network region is 100 m × 100 m with 20 wireless
stations, and TX
and PCS
are set to 40 m and
85 m, respectively. As illustrated in Figure 4, at the
beginning of each simulation, wireless stations are
randomly placed within this region, and a random ad
hoc topology is constructed. The number of short-
lived TCP connections varies from two to nine.
Moreover, the TCP source and the TCP destination
of each connection are randomly selected.
Figure 4: Illustrative random topology.
Table 3 presents the TCP goodputs of the
proposed mechanism and other TCP flavors when
the path lengths are 2-hop and 3-hop, respectively.
As shown in Table 3, the TCP goodput is inversely
proportional to the number of connections. This
phenomenon is caused by the competition for the
bandwidth among TCP connections and the carrier
sense dependencies over wireless stations.
Comparing the results in Table 3, it is obvious that
the proposed Modified Vegas achieves a better
performance than those of other TCP schemes.
Table 3: TCP average goodput comparison (Only the TCP
goodput with established connection is calculated).
Number of
Reno Vegas Modified Vegas
2 11.58Mbps 11.51Mbps 14.52Mbps
3 9.76 Mbps 10.32Mbps 12.51Mbps
4 8.75 Mbps 8.74 Mbps 10.82Mbps
5 7.24 Mbps 8.20 Mbps 9.32 Mbps
6 6.53 Mbps 7.11 Mbps 8.90 Mbps
7 6.50 Mbps 7.04 Mbps 8.37 Mbps
This paper has proposed a cross-layer approach
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Vegas in wireless networks. In the proposed
approach, a cross-layer mechanism is employed in
both the transport layer and the MAC layer to
provide explicit corruption loss information. The
results confirm that the proposed scheme has a
number of key advantages compared to the
conventional TCP, including a more efficient
treatment on frequent transmission losses, a faster
reaction to corruption losses, and the ability to
distinguish between congestion errors and
transmission errors and to take appropriate remedial
action which is particularly advantageous for the
deployment in heterogeneous wireless environments.
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WINSYS 2011 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems