Hence, it is difficult to design a perfect angle
controller which can accurate control at all times.
According to practical control issues, there have
been reported many speed controllers based on PI
(proportional plus integral) controller uses
mathematical model of the motor.
Because the control algorithms of the PI
controller are simple, and the controllers have the
advantages such as high-stability margin and high-
reliability when the controllers are tuned properly,
the PI controller can use to drive the common
motors. However, the PI controller can not maintain
these virtues at all times. Especially, the ultrasonic
motor has the nonlinear speed characteristics which
vary with drive operating conditions. In order to
overcome these difficulties, the dynamic controller
with adjustable parameters and online learning
algorithms will be suggested for the unknown or
uncertain dynamics systems (Bal and Bekiroglu,
2004); (Bal and Bekiroglu, 2005).
In the past few years, there has been much
research on the applications of neural networks
(NNs) in order to deal with the nonlinearities and
uncertainties in control systems (Alessandri et al.,
2007); (Liu, 2007); (Abiyev and Kaynak, 2008).
According to the structures of the NNs, the NNs can
be mainly classified as feedforward NNs and
recurrent NNs (RNNs) (Lin and Hsu, 2005). It is
well known that feedforward NNs is capable of
approximating any continuous functions closely. But
the feedforward NNs are a static mapping without
the aid of delays. The feedforward NNs is unable to
represent a dynamic mapping. Although, the
feedforward NNs presented in much research has
used to deal with delay and dynamical problems.
The feedforward NNs must require a large number
of neurons to express dynamical responses (Ku and
Lee, 1995). Furthermore, the calculations of the
weights do not update quickly and the function
approximation is sensitive to the training data.
On the other hand, RNNs (Juang et al., 2009)
have superior capabilities compared with
feedforward NNs, such as dynamics response and
the information-storing ability for later use. Since
the recurrent neuron has an internal feedback loop, it
captures the dynamic response of a system without
external feedback through long delays. Thus, the
RNNs are a dynamic mapping and displays good
control performance in the presence of the
unknowable and time-varying model dynamics
(Stavrakouds and Theochairs, 2007). As the result
which is exhibited previously, the RNNs are better
suited for dynamical systems than the feedforward
Furthermore, if the number of the hidden neurons
is chosen too many, the computation loading is
heavy so that it is not suitable for online practical
applications. If the number of the hidden neurons is
chosen too less, the learning performance may not
be good enough to achieve the desired control
performance. To solve this problem, this scheme
proposed a novel controller, recurrent fuzzy neural
networks (RFNN), for maintain high accuracy.
The RFNN control has a number of attractive
advantages compared to the RNN control. For
example, superior modeling performance due to
local modeling and the fuzzy partition of the input
space, linguistic description in terms of dynamic
fuzzy rules, proper structure learning based on
training examples, and parsimonious models with
smaller parametric complexity (Lin and Chen,
2005). Thus, RFNN systems which combine the
capability of fuzzy reasoning to handle uncertain
information and the capability of artificial recurrent
neural networks to learn processes, is used to deal
with nonlinearities and uncertainties of the
In spite of the perfect RFNN controller has
designed, there still exists a challenge for
considering the TWUSM as a plant. In the proposed
RFNN control schemes, the controller is effective in
handling the small characteristics variations of the
motor due to the updating of the connecting weights
in the RFNN. However, the RFNN controller is not
able to fully compensate for the dead-zone effect,
and therefore the dynamic response is deteriorated
(Senjyu et al., 2002). For the reason, an angle
control scheme for the TWUSM with the dead-zone
compensation based on RFNN is presented in this
scheme. The general regression neural networks
(GRNN) is adopted to determine the dead-zone
compensating input and decouple the output of the
RFNN. Because of the saturation reverse effect,
phase difference control is not adequate for a precise
angle control. Therefore the drive frequency has to
be implemented in addition, which leads to a more
accurate control strategy. Thus, the GRNN based on
RFNN control scheme which apply both the driving
frequency and phase difference constructing as the
dual-mode control method was presented. The
proposed controller can take the nonlinearity into
account and compensate the dead-zone of TWUSM.
Further, this also provides the robust performance
against the parameter variations. The usefulness and
validity of the proposed control scheme is examined
through experimental results. The experimental
results reveal that the GRNN base on the RFNN
controller maintains stable and good performance on
NCTA 2011 - International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications