
heuristic. This strategy encourages the discovery of
better solutions in the search space by tightening a
focus on good solutions and improving upon them
(intensification), and to encourage the exploration of
the solution space by broadening the focus of the
search into new areas (diversification) (O’Brien,
2007). Till now, many studies on TSP are performed
using the meta-heuristic
algorithms. Dorigo and
Gambardella (Dorigo and Gambardella, 2008) used
ants of the artificial colony to generate successively
shorter feasible tours by using information
accumulated in the form of a pheromone trail
deposited on the edges of the TSP graph and their
results in comparison with previous methods were
Some drawbacks cause that meta-heuristic
algorithms couldn’t be suitable for these problems.
One of these drawbacks is that meta-heuristic
algorithms often require domain knowledge and so
parameters are needed to be tuned expertly. For
example, in GA, which is known as a meta-heuristic
Mitra M., Bahrololoum A., Nezamabadi-pour H., Soleymani Baghshah M. and Montazeri M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003675103290332
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications (ECTA-2011), pages 329-332
ISBN: 978-989-8425-83-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
algorithm, the chromosome of a genetic algorithm is
either the solution of the target problem or a
structure of the solution. This means that problem
specific knowledge is essential in the design of
chromosomes. No Free Lunch Theorem introduced
by Wolpert and MacReady (Wolpert and MacReady,
1997) states no individual algorithm is best and each
algorithm has its own advantages and drawbacks.
Therefore, we need algorithms which automatically
combine the strength and compensate the weakness
of the known heuristics.
In meta-heuristics, there is no further focus on
the exploitation aspect when a potential region is
identified (Ang and Tan, 2010). Thus, Memetic
Algorithms (MA) which incorporate local
improvement search into meta-heuristics, were
proposed (Ong and Keane, 2004). Experimental
studies have been shown that a hybrid of a meta-
heuristic and a local search is capable of more
efficient search capabilities (Merz and Freisleben,
1999). MA uses only one local search to explore the
whole solution space. As shown in Ref. (Ong and
Keane, 2004), the choice of the local search has an
important impact on the search performance of MA.
Therefore, inappropriate use of local search may
result in memetic algorithms performing poorer than
standard GA (Ong and Keane, 2004). Different local
search methods have different biases. These biases
may be suitable for some classes of problems but not
for others. Therefore, we need to have multiple local
searches to achieve improved search performance
and reduce the probability of utilizing an
inappropriate local method. However, we need to
have a supervisor managing the choice of local
searches that should be applied at any time.
Therefore, for solving the above mentioned
problems, new approach known as hyper-heuristic is
proposed. In this paper, we propose a novel
algorithm that is based on hyper-heuristic approach
for solving TSP. The proposed method cooperates
local searches appropriately based on hyper-
heuristic approaches.
The rest of this article is organized as follows:
Section 2 describes hyper-heuristic in details. In
Section 3, we explain the proposed method. Finally,
experimental results and conclusion are presented in
Section 4 and 5, respectively.
Hyper-heuristic is an approach that was proposed in
2000 by Cowling et al (Cowling et al., 2001). It is a
heuristic approach which selects heuristics and is a
higher abstract level over meta-heuristics.
General framework of hyper-heuristic has two
levels. At the low level, there is a set of local
searches, which also known as Low Level Heuristics
(LLH)s, to modify solution locally in an attempt to
return an improved solution. At the high level, there
is a black-box choice function. It manages the
selection of LLHs. These selections depend upon the
characteristics of the region of the solution space
currently under exploration and the performance
history of the local searches.
In the proposed method, GA is used as the high level
hyper-heuristic. This GA is not a direct GA, in fact
each individual in GA’s population consist of a
sequence of integer numbers. Each number is an
LLH choice which tells us which LLH must be
applied and each individual tells in which order to
apply LLHs. In fact, the key note behind this method
is its LLHs cooperation which is act of operating
together. Optimization problems in science and
engineering commonly have large search spaces,
which contain numerous local landscapes of diverse
forms. The joint operation of diverse LLHs to cope
with the large search space is facilitated via the
problem decomposition or diversity in the LLH
selection (Ong and Keane, 2004). Fig. 1 shows the
flowchart of the proposed method. In the next sub-
sections, we introduce the proposed method.
Figure 1: Flowchart of the proposed method.
3.1 Genetic Algorithm Process
3.1.1 Population of Low Level Heuristic
Hyper-heuristic concludes from a set of LLHs
created by human expert. In the proposed method,
six LLHs are used which make small change in
current solution: First LLH is 2-OPT algorithm. It
basically removes two edges from the tour, and
reconnects the two paths created. There is only one
ECTA 2011 - International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications
Table 1: The best, worst and average solutions that achieve by the proposed method over 100 runs.
of city
C20 20 62575 62575 62575 62575
S21 21 60000 60000 60000 60000
C30 30 62716 62716 62716 62716
F32 32 84180 85645 84180 92123
C40 40 62768 62768 62768 62768
F41 41 68168 68738 68168 91774
Table 2: Comparison average solutions of the proposed method with average solutions of well known methods on Ozcan
database on 100 runs.
of city
Best known
The Proposed
Results obtained from literature
PSO (Çunka
GA (Çunka
(Ozcan and
(Ozcan and
and Xiao,
C20 20 62575 62575 63276 63188 134497 107493 116367
S21 21 60000 60000 60786 60648 120276 93626 121439
C30 30 62716 62716 63625 63356 165795 116633 120025
F32 32 84180 85645 85535 85392 146317 108048 124640
C40 40 62768 62768 64212 63753 197829 128117 125721
F41 41 68168 68738 69995 69702 158461 115860 125461
way to reconnect the two paths so that the resulted
tour will be valid (Nilsson, 2003). Second LLH is 2-
CHANGE turns a tour into a slightly different tour.
It randomly select two edge (a, b), (c, d) where a#d,
b#c and also replaces them with (a, c), (b, d) (Keller
and Poli, 2008). Third LLH is IF 3-CHANGE that
randomly selects edges as arguments for 3-
CHANGE, and then IF 3-CHANGE makes betters
the cycle for the given arguments. It actually
executes 3-CHANGE (Keller and Poli, 2008). Forth
LLH is IF 2-CHANGE. This LLH executes 2-
CHANGE if this will generates shorter the tour
under construction (Keller and Poli, 2008). Fifth
LLH does if first LLH will be shorter (Nilsson,
2003). Sixth LLH is as a 3- CHANGE. It deletes
three mutually disjoint edges from a given tour, and
reconnects the obtained three paths so that a
different tour results (Keller and Poli, 2008).
These LLHs decode in population of GA.
3.1.2 Genetic Operators
We use the roulette wheel selection operator, one-
point crossover and a mutation operator that selects
some positions in one individual randomly and
mutates genes at these positions to other values
ranging from 1 to 6 (Davis, 1991).
3.2 Improving Diversity
Using intensive LLHs causes to miss diversity of
search space. In fact, in our GA process, we increase
exploitation and missing a few explorations due to
increasing the selection pressure. Therefore after the
LLHs apply to current solution, we add a special
mutation step. This step is used for the purpose of
maintaining the population diversity. The special
mutation which is being used for TSP is swap
mutation which selects randomly two positions and
swaps them (Banzhaf, 1990).
3.3 Change Parameters Adaptively
In this step, the mutation rate and crossover rate are
adapted in each generation according to the change
in fitness (Cowling et al., 2002).
The proposed method has been tested on datasets
suggested by Ozcan et al. in 2004 (Ozcan and
Erenturk, 2004).
In all cases, population size is set to 80; number
of generation is 10000, crossover rate 0.7 and 0.5 for
mutation rate.
Table 1 shows the best, worst and average
solutions achieved by the proposed method over 100
runs on different datasets. As seen in these tables, in
most cases, the proposed method finds global
optimum over 100 runs. This issue is considerable.
Table 2 shows the comparison of the proposed
method with literature results. In each row the best
solution is bold. As shown in this table, in most
cases, the proposed method finds the routes better
than other methods. The results of the proposed
method have been compared with those of PSO and
GA implemented in Ref. (Çunka and Özsalam,
2009). The proposed MA in Ref. (Ozcan and
Erenturk, 2004) was introduced as Steady State
Memetic Algorithm with Hill Climbing (SSMA-HC)
and a Trans-Generational Memetic Algorithm with
Hill Climbing (TGMA-HC).
Finally, we compare our proposed method with
Iterative Deepening Genetic Annealing Algorithm
(IDGA) method to show that our method is more
efficient than both the previous methods and also a
proper hybrid of them. In Ref. (Lau and Xiao, 2008),
it was verified that IDGA is more appropriate than
SA and GA alone or hybrid for solving TSP.
In this paper, a new optimization algorithm based on
hyper-heuristic approach was introduced for solving
TSP. Proposed method searches the solution space
appropriately in which depended upon the
characteristics of the region of the solution space
currently under exploration and the performance
history of local search. Our method used GA to
select local search. In which local searches were act
of operating together, our method cooperated local
searches. The proposed method also remained robust
to increasing the number of dimension which is a
key element in the development of any evolutionary
algorithm. Our method had an excellent convergence
rate. In fact, finding the global optimum in high
speed is the salient property of our method. This
method was used to solve TSP and compared with
different well-known methods. Experimental results
confirmed the superior performance of it.
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ECTA 2011 - International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications