(ii) σ
, ..., σ
are to denote states abstracted from
knowledge base.
Thirdly, we see structure of Web site pages such that:
• A page contains a list of references to pages.
As regards the description of recursive links, a se-
quence of pages included in a given page is taken in
this paper rather than a set of them, such that a se-
quential knowledge structure is studied. Such a re-
cursive structure forms constraints of visiting pages
as well as state transition sequences. We can, in
what follows, construct a calculus to realize sequen-
tial structures based on the above 3 points.
For a distributed system containing calculi (which
is defined in this paper), we see that awareness
(Agotnes and Alechina, 2007) can manage the con-
nection of calculi with communication channels, to
compose subsequences generated by local calculi.
To model an acquisition scheme of keywords possibly
for Web usabiblity, we have considered the case that
the keywordscontain both positiveand negative infor-
mations to denote a content. In what follows, we have
some itemized aspects of behaviours of the model for
keywords acquisition.
• A request containing keywords supposedly
searches the Web site pages involving keywords.
• The reliable response of a Web page to the request
causes an enumeration of the page and an inclu-
sion in a list of the request data.
• A managing process with a request is interactive
with multi-site (of a distributed system), where
each page contains a recursive link structure in a
• How any page supposedly responds to the request
(as a program with knowledge content) is:
if the keywords of the page are consistent with
those of the request, then they are to be merged
with those of the request. If the keywords of the
page are inconsistent with those of the request, the
keywordskept in the request are revised to be con-
sistent with the page ones.
(The request searches a page in the sense that their
keywords are mutually consistent, and also acquire
consistent keywords from the page.)
We can design a whole system, consisting of a
managing program, a request, and sites with their own
(a) A managing program is interactive with a site
through a request of keywords. When there are
more than one interaction requirement of sites,
only one from a site is selected, and other require-
ments are kept until the interaction would be over.
(b) The request is a data structure with a function ac-
quires consistent keywords from pages in a site
and to integrates consistent keywords. The key-
words contained by it may be changed through
visits to site pages. In each site of the system,
there are pages under the site environment. Each
page of a site involves a program (to make the re-
quest data consistently revised) for keywords. If
the page contains consistent keywords with those
of the request, it is regarded as reliable. Other-
wise, the request may be consistently revised.
We can observe the state denoted by keywords of
the above data structure “request”, such that we now
have the structure of a formal system design and its
management, abstracting the Web site visit sequence
as well as knowledge acquisition. In this case, knowl-
edge acquisition may be made by state transitions,
changing situations of knowledge (which is realized
by keywords).
We will have a formal system involving knowl-
edge structure. It contains:
(i) a set of objects referring to pages.
(ii) a set of states.
(iii) a semantic function causing a state transition, as-
signed to each object.
(iv) a function to denote effects of an object sequence.
(v) a follower relation to represent an object sequence
succeeding an object, which is regarded as a rule
with constraints.
When the copying the page from each site (a spe-
cific local place) to the internet (the common space)
is allowed, the communication (the copying) between
any two sites is possible. On the assumption that the
copying of this direction is allowed, that is, the com-
munication of the page transfer, we have a system
in a distributed environments. Before the distributed
system description, we have a formal system as fol-
lows: A system for knowledge structure is a quintuple
ℑ = (O, Σ, Sem, E f fect, R), where:
(i) O is a set of objects.
(ii) Σ is a set of states.
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development