Table 1: Results for Finnish and Portuguese continuous standards.
penalisation SAIFI SAIDI P
final orig. final orig. final orig. final
Euro year
% min/year min/year % kW kW %
FI 220 0,48 0,43 9,9 32,6 29,3 10,4 338 267 21
PT 43,5 0,48 0,48 0,2 32,6 32,5 0,4 338 235 30
The article describes application of the genetic
algorithms to the problem of the distribution
network reconfiguration with the multi-criterion
function with the aim to minimize the interruption of
energy supply penalisation and at the same time also
to minimize the power losses costs. Details of the
algorithm caused by the combinatorial nature of the
problem were described. The application was tested
on model of a real MV cable network for two
continuity standards.
The results show that power losses are
inconsiderable part of multi-criterion function
mainly when Portuguese continuity standard is used.
The results imply that significant savings could be
reached for very negligible expenses in the
distribution networks.
The future work will be focused to the
optimization with truly multi-objective nature.
This paper was written with the support from
MSM0021630516 project of the Ministry of
Education, Youth and Sports of The Czech
Author gratefully acknowledge financial support
from European Regional Development Fund under
project No. CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0014.
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ECTA 2011 - International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications