nearly all traders in the FX markets use technical
analysis, particularly for trading in the shorter
timeframes (Cross, 1998); (Menkhoff and Taylor,
As the majority of traders in the shorter term FX
markets are employing algorithmic trading models,
and most base their decision frameworks on
Technical Analysis, it is appropriate to select a
strategy which selects trading opportunities solely
based on price movement. For this reason, a simple
price based strategy is used in this paper.
Breakout trading is one simple method short
term traders use to capture profits in the FX market.
Essentially, breakout traders wait for price to break
above some previously defined threshold and they
use this breakout as the signal to enter a trade.
Although many good opportunities are signaled
by breakout rules, a large number of breakouts
quickly fail. The difficulty for traders is to assess
which breakouts are likely to continue, and which
are likely to fail. This is a forecasting function, and
is ideally suited to an Artificial Neural Network
ANNs have long been used within the trading
and investment community to assist with making
decisions in complex, non-linear, and noisy
environments. A comprehensive review of the ways
that ANNs have assisted traders build profitable
trading models is available in Vanstone et al
(Vanstone and Tan, 2003).
The most heavily traded currency in FX markets is
the EURUSD pair (Euro dollar, quoted in US
Dollars), which accounts for approximately 28% of
the spot market (BIS, 2010), and data for this pair is
used in the paper. Given the incredible turnover and
importance of this currency pair, it should be one of
the most ‘efficient’ securities in existence.
The software used to conduct the testing of
trading strategies, and the creation of the neural
networks is Wealth-Lab Developer 6 (2011).
For the neural network part of this study, the data
is divided into two partitions: data from 01/01/2000
up to and including 31/12/2005 (in-sample) is used
for training the networks, which are then tested over
the period 01/01/2006 to 30/04/2011 (out-of-
A primary difficulty with breakout strategies is
determining which breakouts are likely to be
sustained and hence lead to a profitable outcome, as
compared to those which quickly fail and lead to an
unprofitable outcome. This is the specific issue that
the ANNs in this paper are designed to address.
As this paper is focused on high-frequency
currency trading, the system developed is designed
to be run in the 1-hourly timeframe, and aims to hold
trades open for up to 12 hours. For the simple
breakout system, the rule to buy (sell) is price
closing above (below) the high (low) of the last 8
Creation of ANNs to enhance simple breakout
trading systems involves the selection of ANN
inputs, outputs and various architecture choices.
Each of these areas is discussed in more detail
3.1 Selection of Inputs
As the final trading system is to be run in a high-
frequency format, the primary choice of variables
are those produced directly from price data, namely,
Technical Variables. Among this group, support has
been found for Moving Averages of various lengths
(Preen, 2010); (Dewachter, 2001); (Levich and
Thomas, 1993); (Schulmeister, 2008)), MACD
((Preen, 2010)) and Stochastics (Preen, 2010).
These variables are ideal for use within a neural
network as they are easily calculated, and react
immediately to changes in price. The values of these
variables are sampled every hour.
The three input variables chosen and their
formula are:
1. EMA(Period)
EMA = ( K x ( C - EMA
) ) + EMA
C = Current Price,
= Previous EMA value,
K = 2 / ( 1 + period )
MACD = EMA(12) – EMA(26) (2)
3. Stochastic(K,N)
Stochastic = SMA(StochK, N) (3)
N = the smoothing period,
SMA = Simple Moving Average,
StochK = (C-L(K)) / (H(K)-L(K))*100,
C = closing price,
L(K), H(K) = the lowest low (highest high) in
K periods
NCTA 2011 - International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications